
1425 lines
55 KiB

// Copyright 2022 Citra Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#pragma once
#include <type_traits>
#include <boost/container/small_vector.hpp>
#include <boost/range/iterator_range.hpp>
#include "common/alignment.h"
#include "common/logging/log.h"
#include "common/microprofile.h"
#include "common/scope_exit.h"
#include "common/settings.h"
#include "core/memory.h"
#include "video_core/custom_textures/custom_tex_manager.h"
#include "video_core/rasterizer_cache/rasterizer_cache_base.h"
#include "video_core/rasterizer_cache/surface_base.h"
#include "video_core/regs.h"
#include "video_core/renderer_base.h"
#include "video_core/texture/texture_decode.h"
namespace VideoCore {
constexpr auto RangeFromInterval(const auto& map, const auto& interval) {
return boost::make_iterator_range(map.equal_range(interval));
template <class T>
RasterizerCache<T>::RasterizerCache(Memory::MemorySystem& memory_,
CustomTexManager& custom_tex_manager_, Runtime& runtime_,
Pica::Regs& regs_, RendererBase& renderer_)
: memory{memory_}, custom_tex_manager{custom_tex_manager_}, runtime{runtime_}, regs{regs_},
renderer{renderer_}, resolution_scale_factor{renderer.GetResolutionScaleFactor()},
use_custom_textures{Settings::values.custom_textures.GetValue()} {
using TextureConfig = Pica::TexturingRegs::TextureConfig;
// Create null handles for all cached resources
void(slot_surfaces.insert(runtime, SurfaceParams{
.width = 1,
.height = 1,
.stride = 1,
.texture_type = VideoCore::TextureType::Texture2D,
.pixel_format = VideoCore::PixelFormat::RGBA8,
.type = VideoCore::SurfaceType::Color,
void(slot_surfaces.insert(runtime, SurfaceParams{
.width = 1,
.height = 1,
.stride = 1,
.texture_type = TextureType::CubeMap,
.pixel_format = PixelFormat::RGBA8,
.type = SurfaceType::Color,
void(slot_samplers.insert(runtime, SamplerParams{
.mag_filter = TextureConfig::TextureFilter::Linear,
.min_filter = TextureConfig::TextureFilter::Linear,
.mip_filter = TextureConfig::TextureFilter::Linear,
.wrap_s = TextureConfig::WrapMode::ClampToBorder,
.wrap_t = TextureConfig::WrapMode::ClampToBorder,
template <class T>
RasterizerCache<T>::~RasterizerCache() {
template <class T>
void RasterizerCache<T>::TickFrame() {
const auto new_filter = Settings::values.texture_filter.GetValue();
if (filter != new_filter) [[unlikely]] {
filter = new_filter;
const u32 scale_factor = renderer.GetResolutionScaleFactor();
const bool resolution_scale_changed = resolution_scale_factor != scale_factor;
const bool use_custom_texture_changed =
Settings::values.custom_textures.GetValue() != use_custom_textures;
if (resolution_scale_changed || use_custom_texture_changed) {
resolution_scale_factor = scale_factor;
use_custom_textures = Settings::values.custom_textures.GetValue();
if (use_custom_textures) {
template <class T>
void RasterizerCache<T>::RunGarbageCollector() {
for (auto it = sentenced.begin(); it != sentenced.end();) {
const auto [surface_id, tick] = *it;
if (frame_tick - tick <= runtime.RemoveThreshold()) {
it = sentenced.erase(it);
template <class T>
void RasterizerCache<T>::RemoveFramebuffers(SurfaceId surface_id) {
for (auto it = framebuffers.begin(); it != framebuffers.end();) {
const auto& params = it->first;
if (params.color_id == surface_id || params.depth_id == surface_id) {
it = framebuffers.erase(it);
} else {
template <class T>
void RasterizerCache<T>::RemoveTextureCubeFace(SurfaceId surface_id) {
if (False(slot_surfaces[surface_id].flags & SurfaceFlagBits::Tracked)) {
for (auto it = texture_cube_cache.begin(); it != texture_cube_cache.end();) {
TextureCube& cube = it->second;
for (SurfaceId& face_id : cube.face_ids) {
if (face_id == surface_id) {
face_id = SurfaceId{};
if (std::none_of(cube.face_ids.begin(), cube.face_ids.end(),
[](SurfaceId id) { return id; })) {
sentenced.emplace_back(cube.surface_id, frame_tick);
it = texture_cube_cache.erase(it);
} else {
template <class T>
bool RasterizerCache<T>::AccelerateTextureCopy(const GPU::Regs::DisplayTransferConfig& config) {
const DebugScope scope{runtime, Common::Vec4f{0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 1.f},
"RasterizerCache::AccelerateTextureCopy ({})", config.DebugName()};
// Texture copy size is aligned to 16 byte units
const u32 copy_size = Common::AlignDown(config.texture_copy.size, 16);
if (copy_size == 0) {
return false;
u32 input_gap = config.texture_copy.input_gap * 16;
u32 input_width = config.texture_copy.input_width * 16;
if (input_width == 0 && input_gap != 0) {
return false;
if (input_gap == 0 || input_width >= copy_size) {
input_width = copy_size;
input_gap = 0;
if (copy_size % input_width != 0) {
return false;
u32 output_gap = config.texture_copy.output_gap * 16;
u32 output_width = config.texture_copy.output_width * 16;
if (output_width == 0 && output_gap != 0) {
return false;
if (output_gap == 0 || output_width >= copy_size) {
output_width = copy_size;
output_gap = 0;
if (copy_size % output_width != 0) {
return false;
SurfaceParams src_params;
src_params.addr = config.GetPhysicalInputAddress();
src_params.stride = input_width + input_gap; // stride in bytes
src_params.width = input_width; // width in bytes
src_params.height = copy_size / input_width;
src_params.size = ((src_params.height - 1) * src_params.stride) + src_params.width;
src_params.end = src_params.addr + src_params.size;
const auto [src_surface_id, src_rect] = GetTexCopySurface(src_params);
