// Copyright 2017 Citra Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include <algorithm> #include <atomic> #include <iomanip> #include <mutex> #include <random> #include <sstream> #include <thread> #include "common/logging/log.h" #include "enet/enet.h" #include "network/packet.h" #include "network/room.h" namespace Network { class Room::RoomImpl { public: // This MAC address is used to generate a 'Nintendo' like Mac address. const MacAddress NintendoOUI; std::mt19937 random_gen; ///< Random number generator. Used for GenerateMacAddress ENetHost* server = nullptr; ///< Network interface. std::atomic<State> state{State::Closed}; ///< Current state of the room. RoomInformation room_information; ///< Information about this room. std::string password; ///< The password required to connect to this room. struct Member { std::string nickname; ///< The nickname of the member. GameInfo game_info; ///< The current game of the member MacAddress mac_address; ///< The assigned mac address of the member. ENetPeer* peer; ///< The remote peer. }; using MemberList = std::vector<Member>; MemberList members; ///< Information about the members of this room mutable std::mutex member_mutex; ///< Mutex for locking the members list /// This should be a std::shared_mutex as soon as C++17 is supported RoomImpl() : random_gen(std::random_device()()), NintendoOUI{0x00, 0x1F, 0x32, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00} {} /// Thread that receives and dispatches network packets std::unique_ptr<std::thread> room_thread; /// Thread function that will receive and dispatch messages until the room is destroyed. void ServerLoop(); void StartLoop(); /** * Parses and answers a room join request from a client. * Validates the uniqueness of the username and assigns the MAC address * that the client will use for the remainder of the connection. */ void HandleJoinRequest(const ENetEvent* event); /** * Returns whether the nickname is valid, ie. isn't already taken by someone else in the room. */ bool IsValidNickname(const std::string& nickname) const; /** * Returns whether the MAC address is valid, ie. isn't already taken by someone else in the * room. */ bool IsValidMacAddress(const MacAddress& address) const; /** * Sends a ID_ROOM_IS_FULL message telling the client that the room is full. */ void SendRoomIsFull(ENetPeer* client); /** * Sends a ID_ROOM_NAME_COLLISION message telling the client that the name is invalid. */ void SendNameCollision(ENetPeer* client); /** * Sends a ID_ROOM_MAC_COLLISION message telling the client that the MAC is invalid. */ void SendMacCollision(ENetPeer* client); /** * Sends a ID_ROOM_VERSION_MISMATCH message telling the client that the version is invalid. */ void SendVersionMismatch(ENetPeer* client); /** * Sends a ID_ROOM_WRONG_PASSWORD message telling the client that the password is wrong. */ void SendWrongPassword(ENetPeer* client); /** * Notifies the member that its connection attempt was successful, * and it is now part of the room. */ void SendJoinSuccess(ENetPeer* client, MacAddress mac_address); /** * Notifies the members that the room is closed, */ void SendCloseMessage(); /** * Sends the information about the room, along with the list of members * to every connected client in the room. * The packet has the structure: * <MessageID>ID_ROOM_INFORMATION * <String> room_name * <u32> member_slots: The max number of clients allowed in this room * <String> uid * <u16> port * <u32> num_members: the number of currently joined clients * This is followed by the following three values for each member: * <String> nickname of that member * <MacAddress> mac_address of that member * <String> game_name of that member */ void BroadcastRoomInformation(); /** * Generates a free MAC address to assign to a new client. * The first 3 bytes are the NintendoOUI 0x00, 0x1F, 0x32 */ MacAddress GenerateMacAddress(); /** * Broadcasts this packet to all members except the sender. * @param event The ENet event containing the data */ void HandleWifiPacket(const ENetEvent* event); /** * Extracts a chat entry from a received ENet packet and adds it to the chat queue. * @param event The ENet event that was received. */ void HandleChatPacket(const ENetEvent* event); /** * Extracts the game name from a received ENet packet and broadcasts it. * @param event The ENet event that was received. */ void HandleGameNamePacket(const ENetEvent* event); /** * Removes the client from the members list if it was in it and announces the change * to all other clients. */ void HandleClientDisconnection(ENetPeer* client); /** * Creates a random ID in the form 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 */ void CreateUniqueID(); }; // RoomImpl