import * as fs from "node:fs"; import { v4 as uuid } from "uuid"; import type S3 from "aws-sdk/clients/s3.js"; // TODO: migrate to SDK v3 import sharp from "sharp"; import { IsNull } from "typeorm"; import { publishMainStream, publishDriveStream } from "@/services/stream.js"; import { fetchMeta } from "backend-rs"; import { contentDisposition } from "@/misc/content-disposition.js"; import { getFileInfo } from "@/misc/get-file-info.js"; import { DriveFiles, DriveFolders, Users, UserProfiles, } from "@/models/index.js"; import { DriveFile } from "@/models/entities/drive-file.js"; import type { DriveFileUsageHint } from "@/models/entities/drive-file.js"; import type { IRemoteUser, User } from "@/models/entities/user.js"; import { genId } from "backend-rs"; import { isDuplicateKeyValueError } from "@/misc/is-duplicate-key-value-error.js"; import { FILE_TYPE_BROWSERSAFE } from "@/const.js"; import { IdentifiableError } from "@/misc/identifiable-error.js"; import { getS3 } from "./s3.js"; import { InternalStorage } from "./internal-storage.js"; import type { IImage } from "./image-processor.js"; import { convertSharpToWebp } from "./image-processor.js"; import { driveLogger } from "./logger.js"; import { GenerateVideoThumbnail } from "./generate-video-thumbnail.js"; import { deleteFile } from "./delete-file.js"; import { inspect } from "node:util"; const logger = driveLogger.createSubLogger("register", "yellow"); type PathPartLike = string | null; // Joins an array of elements into a URL pathname, possibly with a base URL object to append to. // Null or 0-length parts will be left out. function urlPathJoin( baseOrParts: URL | PathPartLike[], pathParts?: PathPartLike[], ): string { if (baseOrParts instanceof URL) { const url = new URL(baseOrParts as URL); if (pathParts) { pathParts.unshift( url.pathname.endsWith("/") ? url.pathname.slice(0, -1) : url.pathname, ); url.pathname = pathParts .filter((x) => x != null && x.toString().length > 0) .join("/"); } return url.toString(); } const baseParts = baseOrParts.concat(pathParts ?? []); return baseParts .filter((x) => x != null && x.toString().length > 0) .join("/"); } /*** * Save file * @param path Path for original * @param name Name for original * @param type Content-Type for original * @param hash Hash for original * @param size Size for original * @param usage Optional usage hint for file (f.e. "userAvatar") */ async function save( file: DriveFile, path: string, name: string, type: string, hash: string, size: number, usage: DriveFileUsageHint = null, ): Promise { // thunbnail, webpublic を必要なら生成 const alts = await generateAlts(path, type, !file.uri); const meta = await fetchMeta(true); if (meta.useObjectStorage) { //#region ObjectStorage params let [ext] = name.match(/\.([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)$/) || [""]; if (ext === "") { if (type === "image/jpeg") ext = ".jpg"; if (type === "image/png") ext = ".png"; if (type === "image/webp") ext = ".webp"; if (type === "image/apng") ext = ".apng"; if (type === "image/avif") ext = ".webp"; if (type === "image/vnd.mozilla.apng") ext = ".apng"; } // Some cloud providers (notably upcloud) will infer the content-type based // on extension, so we remove extensions from non-browser-safe types. if (!FILE_TYPE_BROWSERSAFE.includes(type)) { ext = ""; } const baseUrl = new URL( meta.objectStorageBaseUrl ?? `/${meta.objectStorageBucket}`, `${meta.objectStorageUseSsl ? "https" : "http"}://${ meta.objectStorageEndpoint }${meta.objectStoragePort ? `:${meta.objectStoragePort}` : ""}`, ); // for original const key = urlPathJoin([meta.objectStoragePrefix, `${uuid()}${ext}`]); const url = urlPathJoin(baseUrl, [key]); // for alts let webpublicKey: string | null = null; let webpublicUrl: string | null = null; let thumbnailKey: string | null = null; let thumbnailUrl: string | null = null; //#endregion //#region Uploads`uploading original: ${key}`); const uploads = [upload(key, fs.createReadStream(path), type, name)]; if (alts.webpublic) { webpublicKey = urlPathJoin([ meta.objectStoragePrefix, `webpublic-${uuid()}.