if (!src_surface_id) {
return false;
const SurfaceParams src_info = slot_surfaces[src_surface_id];
if (output_gap != 0 &&
(output_width != src_info.BytesInPixels(src_rect.GetWidth() / src_info.res_scale) *
(src_info.is_tiled ? 8 : 1) ||
output_gap % src_info.BytesInPixels(src_info.is_tiled ? 64 : 1) != 0)) {
return false;
SurfaceParams dst_params = src_info;
dst_params.addr = config.GetPhysicalOutputAddress();
dst_params.width = src_rect.GetWidth() / src_info.res_scale;
dst_params.stride =
dst_params.width + src_info.PixelsInBytes(src_info.is_tiled ? output_gap / 8 : output_gap);
dst_params.height = src_rect.GetHeight() / src_info.res_scale;
dst_params.res_scale = src_info.res_scale;
// Since we are going to invalidate the gap if there is one, we will have to load it first
const bool load_gap = output_gap != 0;
const auto [dst_surface_id, dst_rect] =
GetSurfaceSubRect(dst_params, ScaleMatch::Upscale, load_gap);
if (!dst_surface_id) {
return false;
Surface& src_surface = slot_surfaces[src_surface_id];
Surface& dst_surface = slot_surfaces[dst_surface_id];
if (dst_surface.type == SurfaceType::Texture ||
!CheckFormatsBlittable(src_surface.pixel_format, dst_surface.pixel_format)) {
return false;
ASSERT(src_rect.GetWidth() == dst_rect.GetWidth());
const TextureCopy texture_copy = {
.src_level = src_surface.LevelOf(src_params.addr),
.dst_level = dst_surface.LevelOf(dst_params.addr),
.src_offset = {src_rect.left, src_rect.bottom},
.dst_offset = {dst_rect.left, dst_rect.bottom},
.extent = {src_rect.GetWidth(), src_rect.GetHeight()},
runtime.CopyTextures(src_surface, dst_surface, texture_copy);
InvalidateRegion(dst_params.addr, dst_params.size, dst_surface_id);
return true;
template <class T>
bool RasterizerCache<T>::AccelerateDisplayTransfer(const GPU::Regs::DisplayTransferConfig& config) {
const DebugScope scope{runtime, Common::Vec4f{0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 1.f},
"RasterizerCache::AccelerateDisplayTransfer ({})", config.DebugName()};
SurfaceParams src_params;
src_params.addr = config.GetPhysicalInputAddress();
src_params.width = config.output_width;
src_params.stride = config.input_width;
src_params.height = config.output_height;
src_params.is_tiled = !config.input_linear;
src_params.pixel_format = PixelFormatFromGPUPixelFormat(config.input_format);
SurfaceParams dst_params;
dst_params.addr = config.GetPhysicalOutputAddress();
dst_params.width = config.scaling != config.NoScale ? config.output_width.Value() / 2
: config.output_width.Value();
dst_params.height = config.scaling == config.ScaleXY ? config.output_height.Value() / 2
: config.output_height.Value();
dst_params.is_tiled = config.input_linear != config.dont_swizzle;
dst_params.pixel_format = PixelFormatFromGPUPixelFormat(config.output_format);
// Using flip_vertically alongside crop_input_lines produces skewed output on hardware.
// We have to emulate this because some games rely on this behaviour to render correctly.
if (config.flip_vertically && config.crop_input_lines &&
config.input_width > config.output_width) {
dst_params.addr += (config.input_width - config.output_width) * (config.output_height - 1) *
auto [src_surface_id, src_rect] = GetSurfaceSubRect(src_params, ScaleMatch::Ignore, true);
if (!src_surface_id) {
return false;
dst_params.res_scale = slot_surfaces[src_surface_id].res_scale;
const auto [dst_surface_id, dst_rect] =
GetSurfaceSubRect(dst_params, ScaleMatch::Upscale, false);
if (!dst_surface_id) {
return false;
Surface& src_surface = slot_surfaces[src_surface_id];
Surface& dst_surface = slot_surfaces[dst_surface_id];
if (src_surface.is_tiled != dst_surface.is_tiled) {
std::swap(, src_rect.bottom);
if (config.flip_vertically) {
std::swap(, src_rect.bottom);
if (!CheckFormatsBlittable(src_surface.pixel_format, dst_surface.pixel_format)) {
return false;
const TextureBlit texture_blit = {
.src_level = src_surface.LevelOf(src_params.addr),
.dst_level = dst_surface.LevelOf(dst_params.addr),
.src_rect = src_rect,
.dst_rect = dst_rect,
runtime.BlitTextures(src_surface, dst_surface, texture_blit);
InvalidateRegion(dst_params.addr, dst_params.size, dst_surface_id);
return true;
template <class T>
bool RasterizerCache<T>::AccelerateFill(const GPU::Regs::MemoryFillConfig& config) {
const DebugScope scope{runtime, Common::Vec4f{1.f, 0.f, 1.f, 1.f},
"RasterizerCache::AccelerateFill ({})", config.DebugName()};
SurfaceParams params;
params.addr = config.GetStartAddress();
params.end = config.GetEndAddress();
params.size = params.end - params.addr;
params.type = SurfaceType::Fill;
params.res_scale = std::numeric_limits<u16>::max();
SurfaceId fill_surface_id = slot_surfaces.insert(runtime, params);
Surface& fill_surface = slot_surfaces[fill_surface_id];
std::memcpy(&fill_surface.fill_data[0], &config.value_32bit, sizeof(u32));
if (config.fill_32bit) {
fill_surface.fill_size = 4;
} else if (config.fill_24bit) {
fill_surface.fill_size = 3;
} else {
fill_surface.fill_size = 2;
InvalidateRegion(fill_surface.addr, fill_surface.size, fill_surface_id);
return true;
template <class T>
typename T::Surface& RasterizerCache<T>::GetSurface(SurfaceId surface_id) {
return slot_surfaces[surface_id];
template <class T>
typename T::Sampler& RasterizerCache<T>::GetSampler(SamplerId sampler_id) {
return slot_samplers[sampler_id];
template <class T>
