
101 lines
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// Copyright 2023 Citra Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#include <atomic>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <mutex>
#include <queue>
#include "common/polyfill_thread.h"
#include "video_core/renderer_vulkan/vk_swapchain.h"
namespace Frontend {
class EmuWindow;
namespace Vulkan {
class Instance;
class Swapchain;
class Scheduler;
class RenderpassCache;
struct Frame {
u32 width;
u32 height;
VmaAllocation allocation;
vk::Framebuffer framebuffer;
vk::Image image;
vk::ImageView image_view;
vk::Semaphore render_ready;
vk::Fence present_done;
vk::CommandBuffer cmdbuf;
class PresentWindow final {
explicit PresentWindow(Frontend::EmuWindow& emu_window, const Instance& instance,
Scheduler& scheduler);
/// Waits for all queued frames to finish presenting.
void WaitPresent();
/// Returns the last used render frame.
Frame* GetRenderFrame();
/// Recreates the render frame to match provided parameters.
void RecreateFrame(Frame* frame, u32 width, u32 height);
/// Queues the provided frame for presentation.
void Present(Frame* frame);
/// This is called to notify the rendering backend of a surface change
void NotifySurfaceChanged();
[[nodiscard]] vk::RenderPass Renderpass() const noexcept {
return present_renderpass;
u32 ImageCount() const noexcept {
return swapchain.GetImageCount();
void PresentThread(std::stop_token token);
void CopyToSwapchain(Frame* frame);
vk::RenderPass CreateRenderpass();
Frontend::EmuWindow& emu_window;
const Instance& instance;
Scheduler& scheduler;
vk::SurfaceKHR surface;
vk::SurfaceKHR next_surface{};
Swapchain swapchain;
vk::CommandPool command_pool;
vk::Queue graphics_queue;
vk::RenderPass present_renderpass;
std::vector<Frame> swap_chain;
std::queue<Frame*> free_queue;
std::queue<Frame*> present_queue;
std::condition_variable free_cv;
std::condition_variable recreate_surface_cv;
std::condition_variable_any frame_cv;
std::mutex swapchain_mutex;
std::mutex recreate_surface_mutex;
std::mutex queue_mutex;
std::mutex free_mutex;
std::jthread present_thread;
bool vsync_enabled{};
bool blit_supported;
bool use_present_thread{true};
void* last_render_surface{};
} // namespace Vulkan