From 2e655f73b84ac656d6d5da564cc4be88c33722c8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: GPUCode <>
Date: Sun, 7 May 2023 02:34:28 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] Rasterizer cache refactor v2 (#6479)

* rasterizer_cache: Switch to template

* Eliminates all opengl references in the rasterizer cache headers
  thus completing the backend abstraction

* rasterizer_cache: Switch to page table

* Surface storage isn't particularly interval sensitive so we can use a page table to make it faster

* rasterizer_cache: Move sampler management out of rasterizer cache

* rasterizer_cache: Remove shared_ptr usage

* Switches to yuzu's slot vector for improved memory locality.

* rasterizer_cache: Rework reinterpretation lookup

* citra_qt: Per game texture filter

* rasterizer_cache: Log additional settings

* gl_texture_runtime: Resolve shadow map comment

* rasterizer_cache: Don't use float for viewport

* gl_texture_runtime: Fix custom allocation recycling

* rasterizer_cache: Minor cleanups

* Cleanup texture cubes when all the faces have been unregistered from the cache

* custom_tex_manager: Allow multiple hash mappings per texture

* code: Move slot vector to common

* rasterizer_cache: Prevent texture cube crashes

* rasterizer_cache: Improve mipmap validation

* CanSubRect now works properly when validating multi-level surfaces, for example Dark Moon validates a 4 level surface from a 3 level one and it works

* gl_blit_handler: Unbind sampler on reinterpretation
 .../configuration/configure_enhancements.cpp  |    9 +-
 src/common/CMakeLists.txt                     |    1 +
 src/common/settings.cpp                       |    2 +
 src/common/slot_vector.h                      |  154 ++
 src/video_core/CMakeLists.txt                 |    7 +-
 .../custom_textures/custom_tex_manager.cpp    |   60 +-
 .../custom_textures/custom_tex_manager.h      |    2 +-
 src/video_core/custom_textures/material.cpp   |   11 +-
 src/video_core/custom_textures/material.h     |    7 +-
 .../format_reinterpreter/d24s8_to_rgba8.frag  |   21 +-
 .../format_reinterpreter/fullscreen_quad.vert |    2 +-
 .../format_reinterpreter/rgba4_to_rgb5a1.frag |   19 +-
 .../rasterizer_cache/framebuffer_base.cpp     |   14 +-
 .../rasterizer_cache/framebuffer_base.h       |   13 +-
 .../rasterizer_cache/rasterizer_cache.cpp     | 1206 -------------
 .../rasterizer_cache/rasterizer_cache.h       | 1498 +++++++++++++++--
 .../rasterizer_cache/rasterizer_cache_base.h  |  229 +++
 .../rasterizer_cache/sampler_params.h         |   43 +
 .../rasterizer_cache/surface_base.cpp         |   28 +-
 .../rasterizer_cache/surface_base.h           |   25 +-
 .../rasterizer_cache/surface_params.cpp       |   17 +-
 .../rasterizer_cache/surface_params.h         |    9 +-
 src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/utils.h       |   25 +-
 .../renderer_opengl/gl_blit_helper.cpp        |  137 +-
 .../renderer_opengl/gl_blit_helper.h          |   18 +-
 .../gl_format_reinterpreter.cpp               |  134 --
 .../renderer_opengl/gl_format_reinterpreter.h |   76 -
 .../renderer_opengl/gl_rasterizer.cpp         |  155 +-
 .../renderer_opengl/gl_rasterizer.h           |   27 +-
 .../renderer_opengl/gl_rasterizer_cache.cpp   |   10 +
 .../renderer_opengl/gl_texture_runtime.cpp    |  136 +-
 .../renderer_opengl/gl_texture_runtime.h      |   70 +-
 32 files changed, 2238 insertions(+), 1927 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/common/slot_vector.h
 create mode 100644 src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/rasterizer_cache_base.h
 create mode 100644 src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/sampler_params.h
 delete mode 100644 src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_format_reinterpreter.cpp
 delete mode 100644 src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_format_reinterpreter.h
 create mode 100644 src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_rasterizer_cache.cpp