typename T::Sampler& RasterizerCache<T>::GetSampler(
const Pica::TexturingRegs::TextureConfig& config) {
const SamplerParams params = {
.mag_filter = config.mag_filter,
.min_filter = config.min_filter,
.mip_filter = config.mip_filter,
.wrap_s = config.wrap_s,
.wrap_t = config.wrap_t,
.border_color = config.border_color.raw,
.lod_min = config.lod.min_level,
.lod_max = config.lod.max_level,
.lod_bias = config.lod.bias,
auto [it, is_new] = samplers.try_emplace(params);
if (is_new) {
it->second = slot_samplers.insert(runtime, params);
return slot_samplers[it->second];
template <class T>
void RasterizerCache<T>::CopySurface(Surface& src_surface, Surface& dst_surface,
SurfaceInterval copy_interval) {
const PAddr copy_addr = copy_interval.lower();
const SurfaceParams subrect_params = dst_surface.FromInterval(copy_interval);
ASSERT(subrect_params.GetInterval() == copy_interval);
if (src_surface.type == SurfaceType::Fill) {
const TextureClear clear = {
.texture_level = dst_surface.LevelOf(copy_addr),
.texture_rect = dst_surface.GetScaledSubRect(subrect_params),
.value = src_surface.MakeClearValue(copy_addr, dst_surface.pixel_format),
runtime.ClearTexture(dst_surface, clear);
const u32 src_scale = src_surface.res_scale;
const u32 dst_scale = dst_surface.res_scale;
if (src_scale > dst_scale) {
const auto src_rect = src_surface.GetScaledSubRect(subrect_params);
const auto dst_rect = dst_surface.GetScaledSubRect(subrect_params);
if (src_scale == dst_scale) {
const TextureCopy copy = {
.src_level = src_surface.LevelOf(copy_addr),
.dst_level = dst_surface.LevelOf(copy_addr),
.src_offset = {src_rect.left, src_rect.bottom},
.dst_offset = {dst_rect.left, dst_rect.bottom},
.extent = {src_rect.GetWidth(), src_rect.GetHeight()},
runtime.CopyTextures(src_surface, dst_surface, copy);
} else {
const TextureBlit blit = {
.src_level = src_surface.LevelOf(copy_addr),
.dst_level = dst_surface.LevelOf(copy_addr),
.src_rect = src_rect,
.dst_rect = dst_rect,
runtime.BlitTextures(src_surface, dst_surface, blit);
template <class T>
SurfaceId RasterizerCache<T>::GetSurface(const SurfaceParams& params, ScaleMatch match_res_scale,
bool load_if_create) {
if (params.addr == 0 || params.height * params.width == 0) {
return {};
// Use GetSurfaceSubRect instead
ASSERT(params.width == params.stride);
ASSERT(!params.is_tiled || (params.width % 8 == 0 && params.height % 8 == 0));
// Check for an exact match in existing surfaces
SurfaceId surface_id = FindMatch<MatchFlags::Exact>(params, match_res_scale);
if (!surface_id) {
surface_id = CreateSurface(params);
if (load_if_create) {
ValidateSurface(surface_id, params.addr, params.size);
return surface_id;
template <class T>
typename RasterizerCache<T>::SurfaceRect_Tuple RasterizerCache<T>::GetSurfaceSubRect(
const SurfaceParams& params, ScaleMatch match_res_scale, bool load_if_create) {
if (params.addr == 0 || params.height * params.width == 0) {
return std::make_pair(SurfaceId{}, Common::Rectangle<u32>{});
// Attempt to find encompassing surface
SurfaceId surface_id = FindMatch<MatchFlags::SubRect>(params, match_res_scale);
// Check if FindMatch failed because of res scaling. If that's the case create a new surface
// with the dimensions of the lower res_scale surface to suggest it should not be used again.
if (!surface_id && match_res_scale != ScaleMatch::Ignore) {
surface_id = FindMatch<MatchFlags::SubRect>(params, ScaleMatch::Ignore);
if (surface_id) {
SurfaceParams new_params = slot_surfaces[surface_id];
new_params.res_scale = params.res_scale;
surface_id = CreateSurface(new_params);
SurfaceParams aligned_params = params;
if (params.is_tiled) {
aligned_params.height = Common::AlignUp(params.height, 8);
aligned_params.width = Common::AlignUp(params.width, 8);
aligned_params.stride = Common::AlignUp(params.stride, 8);
// No subrect found - create and return a new surface
if (!surface_id) {
SurfaceParams new_params = aligned_params;
// Can't have gaps in a surface
new_params.width = aligned_params.stride;
// GetSurface will create the new surface and possibly adjust res_scale if necessary
surface_id = GetSurface(new_params, match_res_scale, load_if_create);
} else if (load_if_create) {
ValidateSurface(surface_id, aligned_params.addr, aligned_params.size);
return std::make_pair(surface_id, slot_surfaces[surface_id].GetScaledSubRect(params));
template <class T>
typename T::Surface& RasterizerCache<T>::GetTextureSurface(
const Pica::TexturingRegs::FullTextureConfig& config) {
const auto info = Pica::Texture::TextureInfo::FromPicaRegister(config.config, config.format);
const u32 max_level = MipLevels(info.width, info.height, config.config.lod.max_level) - 1;
const SurfaceId surface_id = GetTextureSurface(info, max_level);
return slot_surfaces[surface_id];
template <class T>
SurfaceId RasterizerCache<T>::GetTextureSurface(const Pica::Texture::TextureInfo& info,
u32 max_level) {
if (info.physical_address == 0) [[unlikely]] {
// Can occur when texture addr is null or its memory is unmapped/invalid
// HACK: In this case, the correct behaviour for the PICA is to use the last
// rendered colour. But because this would be impractical to implement, the
// next best alternative is to use a clear texture, essentially skipping
// the geometry in question.
// For example: a bug in Pokemon X/Y causes NULL-texture squares to be drawn
// on the male character's face, which in the OpenGL default appear black.