${alts.webpublic.ext}`, ]); webpublicUrl = urlPathJoin(baseUrl, [webpublicKey]);`uploading webpublic: ${webpublicKey}`); uploads.push( upload(webpublicKey,, alts.webpublic.type, name), ); } if (alts.thumbnail) { thumbnailKey = urlPathJoin([ meta.objectStoragePrefix, `thumbnail-${uuid()}.${alts.thumbnail.ext}`, ]); thumbnailUrl = urlPathJoin(baseUrl, [thumbnailKey]);`uploading thumbnail: ${thumbnailKey}`); uploads.push( upload(thumbnailKey,, alts.thumbnail.type), ); } await Promise.all(uploads); //#endregion file.url = url; file.thumbnailUrl = thumbnailUrl; file.webpublicUrl = webpublicUrl; file.accessKey = key; file.thumbnailAccessKey = thumbnailKey; file.webpublicAccessKey = webpublicKey; file.webpublicType = alts.webpublic?.type ?? null; = name; file.type = type; file.md5 = hash; file.size = size; file.storedInternal = false; file.usageHint = usage ?? null; return await DriveFiles.insert(file).then((x) => DriveFiles.findOneByOrFail(x.identifiers[0]), ); } else { // use internal storage const accessKey = uuid(); const thumbnailAccessKey = `thumbnail-${uuid()}`; const webpublicAccessKey = `webpublic-${uuid()}`; const url = InternalStorage.saveFromPath(accessKey, path); let thumbnailUrl: string | null = null; let webpublicUrl: string | null = null; if (alts.thumbnail) { thumbnailUrl = InternalStorage.saveFromBuffer( thumbnailAccessKey,, );`thumbnail stored: ${thumbnailAccessKey}`); } if (alts.webpublic) { webpublicUrl = InternalStorage.saveFromBuffer( webpublicAccessKey,, );`web stored: ${webpublicAccessKey}`); } file.storedInternal = true; file.url = url; file.thumbnailUrl = thumbnailUrl; file.webpublicUrl = webpublicUrl; file.accessKey = accessKey; file.thumbnailAccessKey = thumbnailAccessKey; file.webpublicAccessKey = webpublicAccessKey; file.webpublicType = alts.webpublic?.type ?? null; = name; file.type = type; file.md5 = hash; file.size = size; file.usageHint = usage ?? null; return await DriveFiles.insert(file).then((x) => DriveFiles.findOneByOrFail(x.identifiers[0]), ); } } /** * Generate webpublic, thumbnail, etc * @param path Path for original * @param type Content-Type for original * @param generateWeb Generate webpublic or not */ export async function generateAlts( path: string, type: string, generateWeb: boolean, ) { if (type.startsWith("video/")) { try { const thumbnail = await GenerateVideoThumbnail(path); return { webpublic: null, thumbnail, }; } catch (err) { logger.warn(`GenerateVideoThumbnail failed:\n${inspect(err)}`); return { webpublic: null, thumbnail: null, }; } } if ( ![ "image/jpeg", "image/png", "image/webp", "image/svg+xml", "image/avif", ].includes(type) ) { logger.debug("web image and thumbnail not created (not an required file)"); return { webpublic: null, thumbnail: null, }; } let img: sharp.Sharp | null = null; let satisfyWebpublic: boolean; try { img = sharp(path); const metadata = await img.metadata(); const isAnimated = metadata.pages && metadata.pages > 1; // skip animated if (isAnimated) { return { webpublic: null, thumbnail: null, }; } satisfyWebpublic = !!( type !== "image/svg+xml" && type !== "image/webp" && !