diff --git a/src/citra_qt/configuration/configure_enhancements.cpp b/src/citra_qt/configuration/configure_enhancements.cpp
index 91e45caeee..90dfbf44d6 100644
--- a/src/citra_qt/configuration/configure_enhancements.cpp
+++ b/src/citra_qt/configuration/configure_enhancements.cpp
@@ -208,12 +208,13 @@ void ConfigureEnhancements::SetupPerGameUI() {
         ui->resolution_factor_combobox, ui->widget_resolution,
-        static_cast<u32>(Settings::values.resolution_factor.GetValue(true)));
+        static_cast<int>(Settings::values.resolution_factor.GetValue(true)));
-    ConfigurationShared::SetColoredComboBox(ui->texture_filter_combobox, ui->widget_texture_filter,
-                                            0);
+    ConfigurationShared::SetColoredComboBox(
+        ui->texture_filter_combobox, ui->widget_texture_filter,
+        static_cast<int>(Settings::values.texture_filter.GetValue(true)));
         ui->layout_combobox, ui->widget_layout,
-        static_cast<u32>(Settings::values.layout_option.GetValue(true)));
+        static_cast<int>(Settings::values.layout_option.GetValue(true)));
diff --git a/src/common/CMakeLists.txt b/src/common/CMakeLists.txt
index 4784d60dba..9efb1eac1e 100644
--- a/src/common/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/common/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ add_library(citra_common STATIC
+    slot_vector.h
diff --git a/src/common/settings.cpp b/src/common/settings.cpp
index 994655cb9d..eea0a6f719 100644
--- a/src/common/settings.cpp
+++ b/src/common/settings.cpp
@@ -163,6 +163,8 @@ void LogSettings() {
     log_setting("Layout_LargeScreenProportion", values.large_screen_proportion.GetValue());
     log_setting("Utility_DumpTextures", values.dump_textures.GetValue());
     log_setting("Utility_CustomTextures", values.custom_textures.GetValue());
+    log_setting("Utility_PreloadTextures", values.preload_textures.GetValue());
+    log_setting("Utility_AsyncCustomLoading", values.async_custom_loading.GetValue());
     log_setting("Utility_UseDiskShaderCache", values.use_disk_shader_cache.GetValue());
     log_setting("Audio_Emulation", GetAudioEmulationName(values.audio_emulation.GetValue()));
     log_setting("Audio_OutputType", values.output_type.GetValue());
diff --git a/src/common/slot_vector.h b/src/common/slot_vector.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a383f2a0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/common/slot_vector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+// Copyright 2020 yuzu Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#pragma once
+#include <bit>
+#include <compare>
+#include <numeric>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include "common/assert.h"
+#include "common/common_types.h"
+namespace Common {
+struct SlotId {
+    static constexpr u32 INVALID_INDEX = std::numeric_limits<u32>::max();
+    constexpr auto operator<=>(const SlotId&) const noexcept = default;
+    constexpr explicit operator bool() const noexcept {
+        return index != INVALID_INDEX;
+    }
+    u32 index = INVALID_INDEX;
+template <class T>
+class SlotVector {
+    ~SlotVector() noexcept {
+        size_t index = 0;
+        for (u64 bits : stored_bitset) {
+            for (size_t bit = 0; bits; ++bit, bits >>= 1) {
+                if ((bits & 1) != 0) {
+                    values[index + bit].object.~T();
+                }
+            }
+            index += 64;
+        }
+        delete[] values;
+    }
+    [[nodiscard]] T& operator[](SlotId id) noexcept {
+        ValidateIndex(id);
+        return values[id.index].object;
+    }
+    [[nodiscard]] const T& operator[](SlotId id) const noexcept {
+        ValidateIndex(id);
+        return values[id.index].object;
+    }
+    template <typename... Args>
+    [[nodiscard]] SlotId insert(Args&&... args) noexcept {
+        const u32 index = FreeValueIndex();
+        new (&values[index].object) T(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+        SetStorageBit(index);
+        return SlotId{index};
+    }
+    void erase(SlotId id) noexcept {
+        values[id.index].object.~T();
+        free_list.push_back(id.index);
+        ResetStorageBit(id.index);
+    }
+    struct NonTrivialDummy {
+        NonTrivialDummy() noexcept {}
+    };
+    union Entry {
+        Entry() noexcept : dummy{} {}
+        ~Entry() noexcept {}
+        NonTrivialDummy dummy;
+        T object;
+    };
+    void SetStorageBit(u32 index) noexcept {
+        stored_bitset[index / 64] |= u64(1) << (index % 64);
+    }
+    void ResetStorageBit(u32 index) noexcept {
+        stored_bitset[index / 64] &= ~(u64(1) << (index % 64));
+    }
+    bool ReadStorageBit(u32 index) noexcept {
+        return ((stored_bitset[index / 64] >> (index % 64)) & 1) != 0;
+    }
+    void ValidateIndex(SlotId id) const noexcept {
+        DEBUG_ASSERT(id);
+        DEBUG_ASSERT(id.index / 64 < stored_bitset.size());
+        DEBUG_ASSERT(((stored_bitset[id.index / 64] >> (id.index % 64)) & 1) != 0);
+    }
+    [[nodiscard]] u32 FreeValueIndex() noexcept {
+        if (free_list.empty()) {
+            Reserve(values_capacity ? (values_capacity << 1) : 1);
+        }
+        const u32 free_index = free_list.back();
+        free_list.pop_back();
+        return free_index;
+    }
+    void Reserve(size_t new_capacity) noexcept {
+        Entry* const new_values = new Entry[new_capacity];
+        size_t index = 0;
+        for (u64 bits : stored_bitset) {
+            for (size_t bit = 0; bits; ++bit, bits >>= 1) {
+                const size_t i = index + bit;
+                if ((bits & 1) == 0) {
+                    continue;
+                }
+                T& old_value = values[i].object;
+                new (&new_values[i].object) T(std::move(old_value));
+                old_value.~T();
+            }
+            index += 64;
+        }
+        stored_bitset.resize((new_capacity + 63) / 64);
+        const size_t old_free_size = free_list.size();
+        free_list.resize(old_free_size + (new_capacity - values_capacity));
+        std::iota(free_list.begin() + old_free_size, free_list.end(),
+                  static_cast<u32>(values_capacity));
+        delete[] values;
+        values = new_values;
+        values_capacity = new_capacity;
+    }
+    Entry* values = nullptr;
+    size_t values_capacity = 0;
+    std::vector<u64> stored_bitset;
+    std::vector<u32> free_list;
+} // namespace Common
+template <>
+struct std::hash<Common::SlotId> {
+    size_t operator()(const Common::SlotId& id) const noexcept {
+        return std::hash<u32>{}(id.index);
+    }
diff --git a/src/video_core/CMakeLists.txt b/src/video_core/CMakeLists.txt
index 154fe02e23..547ed2d229 100644
--- a/src/video_core/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/video_core/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ add_library(video_core STATIC
+    rasterizer_cache/rasterizer_cache_base.h
+    rasterizer_cache/sampler_params.h
@@ -53,10 +55,9 @@ add_library(video_core STATIC
-    renderer_opengl/gl_format_reinterpreter.cpp
-    renderer_opengl/gl_format_reinterpreter.h
+    renderer_opengl/gl_rasterizer_cache.cpp
@@ -126,7 +127,7 @@ target_include_directories(video_core PRIVATE ${HOST_SHADERS_INCLUDE})
 target_link_libraries(video_core PUBLIC citra_common citra_core)
-target_link_libraries(video_core PRIVATE glad json-headers dds-ktx nihstro-headers Boost::serialization)
+target_link_libraries(video_core PRIVATE Boost::serialization dds-ktx glad json-headers nihstro-headers tsl::robin_map)
diff --git a/src/video_core/custom_textures/custom_tex_manager.cpp b/src/video_core/custom_textures/custom_tex_manager.cpp
index 305ef782f9..8bb2adb42d 100644
--- a/src/video_core/custom_textures/custom_tex_manager.cpp
+++ b/src/video_core/custom_textures/custom_tex_manager.cpp
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 #include "core/frontend/image_interface.h"
 #include "video_core/custom_textures/custom_tex_manager.h"
 #include "video_core/rasterizer_cache/surface_params.h"
+#include "video_core/rasterizer_cache/utils.h"
 namespace VideoCore {
@@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ namespace {
 MICROPROFILE_DEFINE(CustomTexManager_TickFrame, "CustomTexManager", "TickFrame",
                     MP_RGB(54, 16, 32));
-constexpr std::size_t MAX_UPLOADS_PER_TICK = 16;
+constexpr std::size_t MAX_UPLOADS_PER_TICK = 8;
 bool IsPow2(u32 value) {
     return value != 0 && (value & (value - 1)) == 0;
@@ -111,11 +112,14 @@ void CustomTexManager::FindCustomTextures() {
         if (!ParseFilename(file, texture)) {
-        auto& material = material_map[texture->hash];
-        if (!material) {
-            material = std::make_unique<Material>();
+        for (const u64 hash : texture->hashes) {
+            auto& material = material_map[hash];
+            if (!material) {
+                material = std::make_unique<Material>();
+            }
+            material->hash = hash;
+            material->AddMapTexture(texture);
-        material->AddMapTexture(texture);
     textures_loaded = true;
@@ -145,21 +149,25 @@ bool CustomTexManager::ParseFilename(const FileUtil::FSTEntry& file, CustomTextu
-    // First check if the path is mapped directly to a hash
-    // before trying to parse the texture filename.
+    // First look if this file is mapped to any number of hashes.
+    std::vector<u64>& hashes = texture->hashes;
     const auto it = path_to_hash_map.find(file.virtualName);
     if (it != path_to_hash_map.end()) {
-        texture->hash = it->second;
-    } else {
-        u32 width;
-        u32 height;
-        u32 format;
-        unsigned long long hash{};
-        if (std::sscanf(parts.back().c_str(), "tex1_%ux%u_%llX_%u", &width, &height, &hash,
-                        &format) != 4) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        texture->hash = hash;
+        hashes = it->second;
+    }
+    // It's also possible for pack creators to retain the default texture name
+    // still map the texture to another hash. Support that as well.
+    u32 width;
+    u32 height;
+    u32 format;
+    unsigned long long hash{};
+    const bool is_parsed = std::sscanf(parts.back().c_str(), "tex1_%ux%u_%llX_%u", &width, &height,
+                                       &hash, &format) == 4;
+    const bool is_mapped =