SurfaceParams params;
params.addr = info.physical_address;
params.width = info.width;
params.height = info.height;
params.levels = max_level + 1;
params.is_tiled = true;
params.pixel_format = PixelFormatFromTextureFormat(info.format);
params.res_scale = filter != Settings::TextureFilter::None ? resolution_scale_factor : 1;
const u32 min_width = info.width >> max_level;
const u32 min_height = info.height >> max_level;
if (min_width % 8 != 0 || min_height % 8 != 0) {
if (min_width % 4 != 0 || min_height % 4 != 0) {
LOG_CRITICAL(HW_GPU, "Texture size ({}x{}) is not multiple of 4", min_width,
const auto [src_surface_id, rect] = GetSurfaceSubRect(params, ScaleMatch::Ignore, true);
Surface& src_surface = slot_surfaces[src_surface_id];
params.res_scale = src_surface.res_scale;
SurfaceId tmp_surface_id = CreateSurface(params);
Surface& tmp_surface = slot_surfaces[tmp_surface_id];
sentenced.emplace_back(tmp_surface_id, frame_tick);
const TextureBlit blit = {
.src_level = src_surface.LevelOf(params.addr),
.dst_level = 0,
.src_rect = rect,
.dst_rect = tmp_surface.GetScaledRect(),
runtime.BlitTextures(src_surface, tmp_surface, blit);
return tmp_surface_id;
if (info.width != (min_width << max_level) || info.height != (min_height << max_level)) {
LOG_CRITICAL(HW_GPU, "Texture size ({}x{}) does not support required mipmap level ({})",
params.width, params.height, max_level);
SurfaceId surface_id = GetSurface(params, ScaleMatch::Ignore, true);
return surface_id ? surface_id : NULL_SURFACE_ID;
template <class T>
typename T::Surface& RasterizerCache<T>::GetTextureCube(const TextureCubeConfig& config) {
if (config.width == 0) [[unlikely]] {
return slot_surfaces[NULL_SURFACE_CUBE_ID];
auto [it, new_surface] = texture_cube_cache.try_emplace(config);
TextureCube& cube = it->second;
if (new_surface) {
SurfaceParams cube_params = {
.addr = config.px,
.width = config.width,
.height = config.width,
.stride = config.width,
.levels = config.levels,
.res_scale = filter != Settings::TextureFilter::None ? resolution_scale_factor : 1,
.texture_type = TextureType::CubeMap,
.pixel_format = PixelFormatFromTextureFormat(config.format),
.type = SurfaceType::Texture,
cube.surface_id = CreateSurface(cube_params);
const u32 scaled_size = slot_surfaces[cube.surface_id].GetScaledWidth();
const std::array addresses = {config.px, config.nx,, config.ny, config.pz,};
Pica::Texture::TextureInfo info = {
.width = config.width,
.height = config.width,
.format = config.format,
for (u32 i = 0; i < addresses.size(); i++) {
if (!addresses[i]) {
SurfaceId& face_id = cube.face_ids[i];
if (!face_id) {
info.physical_address = addresses[i];
face_id = GetTextureSurface(info, config.levels - 1);
ASSERT_MSG(slot_surfaces[face_id].levels >= config.levels,
"Texture cube face levels are not enough to validate the levels requested");
Surface& surface = slot_surfaces[face_id];
surface.flags |= SurfaceFlagBits::Tracked;
if (cube.ticks[i] == surface.modification_tick) {
cube.ticks[i] = surface.modification_tick;
Surface& cube_surface = slot_surfaces[cube.surface_id];
for (u32 level = 0; level < config.levels; level++) {
const u32 width_lod = scaled_size >> level;
const TextureCopy texture_copy = {
.src_level = level,
.dst_level = level,
.src_layer = 0,
.dst_layer = i,
.src_offset = {0, 0},
.dst_offset = {0, 0},
.extent = {width_lod, width_lod},
runtime.CopyTextures(surface, cube_surface, texture_copy);
return slot_surfaces[cube.surface_id];
template <class T>
FramebufferHelper<T> RasterizerCache<T>::GetFramebufferSurfaces(bool using_color_fb,
bool using_depth_fb) {
const auto& config = regs.framebuffer.framebuffer;
const s32 framebuffer_width = config.GetWidth();
const s32 framebuffer_height = config.GetHeight();
const auto viewport_rect = regs.rasterizer.GetViewportRect();
const Common::Rectangle<u32> viewport_clamped = {
static_cast<u32>(std::clamp(viewport_rect.left, 0, framebuffer_width)),
static_cast<u32>(std::clamp(, 0, framebuffer_height)),
static_cast<u32>(std::clamp(viewport_rect.right, 0, framebuffer_width)),
static_cast<u32>(std::clamp(viewport_rect.bottom, 0, framebuffer_height)),
// get color and depth surfaces
SurfaceParams color_params;
color_params.is_tiled = true;
color_params.res_scale = resolution_scale_factor;
color_params.width = config.GetWidth();
color_params.height = config.GetHeight();
SurfaceParams depth_params = color_params;
color_params.addr = config.GetColorBufferPhysicalAddress();
color_params.pixel_format = PixelFormatFromColorFormat(config.color_format);
depth_params.addr = config.GetDepthBufferPhysicalAddress();
depth_params.pixel_format = PixelFormatFromDepthFormat(config.depth_format);
auto color_vp_interval = color_params.GetSubRectInterval(viewport_clamped);
auto depth_vp_interval = depth_params.GetSubRectInterval(viewport_clamped);
// Make sure that framebuffers don't overlap if both color and depth are being used
if (using_color_fb && using_depth_fb &&
boost::icl::length(color_vp_interval & depth_vp_interval)) {
LOG_CRITICAL(HW_GPU, "Color and depth framebuffer memory regions overlap; "
"overlapping framebuffers not supported!");
using_depth_fb = false;
Common::Rectangle<u32> color_rect{};
SurfaceId color_id{};
u32 color_level{};
if (using_color_fb)
std::tie(color_id, color_rect) = GetSurfaceSubRect(color_params, ScaleMatch::Exact, false);
Common::Rectangle<u32> depth_rect{};
SurfaceId depth_id{};
u32 depth_level{};
if (using_depth_fb)
std::tie(depth_id, depth_rect) = GetSurfaceSubRect(depth_params, ScaleMatch::Exact, false);
Common::Rectangle<u32> fb_rect{};
if (color_id && depth_id) {
fb_rect = color_rect;
// Color and Depth surfaces must have the same dimensions and offsets
if (color_rect.bottom != depth_rect.bottom || != ||
color_rect.left != depth_rect.left || color_rect.right != depth_rect.right) {
color_id = GetSurface(color_params, ScaleMatch::Exact, false);
depth_id = GetSurface(depth_params, ScaleMatch::Exact, false);
fb_rect = slot_surfaces[color_id].GetScaledRect();
} else if (color_id) {
fb_rect = color_rect;
} else if (depth_id) {
fb_rect = depth_rect;
Surface* color_surface = color_id ? &slot_surfaces[color_id] : nullptr;
Surface* depth_surface = depth_id ? &slot_surfaces[depth_id] : nullptr;
