
951 lines
37 KiB

// Copyright 2017 Citra Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#include <exception>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <nihstro/shader_bytecode.h>
#include "common/assert.h"
#include "common/common_types.h"
#include "video_core/shader/generator/glsl_shader_decompiler.h"
namespace Pica::Shader::Generator::GLSL {
using nihstro::DestRegister;
using nihstro::Instruction;
using nihstro::OpCode;
using nihstro::RegisterType;
using nihstro::SourceRegister;
using nihstro::SwizzlePattern;
constexpr u32 PROGRAM_END = Pica::Shader::MAX_PROGRAM_CODE_LENGTH;
class DecompileFail : public std::runtime_error {
using std::runtime_error::runtime_error;
/// Describes the behaviour of code path of a given entry point and a return point.
enum class ExitMethod {
Undetermined, ///< Internal value. Only occur when analyzing JMP loop.
AlwaysReturn, ///< All code paths reach the return point.
Conditional, ///< Code path reaches the return point or an END instruction conditionally.
AlwaysEnd, ///< All code paths reach a END instruction.
/// A subroutine is a range of code refereced by a CALL, IF or LOOP instruction.
struct Subroutine {
/// Generates a name suitable for GLSL source code.
std::string GetName() const {
return "sub_" + std::to_string(begin) + "_" + std::to_string(end);
u32 begin; ///< Entry point of the subroutine.
u32 end; ///< Return point of the subroutine.
ExitMethod exit_method; ///< Exit method of the subroutine.
std::set<u32> labels; ///< Addresses refereced by JMP instructions.
bool operator<(const Subroutine& rhs) const {
return std::tie(begin, end) < std::tie(rhs.begin, rhs.end);
/// Analyzes shader code and produces a set of subroutines.
class ControlFlowAnalyzer {
ControlFlowAnalyzer(const Pica::Shader::ProgramCode& program_code, u32 main_offset)
: program_code(program_code) {
// Recursively finds all subroutines.
const Subroutine& program_main = AddSubroutine(main_offset, PROGRAM_END);
if (program_main.exit_method != ExitMethod::AlwaysEnd)
throw DecompileFail("Program does not always end");
std::set<Subroutine> MoveSubroutines() {
return std::move(subroutines);
const Pica::Shader::ProgramCode& program_code;
std::set<Subroutine> subroutines;
std::map<std::pair<u32, u32>, ExitMethod> exit_method_map;
/// Adds and analyzes a new subroutine if it is not added yet.
const Subroutine& AddSubroutine(u32 begin, u32 end) {
auto iter = subroutines.find(Subroutine{begin, end});
if (iter != subroutines.end())
return *iter;
Subroutine subroutine{begin, end};
subroutine.exit_method = Scan(begin, end, subroutine.labels);
if (subroutine.exit_method == ExitMethod::Undetermined)
throw DecompileFail("Recursive function detected");
return *subroutines.insert(std::move(subroutine)).first;
/// Merges exit method of two parallel branches.
static ExitMethod ParallelExit(ExitMethod a, ExitMethod b) {
if (a == ExitMethod::Undetermined) {
return b;
if (b == ExitMethod::Undetermined) {
return a;
if (a == b) {
return a;
return ExitMethod::Conditional;
/// Cascades exit method of two blocks of code.
static ExitMethod SeriesExit(ExitMethod a, ExitMethod b) {
// This should be handled before evaluating b.
DEBUG_ASSERT(a != ExitMethod::AlwaysEnd);
if (a == ExitMethod::Undetermined) {
return ExitMethod::Undetermined;
if (a == ExitMethod::AlwaysReturn) {
return b;
if (b == ExitMethod::Undetermined || b == ExitMethod::AlwaysEnd) {
return ExitMethod::AlwaysEnd;
return ExitMethod::Conditional;
/// Scans a range of code for labels and determines the exit method.