+        !hashes.empty() && std::find(hashes.begin(), hashes.end(), hash) != hashes.end();
+    if (is_parsed && !is_mapped) {
+        hashes.push_back(hash);
     texture->path = file.physicalName;
@@ -181,9 +189,9 @@ void CustomTexManager::WriteConfig() {
     json["description"] = "A graphics pack";
     auto& options = json["options"];
-    options["skip_mipmap"] = skip_mipmap;
-    options["flip_png_files"] = flip_png_files;
-    options["use_new_hash"] = use_new_hash;
+    options["skip_mipmap"] = false;
+    options["flip_png_files"] = true;
+    options["use_new_hash"] = true;
     FileUtil::IOFile file{pack_config, "w"};
     const std::string output = json.dump(4);
@@ -311,7 +319,7 @@ void CustomTexManager::ReadConfig(const std::string& load_path) {
-    nlohmann::json json = nlohmann::json::parse(config);
+    nlohmann::json json = nlohmann::json::parse(config, nullptr, false, true);
     const auto& options = json["options"];
     skip_mipmap = options["skip_mipmap"].get<bool>();
@@ -330,13 +338,7 @@ void CustomTexManager::ReadConfig(const std::string& load_path) {
         const auto parse = [&](const std::string& file) {
             const std::string filename{FileUtil::GetFilename(file)};
             auto [it, new_hash] = path_to_hash_map.try_emplace(filename);
-            if (!new_hash) {
-                LOG_ERROR(Render,
-                          "File {} with key {} already exists and is mapped to {:#016X}, skipping",
-                          file, material.key(), path_to_hash_map[filename]);
-                return;
-            }
-            it->second = hash;
+            it->second.push_back(hash);
         const auto value = material.value();
         if (value.is_string()) {
diff --git a/src/video_core/custom_textures/custom_tex_manager.h b/src/video_core/custom_textures/custom_tex_manager.h
index 0072188575..1e7a0d4d8c 100644
--- a/src/video_core/custom_textures/custom_tex_manager.h
+++ b/src/video_core/custom_textures/custom_tex_manager.h
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ private:
     Frontend::ImageInterface& image_interface;
     std::unordered_set<u64> dumped_textures;
     std::unordered_map<u64, std::unique_ptr<Material>> material_map;
-    std::unordered_map<std::string, u64> path_to_hash_map;
+    std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<u64>> path_to_hash_map;
     std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CustomTexture>> custom_textures;
     std::list<AsyncUpload> async_uploads;
     std::unique_ptr<Common::ThreadWorker> workers;
diff --git a/src/video_core/custom_textures/material.cpp b/src/video_core/custom_textures/material.cpp
index 9d76c20e7a..d7bee5da41 100644
--- a/src/video_core/custom_textures/material.cpp
+++ b/src/video_core/custom_textures/material.cpp
@@ -55,6 +55,11 @@ CustomTexture::CustomTexture(Frontend::ImageInterface& image_interface_)
 CustomTexture::~CustomTexture() = default;
 void CustomTexture::LoadFromDisk(bool flip_png) {
+    std::scoped_lock lock{decode_mutex};
+    if (IsLoaded()) {
+        return;
+    }
     FileUtil::IOFile file{path, "rb"};
     std::vector<u8> input(file.GetSize());
     if (file.ReadBytes(, input.size()) != input.size()) {
@@ -71,7 +76,6 @@ void CustomTexture::LoadFromDisk(bool flip_png) {
         LOG_ERROR(Render, "Unknown file format {}", file_format);
-        return;
@@ -102,8 +106,7 @@ void Material::LoadFromDisk(bool flip_png) noexcept {
         size += texture->data.size();
-        LOG_DEBUG(Render, "Loading {} map {} with hash {:#016X}", MapTypeName(texture->type),
-                  texture->path, texture->hash);
+        LOG_DEBUG(Render, "Loading {} map {}", MapTypeName(texture->type), texture->path);
     if (!textures[0]) {
         LOG_ERROR(Render, "Unable to create material without color texture!");
@@ -121,7 +124,7 @@ void Material::LoadFromDisk(bool flip_png) noexcept {
                       "{} map {} of material with hash {:#016X} has dimentions {}x{} "
                       "which do not match the color texture dimentions {}x{}",
-                      MapTypeName(texture->type), texture->path, texture->hash, texture->width,
+                      MapTypeName(texture->type), texture->path, hash, texture->width,
                       texture->height, width, height);
             state = DecodeState::Failed;
diff --git a/src/video_core/custom_textures/material.h b/src/video_core/custom_textures/material.h
index 6c43695d0e..69d6a838c9 100644
--- a/src/video_core/custom_textures/material.h
+++ b/src/video_core/custom_textures/material.h
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 #include <array>
 #include <atomic>
+#include <mutex>
 #include <span>
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
@@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ public:
     void LoadFromDisk(bool flip_png);
     [[nodiscard]] bool IsParsed() const noexcept {
-        return file_format != CustomFileFormat::None && hash != 0;
+        return file_format != CustomFileFormat::None && !hashes.empty();
     [[nodiscard]] bool IsLoaded() const noexcept {
@@ -56,7 +57,8 @@ public:
     std::string path;
     u32 width;
     u32 height;
-    u64 hash;
+    std::vector<u64> hashes;
+    std::mutex decode_mutex;
     CustomPixelFormat format;
     CustomFileFormat file_format;
     std::vector<u8> data;
@@ -67,6 +69,7 @@ struct Material {
     u32 width;
     u32 height;
     u64 size;
+    u64 hash;
     CustomPixelFormat format;
     std::array<CustomTexture*, MAX_MAPS> textures;
     std::atomic<DecodeState> state{};
diff --git a/src/video_core/host_shaders/format_reinterpreter/d24s8_to_rgba8.frag b/src/video_core/host_shaders/format_reinterpreter/d24s8_to_rgba8.frag
index ae0f5a36da..17c8e77f7b 100644
--- a/src/video_core/host_shaders/format_reinterpreter/d24s8_to_rgba8.frag
+++ b/src/video_core/host_shaders/format_reinterpreter/d24s8_to_rgba8.frag
@@ -4,29 +4,18 @@
 //? #version 430 core
-layout(location = 0) in mediump vec2 dst_coord;
+layout(location = 0) in mediump vec2 tex_coord;
 layout(location = 0) out lowp vec4 frag_color;
 layout(binding = 0) uniform highp sampler2D depth;
 layout(binding = 1) uniform lowp usampler2D stencil;
-uniform mediump ivec2 dst_size;
-uniform mediump ivec2 src_size;
-uniform mediump ivec2 src_offset;
 void main() {
-    mediump ivec2 tex_coord;
-    if (src_size == dst_size) {
-        tex_coord = ivec2(dst_coord);
-    } else {
-        highp int tex_index = int(dst_coord.y) * dst_size.x + int(dst_coord.x);
-        mediump int y = tex_index / src_size.x;
-        tex_coord = ivec2(tex_index - y * src_size.x, y);
-    }
-    tex_coord -= src_offset;
+    mediump vec2 coord = tex_coord * vec2(textureSize(depth, 0));
+    mediump ivec2 tex_icoord = ivec2(coord);
     highp uint depth_val =
-        uint(texelFetch(depth, tex_coord, 0).x * (exp2(32.0) - 1.0));
-    lowp uint stencil_val = texelFetch(stencil, tex_coord, 0).x;
+        uint(texelFetch(depth, tex_icoord, 0).x * (exp2(32.0) - 1.0));
+    lowp uint stencil_val = texelFetch(stencil, tex_icoord, 0).x;
     highp uvec4 components =
         uvec4(stencil_val, (uvec3(depth_val) >> uvec3(24u, 16u, 8u)) & 0x000000FFu);
     frag_color = vec4(components) / (exp2(8.0) - 1.0);
diff --git a/src/video_core/host_shaders/format_reinterpreter/fullscreen_quad.vert b/src/video_core/host_shaders/format_reinterpreter/fullscreen_quad.vert
index 62928913c4..3c5e771bc1 100644
--- a/src/video_core/host_shaders/format_reinterpreter/fullscreen_quad.vert
+++ b/src/video_core/host_shaders/format_reinterpreter/fullscreen_quad.vert
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 layout(location = 0) out vec2 dst_coord;
-uniform mediump ivec2 dst_size;
+layout(location = 0) uniform mediump ivec2 dst_size;
 const vec2 vertices[4] =
 vec2[4](vec2(-1.0, -1.0), vec2(1.0, -1.0), vec2(-1.0, 1.0), vec2(1.0, 1.0));
diff --git a/src/video_core/host_shaders/format_reinterpreter/rgba4_to_rgb5a1.frag b/src/video_core/host_shaders/format_reinterpreter/rgba4_to_rgb5a1.frag
index fb1a874f93..99ca820da4 100644
--- a/src/video_core/host_shaders/format_reinterpreter/rgba4_to_rgb5a1.frag
+++ b/src/video_core/host_shaders/format_reinterpreter/rgba4_to_rgb5a1.frag
@@ -4,26 +4,15 @@
 //? #version 430 core
-layout(location = 0) in mediump vec2 dst_coord;
+layout(location = 0) in mediump vec2 tex_coord;
 layout(location = 0) out lowp vec4 frag_color;
 layout(binding = 0) uniform lowp sampler2D source;
-uniform mediump ivec2 dst_size;
-uniform mediump ivec2 src_size;
-uniform mediump ivec2 src_offset;
 void main() {
-    mediump ivec2 tex_coord;
-    if (src_size == dst_size) {
-        tex_coord = ivec2(dst_coord);
-    } else {
-        highp int tex_index = int(dst_coord.y) * dst_size.x + int(dst_coord.x);
-        mediump int y = tex_index / src_size.x;
-        tex_coord = ivec2(tex_index - y * src_size.x, y);
-    }
-    tex_coord -= src_offset;
-    lowp ivec4 rgba4 = ivec4(texelFetch(source, tex_coord, 0) * (exp2(4.0) - 1.0));
+    mediump vec2 coord = tex_coord * vec2(textureSize(source, 0));
+    mediump ivec2 tex_icoord = ivec2(coord);
+    lowp ivec4 rgba4 = ivec4(texelFetch(source, tex_icoord, 0) * (exp2(4.0) - 1.0));
     lowp ivec3 rgb5 =
         ((rgba4.rgb << ivec3(1, 2, 3)) | (rgba4.gba >> ivec3(3, 2, 1))) & 0x1F;
     frag_color = vec4(vec3(rgb5) / (exp2(5.0) - 1.0), rgba4.a & 0x01);
diff --git a/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/framebuffer_base.cpp b/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/framebuffer_base.cpp
index 7573254af3..8f7a5f7c28 100644
--- a/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/framebuffer_base.cpp
+++ b/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/framebuffer_base.cpp
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ namespace VideoCore {
 FramebufferBase::FramebufferBase() = default;
-FramebufferBase::FramebufferBase(const Pica::Regs& regs, const SurfaceBase* const color,
-                                 u32 color_level, const SurfaceBase* const depth_stencil,
-                                 u32 depth_level, Common::Rectangle<u32> surfaces_rect) {
+FramebufferBase::FramebufferBase(const Pica::Regs& regs, const SurfaceBase* color, u32 color_level,
+                                 const SurfaceBase* depth_stencil, u32 depth_level,
+                                 Common::Rectangle<u32> surfaces_rect) {