if (color_id) {
color_level = color_surface->LevelOf(color_params.addr);
ValidateSurface(color_id, boost::icl::first(color_vp_interval),
if (depth_id) {
depth_level = depth_surface->LevelOf(depth_params.addr);
ValidateSurface(depth_id, boost::icl::first(depth_vp_interval),
const FramebufferParams fb_params = {
.color_id = color_id,
.depth_id = depth_id,
.color_level = color_level,
.depth_level = depth_level,
.shadow_rendering = regs.framebuffer.IsShadowRendering(),
auto [it, new_framebuffer] = framebuffers.try_emplace(fb_params);
if (new_framebuffer) {
it->second = slot_framebuffers.insert(runtime, fb_params, color_surface, depth_surface);
return FramebufferHelper<T>{this, &slot_framebuffers[it->second], regs.rasterizer, fb_rect};
template <class T>
typename RasterizerCache<T>::SurfaceRect_Tuple RasterizerCache<T>::GetTexCopySurface(
const SurfaceParams& params) {
Common::Rectangle<u32> rect{};
SurfaceId match_id = FindMatch<MatchFlags::TexCopy>(params, ScaleMatch::Ignore);
if (match_id) {
ValidateSurface(match_id, params.addr, params.size);
SurfaceParams match_subrect;
Surface& match_surface = slot_surfaces[match_id];
if (params.width != params.stride) {
const u32 tiled_size = match_surface.is_tiled ? 8 : 1;
match_subrect = params;
match_subrect.width = match_surface.PixelsInBytes(params.width) / tiled_size;
match_subrect.stride = match_surface.PixelsInBytes(params.stride) / tiled_size;
match_subrect.height *= tiled_size;
} else {
match_subrect = match_surface.FromInterval(params.GetInterval());
ASSERT(match_subrect.GetInterval() == params.GetInterval());
rect = match_surface.GetScaledSubRect(match_subrect);
return std::make_pair(match_id, rect);
template <class T>
template <typename Func>
void RasterizerCache<T>::ForEachSurfaceInRegion(PAddr addr, size_t size, Func&& func) {
using FuncReturn = typename std::invoke_result<Func, SurfaceId, Surface&>::type;
static constexpr bool BOOL_BREAK = std::is_same_v<FuncReturn, bool>;
boost::container::small_vector<SurfaceId, 8> surfaces;
ForEachPage(addr, size, [this, &surfaces, addr, size, func](u64 page) {
const auto it = page_table.find(page);
if (it == page_table.end()) {
if constexpr (BOOL_BREAK) {
return false;
} else {
for (const SurfaceId surface_id : it->second) {
Surface& surface = slot_surfaces[surface_id];
if (True(surface.flags & SurfaceFlagBits::Picked)) {
if (!surface.Overlaps(addr, size)) {
surface.flags |= SurfaceFlagBits::Picked;
if constexpr (BOOL_BREAK) {
if (func(surface_id, surface)) {
return true;
} else {
func(surface_id, surface);
if constexpr (BOOL_BREAK) {
return false;
for (const SurfaceId surface_id : surfaces) {
slot_surfaces[surface_id].flags &= ~SurfaceFlagBits::Picked;
template <class T>
template <MatchFlags find_flags>
SurfaceId RasterizerCache<T>::FindMatch(const SurfaceParams& params, ScaleMatch match_scale_type,
std::optional<SurfaceInterval> validate_interval) {
SurfaceId match_id{};
bool match_valid = false;
u32 match_scale = 0;
SurfaceInterval match_interval{};
ForEachSurfaceInRegion(params.addr, params.size, [&](SurfaceId surface_id, Surface& surface) {
const bool res_scale_matched = match_scale_type == ScaleMatch::Exact
? (params.res_scale == surface.res_scale)
: (params.res_scale <= surface.res_scale);
const bool is_valid =
True(find_flags & MatchFlags::Copy)
? true
: surface.IsRegionValid(validate_interval.value_or(params.GetInterval()));
auto IsMatch_Helper = [&](auto check_type, auto match_fn) {
if (False(find_flags & check_type))
bool matched;
SurfaceInterval surface_interval;
std::tie(matched, surface_interval) = match_fn();
if (!matched)
if (!res_scale_matched && match_scale_type != ScaleMatch::Ignore &&
surface.type != SurfaceType::Fill)
// Found a match, update only if this is better than the previous one
auto UpdateMatch = [&] {
match_id = surface_id;
match_valid = is_valid;
match_scale = surface.res_scale;
match_interval = surface_interval;
if (surface.res_scale > match_scale) {
} else if (surface.res_scale < match_scale) {
if (is_valid && !match_valid) {
} else if (is_valid != match_valid) {
if (boost::icl::length(surface_interval) > boost::icl::length(match_interval)) {
IsMatch_Helper(std::integral_constant<MatchFlags, MatchFlags::Exact>{}, [&] {
return std::make_pair(surface.ExactMatch(params), surface.GetInterval());
IsMatch_Helper(std::integral_constant<MatchFlags, MatchFlags::SubRect>{}, [&] {
return std::make_pair(surface.CanSubRect(params), surface.GetInterval());
IsMatch_Helper(std::integral_constant<MatchFlags, MatchFlags::Copy>{}, [&] {
const SurfaceInterval copy_interval =
const bool matched = boost::icl::length(copy_interval & *validate_interval) != 0 &&
surface.CanCopy(params, copy_interval);
return std::make_pair(matched, copy_interval);
IsMatch_Helper(std::integral_constant<MatchFlags, MatchFlags::Reinterpret>{}, [&] {
const SurfaceInterval copy_interval =
const bool matched = boost::icl::length(copy_interval & *validate_interval) != 0 &&
return std::make_pair(matched, copy_interval);
IsMatch_Helper(std::integral_constant<MatchFlags, MatchFlags::TexCopy>{}, [&] {
return std::make_pair(surface.CanTexCopy(params), surface.GetInterval());
return match_id;
template <class T>
void RasterizerCache<T>::ValidateSurface(SurfaceId surface_id, PAddr addr, u32 size) {
if (size == 0) [[unlikely]] {
Surface& surface = slot_surfaces[surface_id];
const SurfaceInterval validate_interval(addr, addr + size);
if (surface.type == SurfaceType::Fill) {
"Attempted to validate a non-valid fill surface");
SurfaceRegions validate_regions = surface.invalid_regions & validate_interval;
if (validate_regions.empty()) {
auto notify_validated = [&](SurfaceInterval interval) {
const DebugScope scope{runtime, Common::Vec4f{0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f},
"RasterizerCache::ValidateSurface (from {:#x} to {:#x})", addr,
addr + size};
u32 level = surface.LevelOf(addr);
SurfaceInterval level_interval = surface.LevelInterval(level);
while (!validate_regions.empty()) {
// Take an invalid interval from the validation regions and clamp it
// to the current level interval. If the interval is empty
// then we have validated the entire level so move to the next.