ExitMethod Scan(u32 begin, u32 end, std::set<u32>& labels) {
auto [iter, inserted] =
exit_method_map.emplace(std::make_pair(begin, end), ExitMethod::Undetermined);
ExitMethod& exit_method = iter->second;
if (!inserted)
return exit_method;
for (u32 offset = begin; offset != end && offset != PROGRAM_END; ++offset) {
const Instruction instr = {program_code[offset]};
switch (instr.opcode.Value()) {
case OpCode::Id::END: {
return exit_method = ExitMethod::AlwaysEnd;
case OpCode::Id::JMPC:
case OpCode::Id::JMPU: {
ExitMethod no_jmp = Scan(offset + 1, end, labels);
ExitMethod jmp = Scan(instr.flow_control.dest_offset, end, labels);
return exit_method = ParallelExit(no_jmp, jmp);
case OpCode::Id::CALL: {
auto& call = AddSubroutine(instr.flow_control.dest_offset,
instr.flow_control.dest_offset +
if (call.exit_method == ExitMethod::AlwaysEnd)
return exit_method = ExitMethod::AlwaysEnd;
ExitMethod after_call = Scan(offset + 1, end, labels);
return exit_method = SeriesExit(call.exit_method, after_call);
case OpCode::Id::LOOP: {
auto& loop = AddSubroutine(offset + 1, instr.flow_control.dest_offset + 1);
if (loop.exit_method == ExitMethod::AlwaysEnd)
return exit_method = ExitMethod::AlwaysEnd;
ExitMethod after_loop = Scan(instr.flow_control.dest_offset + 1, end, labels);
return exit_method = SeriesExit(loop.exit_method, after_loop);
case OpCode::Id::CALLC:
case OpCode::Id::CALLU: {
auto& call = AddSubroutine(instr.flow_control.dest_offset,
instr.flow_control.dest_offset +
ExitMethod after_call = Scan(offset + 1, end, labels);
return exit_method = SeriesExit(
ParallelExit(call.exit_method, ExitMethod::AlwaysReturn), after_call);
case OpCode::Id::IFU:
case OpCode::Id::IFC: {
auto& if_sub = AddSubroutine(offset + 1, instr.flow_control.dest_offset);
ExitMethod else_method;
if (instr.flow_control.num_instructions != 0) {
auto& else_sub = AddSubroutine(instr.flow_control.dest_offset,
instr.flow_control.dest_offset +
else_method = else_sub.exit_method;
} else {
else_method = ExitMethod::AlwaysReturn;
ExitMethod both = ParallelExit(if_sub.exit_method, else_method);
if (both == ExitMethod::AlwaysEnd)
return exit_method = ExitMethod::AlwaysEnd;
ExitMethod after_call =
Scan(instr.flow_control.dest_offset + instr.flow_control.num_instructions, end,
return exit_method = SeriesExit(both, after_call);
return exit_method = ExitMethod::AlwaysReturn;
class ShaderWriter {
// Forwards all arguments directly to libfmt.
// Note that all formatting requirements for fmt must be
// obeyed when using this function. (e.g. {{ must be used
// printing the character '{' is desirable. Ditto for }} and '}',
// etc).
template <typename... Args>
void AddLine(fmt::format_string<Args...> text, Args&&... args) {
AddExpression(fmt::format(text, std::forward<Args>(args)...));
void AddNewLine() {
DEBUG_ASSERT(scope >= 0);
shader_source += '\n';
std::string MoveResult() {
return std::move(shader_source);
int scope = 0;
void AddExpression(std::string_view text) {
if (!text.empty()) {
shader_source.append(static_cast<std::size_t>(scope) * 4, ' ');
shader_source += text;
std::string shader_source;
/// An adaptor for getting swizzle pattern string from nihstro interfaces.
template <SwizzlePattern::Selector (SwizzlePattern::*getter)(int) const>
std::string GetSelectorSrc(const SwizzlePattern& pattern) {
std::string out;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
switch ((pattern.*getter)(i)) {
case SwizzlePattern::Selector::x:
out += 'x';
case SwizzlePattern::Selector::y:
out += 'y';
case SwizzlePattern::Selector::z:
out += 'z';
case SwizzlePattern::Selector::w:
out += 'w';
return "";
return out;
constexpr auto GetSelectorSrc1 = GetSelectorSrc<&SwizzlePattern::GetSelectorSrc1>;
constexpr auto GetSelectorSrc2 = GetSelectorSrc<&SwizzlePattern::GetSelectorSrc2>;
constexpr auto GetSelectorSrc3 = GetSelectorSrc<&SwizzlePattern::GetSelectorSrc3>;
class GLSLGenerator {
GLSLGenerator(const std::set<Subroutine>& subroutines,
const Pica::Shader::ProgramCode& program_code,
const Pica::Shader::SwizzleData& swizzle_data, u32 main_offset,
const RegGetter& inputreg_getter, const RegGetter& outputreg_getter,
bool sanitize_mul)
: subroutines(subroutines), program_code(program_code), swizzle_data(swizzle_data),
main_offset(main_offset), inputreg_getter(inputreg_getter),
outputreg_getter(outputreg_getter), sanitize_mul(sanitize_mul) {
std::string MoveShaderCode() {
return shader.MoveResult();
/// Gets the Subroutine object corresponding to the specified address.