     res_scale = color ? color->res_scale : (depth_stencil ? depth_stencil->res_scale : 1u);
     // Determine the draw rectangle (render area + scissor)
@@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ FramebufferBase::FramebufferBase(const Pica::Regs& regs, const SurfaceBase* cons
     // Update viewport
-    viewport.x = static_cast<f32>(surfaces_rect.left + viewport_rect.left * res_scale);
-    viewport.y = static_cast<f32>(surfaces_rect.bottom + viewport_rect.bottom * res_scale);
-    viewport.width = static_cast<f32>(viewport_rect.GetWidth() * res_scale);
-    viewport.height = static_cast<f32>(viewport_rect.GetHeight() * res_scale);
+    viewport.x = static_cast<s32>(surfaces_rect.left) + viewport_rect.left * res_scale;
+    viewport.y = static_cast<s32>(surfaces_rect.bottom) + viewport_rect.bottom * res_scale;
+    viewport.width = static_cast<s32>(viewport_rect.GetWidth() * res_scale);
+    viewport.height = static_cast<s32>(viewport_rect.GetHeight() * res_scale);
     // Scissor checks are window-, not viewport-relative, which means that if the cached texture
     // sub-rect changes, the scissor bounds also need to be updated.
diff --git a/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/framebuffer_base.h b/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/framebuffer_base.h
index 23efebb8b2..932bf73a47 100644
--- a/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/framebuffer_base.h
+++ b/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/framebuffer_base.h
@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ namespace VideoCore {
 class SurfaceBase;
 struct ViewportInfo {
-    f32 x;
-    f32 y;
-    f32 width;
-    f32 height;
+    s32 x;
+    s32 y;
+    s32 width;
+    s32 height;
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ struct ViewportInfo {
 class FramebufferBase {
-    FramebufferBase(const Pica::Regs& regs, const SurfaceBase* const color, u32 color_level,
-                    const SurfaceBase* const depth_stencil, u32 depth_level,
+    FramebufferBase(const Pica::Regs& regs, const SurfaceBase* color, u32 color_level,
+                    const SurfaceBase* depth_stencil, u32 depth_level,
                     Common::Rectangle<u32> surfaces_rect);
     SurfaceParams ColorParams() const noexcept {
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ protected:
         switch (type) {
         case VideoCore::SurfaceType::Color:
             return 0;
+        case VideoCore::SurfaceType::Depth:
         case VideoCore::SurfaceType::DepthStencil:
             return 1;
diff --git a/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/rasterizer_cache.cpp b/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/rasterizer_cache.cpp
index f40aeb885b..3f83d1a3a2 100644
--- a/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/rasterizer_cache.cpp
+++ b/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/rasterizer_cache.cpp
@@ -2,1223 +2,17 @@
 // Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
 // Refer to the license.txt file included.
-#include <optional>
-#include <boost/range/iterator_range.hpp>
-#include "common/alignment.h"
-#include "common/logging/log.h"
 #include "common/microprofile.h"
-#include "common/settings.h"
-#include "core/memory.h"
-#include "video_core/custom_textures/custom_tex_manager.h"
-#include "video_core/rasterizer_cache/rasterizer_cache.h"
-#include "video_core/regs.h"
-#include "video_core/renderer_base.h"
-#include "video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_texture_runtime.h"
 namespace VideoCore {
-namespace {
 MICROPROFILE_DEFINE(RasterizerCache_CopySurface, "RasterizerCache", "CopySurface",
                     MP_RGB(128, 192, 64));
 MICROPROFILE_DEFINE(RasterizerCache_UploadSurface, "RasterizerCache", "UploadSurface",
                     MP_RGB(128, 192, 64));
-MICROPROFILE_DEFINE(RasterizerCache_ComputeHash, "RasterizerCache", "ComputeHash",
-                    MP_RGB(32, 64, 192));
 MICROPROFILE_DEFINE(RasterizerCache_DownloadSurface, "RasterizerCache", "DownloadSurface",
                     MP_RGB(128, 192, 64));
 MICROPROFILE_DEFINE(RasterizerCache_Invalidation, "RasterizerCache", "Invalidation",
                     MP_RGB(128, 64, 192));
-MICROPROFILE_DEFINE(RasterizerCache_Flush, "RasterizerCache", "Flush", MP_RGB(128, 64, 192));
-constexpr auto RangeFromInterval(const auto& map, const auto& interval) {
-    return boost::make_iterator_range(map.equal_range(interval));
-enum MatchFlags {
-    Exact = 1 << 0,   ///< Surfaces perfectly match
-    SubRect = 1 << 1, ///< Surface encompasses params
-    Copy = 1 << 2,    ///< Surface we can copy from
-    Expand = 1 << 3,  ///< Surface that can expand params
-    TexCopy = 1 << 4, ///< Surface that will match a display transfer "texture copy" parameters
-/// Get the best surface match (and its match type) for the given flags
-template <MatchFlags find_flags>
-auto FindMatch(const auto& surface_cache, const SurfaceParams& params, ScaleMatch match_scale_type,
-               std::optional<SurfaceInterval> validate_interval = std::nullopt) {
-    RasterizerCache::SurfaceRef match_surface = nullptr;
-    bool match_valid = false;
-    u32 match_scale = 0;
-    SurfaceInterval match_interval{};
-    for (const auto& pair : RangeFromInterval(surface_cache, params.GetInterval())) {
-        for (const auto& surface : pair.second) {
-            const bool res_scale_matched = match_scale_type == ScaleMatch::Exact
-                                               ? (params.res_scale == surface->res_scale)
-                                               : (params.res_scale <= surface->res_scale);
-            // Validity will be checked in GetCopyableInterval
-            const bool is_valid =
-                find_flags & MatchFlags::Copy
-                    ? true
-                    : surface->IsRegionValid(validate_interval.value_or(params.GetInterval()));
-            auto IsMatch_Helper = [&](auto check_type, auto match_fn) {
-                if (!(find_flags & check_type))
-                    return;
-                bool matched;
-                SurfaceInterval surface_interval;
-                std::tie(matched, surface_interval) = match_fn();
-                if (!matched)
-                    return;
-                if (!res_scale_matched && match_scale_type != ScaleMatch::Ignore &&
-                    surface->type != SurfaceType::Fill)
-                    return;
-                // Found a match, update only if this is better than the previous one
-                auto UpdateMatch = [&] {
-                    match_surface = surface;
-                    match_valid = is_valid;
-                    match_scale = surface->res_scale;
-                    match_interval = surface_interval;
-                };
-                if (surface->res_scale > match_scale) {
-                    UpdateMatch();
-                    return;
-                } else if (surface->res_scale < match_scale) {
-                    return;
-                }
-                if (is_valid && !match_valid) {
-                    UpdateMatch();
-                    return;
-                } else if (is_valid != match_valid) {
-                    return;
-                }
-                if (boost::icl::length(surface_interval) > boost::icl::length(match_interval)) {
-                    UpdateMatch();
-                }
-            };
-            IsMatch_Helper(std::integral_constant<MatchFlags, MatchFlags::Exact>{}, [&] {
-                return std::make_pair(surface->ExactMatch(params), surface->GetInterval());
-            });
-            IsMatch_Helper(std::integral_constant<MatchFlags, MatchFlags::SubRect>{}, [&] {
-                return std::make_pair(surface->CanSubRect(params), surface->GetInterval());
-            });
-            IsMatch_Helper(std::integral_constant<MatchFlags, MatchFlags::Copy>{}, [&] {
-                ASSERT(validate_interval);
-                auto copy_interval =
-                    surface->GetCopyableInterval(params.FromInterval(*validate_interval));
-                bool matched = boost::icl::length(copy_interval & *validate_interval) != 0 &&
-                               surface->CanCopy(params, copy_interval);
-                return std::make_pair(matched, copy_interval);
-            });
-            IsMatch_Helper(std::integral_constant<MatchFlags, MatchFlags::Expand>{}, [&] {
-                return std::make_pair(surface->CanExpand(params), surface->GetInterval());
-            });
-            IsMatch_Helper(std::integral_constant<MatchFlags, MatchFlags::TexCopy>{}, [&] {
-                return std::make_pair(surface->CanTexCopy(params), surface->GetInterval());
-            });
-        }
-    }
-    return match_surface;
-} // Anonymous namespace
-RasterizerCache::RasterizerCache(Memory::MemorySystem& memory_,
-                                 CustomTexManager& custom_tex_manager_,
-                                 OpenGL::TextureRuntime& runtime_, Pica::Regs& regs_,
-                                 RendererBase& renderer_)
-    : memory{memory_}, custom_tex_manager{custom_tex_manager_}, runtime{runtime_}, regs{regs_},
-      renderer{renderer_}, resolution_scale_factor{renderer.GetResolutionScaleFactor()},
-      use_filter{Settings::values.texture_filter.GetValue() != Settings::TextureFilter::None},
-      dump_textures{Settings::values.dump_textures.GetValue()},
-      use_custom_textures{Settings::values.custom_textures.GetValue()} {}
-RasterizerCache::~RasterizerCache() {
-#ifndef ANDROID
-    // This is for switching renderers, which is unsupported on Android, and costly on shutdown
-    ClearAll(false);
-void RasterizerCache::TickFrame() {
-    custom_tex_manager.TickFrame();
-    const u32 scale_factor = renderer.GetResolutionScaleFactor();
-    const bool resolution_scale_changed = resolution_scale_factor != scale_factor;
-    const bool use_custom_texture_changed =
-        Settings::values.custom_textures.GetValue() != use_custom_textures;
-    const bool texture_filter_changed =
-        renderer.Settings();
-    if (resolution_scale_changed || texture_filter_changed || use_custom_texture_changed) {
-        resolution_scale_factor = scale_factor;
-        use_filter = Settings::values.texture_filter.GetValue() != Settings::TextureFilter::None;
