<h1>Document Formatting Act 2022</h1> <p>This document outlines the required usage of the CommonMark Markdown specification within Arsenio Pact documents for the purpose of standardization.</p> <p>For information about the Markdown format not covered within the contents of this document, consult the <a href="https://spec.commonmark.org/">CommonMark Specification</a>.</p> <p>This document was written by members of the Anyakovan Institute of Technology (AKIT) to promote concise writing & easy dissemination of legal material to the public.</p> <h2>Motivation</h2> <p>There is an unnecessary overhead for auditors of the Arsenio Pact's documents, and a simple, foolproof standard would greatly improve the archival process.</p> <p>Markdown is a good compromise between functionality & ease of use; it is readable as both plaintext or parsed in a variety of formats, namely HTML, PDF, or ODT.</p> <p>The CommonMark specification is an ideal default specification to adhere to, due to its barebones feature set and loose formatting.</p> <h2>Implementation</h2> <p>The Arsenio Pact & its member states must do the following:</p> <ul> <li>Write all future documents in the CommonMark Markdown specification. <ul> <li>Documents must use the <code>.md</code>, <code>mkdn</code>, <code>.mdown</code>, or <code>.markdown</code> file extensions.</li> <li>Documents must not use unsupported extensions of the Markdown format that are not present within CommonMark. This is especially important when converting documents using GFM (Github Flavoured Markdown).</li> <li>For compatibility, documents must not contain inline HTML.</li> </ul> </li> <li>Convert all previous documents to Markdown.</li> </ul> <p>Additionally, writers are encouraged (but not required) to do the following:</p> <ul> <li>Use a proper CommonMark compatible editor, such as <a href="https://vscodium.com/">VSCodium</a>, <a href="https://atom.io/">Atom</a>, <a href="https://brackets.io/">Adobe Brackets</a>, or <a href="markdown.pioul.fr/">MOME</a>.</li> <li>Use a Markdown Linter, such as <a href="https://github.com/DavidAnson/vscode-markdownlint">vscode-markdownlint</a>.</li> </ul> <h3>Applicable Documents</h3> <p>The usage of the term "official document" describes legislation, treaties, guidelines, and any other information intended for distribution to an administrative body.</p> <h2>Exemptions</h2> <p>This law may be reevaluated to further extend the list of supported formats. Another format can be introduced if it adheres to the following:</p> <ul> <li>Can be written without a compatible editor.</li> <li>Can be quickly converted to HTML & PDF.</li> </ul> <p>Common examples of compatible text formats include <code>.textile</code>, <code>.rdoc</code>, <code>.org</code>, <code>.creole</code>, <code>.mediawiki</code>/<code>wiki</code>, <code>.rst</code>, <code>.asciidoc</code>/<code>adoc</code>/<code>asc</code>, & <code>.pod</code>.</p>