const Subroutine& GetSubroutine(u32 begin, u32 end) const {
auto iter = subroutines.find(Subroutine{begin, end});
ASSERT(iter != subroutines.end());
return *iter;
/// Generates condition evaluation code for the flow control instruction.
static std::string EvaluateCondition(Instruction::FlowControlType flow_control) {
using Op = Instruction::FlowControlType::Op;
const std::string_view result_x =
flow_control.refx.Value() ? "conditional_code.x" : "!conditional_code.x";
const std::string_view result_y =
flow_control.refy.Value() ? "conditional_code.y" : "!conditional_code.y";
switch (flow_control.op) {
case Op::JustX:
return std::string(result_x);
case Op::JustY:
return std::string(result_y);
case Op::Or:
case Op::And: {
const std::string_view and_or = flow_control.op == Op::Or ? "any" : "all";
std::string bvec;
if (flow_control.refx.Value() && flow_control.refy.Value()) {
bvec = "conditional_code";
} else if (!flow_control.refx.Value() && !flow_control.refy.Value()) {
bvec = "not(conditional_code)";
} else {
bvec = fmt::format("bvec2({}, {})", result_x, result_y);
return fmt::format("{}({})", and_or, bvec);
return "";
/// Generates code representing a source register.
std::string GetSourceRegister(const SourceRegister& source_reg,
u32 address_register_index) const {
const u32 index = static_cast<u32>(source_reg.GetIndex());
switch (source_reg.GetRegisterType()) {
case RegisterType::Input:
return inputreg_getter(index);
case RegisterType::Temporary:
return fmt::format("reg_tmp{}", index);
case RegisterType::FloatUniform:
if (address_register_index != 0) {
return fmt::format("get_offset_register({}, address_registers.{})", index,
"xyz"[address_register_index - 1]);
return fmt::format("uniforms.f[{}]", index);
return "";
/// Generates code representing a destination register.
std::string GetDestRegister(const DestRegister& dest_reg) const {
const u32 index = static_cast<u32>(dest_reg.GetIndex());
switch (dest_reg.GetRegisterType()) {
case RegisterType::Output:
return outputreg_getter(index);
case RegisterType::Temporary:
return fmt::format("reg_tmp{}", index);
return "";
/// Generates code representing a bool uniform
std::string GetUniformBool(u32 index) const {
return fmt::format("uniforms.b[{}]", index);
* Adds code that calls a subroutine.
* @param subroutine the subroutine to call.
void CallSubroutine(const Subroutine& subroutine) {
if (subroutine.exit_method == ExitMethod::AlwaysEnd) {
shader.AddLine("{}();", subroutine.GetName());
shader.AddLine("return true;");
} else if (subroutine.exit_method == ExitMethod::Conditional) {
shader.AddLine("if ({}()) {{ return true; }}", subroutine.GetName());
} else {
shader.AddLine("{}();", subroutine.GetName());
* Writes code that does an assignment operation.
* @param swizzle the swizzle data of the current instruction.
* @param reg the destination register code.
* @param value the code representing the value to assign.
* @param dest_num_components number of components of the destination register.
* @param value_num_components number of components of the value to assign.
void SetDest(const SwizzlePattern& swizzle, std::string_view reg, std::string_view value,
u32 dest_num_components, u32 value_num_components) {
u32 dest_mask_num_components = 0;
std::string dest_mask_swizzle = ".";
for (u32 i = 0; i < dest_num_components; ++i) {
if (swizzle.DestComponentEnabled(static_cast<int>(i))) {
dest_mask_swizzle += "xyzw"[i];
if (reg.empty() || dest_mask_num_components == 0) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(value_num_components >= dest_num_components || value_num_components == 1);
const std::string dest =
fmt::format("{}{}", reg, dest_num_components != 1 ? dest_mask_swizzle : "");
std::string src{value};
if (value_num_components == 1) {
if (dest_mask_num_components != 1) {
src = fmt::format("vec{}({})", dest_mask_num_components, value);
} else if (value_num_components != dest_mask_num_components) {
src = fmt::format("({}){}", value, dest_mask_swizzle);
shader.AddLine("{} = {};", dest, src);
* Compiles a single instruction from PICA to GLSL.