-        use_custom_textures = Settings::values.custom_textures.GetValue();
-        if (use_custom_textures) {
-            custom_tex_manager.FindCustomTextures();
-        }
-        FlushAll();
-        while (!surface_cache.empty()) {
-            UnregisterSurface(*surface_cache.begin()->second.begin());
-        }
-        texture_cube_cache.clear();
-        runtime.Reset();
-    }
-bool RasterizerCache::AccelerateTextureCopy(const GPU::Regs::DisplayTransferConfig& config) {
-    // Texture copy size is aligned to 16 byte units
-    const u32 copy_size = Common::AlignDown(config.texture_copy.size, 16);
-    if (copy_size == 0) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    u32 input_gap = config.texture_copy.input_gap * 16;
-    u32 input_width = config.texture_copy.input_width * 16;
-    if (input_width == 0 && input_gap != 0) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    if (input_gap == 0 || input_width >= copy_size) {
-        input_width = copy_size;
-        input_gap = 0;
-    }
-    if (copy_size % input_width != 0) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    u32 output_gap = config.texture_copy.output_gap * 16;
-    u32 output_width = config.texture_copy.output_width * 16;
-    if (output_width == 0 && output_gap != 0) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    if (output_gap == 0 || output_width >= copy_size) {
-        output_width = copy_size;
-        output_gap = 0;
-    }
-    if (copy_size % output_width != 0) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    SurfaceParams src_params;
-    src_params.addr = config.GetPhysicalInputAddress();
-    src_params.stride = input_width + input_gap; // stride in bytes
-    src_params.width = input_width;              // width in bytes
-    src_params.height = copy_size / input_width;
-    src_params.size = ((src_params.height - 1) * src_params.stride) + src_params.width;
-    src_params.end = src_params.addr + src_params.size;
-    const auto [src_surface, src_rect] = GetTexCopySurface(src_params);
-    if (!src_surface) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    // If the output gap is nonzero ensure the output width matches the source rectangle width,
-    // otherwise we cannot use hardware accelerated texture copy. The former is in terms of bytes
-    // not pixels so first get the unscaled copy width and calculate the bytes this corresponds to.
-    // Note that tiled textures are laid out sequentially in memory, so we multiply that by eight
-    // to get the correct byte count.
-    if (output_gap != 0 &&
-        (output_width != src_surface->BytesInPixels(src_rect.GetWidth() / src_surface->res_scale) *
-                             (src_surface->is_tiled ? 8 : 1) ||
-         output_gap % src_surface->BytesInPixels(src_surface->is_tiled ? 64 : 1) != 0)) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    SurfaceParams dst_params = *src_surface;
-    dst_params.addr = config.GetPhysicalOutputAddress();
-    dst_params.width = src_rect.GetWidth() / src_surface->res_scale;
-    dst_params.stride = dst_params.width + src_surface->PixelsInBytes(
-                                               src_surface->is_tiled ? output_gap / 8 : output_gap);
-    dst_params.height = src_rect.GetHeight() / src_surface->res_scale;
-    dst_params.res_scale = src_surface->res_scale;
-    dst_params.UpdateParams();
-    // Since we are going to invalidate the gap if there is one, we will have to load it first
-    const bool load_gap = output_gap != 0;
-    const auto [dst_surface, dst_rect] =
-        GetSurfaceSubRect(dst_params, ScaleMatch::Upscale, load_gap);
-    if (!dst_surface || dst_surface->type == SurfaceType::Texture ||
-        !CheckFormatsBlittable(src_surface->pixel_format, dst_surface->pixel_format)) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    ASSERT(src_rect.GetWidth() == dst_rect.GetWidth());
-    const TextureCopy texture_copy = {
-        .src_level = src_surface->LevelOf(src_params.addr),
-        .dst_level = dst_surface->LevelOf(dst_params.addr),
-        .src_offset = {src_rect.left, src_rect.bottom},
-        .dst_offset = {dst_rect.left, dst_rect.bottom},
-        .extent = {src_rect.GetWidth(), src_rect.GetHeight()},
-    };
-    runtime.CopyTextures(*src_surface, *dst_surface, texture_copy);
-    InvalidateRegion(dst_params.addr, dst_params.size, dst_surface);
-    return true;
-bool RasterizerCache::AccelerateDisplayTransfer(const GPU::Regs::DisplayTransferConfig& config) {
-    SurfaceParams src_params;
-    src_params.addr = config.GetPhysicalInputAddress();
-    src_params.width = config.output_width;
-    src_params.stride = config.input_width;
-    src_params.height = config.output_height;
-    src_params.is_tiled = !config.input_linear;
-    src_params.pixel_format = PixelFormatFromGPUPixelFormat(config.input_format);
-    src_params.UpdateParams();
-    SurfaceParams dst_params;
-    dst_params.addr = config.GetPhysicalOutputAddress();
-    dst_params.width = config.scaling != config.NoScale ? config.output_width.Value() / 2
-                                                        : config.output_width.Value();
-    dst_params.height = config.scaling == config.ScaleXY ? config.output_height.Value() / 2
-                                                         : config.output_height.Value();
-    dst_params.is_tiled = config.input_linear != config.dont_swizzle;
-    dst_params.pixel_format = PixelFormatFromGPUPixelFormat(config.output_format);
-    dst_params.UpdateParams();
-    auto [src_surface, src_rect] = GetSurfaceSubRect(src_params, ScaleMatch::Ignore, true);
-    if (!src_surface) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    dst_params.res_scale = src_surface->res_scale;
-    const auto [dst_surface, dst_rect] = GetSurfaceSubRect(dst_params, ScaleMatch::Upscale, false);
-    if (!dst_surface) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    if (src_surface->is_tiled != dst_surface->is_tiled) {
-        std::swap(, src_rect.bottom);
-    }
-    if (config.flip_vertically) {
-        std::swap(, src_rect.bottom);
-    }
-    if (!CheckFormatsBlittable(src_surface->pixel_format, dst_surface->pixel_format)) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    const TextureBlit texture_blit = {
-        .src_level = src_surface->LevelOf(src_params.addr),
-        .dst_level = dst_surface->LevelOf(dst_params.addr),
-        .src_rect = src_rect,
-        .dst_rect = dst_rect,
-    };
-    runtime.BlitTextures(*src_surface, *dst_surface, texture_blit);
-    InvalidateRegion(dst_params.addr, dst_params.size, dst_surface);
-    return true;
-bool RasterizerCache::AccelerateFill(const GPU::Regs::MemoryFillConfig& config) {
-    SurfaceParams params;
-    params.addr = config.GetStartAddress();
-    params.end = config.GetEndAddress();
-    params.size = params.end - params.addr;
-    params.type = SurfaceType::Fill;
-    params.res_scale = std::numeric_limits<u16>::max();
-    SurfaceRef fill_surface = std::make_shared<OpenGL::Surface>(runtime, params);
-    std::memcpy(&fill_surface->fill_data[0], &config.value_32bit, sizeof(u32));
-    if (config.fill_32bit) {
-        fill_surface->fill_size = 4;
-    } else if (config.fill_24bit) {
-        fill_surface->fill_size = 3;
-    } else {
-        fill_surface->fill_size = 2;
-    }
-    RegisterSurface(fill_surface);
-    InvalidateRegion(fill_surface->addr, fill_surface->size, fill_surface);
-    return true;
-void RasterizerCache::CopySurface(const SurfaceRef& src_surface, const SurfaceRef& dst_surface,
-                                  SurfaceInterval copy_interval) {
-    MICROPROFILE_SCOPE(RasterizerCache_CopySurface);
-    const PAddr copy_addr = copy_interval.lower();
-    const SurfaceParams subrect_params = dst_surface->FromInterval(copy_interval);
-    const auto dst_rect = dst_surface->GetScaledSubRect(subrect_params);
-    ASSERT(subrect_params.GetInterval() == copy_interval && src_surface != dst_surface);
-    if (src_surface->type == SurfaceType::Fill) {
-        const TextureClear clear = {
-            .texture_level = dst_surface->LevelOf(copy_addr),
-            .texture_rect = dst_rect,
-            .value = src_surface->MakeClearValue(copy_addr, dst_surface->pixel_format),
-        };
-        runtime.ClearTexture(*dst_surface, clear);
-        return;
-    }
-    const TextureBlit blit = {
-        .src_level = src_surface->LevelOf(copy_addr),
-        .dst_level = dst_surface->LevelOf(copy_addr),
-        .src_rect = src_surface->GetScaledSubRect(subrect_params),
-        .dst_rect = dst_rect,
-    };
-    runtime.BlitTextures(*src_surface, *dst_surface, blit);
-RasterizerCache::SurfaceRef RasterizerCache::GetSurface(const SurfaceParams& params,
-                                                        ScaleMatch match_res_scale,
-                                                        bool load_if_create) {
-    if (params.addr == 0 || params.height * params.width == 0) {
-        return nullptr;
-    }
-    // Use GetSurfaceSubRect instead
-    ASSERT(params.width == params.stride);
-    ASSERT(!params.is_tiled || (params.width % 8 == 0 && params.height % 8 == 0));
-    // Check for an exact match in existing surfaces
-    SurfaceRef surface = FindMatch<MatchFlags::Exact>(surface_cache, params, match_res_scale);
-    if (!surface) {
-        u16 target_res_scale = params.res_scale;
-        if (match_res_scale != ScaleMatch::Exact) {
-            // This surface may have a subrect of another surface with a higher res_scale, find
-            // it to adjust our params
-            SurfaceParams find_params = params;
-            SurfaceRef expandable =
-                FindMatch<MatchFlags::Expand>(surface_cache, find_params, match_res_scale);
-            if (expandable && expandable->res_scale > target_res_scale) {
-                target_res_scale = expandable->res_scale;
-            }
-            // Keep res_scale when reinterpreting d24s8 -> rgba8
-            if (params.pixel_format == PixelFormat::RGBA8) {
-                find_params.pixel_format = PixelFormat::D24S8;
-                expandable =
-                    FindMatch<MatchFlags::Expand>(surface_cache, find_params, match_res_scale);
-                if (expandable && expandable->res_scale > target_res_scale) {