( metadata.exif || metadata.iptc || metadata.xmp || metadata.tifftagPhotoshop ) && metadata.width && metadata.width <= 2048 && metadata.height && metadata.height <= 2048 ); } catch (err) { logger.warn(`sharp failed:\n${inspect(err)}`); return { webpublic: null, thumbnail: null, }; } // #region webpublic let webpublic: IImage | null = null; if (generateWeb && !satisfyWebpublic) {"creating web image"); try { if (["image/jpeg"].includes(type)) { webpublic = await convertSharpToWebp(img, 2048, 2048); } else if (["image/webp"].includes(type)) { webpublic = await convertSharpToWebp(img, 2048, 2048); } else if (["image/png"].includes(type)) { webpublic = await convertSharpToWebp(img, 2048, 2048, 100); } else if (["image/svg+xml"].includes(type)) { webpublic = await convertSharpToWebp(img, 2048, 2048); } else { logger.debug("web image not created (not an required image)"); } } catch (err) { logger.warn(`web image not created (an error occured):\n${inspect(err)}`); } } else { if (satisfyWebpublic)"web image not created (original satisfies webpublic)"); else"web image not created (from remote)"); } // #endregion webpublic // #region thumbnail let thumbnail: IImage | null = null; try { if ( [ "image/jpeg", "image/webp", "image/png", "image/svg+xml", "image/avif", ].includes(type) ) { thumbnail = await convertSharpToWebp(img, 996, 560); } else { logger.debug("thumbnail not created (not an required file)"); } } catch (err) { logger.warn(`thumbnail not created (an error occured):\n${inspect(err)}`); } // #endregion thumbnail return { webpublic, thumbnail, }; } /** * Upload to ObjectStorage */ async function upload( key: string, stream: fs.ReadStream | Buffer, type: string, filename?: string, ) { if (type === "image/apng") type = "image/png"; if (!FILE_TYPE_BROWSERSAFE.includes(type)) type = "application/octet-stream"; const meta = await fetchMeta(true); const params = { Bucket: meta.objectStorageBucket, Key: key, Body: stream, ContentType: type, CacheControl: "max-age=31536000, immutable", } as S3.PutObjectRequest; if (filename) params.ContentDisposition = contentDisposition("inline", filename); if (meta.objectStorageSetPublicRead) params.ACL = "public-read"; const s3 = getS3(meta); const upload = s3.upload(params, { partSize: s3.endpoint.hostname === "" ? 500 * 1024 * 1024 : 8 * 1024 * 1024, }); const result = await upload.promise(); if (result) logger.debug( `Uploaded: ${result.Bucket}/${result.Key} => ${result.Location}`, ); } async function expireOldFile(user: IRemoteUser, driveCapacity: number) { const q = DriveFiles.createQueryBuilder("file") .where("file.userId = :userId", { userId: }) .andWhere("file.isLink = FALSE"); if (user.avatarId) { q.andWhere(" != :avatarId", { avatarId: user.avatarId }); } if (user.bannerId) { q.andWhere(" != :bannerId", { bannerId: user.bannerId }); } //This selete is hard coded, be careful if change database schema q.addSelect( 'SUM("file"."size") OVER (ORDER BY "file"."id" DESC ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW)', "acc_usage", ); q.orderBy("", "ASC"); const fileList = await q.getRawMany(); const exceedFileIds = fileList .filter((x: any) => x.acc_usage > driveCapacity) .map((x: any) => x.file_id); for (const fileId of exceedFileIds) { const file = await DriveFiles.findOneBy({ id: fileId }); deleteFile(file, true); } } type AddFileArgs = { /** User who wish to add file */ user: { id: User["id"]; host: User["host"]; driveCapacityOverrideMb: User["driveCapacityOverrideMb"]; } | null; /** File path */ path: string; /** Name */ name?: string | null; /** Comment */ comment?: string | null; /** Folder ID */ folderId?: any; /** If set to true, forcibly upload the file even if there is a file with the same hash. */ force?: boolean; /** Do not save file to local */ isLink?: boolean; /** URL of source (URLからアップロードされた場合(ローカル/リモート)の元URL) */ url?: string | null; /** URL of source (リモートインスタンスのURLからアップロードされた場合の元URL) */ uri?: string | null; /** Mark file as sensitive */ sensitive?: boolean | null; requestIp?: string | null; requestHeaders?: Record | null; /** Whether this file has a known use case, like user avatar or instance icon */ usageHint?: DriveFileUsageHint; }; /** * Add file to drive * */ export async function addFile({ user, path, name = null, comment = null, folderId = null, force = false, isLink = false, url = null, uri = null, sensitive = null, requestIp = null, requestHeaders = null, usageHint = null, }: AddFileArgs): Promise { const info = await getFileInfo(path);`${JSON.stringify(info)}`); // detect name const detectedName = name || (info.type.ext ? `untitled.