* @param offset the offset of the PICA shader instruction.
* @return the offset of the next instruction to execute. Usually it is the current offset + 1.
* If the current instruction is IF or LOOP, the next instruction is after the IF or LOOP block.
* If the current instruction always terminates the program, returns PROGRAM_END.
u32 CompileInstr(u32 offset) {
const Instruction instr = {program_code[offset]};
std::size_t swizzle_offset =
instr.opcode.Value().GetInfo().type == OpCode::Type::MultiplyAdd
? instr.mad.operand_desc_id
: instr.common.operand_desc_id;
const SwizzlePattern swizzle = {swizzle_data[swizzle_offset]};
shader.AddLine("// {}: {}", offset, instr.opcode.Value().GetInfo().name);
switch (instr.opcode.Value().GetInfo().type) {
case OpCode::Type::Arithmetic: {
const bool is_inverted =
(0 != (instr.opcode.Value().GetInfo().subtype & OpCode::Info::SrcInversed));
std::string src1 = swizzle.negate_src1 ? "-" : "";
src1 += GetSourceRegister(instr.common.GetSrc1(is_inverted),
!is_inverted * instr.common.address_register_index);
src1 += "." + GetSelectorSrc1(swizzle);
std::string src2 = swizzle.negate_src2 ? "-" : "";
src2 += GetSourceRegister(instr.common.GetSrc2(is_inverted),
is_inverted * instr.common.address_register_index);
src2 += "." + GetSelectorSrc2(swizzle);
std::string dest_reg = GetDestRegister(instr.common.dest.Value());
switch (instr.opcode.Value().EffectiveOpCode()) {
case OpCode::Id::ADD: {
SetDest(swizzle, dest_reg, fmt::format("{} + {}", src1, src2), 4, 4);
case OpCode::Id::MUL: {
if (sanitize_mul) {
SetDest(swizzle, dest_reg, fmt::format("sanitize_mul({}, {})", src1, src2), 4,
} else {
SetDest(swizzle, dest_reg, fmt::format("{} * {}", src1, src2), 4, 4);
case OpCode::Id::FLR: {
SetDest(swizzle, dest_reg, fmt::format("floor({})", src1), 4, 4);
case OpCode::Id::MAX: {
if (sanitize_mul) {
SetDest(swizzle, dest_reg,
fmt::format("mix({1}, {0}, greaterThan({0}, {1}))", src1, src2), 4, 4);
} else {
SetDest(swizzle, dest_reg, fmt::format("max({}, {})", src1, src2), 4, 4);
case OpCode::Id::MIN: {
if (sanitize_mul) {
SetDest(swizzle, dest_reg,
fmt::format("mix({1}, {0}, lessThan({0}, {1}))", src1, src2), 4, 4);
} else {
SetDest(swizzle, dest_reg, fmt::format("min({}, {})", src1, src2), 4, 4);
case OpCode::Id::DP3:
case OpCode::Id::DP4:
case OpCode::Id::DPH:
case OpCode::Id::DPHI: {
OpCode::Id opcode = instr.opcode.Value().EffectiveOpCode();
std::string dot;
if (opcode == OpCode::Id::DP3) {
if (sanitize_mul) {
dot = fmt::format("dot(vec3(sanitize_mul({}, {})), vec3(1.0))", src1, src2);
} else {
dot = fmt::format("dot(vec3({}), vec3({}))", src1, src2);
} else {
if (sanitize_mul) {
const std::string src1_ =
(opcode == OpCode::Id::DPH || opcode == OpCode::Id::DPHI)
? fmt::format("vec4({}.xyz, 1.0)", src1)
: std::move(src1);
dot = fmt::format("dot(sanitize_mul({}, {}), vec4(1.0))", src1_, src2);
} else {
dot = fmt::format("dot({}, {})", src1, src2);
SetDest(swizzle, dest_reg, dot, 4, 1);
case OpCode::Id::RCP: {
if (!sanitize_mul) {
// When accurate multiplication is OFF, NaN are not really handled. This is a
// workaround to cheaply avoid NaN. Fixes graphical issues in Ocarina of Time.
