import { db } from "@/db/postgre.js"; import { Meta } from "@/models/entities/meta.js"; let cache: Meta; export function metaToPugArgs(meta: Meta): object { let motd = ["Loading..."]; if (meta.customMotd.length > 0) { motd = meta.customMotd; } let splashIconUrl = meta.iconUrl; if (meta.customSplashIcons.length > 0) { splashIconUrl = meta.customSplashIcons[ Math.floor(Math.random() * meta.customSplashIcons.length) ]; } return { img: meta.bannerUrl, title: || "Firefish", instanceName: || "Firefish", desc: meta.description, icon: meta.iconUrl, splashIcon: splashIconUrl, themeColor: meta.themeColor, randomMOTD: motd[Math.floor(Math.random() * motd.length)], privateMode: meta.privateMode, }; } export async function fetchMeta(noCache = false): Promise { if (!noCache && cache) return cache; return await db.transaction(async (transactionalEntityManager) => { // New IDs are prioritized because multiple records may have been created due to past bugs. const metas = await transactionalEntityManager.find(Meta, { order: { id: "DESC", }, }); const meta = metas[0]; if (meta) { cache = meta; return meta; } else { // If fetchMeta is called at the same time when meta is empty, this part may be called at the same time, so use fail-safe upsert. const saved = await transactionalEntityManager .upsert( Meta, { id: "x", }, ["id"], ) .then((x) => transactionalEntityManager.findOneByOrFail(Meta, x.identifiers[0]), ); cache = saved; return saved; } }); } setInterval(() => { fetchMeta(true).then((meta) => { cache = meta; }); }, 1000 * 10);