void Room::RoomImpl::ServerLoop() { while (state != State::Closed) { ENetEvent event; if (enet_host_service(server, &event, 50) > 0) { switch (event.type) { case ENET_EVENT_TYPE_RECEIVE: switch (event.packet->data[0]) { case IdJoinRequest: HandleJoinRequest(&event); break; case IdSetGameInfo: HandleGameNamePacket(&event); break; case IdWifiPacket: HandleWifiPacket(&event); break; case IdChatMessage: HandleChatPacket(&event); break; } enet_packet_destroy(event.packet); break; case ENET_EVENT_TYPE_DISCONNECT: HandleClientDisconnection(event.peer); break; case ENET_EVENT_TYPE_NONE: case ENET_EVENT_TYPE_CONNECT: break; } } } // Close the connection to all members: SendCloseMessage(); } void Room::RoomImpl::StartLoop() { room_thread = std::make_unique<std::thread>(&Room::RoomImpl::ServerLoop, this); } void Room::RoomImpl::HandleJoinRequest(const ENetEvent* event) { { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(member_mutex); if (members.size() >= room_information.member_slots) { SendRoomIsFull(event->peer); return; } } Packet packet; packet.Append(event->packet->data, event->packet->dataLength); packet.IgnoreBytes(sizeof(u8)); // Ignore the message type std::string nickname; packet >> nickname; MacAddress preferred_mac; packet >> preferred_mac; u32 client_version; packet >> client_version; std::string pass; packet >> pass; if (pass != password) { SendWrongPassword(event->peer); return; } if (!IsValidNickname(nickname)) { SendNameCollision(event->peer); return; } if (preferred_mac != NoPreferredMac) { // Verify if the preferred mac is available if (!IsValidMacAddress(preferred_mac)) { SendMacCollision(event->peer); return; } } else { // Assign a MAC address of this client automatically preferred_mac = GenerateMacAddress(); } if (client_version != network_version) { SendVersionMismatch(event->peer); return; } // At this point the client is ready to be added to the room. Member member{}; member.mac_address = preferred_mac; member.nickname = nickname; member.peer = event->peer; { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(member_mutex); members.push_back(std::move(member)); } // Notify everyone that the room information has changed. BroadcastRoomInformation(); SendJoinSuccess(event->peer, preferred_mac); } bool Room::RoomImpl::IsValidNickname(const std::string& nickname) const { // A nickname is valid if it is not already taken by anybody else in the room. // TODO(B3N30): Check for empty names, spaces, etc. std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(member_mutex); return std::all_of(members.begin(), members.end(), [&nickname](const auto& member) { return member.nickname != nickname; }); } bool Room::RoomImpl::IsValidMacAddress(const MacAddress& address) const { // A MAC address is valid if it is not already taken by anybody else in the room. std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(member_mutex); return std::all_of(members.begin(), members.end(), [&address](const auto& member) { return member.mac_address != address; }); } void Room::RoomImpl::SendNameCollision(ENetPeer* client) { Packet packet; packet << static_cast<u8>(IdNameCollision); ENetPacket* enet_packet = enet_packet_create(packet.GetData(), packet.GetDataSize(), ENET_PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE); enet_peer_send(client, 0, enet_packet); enet_host_flush(server); } void Room::RoomImpl::SendMacCollision(ENetPeer* client) { Packet packet; packet << static_cast<u8>(IdMacCollision); ENetPacket* enet_packet = enet_packet_create(packet.GetData(), packet.GetDataSize(), ENET_PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE); enet_peer_send(client, 0, enet_packet); enet_host_flush(server); } void Room::RoomImpl::SendWrongPassword(ENetPeer* client) { Packet packet; packet << static_cast<u8>(IdWrongPassword); ENetPacket* enet_packet = enet_packet_create(packet.GetData(), packet.GetDataSize(), ENET_PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE); enet_peer_send(client, 0, enet_packet); enet_host_flush(server); } void Room::RoomImpl::SendRoomIsFull(ENetPeer* client) { Packet packet; packet << static_cast<u8>(IdRoomIsFull); ENetPacket* enet_packet = enet_packet_create(packet.GetData(), packet.GetDataSize(), ENET_PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE); enet_peer_send(client, 0, enet_packet); enet_host_flush(server); } void Room::RoomImpl::SendVersionMismatch(ENetPeer* client) { Packet packet; packet << static_cast<u8>(IdVersionMismatch); packet << network_version; ENetPacket* enet_packet = enet_packet_create(packet.GetData(), packet.GetDataSize(), ENET_PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE); enet_peer_send(client, 