shader.AddLine("if ({}.x != 0.0)", src1);
SetDest(swizzle, dest_reg, fmt::format("(1.0 / {}.x)", src1), 4, 1);
case OpCode::Id::RSQ: {
if (!sanitize_mul) {
// When accurate multiplication is OFF, NaN are not really handled. This is a
// workaround to cheaply avoid NaN. Fixes graphical issues in Ocarina of Time.
shader.AddLine("if ({}.x > 0.0)", src1);
SetDest(swizzle, dest_reg, fmt::format("inversesqrt({}.x)", src1), 4, 1);
case OpCode::Id::MOVA: {
SetDest(swizzle, "address_registers", fmt::format("ivec2({})", src1), 2, 2);
case OpCode::Id::MOV: {
SetDest(swizzle, dest_reg, src1, 4, 4);
case OpCode::Id::SGE:
case OpCode::Id::SGEI: {
SetDest(swizzle, dest_reg,
fmt::format("vec4(greaterThanEqual({}, {}))", src1, src2), 4, 4);
case OpCode::Id::SLT:
case OpCode::Id::SLTI: {
SetDest(swizzle, dest_reg, fmt::format("vec4(lessThan({}, {}))", src1, src2), 4, 4);
case OpCode::Id::CMP: {
using CompareOp = Instruction::Common::CompareOpType::Op;
const std::map<CompareOp, std::pair<std::string_view, std::string_view>> cmp_ops{
{CompareOp::Equal, {"==", "equal"}},
{CompareOp::NotEqual, {"!=", "notEqual"}},
{CompareOp::LessThan, {"<", "lessThan"}},
{CompareOp::LessEqual, {"<=", "lessThanEqual"}},
{CompareOp::GreaterThan, {">", "greaterThan"}},
{CompareOp::GreaterEqual, {">=", "greaterThanEqual"}},
const CompareOp op_x = instr.common.compare_op.x.Value();
const CompareOp op_y = instr.common.compare_op.y.Value();
if (cmp_ops.find(op_x) == cmp_ops.end()) {
LOG_ERROR(HW_GPU, "Unknown compare mode {:x}", op_x);
} else if (cmp_ops.find(op_y) == cmp_ops.end()) {
LOG_ERROR(HW_GPU, "Unknown compare mode {:x}", op_y);
} else if (op_x != op_y) {
shader.AddLine("conditional_code.x = {}.x {} {}.x;", src1,
cmp_ops.find(op_x)->second.first, src2);
shader.AddLine("conditional_code.y = {}.y {} {}.y;", src1,
cmp_ops.find(op_y)->second.first, src2);
} else {
shader.AddLine("conditional_code = {}(vec2({}), vec2({}));",
cmp_ops.find(op_x)->second.second, src1, src2);
case OpCode::Id::EX2: {
SetDest(swizzle, dest_reg, fmt::format("exp2({}.x)", src1), 4, 1);
case OpCode::Id::LG2: {
SetDest(swizzle, dest_reg, fmt::format("log2({}.x)", src1), 4, 1);
default: {
LOG_ERROR(HW_GPU, "Unhandled arithmetic instruction: 0x{:02x} ({}): 0x{:08x}",
instr.opcode.Value().GetInfo().name, instr.hex);
throw DecompileFail("Unhandled instruction");
case OpCode::Type::MultiplyAdd: {
if ((instr.opcode.Value().EffectiveOpCode() == OpCode::Id::MAD) ||
(instr.opcode.Value().EffectiveOpCode() == OpCode::Id::MADI)) {
bool is_inverted = (instr.opcode.Value().EffectiveOpCode() == OpCode::Id::MADI);
std::string src1 = swizzle.negate_src1 ? "-" : "";
src1 += GetSourceRegister(instr.mad.GetSrc1(is_inverted), 0);
src1 += "." + GetSelectorSrc1(swizzle);
std::string src2 = swizzle.negate_src2 ? "-" : "";
src2 += GetSourceRegister(instr.mad.GetSrc2(is_inverted),
!is_inverted * instr.mad.address_register_index);
src2 += "." + GetSelectorSrc2(swizzle);
std::string src3 = swizzle.negate_src3 ? "-" : "";
src3 += GetSourceRegister(instr.mad.GetSrc3(is_inverted),
is_inverted * instr.mad.address_register_index);
src3 += "." + GetSelectorSrc3(swizzle);
std::string dest_reg =
(instr.mad.dest.Value() < 0x10)
? outputreg_getter(static_cast<u32>(instr.mad.dest.Value().GetIndex()))
: (instr.mad.dest.Value() < 0x20)
? "reg_tmp" + std::to_string(instr.mad.dest.Value().GetIndex())