const auto interval = *validate_regions.begin() & level_interval;
if (boost::icl::is_empty(interval)) {
level_interval = surface.LevelInterval(++level);
// Look for a valid surface to copy from.
const SurfaceParams params = surface.FromInterval(interval);
const SurfaceId copy_surface_id =
FindMatch<MatchFlags::Copy>(params, ScaleMatch::Ignore, interval);
if (copy_surface_id && copy_surface_id != surface_id) {
Surface& copy_surface = slot_surfaces[copy_surface_id];
const SurfaceInterval copy_interval = copy_surface.GetCopyableInterval(params);
CopySurface(copy_surface, surface, copy_interval);
// Try to find surface in cache with different format
// that can can be reinterpreted to the requested format.
if (ValidateByReinterpretation(surface, params, interval)) {
FlushRegion(params.addr, params.size);
if (!use_custom_textures || !UploadCustomSurface(surface_id, interval)) {
UploadSurface(surface, interval);
// Filtered mipmaps often look really bad. We can achieve better quality by
// generating them from the base level.
if (surface.res_scale != 1 && level != 0) {
template <class T>
void RasterizerCache<T>::UploadSurface(Surface& surface, SurfaceInterval interval) {
const SurfaceParams load_info = surface.FromInterval(interval);
ASSERT(load_info.addr >= surface.addr && load_info.end <= surface.end);
const auto staging = runtime.FindStaging(
load_info.width * load_info.height * surface.GetInternalBytesPerPixel(), true);
MemoryRef source_ptr = memory.GetPhysicalRef(load_info.addr);
if (!source_ptr) [[unlikely]] {
const auto upload_data = source_ptr.GetWriteBytes(load_info.end - load_info.addr);
DecodeTexture(load_info, load_info.addr, load_info.end, upload_data, staging.mapped,
if (dump_textures && False(surface.flags & SurfaceFlagBits::Custom)) {
const u64 hash = ComputeHash(load_info, upload_data);
const u32 level = surface.LevelOf(load_info.addr);
custom_tex_manager.DumpTexture(load_info, level, upload_data, hash);
const BufferTextureCopy upload = {
.buffer_offset = staging.offset,
.buffer_size = staging.size,
.texture_rect = surface.GetSubRect(load_info),
.texture_level = surface.LevelOf(load_info.addr),
surface.Upload(upload, staging);
template <class T>
u64 RasterizerCache<T>::ComputeHash(const SurfaceParams& load_info, std::span<u8> upload_data) {
if (!custom_tex_manager.UseNewHash()) {
const u32 width = load_info.width;
const u32 height = load_info.height;
const u32 bpp = GetFormatBytesPerPixel(load_info.pixel_format);
auto decoded = std::vector<u8>(width * height * bpp);
DecodeTexture(load_info, load_info.addr, load_info.end, upload_data, decoded, false);
return Common::ComputeHash64(, decoded.size());
} else {
return Common::ComputeHash64(, upload_data.size());
template <class T>
bool RasterizerCache<T>::UploadCustomSurface(SurfaceId surface_id, SurfaceInterval interval) {
Surface& surface = slot_surfaces[surface_id];
const SurfaceParams load_info = surface.FromInterval(interval);
ASSERT(load_info.addr >= surface.addr && load_info.end <= surface.end);
MemoryRef source_ptr = memory.GetPhysicalRef(load_info.addr);
if (!source_ptr) [[unlikely]] {
return false;
const auto upload_data = source_ptr.GetWriteBytes(load_info.end - load_info.addr);
const u64 hash = ComputeHash(load_info, upload_data);
const u32 level = surface.LevelOf(load_info.addr);
Material* material = custom_tex_manager.GetMaterial(hash);
if (!material) {
return surface.IsCustom();
if (level != 0 && custom_tex_manager.SkipMipmaps()) {
return true;
surface.flags |= SurfaceFlagBits::Custom;
const auto upload = [this, level, surface_id, material]() -> bool {
ASSERT_MSG(True(slot_surfaces[surface_id].flags & SurfaceFlagBits::Custom),
"Surface is not suitable for custom upload, aborting!");
if (!slot_surfaces[surface_id].IsCustom()) {
const SurfaceBase old_surface{slot_surfaces[surface_id]};
const SurfaceId old_id =
slot_surfaces.swap_and_insert(surface_id, runtime, old_surface, material);
slot_surfaces[old_id].flags &= ~SurfaceFlagBits::Registered;
sentenced.emplace_back(old_id, frame_tick);
Surface& surface = slot_surfaces[surface_id];
surface.UploadCustom(material, level);
if (custom_tex_manager.SkipMipmaps()) {
return true;
return custom_tex_manager.Decode(material, std::move(upload));
template <class T>
void RasterizerCache<T>::DownloadSurface(Surface& surface, SurfaceInterval interval) {
const SurfaceParams flush_info = surface.FromInterval(interval);
const u32 flush_start = boost::icl::first(interval);
const u32 flush_end = boost::icl::last_next(interval);
ASSERT(flush_start >= surface.addr && flush_end <= surface.end);
const auto staging = runtime.FindStaging(
flush_info.width * flush_info.height * surface.GetInternalBytesPerPixel(), false);
const BufferTextureCopy download = {
.buffer_offset = staging.offset,
.buffer_size = staging.size,
.texture_rect = surface.GetSubRect(flush_info),
.texture_level = surface.LevelOf(flush_start),
surface.Download(download, staging);
MemoryRef dest_ptr = memory.GetPhysicalRef(flush_start);
if (!dest_ptr) [[unlikely]] {
const auto download_dest = dest_ptr.GetWriteBytes(flush_end - flush_start);