${info.type.ext}` : "untitled"); if (user && !force) { // Check if there is a file with the same hash const much = await DriveFiles.findOneBy({ md5: info.md5, userId:, }); if (much) {`file with same hash is found: ${}`); return much; } } //#region Check drive usage if (user && !isLink) { const usage = await DriveFiles.calcDriveUsageOf(user); const u = await Users.findOneBy({ id: }); const instance = await fetchMeta(true); let driveCapacity = 1024 * 1024 * (Users.isLocalUser(user) ? instance.localDriveCapacityMb : instance.remoteDriveCapacityMb); if (Users.isLocalUser(user) && u?.driveCapacityOverrideMb != null) { driveCapacity = 1024 * 1024 * u.driveCapacityOverrideMb; logger.debug("drive capacity override applied"); logger.debug( `overrideCap: ${driveCapacity}bytes, usage: ${usage}bytes, u+s: ${ usage + info.size }bytes`, ); } logger.debug(`drive usage is ${usage} (max: ${driveCapacity})`); // If usage limit exceeded if (usage + info.size > driveCapacity) { if (Users.isLocalUser(user)) { throw new IdentifiableError( "c6244ed2-a39a-4e1c-bf93-f0fbd7764fa6", "No free space.", ); } else { // (アバターまたはバナーを含まず)最も古いファイルを削除する expireOldFile( (await Users.findOneByOrFail({ id: })) as IRemoteUser, driveCapacity - info.size, ); } } } //#endregion const fetchFolder = async () => { if (!folderId) { return null; } const driveFolder = await DriveFolders.findOneBy({ id: folderId, userId: user ? : IsNull(), }); if (driveFolder == null) throw new Error("folder-not-found"); return driveFolder; }; const properties: { width?: number; height?: number; orientation?: number; } = {}; if (info.width) { properties["width"] = info.width; properties["height"] = info.height; } if (info.orientation != null) { properties["orientation"] = info.orientation; } const profile = user ? await UserProfiles.findOneBy({ userId: }) : null; const folder = await fetchFolder(); const instance = await fetchMeta(true); let file = new DriveFile(); = genId(); file.createdAt = new Date(); file.userId = user ? : null; file.userHost = user ? : null; file.folderId = folder != null ? : null; file.comment = comment; = properties; file.blurhash = info.blurhash || null; file.isLink = isLink; file.requestIp = requestIp; file.requestHeaders = requestHeaders; file.usageHint = usageHint; file.isSensitive = user ? Users.isLocalUser(user) && (instance!.markLocalFilesNsfwByDefault || profile!.alwaysMarkNsfw) ? true : sensitive != null ? sensitive : false : false; if (url != null) { file.src = url; if (isLink) { file.url = url; // ローカルプロキシ用 file.accessKey = uuid(); file.thumbnailAccessKey = `thumbnail-${uuid()}`; file.webpublicAccessKey = `webpublic-${uuid()}`; } } if (uri != null) { file.uri = uri; } if (isLink) { try { file.size = 0; file.md5 = info.md5; = detectedName; file.type = info.type.mime; file.storedInternal = false; file = await DriveFiles.insert(file).then((x) => DriveFiles.findOneByOrFail(x.identifiers[0]), ); } catch (err) { // duplicate key error (when already registered) if (isDuplicateKeyValueError(err)) {`already registered ${file.uri}`); file = (await DriveFiles.findOneBy({ uri: file.uri!, userId: user ? : IsNull(), })) as DriveFile; } else { logger.error(inspect(err)); throw err; } } } else { file = await save( file, path, detectedName, info.type.mime, info.md5, info.size, usageHint, ); } logger.succ(`drive file has been created ${}`); if (user) { DriveFiles.pack(file, { self: true }).then((packedFile) => { // Publish driveFileCreated event publishMainStream(, "driveFileCreated", packedFile); publishDriveStream(, "fileCreated", packedFile); }); } return file; }