: "";
if (sanitize_mul) {
SetDest(swizzle, dest_reg,
fmt::format("sanitize_mul({}, {}) + {}", src1, src2, src3), 4, 4);
} else {
SetDest(swizzle, dest_reg, fmt::format("{} * {} + {}", src1, src2, src3), 4, 4);
} else {
LOG_ERROR(HW_GPU, "Unhandled multiply-add instruction: 0x{:02x} ({}): 0x{:08x}",
instr.opcode.Value().GetInfo().name, instr.hex);
throw DecompileFail("Unhandled instruction");
default: {
switch (instr.opcode.Value()) {
case OpCode::Id::END: {
shader.AddLine("return true;");
offset = PROGRAM_END - 1;
case OpCode::Id::JMPC:
case OpCode::Id::JMPU: {
std::string condition;
if (instr.opcode.Value() == OpCode::Id::JMPC) {
condition = EvaluateCondition(instr.flow_control);
} else {
bool invert_test = instr.flow_control.num_instructions & 1;
condition = (invert_test ? "!" : "") +
shader.AddLine("if ({}) {{", condition);
shader.AddLine("{{ jmp_to = {}u; break; }}",
case OpCode::Id::CALL:
case OpCode::Id::CALLC:
case OpCode::Id::CALLU: {
std::string condition;
if (instr.opcode.Value() == OpCode::Id::CALLC) {
condition = EvaluateCondition(instr.flow_control);
} else if (instr.opcode.Value() == OpCode::Id::CALLU) {
condition = GetUniformBool(instr.flow_control.bool_uniform_id);
if (condition.empty()) {
} else {
shader.AddLine("if ({}) {{", condition);
auto& call_sub = GetSubroutine(instr.flow_control.dest_offset,
instr.flow_control.dest_offset +
if (instr.opcode.Value() == OpCode::Id::CALL &&
call_sub.exit_method == ExitMethod::AlwaysEnd) {
offset = PROGRAM_END - 1;
case OpCode::Id::NOP: {
case OpCode::Id::IFC:
case OpCode::Id::IFU: {
std::string condition;
if (instr.opcode.Value() == OpCode::Id::IFC) {
condition = EvaluateCondition(instr.flow_control);
} else {
condition = GetUniformBool(instr.flow_control.bool_uniform_id);
const u32 if_offset = offset + 1;
const u32 else_offset = instr.flow_control.dest_offset;
const u32 endif_offset =
instr.flow_control.dest_offset + instr.flow_control.num_instructions;
shader.AddLine("if ({}) {{", condition);
auto& if_sub = GetSubroutine(if_offset, else_offset);
offset = else_offset - 1;
if (instr.flow_control.num_instructions != 0) {
shader.AddLine("}} else {{");
auto& else_sub = GetSubroutine(else_offset, endif_offset);
offset = endif_offset - 1;
if (if_sub.exit_method == ExitMethod::AlwaysEnd &&
else_sub.exit_method == ExitMethod::AlwaysEnd) {
offset = PROGRAM_END - 1;
case OpCode::Id::LOOP: {
const std::string int_uniform =
fmt::format("uniforms.i[{}]", instr.flow_control.int_uniform_id.Value());
shader.AddLine("address_registers.z = int({}.y);", int_uniform);
const std::string loop_var = fmt::format("loop{}", offset);
"for (uint {} = 0u; {} <= {}.x; address_registers.z += int({}.z), ++{}) {{",
loop_var, loop_var, int_uniform, int_uniform, loop_var);
auto& loop_sub = GetSubroutine(offset + 1, instr.flow_control.dest_offset + 1);
offset = instr.flow_control.dest_offset;
if (loop_sub.exit_method == ExitMethod::AlwaysEnd) {
offset = PROGRAM_END - 1;
case OpCode::Id::EMIT:
case OpCode::Id::SETEMIT:
LOG_ERROR(HW_GPU, "Geometry shader operation detected in vertex shader");
default: {
LOG_ERROR(HW_GPU, "Unhandled instruction: 0x{:02x} ({}): 0x{:08x}",
instr.opcode.Value().GetInfo().name, instr.hex);
throw DecompileFail("Unhandled instruction");
return offset + 1;
* Compiles a range of instructions from PICA to GLSL.