0, enet_packet); enet_host_flush(server); } void Room::RoomImpl::SendJoinSuccess(ENetPeer* client, MacAddress mac_address) { Packet packet; packet << static_cast<u8>(IdJoinSuccess); packet << mac_address; ENetPacket* enet_packet = enet_packet_create(packet.GetData(), packet.GetDataSize(), ENET_PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE); enet_peer_send(client, 0, enet_packet); enet_host_flush(server); } void Room::RoomImpl::SendCloseMessage() { Packet packet; packet << static_cast<u8>(IdCloseRoom); std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(member_mutex); if (!members.empty()) { ENetPacket* enet_packet = enet_packet_create(packet.GetData(), packet.GetDataSize(), ENET_PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE); for (auto& member : members) { enet_peer_send(member.peer, 0, enet_packet); } } enet_host_flush(server); for (auto& member : members) { enet_peer_disconnect(member.peer, 0); } } void Room::RoomImpl::BroadcastRoomInformation() { Packet packet; packet << static_cast<u8>(IdRoomInformation); packet << room_information.name; packet << room_information.member_slots; packet << room_information.uid; packet << room_information.port; packet << room_information.preferred_game; packet << static_cast<u32>(members.size()); { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(member_mutex); for (const auto& member : members) { packet << member.nickname; packet << member.mac_address; packet << member.game_info.name; packet << member.game_info.id; } } ENetPacket* enet_packet = enet_packet_create(packet.GetData(), packet.GetDataSize(), ENET_PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE); enet_host_broadcast(server, 0, enet_packet); enet_host_flush(server); } MacAddress Room::RoomImpl::GenerateMacAddress() { MacAddress result_mac = NintendoOUI; // The first three bytes of each MAC address will be the NintendoOUI std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis(0x00, 0xFF); // Random byte between 0 and 0xFF do { for (std::size_t i = 3; i < result_mac.size(); ++i) { result_mac[i] = dis(random_gen); } } while (!IsValidMacAddress(result_mac)); return result_mac; } void Room::RoomImpl::HandleWifiPacket(const ENetEvent* event) { Packet in_packet; in_packet.Append(event->packet->data, event->packet->dataLength); in_packet.IgnoreBytes(sizeof(u8)); // Message type in_packet.IgnoreBytes(sizeof(u8)); // WifiPacket Type in_packet.IgnoreBytes(sizeof(u8)); // WifiPacket Channel in_packet.IgnoreBytes(sizeof(MacAddress)); // WifiPacket Transmitter Address MacAddress destination_address; in_packet >> destination_address; Packet out_packet; out_packet.Append(event->packet->data, event->packet->dataLength); ENetPacket* enet_packet = enet_packet_create(out_packet.GetData(), out_packet.GetDataSize(), ENET_PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE); if (destination_address == BroadcastMac) { // Send the data to everyone except the sender std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(member_mutex); bool sent_packet = false; for (const auto& member : members) { if (member.peer != event->peer) { sent_packet = true; enet_peer_send(member.peer, 0, enet_packet); } } if (!sent_packet) { enet_packet_destroy(enet_packet); } } else { // Send the data only to the destination client std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(member_mutex); auto member = std::find_if(members.begin(), members.end(), [destination_address](const Member& member) -> bool { return member.mac_address == destination_address; }); if (member != members.end()) { enet_peer_send(member->peer, 0, enet_packet); } else { LOG_ERROR(Network, "Attempting to send to unknown MAC address: " "{:02X}:{:02X}:{:02X}:{:02X}:{:02X}:{:02X}", destination_address[0], destination_address[1], destination_address[2], destination_address[3], destination_address[4], destination_address[5]); enet_packet_destroy(enet_packet); } } enet_host_flush(server); } void Room::RoomImpl::HandleChatPacket(const ENetEvent* event) { Packet in_packet; in_packet.Append(event->packet->data, event->packet->dataLength); in_packet.IgnoreBytes(sizeof(u8)); // Ignore the message type std::string message; in_packet >> message; auto CompareNetworkAddress = [event](const Member member) -> bool { return member.peer == event->peer; }; std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(member_mutex); const auto sending_member = std::find_if(members.begin(), members.end(), CompareNetworkAddress); if (sending_member == members.end()) { return; // Received a chat message from a unknown sender } // Limit the size of chat messages to MaxMessageSize message.resize(MaxMessageSize); Packet out_packet; out_packet << static_cast<u8>(IdChatMessage); out_packet << sending_member->nickname; out_packet << message; ENetPacket* enet_packet = enet_packet_create(out_packet.GetData(), out_packet.GetDataSize(), ENET_PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE); bool sent_packet = false; for (const auto& member : members) { if (member.peer != event->peer) { sent_packet = true; enet_peer_send(member.peer, 0, enet_packet); } } if (!sent_packet) { enet_packet_destroy(enet_packet); } enet_host_flush(server); } void Room::RoomImpl::HandleGameNamePacket(const ENetEvent* event) { Packet in_packet; in_packet.Append(event->packet->data, event->packet->dataLength); in_packet.IgnoreBytes(sizeof(u8)); // Ignore the message type GameInfo game_info; in_packet >> game_info.name; in_packet >> game_info.id; { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(member_mutex); auto member = std::find_if(members.begin(), members.end(), [event](const Member& member) -> bool { return member.peer == event->peer; }); if (member != members.end()) { member->game_info = game_info; } } BroadcastRoomInformation(); } void Room::RoomImpl::HandleClientDisconnection(ENetPeer* client) { // Remove the client from the members list. { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(member_mutex); members.erase( std::remove_if(members.begin(), members.end(), [client](const Member& member) { return member.peer == client; }), members.end()); } // Announce the change to all clients. enet_peer_disconnect(client, 0); BroadcastRoomInformation(); } void Room::RoomImpl::CreateUniqueID() { std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis(0, 9999); std::ostringstream stream; stream << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(4) << dis(random_gen); stream << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(4) << dis(random_gen) << "-"; stream << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(4) << dis(random_gen) << "-"; stream << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(4) << dis(random_gen) << "-"; stream << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(4) << dis(random_gen) << "-"; stream << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(4) << dis(random_gen); stream << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(4) << dis(random_gen); stream << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(4) << dis(random_gen); room_information.uid = stream.str(); } // Room Room::Room() : room_impl{std::make_unique<RoomImpl>()} {} Room::~Room() = default; bool Room::Create(const std::string& name, const std::string& server_address, u16 server_port, const std::string& password, const u32 max_connections, const std::string& preferred_game, u64 preferred_game_id) { ENetAddress address; address.host = ENET_HOST_ANY; if (!server_address.empty()) { enet_address_set_host(&address, server_address.c_str()); } address.port = server_port; // In order to send the room is full message to the connecting client, we need to leave one slot // open so enet won't reject the incoming connection without telling us room_impl->server = enet_host_create(&address, max_connections + 1, NumChannels, 0, 0); if (!room_impl->server) { return false; } room_impl->state = State::Open; room_impl->room_information.name = name; room_impl->room_information.member_slots = max_connections; room_impl->room_information.port = server_port; room_impl->room_information.preferred_game = preferred_game; room_impl->room_information.preferred_game_id = preferred_game_id; room_impl->password = password; room_impl->CreateUniqueID(); room_impl->StartLoop(); return true; } Room::State Room::GetState() const { return room_impl->state; } const RoomInformation& Room::GetRoomInformation() const { return room_impl->room_information; } std::vector<Room::Member> Room::GetRoomMemberList() const { std::vector<Room::Member> member_list; std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(room_impl->member_mutex); for (const auto& member_impl : room_impl->members) { Member member; member.nickname = member_impl.nickname; member.mac_address = member_impl.mac_address; member.game_info = member_impl.game_info; member_list.push_back(member); } return member_list; } bool Room::HasPassword() const { return !room_impl->password.empty(); } void Room::Destroy() { room_impl->state = State::Closed; room_impl->room_thread->join(); room_impl->room_thread.reset(); if (room_impl->server) { enet_host_destroy(room_impl->server); } room_impl->room_information = {}; room_impl->server = nullptr; { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(room_impl->member_mutex); room_impl->members.clear(); } room_impl->room_information.member_slots = 0; room_impl->room_information.name.clear(); } } // namespace Network