-                    target_res_scale = expandable->res_scale;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        SurfaceParams new_params = params;
-        new_params.res_scale = target_res_scale;
-        surface = CreateSurface(new_params);
-        RegisterSurface(surface);
-    }
-    if (load_if_create) {
-        ValidateSurface(surface, params.addr, params.size);
-    }
-    return surface;
-RasterizerCache::SurfaceRect_Tuple RasterizerCache::GetSurfaceSubRect(const SurfaceParams& params,
-                                                                      ScaleMatch match_res_scale,
-                                                                      bool load_if_create) {
-    if (params.addr == 0 || params.height * params.width == 0) {
-        return std::make_tuple(nullptr, Common::Rectangle<u32>{});
-    }
-    // Attempt to find encompassing surface
-    SurfaceRef surface = FindMatch<MatchFlags::SubRect>(surface_cache, params, match_res_scale);
-    // Check if FindMatch failed because of res scaling
-    // If that's the case create a new surface with
-    // the dimensions of the lower res_scale surface
-    // to suggest it should not be used again
-    if (!surface && match_res_scale != ScaleMatch::Ignore) {
-        surface = FindMatch<MatchFlags::SubRect>(surface_cache, params, ScaleMatch::Ignore);
-        if (surface) {
-            SurfaceParams new_params = *surface;
-            new_params.res_scale = params.res_scale;
-            surface = CreateSurface(new_params);
-            RegisterSurface(surface);
-        }
-    }
-    SurfaceParams aligned_params = params;
-    if (params.is_tiled) {
-        aligned_params.height = Common::AlignUp(params.height, 8);
-        aligned_params.width = Common::AlignUp(params.width, 8);
-        aligned_params.stride = Common::AlignUp(params.stride, 8);
-        aligned_params.UpdateParams();
-    }
-    // Check for a surface we can expand before creating a new one
-    if (!surface) {
-        surface = FindMatch<MatchFlags::Expand>(surface_cache, aligned_params, match_res_scale);
-        if (surface) {
-            aligned_params.width = aligned_params.stride;
-            aligned_params.UpdateParams();
-            SurfaceParams new_params = *surface;
-            new_params.addr = std::min(aligned_params.addr, surface->addr);
-            new_params.end = std::max(aligned_params.end, surface->end);
-            new_params.size = new_params.end - new_params.addr;
-            new_params.height =
-                new_params.size / aligned_params.BytesInPixels(aligned_params.stride);
-            new_params.UpdateParams();
-            ASSERT(new_params.size % aligned_params.BytesInPixels(aligned_params.stride) == 0);
-            SurfaceRef new_surface = CreateSurface(new_params);
-            DuplicateSurface(surface, new_surface);
-            UnregisterSurface(surface);
-            surface = new_surface;
-            RegisterSurface(new_surface);
-        }
-    }
-    // No subrect found - create and return a new surface
-    if (!surface) {
-        SurfaceParams new_params = aligned_params;
-        // Can't have gaps in a surface
-        new_params.width = aligned_params.stride;
-        new_params.UpdateParams();
-        // GetSurface will create the new surface and possibly adjust res_scale if necessary
-        surface = GetSurface(new_params, match_res_scale, load_if_create);
-    } else if (load_if_create) {
-        ValidateSurface(surface, aligned_params.addr, aligned_params.size);
-    }
-    return std::make_tuple(surface, surface->GetScaledSubRect(params));
-RasterizerCache::SurfaceRef RasterizerCache::GetTextureSurface(
-    const Pica::TexturingRegs::FullTextureConfig& config) {
-    const auto info = Pica::Texture::TextureInfo::FromPicaRegister(config.config, config.format);
-    const u32 max_level = MipLevels(info.width, info.height, config.config.lod.max_level) - 1;
-    return GetTextureSurface(info, max_level);
-RasterizerCache::SurfaceRef RasterizerCache::GetTextureSurface(
-    const Pica::Texture::TextureInfo& info, u32 max_level) {
-    if (info.physical_address == 0) [[unlikely]] {
-        return nullptr;
-    }
-    SurfaceParams params;
-    params.addr = info.physical_address;
-    params.width = info.width;
-    params.height = info.height;
-    params.levels = max_level + 1;
-    params.is_tiled = true;
-    params.pixel_format = PixelFormatFromTextureFormat(info.format);
-    params.res_scale = use_filter ? resolution_scale_factor : 1;
-    params.UpdateParams();
-    u32 min_width = info.width >> max_level;
-    u32 min_height = info.height >> max_level;
-    if (min_width % 8 != 0 || min_height % 8 != 0) {
-        // This code is for 8x4 and 4x4 textures (commonly used by games for health bar)
-        // The implementation might not be accurate and needs further testing.
-        if (min_width % 4 == 0 && min_height % 4 == 0 && min_width * min_height <= 32) {
-            const auto [src_surface, rect] = GetSurfaceSubRect(params, ScaleMatch::Ignore, true);
-            params.res_scale = src_surface->res_scale;
-            SurfaceRef tmp_surface = CreateSurface(params);
-            const TextureBlit blit = {
-                .src_level = src_surface->LevelOf(params.addr),
-                .dst_level = 0,
-                .src_rect = rect,
-                .dst_rect = tmp_surface->GetScaledRect(),
-            };
-            runtime.BlitTextures(*src_surface, *tmp_surface, blit);
-            return tmp_surface;
-        }
-        LOG_CRITICAL(HW_GPU, "Texture size ({}x{}) is not multiple of 4", min_width, min_height);
-        return nullptr;
-    }
-    if (info.width != (min_width << max_level) || info.height != (min_height << max_level)) {
-        LOG_CRITICAL(HW_GPU, "Texture size ({}x{}) does not support required mipmap level ({})",
-                     params.width, params.height, max_level);
-        return nullptr;
-    }
-    return GetSurface(params, ScaleMatch::Ignore, true);
-RasterizerCache::SurfaceRef RasterizerCache::GetTextureCube(const TextureCubeConfig& config) {
-    auto [it, new_surface] = texture_cube_cache.try_emplace(config);
-    TextureCube& cube = it->second;
-    if (new_surface) {
-        SurfaceParams cube_params = {
-            .addr = config.px,
-            .width = config.width,
-            .height = config.width,
-            .stride = config.width,
-            .levels = config.levels,
-            .res_scale = use_filter ? resolution_scale_factor : 1,
-            .texture_type = TextureType::CubeMap,
-            .pixel_format = PixelFormatFromTextureFormat(config.format),
-            .type = SurfaceType::Texture,
-        };
-        cube_params.UpdateParams();
-        cube.surface = CreateSurface(cube_params);
-    }
-    const u32 scaled_size = cube.surface->GetScaledWidth();
-    const std::array addresses = {config.px, config.nx,, config.ny, config.pz,};
-    for (u32 i = 0; i < addresses.size(); i++) {
-        if (!addresses[i]) {
-            continue;
-        }
-        Pica::Texture::TextureInfo info = {
-            .physical_address = addresses[i],
-            .width = config.width,
-            .height = config.width,
-            .format = config.format,
-        };
-        info.SetDefaultStride();
-        SurfaceRef& face_surface = cube.faces[i];
-        if (!face_surface || !face_surface->registered) {
-            face_surface = GetTextureSurface(info, config.levels - 1);
-            ASSERT(face_surface->levels == config.levels);
-        }
-        if (cube.ticks[i] != face_surface->ModificationTick()) {
-            for (u32 level = 0; level < face_surface->levels; level++) {
-                const TextureCopy texture_copy = {
-                    .src_level = level,
-                    .dst_level = level,
-                    .src_layer = 0,
-                    .dst_layer = i,
-                    .src_offset = {0, 0},
-                    .dst_offset = {0, 0},
-                    .extent = {scaled_size >> level, scaled_size >> level},
-                };
-                runtime.CopyTextures(*face_surface, *cube.surface, texture_copy);
-            }
-            cube.ticks[i] = face_surface->ModificationTick();
-        }
-    }
-    return cube.surface;
-OpenGL::Framebuffer RasterizerCache::GetFramebufferSurfaces(bool using_color_fb,
-                                                            bool using_depth_fb) {
-    const auto& config = regs.framebuffer.framebuffer;
-    const s32 framebuffer_width = config.GetWidth();
-    const s32 framebuffer_height = config.GetHeight();
-    const auto viewport_rect = regs.rasterizer.GetViewportRect();
-    const Common::Rectangle<u32> viewport_clamped = {
-        static_cast<u32>(std::clamp(viewport_rect.left, 0, framebuffer_width)),
-        static_cast<u32>(std::clamp(, 0, framebuffer_height)),
-        static_cast<u32>(std::clamp(viewport_rect.right, 0, framebuffer_width)),
-        static_cast<u32>(std::clamp(viewport_rect.bottom, 0, framebuffer_height)),
-    };
-    // get color and depth surfaces
-    SurfaceParams color_params;
-    color_params.is_tiled = true;
-    color_params.res_scale = resolution_scale_factor;
-    color_params.width = config.GetWidth();
-    color_params.height = config.GetHeight();
-    SurfaceParams depth_params = color_params;
-    color_params.addr = config.GetColorBufferPhysicalAddress();
-    color_params.pixel_format = PixelFormatFromColorFormat(config.color_format);
-    color_params.UpdateParams();
-    depth_params.addr = config.GetDepthBufferPhysicalAddress();
-    depth_params.pixel_format = PixelFormatFromDepthFormat(config.depth_format);
-    depth_params.UpdateParams();
-    auto color_vp_interval = color_params.GetSubRectInterval(viewport_clamped);
-    auto depth_vp_interval = depth_params.GetSubRectInterval(viewport_clamped);
-    // Make sure that framebuffers don't overlap if both color and depth are being used
-    if (using_color_fb && using_depth_fb &&
-        boost::icl::length(color_vp_interval & depth_vp_interval)) {
-        LOG_CRITICAL(HW_GPU, "Color and depth framebuffer memory regions overlap; "
-                             "overlapping framebuffers not supported!");
-        using_depth_fb = false;
-    }
-    Common::Rectangle<u32> color_rect{};
-    SurfaceRef color_surface = nullptr;