EncodeTexture(flush_info, flush_start, flush_end, staging.mapped, download_dest,
template <class T>
void RasterizerCache<T>::DownloadFillSurface(Surface& surface, SurfaceInterval interval) {
const u32 flush_start = boost::icl::first(interval);
const u32 flush_end = boost::icl::last_next(interval);
ASSERT(flush_start >= surface.addr && flush_end <= surface.end);
MemoryRef dest_ptr = memory.GetPhysicalRef(flush_start);
if (!dest_ptr) [[unlikely]] {
const u32 start_offset = flush_start - surface.addr;
const u32 download_size =
std::clamp(flush_end - flush_start, 0u, static_cast<u32>(dest_ptr.GetSize()));
const u32 coarse_start_offset = start_offset - (start_offset % surface.fill_size);
const u32 backup_bytes = start_offset % surface.fill_size;
std::array<u8, 4> backup_data;
if (backup_bytes) {
std::memcpy(, &dest_ptr[coarse_start_offset], backup_bytes);
for (u32 offset = coarse_start_offset; offset < download_size; offset += surface.fill_size) {
std::memcpy(&dest_ptr[offset], &surface.fill_data[0],
std::min(surface.fill_size, download_size - offset));
if (backup_bytes) {
std::memcpy(&dest_ptr[coarse_start_offset], &backup_data[0], backup_bytes);
template <class T>
bool RasterizerCache<T>::ValidateByReinterpretation(Surface& surface, SurfaceParams params,
const SurfaceInterval& interval) {
SurfaceId reinterpret_id =
FindMatch<MatchFlags::Reinterpret>(params, ScaleMatch::Ignore, interval);
if (reinterpret_id) {
Surface& src_surface = slot_surfaces[reinterpret_id];
const SurfaceInterval copy_interval = src_surface.GetCopyableInterval(params);
if (boost::icl::is_empty(copy_interval & interval)) {
return false;
const u32 res_scale = src_surface.res_scale;
if (res_scale > surface.res_scale) {
const PAddr addr = boost::icl::lower(interval);
const SurfaceParams copy_params = surface.FromInterval(copy_interval);
const auto src_rect = src_surface.GetScaledSubRect(copy_params);
const auto dst_rect = surface.GetScaledSubRect(copy_params);
const TextureCopy reinterpret = {
.src_level = src_surface.LevelOf(addr),
.dst_level = surface.LevelOf(addr),
.src_offset = {src_rect.left, src_rect.bottom},
.dst_offset = {dst_rect.left, dst_rect.bottom},
.extent = {src_rect.GetWidth(), src_rect.GetHeight()},
return runtime.Reinterpret(src_surface, surface, reinterpret);
// No surfaces were found in the cache that had a matching bit-width.
// If there's a surface with invalid format it means the region was cleared
// so we don't want to skip validation in that case.
const bool has_invalid = IntervalHasInvalidPixelFormat(params, interval);
const bool is_gpu_modified = boost::icl::contains(dirty_regions, interval);
return !has_invalid && is_gpu_modified;
template <class T>
bool RasterizerCache<T>::IntervalHasInvalidPixelFormat(const SurfaceParams& params,
SurfaceInterval interval) {
bool invalid_format_found = false;
const PAddr addr = boost::icl::lower(interval);
const u32 size = boost::icl::length(interval);
ForEachSurfaceInRegion(addr, size, [&](SurfaceId surface_id, Surface& surface) {
if (surface.pixel_format == PixelFormat::Invalid) {
invalid_format_found = true;
return true;
return false;
return invalid_format_found;
template <class T>
void RasterizerCache<T>::ClearAll(bool flush) {
const auto flush_interval = PageMap::interval_type::right_open(0x0, 0xFFFFFFFF);
// Force flush all surfaces from the cache
if (flush) {
FlushRegion(0x0, 0xFFFFFFFF);
// Unmark all of the marked pages
for (auto& pair : RangeFromInterval(cached_pages, flush_interval)) {
const auto interval = pair.first & flush_interval;
const PAddr interval_start_addr = boost::icl::first(interval) << Memory::CITRA_PAGE_BITS;
const PAddr interval_end_addr = boost::icl::last_next(interval) << Memory::CITRA_PAGE_BITS;
const u32 interval_size = interval_end_addr - interval_start_addr;
memory.RasterizerMarkRegionCached(interval_start_addr, interval_size, false);
// Remove the whole cache without really looking at it.
cached_pages -= flush_interval;
template <class T>
void RasterizerCache<T>::FlushRegion(PAddr addr, u32 size, SurfaceId flush_surface_id) {
if (size == 0) [[unlikely]] {
const SurfaceInterval flush_interval(addr, addr + size);
SurfaceRegions flushed_intervals;
for (const auto& [region, surface_id] : RangeFromInterval(dirty_regions, flush_interval)) {
if (flush_surface_id && surface_id != flush_surface_id) {
// Small sizes imply that this most likely comes from the cpu, flush the entire region
// the point is to avoid thousands of small writes every frame if the cpu decides to
// access that region, anything higher than 8 you're guaranteed it comes from a service
const auto interval = size <= 8 ? region : region & flush_interval;
Surface& surface = slot_surfaces[surface_id];
ASSERT_MSG(surface.IsRegionValid(interval), "Region owner has invalid regions");
const DebugScope scope{runtime, Common::Vec4f{0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f},
"RasterizerCache::FlushRegion (from {:#x} to {:#x})",
interval.lower(), interval.upper()};
SCOPE_EXIT({ flushed_intervals += interval; });
if (surface.type == SurfaceType::Fill) {
DownloadFillSurface(surface, interval);
// Download each requested level of the surface.
