/* * Vento, a CLI inventory for your files. * Copyright (C) 2022 Lux Aliaga * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ use std::{fs, process}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::io::{self, Write}; use colored::Colorize; use super::common; pub fn init() { // Initializes Vento let ventodir: PathBuf = common::env_config(); if ventodir.is_dir() { // Checks if Vento has already been initialized and prompts the user if they want to initialize it again let mut answer = String::new(); print!("⚠️ {} {}", format!("WARNING:").bold().red(), "Vento has already been initialized. Reinitializing will delete all files on the directory for Vento. Do you wish to proceed? (y/N) "); let _ = io::stdout().flush(); io::stdin() .read_line(&mut answer) .expect("❌ Failed to read input"); match answer.as_str().trim() { "y" | "Y" => {fs::remove_dir_all(&ventodir).expect("❌ Vento was unable to initalize. Do you have the correct permissions?");}, "n" | "N" | _ => process::exit(0) }; }; create_slots(ventodir); } pub fn list(slot: &str) { // Lists files in inventory let ventodir: PathBuf = common::env_config(); let slotdir: PathBuf = [ventodir.to_path_buf(), Path::new(slot).to_path_buf()].iter().collect(); if slotdir.is_dir() { // Checks if inventory selected exists println!("🗃️ {}", format!("Files in {} inventory:", match slot { "active" => format!("{}", slot).bold(), "inactive" | _ => format!("{}", slot).blue().bold() }).green()); for file in fs::read_dir(&slotdir).unwrap() { println!(" - {}", file.unwrap().path().file_name().unwrap().to_os_string().into_string().unwrap()); }; } else { println!("❌ {}", format!("Vento was unable to read that slot. Valid slots are {} and {}.", format!("active").green(), format!("inactive").blue()).red()); } } pub fn switch() { // Switches between inventory slots let ventodir: PathBuf = common::env_config(); let active: PathBuf = [ventodir.to_path_buf(), Path::new("active").to_path_buf()].iter().collect(); let temp: PathBuf = [ventodir.to_path_buf(), Path::new("temp").to_path_buf()].iter().collect(); let inactive: PathBuf = [ventodir.to_path_buf(), Path::new("inactive").to_path_buf()].iter().collect(); fs::rename(&active, &temp).expect("❌ Vento was unable to switch slots. Try running vento init and try again"); fs::rename(&inactive, &active).expect("❌ Vento was unable to switch slots. Try running vento init and try again"); fs::rename(&temp, &inactive).expect("❌ Vento was unable to switch slots. Try running vento init and try again"); println!("🎉 {}", format!("Switched inventory slots!").green()); } fn create_slots(dir: PathBuf) { // Used only on init. Creates all required directories. let active: PathBuf = [dir.to_path_buf(), Path::new("active").to_path_buf()].iter().collect(); let inactive: PathBuf = [dir.to_path_buf(), Path::new("inactive").to_path_buf()].iter().collect(); fs::create_dir_all(active).expect("❌ Vento was unable to initalize. Do you have the correct permissions?"); fs::create_dir_all(inactive).expect("❌ Vento was unable to initalize. Do you have the correct permissions?"); println!("🎉 {}", format!("Vento has been succesfully initialized!").green()); }