* @param begin the offset of the starting instruction.
* @param end the offset where the compilation should stop (exclusive).
* @return the offset of the next instruction to compile. PROGRAM_END if the program terminates.
u32 CompileRange(u32 begin, u32 end) {
u32 program_counter;
for (program_counter = begin; program_counter < (begin > end ? PROGRAM_END : end);) {
program_counter = CompileInstr(program_counter);
return program_counter;
void Generate() {
if (sanitize_mul) {
shader.AddLine("vec4 sanitize_mul(vec4 lhs, vec4 rhs) {{");
shader.AddLine("vec4 product = lhs * rhs;");
shader.AddLine("return mix(product, mix(mix(vec4(0.0), product, isnan(rhs)), product, "
"isnan(lhs)), isnan(product));");
shader.AddLine("vec4 get_offset_register(int base_index, int offset) {{");
shader.AddLine("int fixed_offset = offset >= -128 && offset <= 127 ? offset : 0;");
shader.AddLine("uint index = uint((base_index + fixed_offset) & 0x7F);");
shader.AddLine("return index < 96u ? uniforms.f[index] : vec4(1.0);");
// Add declarations for registers
shader.AddLine("bvec2 conditional_code = bvec2(false);");
shader.AddLine("ivec3 address_registers = ivec3(0);");
for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
shader.AddLine("vec4 reg_tmp{} = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);", i);
// Add declarations for all subroutines
for (const auto& subroutine : subroutines) {
shader.AddLine("bool {}();", subroutine.GetName());
// Add the main entry point
shader.AddLine("bool exec_shader() {{");
CallSubroutine(GetSubroutine(main_offset, PROGRAM_END));
// Add definitions for all subroutines
for (const auto& subroutine : subroutines) {
std::set<u32> labels = subroutine.labels;
shader.AddLine("bool {}() {{", subroutine.GetName());
if (labels.empty()) {
if (CompileRange(subroutine.begin, subroutine.end) != PROGRAM_END) {
shader.AddLine("return false;");
} else {
shader.AddLine("uint jmp_to = {}u;", subroutine.begin);
shader.AddLine("while (true) {{");
shader.AddLine("switch (jmp_to) {{");
for (auto label : labels) {
shader.AddLine("case {}u: {{", label);
auto next_it = labels.lower_bound(label + 1);
u32 next_label = next_it == labels.end() ? subroutine.end : *next_it;
u32 compile_end = CompileRange(label, next_label);
if (compile_end > next_label && compile_end != PROGRAM_END) {
// This happens only when there is a label inside a IF/LOOP block
shader.AddLine("{{ jmp_to = {}u; break; }}", compile_end);
shader.AddLine("default: return false;");
shader.AddLine("return false;");
DEBUG_ASSERT(shader.scope == 0);
const std::set<Subroutine>& subroutines;
const Pica::Shader::ProgramCode& program_code;
const Pica::Shader::SwizzleData& swizzle_data;
const u32 main_offset;
const RegGetter& inputreg_getter;
const RegGetter& outputreg_getter;
const bool sanitize_mul;
ShaderWriter shader;
std::string DecompileProgram(const Pica::Shader::ProgramCode& program_code,
const Pica::Shader::SwizzleData& swizzle_data, u32 main_offset,
const RegGetter& inputreg_getter, const RegGetter& outputreg_getter,
bool sanitize_mul) {
try {
auto subroutines = ControlFlowAnalyzer(program_code, main_offset).MoveSubroutines();
GLSLGenerator generator(subroutines, program_code, swizzle_data, main_offset,
inputreg_getter, outputreg_getter, sanitize_mul);
return generator.MoveShaderCode();
} catch (const DecompileFail& exception) {
LOG_INFO(HW_GPU, "Shader decompilation failed: {}", exception.what());
return "";
} // namespace Pica::Shader::Generator::GLSL