const u32 start_level = surface.LevelOf(interval.lower());
const u32 end_level = surface.LevelOf(interval.upper());
for (u32 level = start_level; level <= end_level; level++) {
const auto download_interval = interval & surface.LevelInterval(level);
if (boost::icl::is_empty(download_interval)) {
DownloadSurface(surface, download_interval);
// Reset dirty regions
dirty_regions -= flushed_intervals;
template <class T>
void RasterizerCache<T>::FlushAll() {
FlushRegion(0, 0xFFFFFFFF);
template <class T>
void RasterizerCache<T>::InvalidateRegion(PAddr addr, u32 size, SurfaceId region_owner_id) {
if (size == 0) [[unlikely]] {
const SurfaceInterval invalid_interval(addr, addr + size);
if (region_owner_id) {
Surface& region_owner = slot_surfaces[region_owner_id];
ASSERT(region_owner.type != SurfaceType::Texture);
ASSERT(addr >= region_owner.addr && addr + size <= region_owner.end);
ASSERT(region_owner.width == region_owner.stride);
boost::container::small_vector<SurfaceId, 4> remove_surfaces;
ForEachSurfaceInRegion(addr, size, [&](SurfaceId surface_id, Surface& surface) {
if (surface_id == region_owner_id) {
// If the CPU is invalidating this region we want to remove it
// to (likely) mark the memory pages as uncached
if (!region_owner_id && size <= 8) {
FlushRegion(surface.addr, surface.size, surface_id);
const auto interval = surface.GetInterval() & invalid_interval;
if (!surface.IsFullyInvalid()) {
if (region_owner_id) {
dirty_regions.set({invalid_interval, region_owner_id});
} else {
for (const SurfaceId surface_id : remove_surfaces) {
template <class T>
SurfaceId RasterizerCache<T>::CreateSurface(const SurfaceParams& params) {
const SurfaceId surface_id = [&] {
const auto it = std::find_if(sentenced.begin(), sentenced.end(), [&](const auto& pair) {
return slot_surfaces[pair.first] == params;
if (it == sentenced.end()) {
return slot_surfaces.insert(runtime, params);
const SurfaceId surface_id = it->first;
return surface_id;
Surface& surface = slot_surfaces[surface_id];
if (params.res_scale > surface.res_scale) {
return surface_id;
template <class T>
void RasterizerCache<T>::RegisterSurface(SurfaceId surface_id) {
Surface& surface = slot_surfaces[surface_id];
ASSERT_MSG(False(surface.flags & SurfaceFlagBits::Registered),
"Trying to register an already registered surface");
surface.flags |= SurfaceFlagBits::Registered;
UpdatePagesCachedCount(surface.addr, surface.size, 1);
ForEachPage(surface.addr, surface.size,
[this, surface_id](u64 page) { page_table[page].push_back(surface_id); });
template <class T>
void RasterizerCache<T>::UnregisterSurface(SurfaceId surface_id) {
Surface& surface = slot_surfaces[surface_id];
ASSERT_MSG(True(surface.flags & SurfaceFlagBits::Registered),
"Trying to unregister an already unregistered surface");
surface.flags &= ~SurfaceFlagBits::Registered;
UpdatePagesCachedCount(surface.addr, surface.size, -1);
ForEachPage(surface.addr, surface.size, [this, surface_id](u64 page) {
const auto page_it = page_table.find(page);
if (page_it == page_table.end()) {
ASSERT_MSG(false, "Unregistering unregistered page=0x{:x}", page << CITRA_PAGEBITS);
std::vector<SurfaceId>& surfaces = page_it.value();
const auto vector_it = std::find(surfaces.begin(), surfaces.end(), surface_id);
if (vector_it == surfaces.end()) {
ASSERT_MSG(false, "Unregistering unregistered surface in page=0x{:x}",
if (surface.type != SurfaceType::Fill) {
sentenced.emplace_back(surface_id, frame_tick);
template <class T>
void RasterizerCache<T>::UnregisterAll() {
for (auto& [page, surfaces] : page_table) {
while (!surfaces.empty()) {
frame_tick += runtime.RemoveThreshold();
template <class T>
void RasterizerCache<T>::UpdatePagesCachedCount(PAddr addr, u32 size, int delta) {
const u32 num_pages =
((addr + size - 1) >> Memory::CITRA_PAGE_BITS) - (addr >> Memory::CITRA_PAGE_BITS) + 1;
const u32 page_start = addr >> Memory::CITRA_PAGE_BITS;
const u32 page_end = page_start + num_pages;
// Interval maps will erase segments if count reaches 0, so if delta is negative we have to
// subtract after iterating
const auto pages_interval = PageMap::interval_type::right_open(page_start, page_end);
if (delta > 0) {
cached_pages.add({pages_interval, delta});
for (const auto& pair : RangeFromInterval(cached_pages, pages_interval)) {
const auto interval = pair.first & pages_interval;
const int count = pair.second;
const PAddr interval_start_addr = boost::icl::first(interval) << Memory::CITRA_PAGE_BITS;
const PAddr interval_end_addr = boost::icl::last_next(interval) << Memory::CITRA_PAGE_BITS;
const u32 interval_size = interval_end_addr - interval_start_addr;
if (delta > 0 && count == delta) {
memory.RasterizerMarkRegionCached(interval_start_addr, interval_size, true);
} else if (delta < 0 && count == -delta) {
memory.RasterizerMarkRegionCached(interval_start_addr, interval_size, false);
} else {
ASSERT(count >= 0);
if (delta < 0) {
cached_pages.add({pages_interval, delta});
} // namespace VideoCore