//! `SeaORM` Entity. Generated by sea-orm-codegen 0.12.10 use sea_orm::entity::prelude::*; #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, DeriveEntityModel, Eq)] #[sea_orm(table_name = "channel")] pub struct Model { #[sea_orm(primary_key, auto_increment = false)] pub id: String, #[sea_orm(column_name = "createdAt")] pub created_at: DateTimeWithTimeZone, #[sea_orm(column_name = "lastNotedAt")] pub last_noted_at: Option, #[sea_orm(column_name = "userId")] pub user_id: Option, pub name: String, pub description: Option, #[sea_orm(column_name = "bannerId")] pub banner_id: Option, #[sea_orm(column_name = "notesCount")] pub notes_count: i32, #[sea_orm(column_name = "usersCount")] pub users_count: i32, } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, EnumIter, DeriveRelation)] pub enum Relation { #[sea_orm(has_many = "super::channel_following::Entity")] ChannelFollowing, #[sea_orm(has_many = "super::channel_note_pining::Entity")] ChannelNotePining, #[sea_orm( belongs_to = "super::drive_file::Entity", from = "Column::BannerId", to = "super::drive_file::Column::Id", on_update = "NoAction", on_delete = "SetNull" )] DriveFile, #[sea_orm(has_many = "super::note::Entity")] Note, #[sea_orm( belongs_to = "super::user::Entity", from = "Column::UserId", to = "super::user::Column::Id", on_update = "NoAction", on_delete = "SetNull" )] User, } impl Related for Entity { fn to() -> RelationDef { Relation::ChannelFollowing.def() } } impl Related for Entity { fn to() -> RelationDef { Relation::ChannelNotePining.def() } } impl Related for Entity { fn to() -> RelationDef { Relation::DriveFile.def() } } impl Related for Entity { fn to() -> RelationDef { Relation::Note.def() } } impl Related for Entity { fn to() -> RelationDef { Relation::User.def() } } impl ActiveModelBehavior for ActiveModel {}