-    u32 color_level{};
-    if (using_color_fb)
-        std::tie(color_surface, color_rect) =
-            GetSurfaceSubRect(color_params, ScaleMatch::Exact, false);
-    Common::Rectangle<u32> depth_rect{};
-    SurfaceRef depth_surface = nullptr;
-    u32 depth_level{};
-    if (using_depth_fb)
-        std::tie(depth_surface, depth_rect) =
-            GetSurfaceSubRect(depth_params, ScaleMatch::Exact, false);
-    Common::Rectangle<u32> fb_rect{};
-    if (color_surface && depth_surface) {
-        fb_rect = color_rect;
-        // Color and Depth surfaces must have the same dimensions and offsets
-        if (color_rect.bottom != depth_rect.bottom || != ||
-            color_rect.left != depth_rect.left || color_rect.right != depth_rect.right) {
-            color_surface = GetSurface(color_params, ScaleMatch::Exact, false);
-            depth_surface = GetSurface(depth_params, ScaleMatch::Exact, false);
-            fb_rect = color_surface->GetScaledRect();
-        }
-    } else if (color_surface) {
-        fb_rect = color_rect;
-    } else if (depth_surface) {
-        fb_rect = depth_rect;
-    }
-    if (color_surface) {
-        color_level = color_surface->LevelOf(color_params.addr);
-        ValidateSurface(color_surface, boost::icl::first(color_vp_interval),
-                        boost::icl::length(color_vp_interval));
-    }
-    if (depth_surface) {
-        depth_level = depth_surface->LevelOf(depth_params.addr);
-        ValidateSurface(depth_surface, boost::icl::first(depth_vp_interval),
-                        boost::icl::length(depth_vp_interval));
-    }
-    render_targets = RenderTargets{
-        .color_surface = color_surface,
-        .depth_surface = depth_surface,
-    };
-    return OpenGL::Framebuffer{
-        runtime, color_surface.get(), color_level, depth_surface.get(), depth_level, regs, fb_rect};
-void RasterizerCache::InvalidateFramebuffer(const OpenGL::Framebuffer& framebuffer) {
-    if (framebuffer.HasAttachment(SurfaceType::Color)) {
-        const auto interval = framebuffer.Interval(SurfaceType::Color);
-        InvalidateRegion(boost::icl::first(interval), boost::icl::length(interval),
-                         render_targets.color_surface);
-    }
-    if (framebuffer.HasAttachment(SurfaceType::DepthStencil)) {
-        const auto interval = framebuffer.Interval(SurfaceType::DepthStencil);
-        InvalidateRegion(boost::icl::first(interval), boost::icl::length(interval),
-                         render_targets.depth_surface);
-    }
-RasterizerCache::SurfaceRect_Tuple RasterizerCache::GetTexCopySurface(const SurfaceParams& params) {
-    Common::Rectangle<u32> rect{};
-    SurfaceRef match_surface =
-        FindMatch<MatchFlags::TexCopy>(surface_cache, params, ScaleMatch::Ignore);
-    if (match_surface) {
-        ValidateSurface(match_surface, params.addr, params.size);
-        SurfaceParams match_subrect;
-        if (params.width != params.stride) {
-            const u32 tiled_size = match_surface->is_tiled ? 8 : 1;
-            match_subrect = params;
-            match_subrect.width = match_surface->PixelsInBytes(params.width) / tiled_size;
-            match_subrect.stride = match_surface->PixelsInBytes(params.stride) / tiled_size;
-            match_subrect.height *= tiled_size;
-        } else {
-            match_subrect = match_surface->FromInterval(params.GetInterval());
-            ASSERT(match_subrect.GetInterval() == params.GetInterval());
-        }
-        rect = match_surface->GetScaledSubRect(match_subrect);
-    }
-    return std::make_tuple(match_surface, rect);
-void RasterizerCache::DuplicateSurface(const SurfaceRef& src_surface,
-                                       const SurfaceRef& dest_surface) {
-    ASSERT(dest_surface->addr <= src_surface->addr && dest_surface->end >= src_surface->end);
-    const auto src_rect = src_surface->GetScaledRect();
-    const auto dst_rect = dest_surface->GetScaledSubRect(*src_surface);
-    ASSERT(src_rect.GetWidth() == dst_rect.GetWidth());
-    const TextureCopy copy = {
-        .src_level = 0,
-        .dst_level = 0,
-        .src_offset = {src_rect.left, src_rect.bottom},
-        .dst_offset = {dst_rect.left, dst_rect.bottom},
-        .extent = {src_rect.GetWidth(), src_rect.GetHeight()},
-    };
-    runtime.CopyTextures(*src_surface, *dest_surface, copy);
-    dest_surface->invalid_regions -= src_surface->GetInterval();
-    dest_surface->invalid_regions += src_surface->invalid_regions;
-    SurfaceRegions regions;
-    for (const auto& pair : RangeFromInterval(dirty_regions, src_surface->GetInterval())) {
-        if (pair.second == src_surface) {
-            regions += pair.first;
-        }
-    }
-    for (const auto& interval : regions) {
-        dirty_regions.set({interval, dest_surface});
-    }
-void RasterizerCache::ValidateSurface(const SurfaceRef& surface, PAddr addr, u32 size) {
-    if (size == 0) [[unlikely]] {
-        return;
-    }
-    const SurfaceInterval validate_interval(addr, addr + size);
-    if (surface->type == SurfaceType::Fill) {
-        ASSERT(surface->IsRegionValid(validate_interval));
-        return;
-    }
-    SurfaceRegions validate_regions = surface->invalid_regions & validate_interval;
-    auto notify_validated = [&](SurfaceInterval interval) {
-        surface->MarkValid(interval);
-        validate_regions.erase(interval);
-    };
-    u32 level = surface->LevelOf(addr);
-    SurfaceInterval level_interval = surface->LevelInterval(level);
-    while (!validate_regions.empty()) {
-        // Take an invalid interval from the validation regions and clamp it
-        // to the current level interval since FromInterval cannot process
-        // intervals that span multiple levels. If the interval is empty
-        // then we have validated the entire level so move to the next.
-        const auto interval = *validate_regions.begin() & level_interval;
-        if (boost::icl::is_empty(interval)) {
-            level_interval = surface->LevelInterval(++level);
-            continue;
-        }
-        // Look for a valid surface to copy from.
-        const SurfaceParams params = surface->FromInterval(interval);
-        const SurfaceRef copy_surface =
-            FindMatch<MatchFlags::Copy>(surface_cache, params, ScaleMatch::Ignore, interval);
-        if (copy_surface) {
-            const SurfaceInterval copy_interval = copy_surface->GetCopyableInterval(params);
-            CopySurface(copy_surface, surface, copy_interval);
-            notify_validated(copy_interval);
-            continue;
-        }
-        // Try to find surface in cache with different format
-        // that can can be reinterpreted to the requested format.
-        if (ValidateByReinterpretation(surface, params, interval)) {
-            notify_validated(interval);
-            continue;
-        }
-        // Could not find a matching reinterpreter, check if we need to implement a
-        // reinterpreter
-        if (NoUnimplementedReinterpretations(surface, params, interval) &&
-            !IntervalHasInvalidPixelFormat(params, interval)) {
-            // No surfaces were found in the cache that had a matching bit-width.
-            // If the region was created entirely on the GPU,
-            // assume it was a developer mistake and skip flushing.
-            if (boost::icl::contains(dirty_regions, interval)) {
-                LOG_DEBUG(HW_GPU, "Region created fully on GPU and reinterpretation is "
-                                  "invalid. Skipping validation");
-                validate_regions.erase(interval);
-                continue;
-            }
-        }
-        // Load data from 3DS memory
-        FlushRegion(params.addr, params.size);
-        UploadSurface(surface, interval);
-        notify_validated(params.GetInterval());
-    }
-    // Filtered mipmaps often look really bad. We can achieve better quality by
-    // generating them from the base level.
-    if (surface->res_scale != 1 && level != 0) {
-        runtime.GenerateMipmaps(*surface);
-    }
-void RasterizerCache::UploadSurface(const SurfaceRef& surface, SurfaceInterval interval) {
-    MICROPROFILE_SCOPE(RasterizerCache_UploadSurface);
-    const SurfaceParams load_info = surface->FromInterval(interval);
-    ASSERT(load_info.addr >= surface->addr && load_info.end <= surface->end);
-    const auto staging = runtime.FindStaging(
-        load_info.width * load_info.height * surface->GetInternalBytesPerPixel(), true);
-    MemoryRef source_ptr = memory.GetPhysicalRef(load_info.addr);
-    if (!source_ptr) [[unlikely]] {
-        return;
-    }
-    const auto upload_data = source_ptr.GetWriteBytes(load_info.end - load_info.addr);
-    DecodeTexture(load_info, load_info.addr, load_info.end, upload_data, staging.mapped,
-                  runtime.NeedsConversion(surface->pixel_format));
-    if (use_custom_textures) {
-        const u64 hash = ComputeCustomHash(load_info, staging.mapped, upload_data);
-        if (UploadCustomSurface(surface, load_info, hash)) {
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-    if (dump_textures && !surface->is_custom) {
-        const u64 hash = Common::ComputeHash64(, upload_data.size());
-        const u32 level = surface->LevelOf(load_info.addr);
-        custom_tex_manager.DumpTexture(load_info, level, upload_data, hash);
-    }
-    const BufferTextureCopy upload = {
-        .buffer_offset = 0,
-        .buffer_size = staging.size,
-        .texture_rect = surface->GetSubRect(load_info),
-        .texture_level = surface->LevelOf(load_info.addr),
-    };
-    surface->Upload(upload, staging);
-bool RasterizerCache::UploadCustomSurface(const SurfaceRef& surface, const SurfaceParams& load_info,
-                                          u64 hash) {
-    const u32 level = surface->LevelOf(load_info.addr);
-    const bool is_base_level = level == 0;
-    Material* material = custom_tex_manager.GetMaterial(hash);
-    if (!material) {
-        return surface->IsCustom();
-    }
-    if (!is_base_level && custom_tex_manager.SkipMipmaps()) {
-        return true;
-    }
-    surface->is_custom = true;
-    const auto upload = [this, level, surface, material]() -> bool {
-        if (!surface->IsCustom() && !surface->Swap(material)) {
-            LOG_ERROR(HW_GPU, "Custom compressed format {} unsupported by host GPU",
