
557 lines
13 KiB

import { utils, values } from "@syuilo/aiscript";
import seedrandom from "seedrandom";
import type { Hpml } from "./evaluator";
import type { Expr } from "./expr";
import type { Fn, HpmlScope } from ".";
import icon from "@/scripts/icon";
/* TODO:
beforeDraw: (chart, easing) => {
if (chart.config.options.chartArea && chart.config.options.chartArea.backgroundColor) {
const ctx = chart.chart.ctx;;
ctx.fillStyle = chart.config.options.chartArea.backgroundColor;
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, chart.chart.width, chart.chart.height);
export function initAiLib(hpml: Hpml) {
return {
"MkPages:updated": values.FN_NATIVE(([callback]) => {
hpml.pageVarUpdatedCallback = callback as values.VFn;
"MkPages:get_canvas": values.FN_NATIVE(([id]) => {
const canvas = hpml.canvases[id.value];
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
return values.OBJ(
new Map([
values.FN_NATIVE(([x, y, width, height]) => {
ctx.clearRect(x.value, y.value, width.value, height.value);
values.FN_NATIVE(([x, y, width, height]) => {
ctx.fillRect(x.value, y.value, width.value, height.value);
values.FN_NATIVE(([x, y, width, height]) => {
ctx.strokeRect(x.value, y.value, width.value, height.value);
values.FN_NATIVE(([text, x, y, width]) => {
width ? width.value : undefined,
values.FN_NATIVE(([text, x, y, width]) => {
width ? width.value : undefined,
values.FN_NATIVE(([width]) => {
ctx.lineWidth = width.value;
values.FN_NATIVE(([font]) => {
ctx.font = font.value;
values.FN_NATIVE(([style]) => {
ctx.fillStyle = style.value;
values.FN_NATIVE(([style]) => {
ctx.strokeStyle = style.value;
values.FN_NATIVE(() => {
values.FN_NATIVE(() => {
values.FN_NATIVE(([x, y]) => {
ctx.moveTo(x.value, y.value);
values.FN_NATIVE(([x, y]) => {
ctx.lineTo(x.value, y.value);
values.FN_NATIVE(([x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle]) => {
values.FN_NATIVE(([x, y, width, height]) => {
ctx.rect(x.value, y.value, width.value, height.value);
values.FN_NATIVE(() => {
values.FN_NATIVE(() => {
"MkPages:chart": values.FN_NATIVE(([id, opts]) => {
const canvas = hpml.canvases[id.value];
const color = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue('--accent');
Chart.defaults.color = '#555';
const chart = new Chart(canvas, {
type: opts.value.get('type').value,
data: {
labels: opts.value.get('labels') => x.value),
datasets: opts.value.get('datasets') => ({
label: x.value.has('label') ? x.value.get('label').value : '',
data: x.value.get('data') => x.value),
pointRadius: 0,
lineTension: 0,
borderWidth: 2,
borderColor: x.value.has('color') ? x.value.get('color') : color,
backgroundColor: tinycolor(x.value.has('color') ? x.value.get('color') : color).setAlpha(0.1).toRgbString(),
options: {
responsive: false,
devicePixelRatio: 1.5,
title: {
display: opts.value.has('title'),
text: opts.value.has('title') ? opts.value.get('title').value : '',
fontSize: 14,
layout: {
padding: {
left: 32,
right: 32,
top: opts.value.has('title') ? 16 : 32,
bottom: 16
legend: {
display: opts.value.get('datasets').value.filter(x => x.value.has('label') && x.value.get('label').value).length === 0 ? false : true,
position: 'bottom',
labels: {
boxWidth: 16,
tooltips: {
enabled: false,
chartArea: {
backgroundColor: '#fff'
...(opts.value.get('type').value === 'radar' ? {
scale: {
ticks: {
display: opts.value.has('show_tick_label') ? opts.value.get('show_tick_label').value : false,
min: opts.value.has('min') ? opts.value.get('min').value : undefined,
max: opts.value.has('max') ? opts.value.get('max').value : undefined,
maxTicksLimit: 8,
