# frozen_string_literal: true module ImportmapTagsHelper # Setup all script tags needed to use an importmap-powered entrypoint (which defaults to application.js) def javascript_importmap_tags(entry_point = 'application') safe_join [ javascript_inline_importmap_tag, javascript_importmap_module_preload_tags, javascript_importmap_shim_tag, javascript_import_module_tag(entry_point) ], "\n" end # Generate an inline importmap tag using the passed `importmap_json` JSON string. # By default, `Rails.application.config.importmap.to_json(resolver: self)` is used. def javascript_inline_importmap_tag(importmap_json = Rails.application.config.importmap.to_json(resolver: self)) tag.script(importmap_json.html_safe, type: 'importmap', nonce: content_security_policy_nonce, "data-turbo-track": 'reload') end # Include the es-module-shim needed to make importmaps work in browsers without native support (like Firefox + Safari). def javascript_importmap_shim_tag javascript_include_tag 'es-module-shims', async: true, "data-turbo-track": 'reload' end # Import a named JavaScript module using a script-module tag. def javascript_import_module_tag(module_name) tag.script %(import "#{module_name}").html_safe, type: 'module', nonce: content_security_policy_nonce end # Link tags for preloading all modules marked as preload: true in the `importmap` # (defaults to Rails.application.config.importmap), such that they'll be fetched # in advance by browsers supporting this link type (https://caniuse.com/?search=modulepreload). def javascript_importmap_module_preload_tags(importmap = Rails.application.config.importmap) javascript_module_preload_tag(*importmap.preloaded_module_paths(resolver: self)) end # Link tag(s) for preloading the JavaScript module residing in `*paths`. Will return one link tag per path element. def javascript_module_preload_tag(*paths) safe_join(Array(paths).collect { |path| tag.link rel: 'modulepreload', href: path }, "\n") end end