pointLabels: {
fontSize: 12
} : {
scales: {
yAxes: [{
ticks: {
display: opts.value.has('show_tick_label') ? opts.value.get('show_tick_label').value : true,
min: opts.value.has('min') ? opts.value.get('min').value : undefined,
max: opts.value.has('max') ? opts.value.get('max').value : undefined,
export const funcDefs: Record<
{ in: any[]; out: any; category: string; icon: any }
> = {
if: {
in: ["boolean", 0, 0],
out: 0,
category: "flow",
icon: `${icon("ph-share-network")}`,
for: {
in: ["number", "function"],
out: null,
category: "flow",
icon: `${icon("ph-recycle")}`,
not: {
in: ["boolean"],
out: "boolean",
category: "logical",
icon: `${icon("ph-flag")}`,
or: {
in: ["boolean", "boolean"],
out: "boolean",
category: "logical",
icon: `${icon("ph-flag")}`,
and: {
in: ["boolean", "boolean"],
out: "boolean",
category: "logical",
icon: `${icon("ph-flag")}`,
add: {
in: ["number", "number"],
out: "number",
category: "operation",
icon: `${icon("ph-plus")}`,
subtract: {
in: ["number", "number"],
out: "number",
category: "operation",
icon: `${icon("ph-minus")}`,
multiply: {
in: ["number", "number"],
out: "number",
category: "operation",
icon: `${icon("ph-x")}`,
divide: {
in: ["number", "number"],
out: "number",
category: "operation",
icon: `${icon("ph-divide")}`,
mod: {
in: ["number", "number"],
out: "number",
category: "operation",
icon: `${icon("ph-divide")}`,
round: {
in: ["number"],
out: "number",
category: "operation",
icon: `${icon("ph-calculator")}`,
eq: {
in: [0, 0],
out: "boolean",
category: "comparison",
icon: `${icon("ph-equals")}`,
notEq: {
in: [0, 0],
out: "boolean",
category: "comparison",
icon: `${icon("ph-prohibit-insert")}`,
gt: {
in: ["number", "number"],
out: "boolean",
category: "comparison",
icon: `${icon("ph-caret-right")}`,
lt: {
in: ["number", "number"],
out: "boolean",
category: "comparison",
icon: `${icon("ph-caret-left")}`,
gtEq: {
in: ["number", "number"],
out: "boolean",
category: "comparison",
icon: `${icon("ph-caret-double-right")}`,
ltEq: {
in: ["number", "number"],
out: "boolean",
category: "comparison",
icon: `${icon("ph-caret-double-right")}`,
strLen: {
in: ["string"],
out: "number",
category: "text",
icon: `${icon("ph-quotes")}`,
strPick: {
in: ["string", "number"],
out: "string",
category: "text",
icon: `${icon("ph-quotes")}`,
strReplace: {
in: ["string", "string", "string"],
out: "string",
category: "text",
icon: `${icon("ph-quotes")}`,
strReverse: {
in: ["string"],
out: "string",
category: "text",
icon: `${icon("ph-quotes")}`,
join: {
in: ["stringArray", "string"],
out: "string",
category: "text",
icon: `${icon("ph-quotes")}`,
stringToNumber: {
in: ["string"],
out: "number",
category: "convert",
icon: `${icon("ph-swap")}`,
numberToString: {
in: ["number"],
out: "string",
category: "convert",
icon: `${icon("ph-swap")}`,
splitStrByLine: {
in: ["string"],
out: "stringArray",
category: "convert",
icon: `${icon("ph-swap")}`,
pick: {
in: [null, "number"],
out: null,
category: "list",
icon: `${icon("ph-text-indent")}`,
listLen: {
in: [null],
out: "number",
category: "list",
icon: `${icon("ph-text-indent")}`,
rannum: {
in: ["number", "number"],
out: "number",
category: "random",
icon: `${icon("ph-dice-five")}`,
dailyRannum: {
in: ["number", "number"],
out: "number",
category: "random",
icon: `${icon("ph-dice-five")}`,
seedRannum: {
in: [null, "number", "number"],
out: "number",
category: "random",
icon: `${icon("ph-dice-five")}`,
random: {
in: ["number"],
out: "boolean",
category: "random",
icon: `${icon("ph-dice-five")}`,
dailyRandom: {
in: ["number"],
out: "boolean",
category: "random",
icon: `${icon("ph-dice-five")}`,
seedRandom: {
in: [null, "number"],
out: "boolean",
category: "random",
icon: `${icon("ph-dice-five")}`,
randomPick: {
in: [0],
out: 0,
category: "random",
icon: `${icon("ph-dice-five")}`,
dailyRandomPick: {
in: [0],
out: 0,
category: "random",
icon: `${icon("ph-dice-five")}`,
seedRandomPick: {
in: [null, 0],
out: 0,
category: "random",
icon: `${icon("ph-dice-five")}`,
in: ["stringArray"],
out: "string",
category: "random",
icon: `${icon("ph-dice-five")}`,
}, // dailyRandomPickWithProbabilityMapping
export function initHpmlLib(
expr: Expr,
scope: HpmlScope,
randomSeed: string,
visitor?: any,
) {
const date = new Date();
const day = `${visitor ? : ""} ${date.getFullYear()}/${
date.getMonth() + 1
// SHOULD be fine to ignore since it's intended + function shape isn't defined
const funcs: Record<string, Function> = {
not: (a: boolean) => !a,
or: (a: boolean, b: boolean) => a || b,
and: (a: boolean, b: boolean) => a && b,
eq: (a: any, b: any) => a === b,
notEq: (a: any, b: any) => a !== b,
gt: (a: number, b: number) => a > b,
lt: (a: number, b: number) => a < b,
gtEq: (a: number, b: number) => a >= b,
ltEq: (a: number, b: number) => a <= b,
if: (bool: boolean, a: any, b: any) => (bool ? a : b),
for: (times: number, fn: Fn) => {
const result: any[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < times; i++) {
[fn.slots[0]]: i + 1,
return result;
add: (a: number, b: number) => a + b,
subtract: (a: number, b: number) => a - b,
multiply: (a: number, b: number) => a * b,
divide: (a: number, b: number) => a / b,
mod: (a: number, b: number) => a % b,
round: (a: number) => Math.round(a),
strLen: (a: string) => a.length,
strPick: (a: string, b: number) => a[b - 1],
strReplace: (a: string, b: string, c: string) => a.split(b).join(c),
strReverse: (a: string) => a.split("").reverse().join(""),
join: (texts: string[], separator: string) => texts.join(separator || ""),
stringToNumber: (a: string) => Number.parseInt(a),
numberToString: (a: number) => a.toString(),
splitStrByLine: (a: string) => a.split("\n"),
pick: (list: any[], i: number) => list[i - 1],
listLen: (list: any[]) => list.length,
random: (probability: number) =>
Math.floor(seedrandom(`${randomSeed}:${}`)() * 100) < probability,
rannum: (min: number, max: number) =>
min +
Math.floor(seedrandom(`${randomSeed}:${}`)() * (max - min + 1)),
randomPick: (list: any[]) =>
list[Math.floor(seedrandom(`${randomSeed}:${}`)() * list.length)],
dailyRandom: (probability: number) =>
Math.floor(seedrandom(`${day}:${}`)() * 100) < probability,
dailyRannum: (min: number, max: number) =>
min + Math.floor(seedrandom(`${day}:${}`)() * (max - min + 1)),
dailyRandomPick: (list: any[]) =>
list[Math.floor(seedrandom(`${day}:${}`)() * list.length)],
seedRandom: (seed: any, probability: number) =>
Math.floor(seedrandom(seed)() * 100) < probability,
seedRannum: (seed: any, min: number, max: number) =>
min + Math.floor(seedrandom(seed)() * (max - min + 1)),
seedRandomPick: (seed: any, list: any[]) =>
list[Math.floor(seedrandom(seed)() * list.length)],
DRPWPM: (list: string[]) => {
const xs: any[] = [];
let totalFactor = 0;
for (const x of list) {
const parts = x.split(" ");
const factor = Number.parseInt(parts.pop()!, 10);
const text = parts.join(" ");
totalFactor += factor;
xs.push({ factor, text });
const r = seedrandom(`${day}:${}`)() * totalFactor;
let stackedFactor = 0;
for (const x of xs) {
if (r >= stackedFactor && r <= stackedFactor + x.factor) {
return x.text;
} else {
stackedFactor += x.factor;
return xs[0].text;
return funcs;