-                      material->format);
-            return false;
-        }
-        surface->UploadCustom(material, level);
-        if (custom_tex_manager.SkipMipmaps()) {
-            runtime.GenerateMipmaps(*surface);
-        }
-        return true;
-    };
-    return custom_tex_manager.Decode(material, std::move(upload));
-u64 RasterizerCache::ComputeCustomHash(const SurfaceParams& load_info, std::span<u8> decoded,
-                                       std::span<u8> upload_data) {
-    MICROPROFILE_SCOPE(RasterizerCache_ComputeHash);
-    if (custom_tex_manager.UseNewHash()) {
-        return Common::ComputeHash64(, upload_data.size());
-    }
-    return Common::ComputeHash64(, decoded.size());
-void RasterizerCache::DownloadSurface(const SurfaceRef& surface, SurfaceInterval interval) {
-    MICROPROFILE_SCOPE(RasterizerCache_DownloadSurface);
-    const SurfaceParams flush_info = surface->FromInterval(interval);
-    const u32 flush_start = boost::icl::first(interval);
-    const u32 flush_end = boost::icl::last_next(interval);
-    ASSERT(flush_start >= surface->addr && flush_end <= surface->end);
-    const auto staging = runtime.FindStaging(
-        flush_info.width * flush_info.height * surface->GetInternalBytesPerPixel(), false);
-    const BufferTextureCopy download = {
-        .buffer_offset = 0,
-        .buffer_size = staging.size,
-        .texture_rect = surface->GetSubRect(flush_info),
-        .texture_level = surface->LevelOf(flush_start),
-    };
-    surface->Download(download, staging);
-    MemoryRef dest_ptr = memory.GetPhysicalRef(flush_start);
-    if (!dest_ptr) [[unlikely]] {
-        return;
-    }
-    const auto download_dest = dest_ptr.GetWriteBytes(flush_end - flush_start);
-    EncodeTexture(flush_info, flush_start, flush_end, staging.mapped, download_dest,
-                  runtime.NeedsConversion(surface->pixel_format));
-void RasterizerCache::DownloadFillSurface(const SurfaceRef& surface, SurfaceInterval interval) {
-    const u32 flush_start = boost::icl::first(interval);
-    const u32 flush_end = boost::icl::last_next(interval);
-    ASSERT(flush_start >= surface->addr && flush_end <= surface->end);
-    MemoryRef dest_ptr = memory.GetPhysicalRef(flush_start);
-    if (!dest_ptr) [[unlikely]] {
-        return;
-    }
-    const u32 start_offset = flush_start - surface->addr;
-    const u32 download_size =
-        std::clamp(flush_end - flush_start, 0u, static_cast<u32>(dest_ptr.GetSize()));
-    const u32 coarse_start_offset = start_offset - (start_offset % surface->fill_size);
-    const u32 backup_bytes = start_offset % surface->fill_size;
-    std::array<u8, 4> backup_data;
-    if (backup_bytes) {
-        std::memcpy(, &dest_ptr[coarse_start_offset], backup_bytes);
-    }
-    for (u32 offset = coarse_start_offset; offset < download_size; offset += surface->fill_size) {
-        std::memcpy(&dest_ptr[offset], &surface->fill_data[0],
-                    std::min(surface->fill_size, download_size - offset));
-    }
-    if (backup_bytes) {
-        std::memcpy(&dest_ptr[coarse_start_offset], &backup_data[0], backup_bytes);
-    }
-bool RasterizerCache::NoUnimplementedReinterpretations(const SurfaceRef& surface,
-                                                       SurfaceParams params,
-                                                       const SurfaceInterval& interval) {
-    static constexpr std::array<PixelFormat, 17> all_formats{
-        PixelFormat::RGBA8, PixelFormat::RGB8,   PixelFormat::RGB5A1, PixelFormat::RGB565,
-        PixelFormat::RGBA4, PixelFormat::IA8,    PixelFormat::RG8,    PixelFormat::I8,
-        PixelFormat::A8,    PixelFormat::IA4,    PixelFormat::I4,     PixelFormat::A4,
-        PixelFormat::ETC1,  PixelFormat::ETC1A4, PixelFormat::D16,    PixelFormat::D24,
-        PixelFormat::D24S8,
-    };
-    bool implemented = true;
-    for (PixelFormat format : all_formats) {
-        if (GetFormatBpp(format) == surface->GetFormatBpp()) {
-            params.pixel_format = format;
-            // This could potentially be expensive,
-            // although experimentally it hasn't been too bad
-            SurfaceRef test_surface =
-                FindMatch<MatchFlags::Copy>(surface_cache, params, ScaleMatch::Ignore, interval);
-            if (test_surface) {
-                LOG_WARNING(HW_GPU, "Missing pixel_format reinterpreter: {} -> {}",
-                            PixelFormatAsString(format),
-                            PixelFormatAsString(surface->pixel_format));
-                implemented = false;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return implemented;
-bool RasterizerCache::IntervalHasInvalidPixelFormat(const SurfaceParams& params,
-                                                    const SurfaceInterval& interval) {
-    for (const auto& set : RangeFromInterval(surface_cache, interval)) {
-        for (const auto& surface : set.second) {
-            if (surface->pixel_format == PixelFormat::Invalid) {
-                LOG_DEBUG(HW_GPU, "Surface {:#x} found with invalid pixel format", surface->addr);
-                return true;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return false;
-bool RasterizerCache::ValidateByReinterpretation(const SurfaceRef& surface, SurfaceParams params,
-                                                 const SurfaceInterval& interval) {
-    const PixelFormat dest_format = surface->pixel_format;
-    for (const auto& reinterpreter : runtime.GetPossibleReinterpretations(dest_format)) {
-        params.pixel_format = reinterpreter->GetSourceFormat();
-        SurfaceRef reinterpret_surface =
-            FindMatch<MatchFlags::Copy>(surface_cache, params, ScaleMatch::Ignore, interval);
-        if (reinterpret_surface) {
-            auto reinterpret_interval = reinterpret_surface->GetCopyableInterval(params);
-            auto reinterpret_params = surface->FromInterval(reinterpret_interval);
-            auto src_rect = reinterpret_surface->GetScaledSubRect(reinterpret_params);
-            auto dest_rect = surface->GetScaledSubRect(reinterpret_params);
-            reinterpreter->Reinterpret(*reinterpret_surface, src_rect, *surface, dest_rect);
-            return true;
-        }
-    }
-    return false;
-void RasterizerCache::ClearAll(bool flush) {
-    const auto flush_interval = PageMap::interval_type::right_open(0x0, 0xFFFFFFFF);
-    // Force flush all surfaces from the cache
-    if (flush) {
-        FlushRegion(0x0, 0xFFFFFFFF);
-    }
-    // Unmark all of the marked pages
-    for (auto& pair : RangeFromInterval(cached_pages, flush_interval)) {
-        const auto interval = pair.first & flush_interval;
-        const PAddr interval_start_addr = boost::icl::first(interval) << Memory::CITRA_PAGE_BITS;
-        const PAddr interval_end_addr = boost::icl::last_next(interval) << Memory::CITRA_PAGE_BITS;
-        const u32 interval_size = interval_end_addr - interval_start_addr;
-        memory.RasterizerMarkRegionCached(interval_start_addr, interval_size, false);
-    }
-    // Remove the whole cache without really looking at it.
-    cached_pages -= flush_interval;
-    dirty_regions -= SurfaceInterval(0x0, 0xFFFFFFFF);
-    surface_cache -= SurfaceInterval(0x0, 0xFFFFFFFF);
-    remove_surfaces.clear();
-void RasterizerCache::FlushRegion(PAddr addr, u32 size, SurfaceRef flush_surface) {
-    if (size == 0)
-        return;
-    const SurfaceInterval flush_interval(addr, addr + size);
-    SurfaceRegions flushed_intervals;
-    for (auto& pair : RangeFromInterval(dirty_regions, flush_interval)) {
-        // small sizes imply that this most likely comes from the cpu, flush the entire region
-        // the point is to avoid thousands of small writes every frame if the cpu decides to
-        // access that region, anything higher than 8 you're guaranteed it comes from a service
-        const auto interval = size <= 8 ? pair.first : pair.first & flush_interval;
-        auto& surface = pair.second;
-        if (flush_surface && surface != flush_surface)
-            continue;
-        // Sanity check, this surface is the last one that marked this region dirty
-        ASSERT(surface->IsRegionValid(interval));
-        if (surface->type == SurfaceType::Fill) {
-            DownloadFillSurface(surface, interval);
-        } else {
-            DownloadSurface(surface, interval);
-        }
-        flushed_intervals += interval;
-    }
-    // Reset dirty regions
-    dirty_regions -= flushed_intervals;
-void RasterizerCache::FlushAll() {
-    FlushRegion(0, 0xFFFFFFFF);
-void RasterizerCache::InvalidateRegion(PAddr addr, u32 size, const SurfaceRef& region_owner) {
-    if (size == 0)
-        return;
-    const SurfaceInterval invalid_interval(addr, addr + size);
-    if (region_owner) {
-        ASSERT(region_owner->type != SurfaceType::Texture);
-        ASSERT(addr >= region_owner->addr && addr + size <= region_owner->end);
-        // Surfaces can't have a gap
-        ASSERT(region_owner->width == region_owner->stride);
-        region_owner->MarkValid(invalid_interval);
-    }
-    for (const auto& pair : RangeFromInterval(surface_cache, invalid_interval)) {
-        for (const auto& cached_surface : pair.second) {
-            if (cached_surface == region_owner)
-                continue;
-            // If cpu is invalidating this region we want to remove it
-            // to (likely) mark the memory pages as uncached
-            if (!region_owner && size <= 8) {
-                FlushRegion(cached_surface->addr, cached_surface->size, cached_surface);
-                remove_surfaces.push_back(cached_surface);
-                continue;
-            }
-            const auto interval = cached_surface->GetInterval() & invalid_interval;
-            cached_surface->MarkInvalid(interval);
-            // If the surface has no salvageable data it should be removed from the cache to avoid
-            // clogging the data structure
-            if (cached_surface->IsFullyInvalid()) {
-                remove_surfaces.push_back(cached_surface);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (region_owner) {
-        dirty_regions.set({invalid_interval, region_owner});
-    } else {
-        dirty_regions.erase(invalid_interval);
-    }
-    for (const SurfaceRef& remove_surface : remove_surfaces) {
-        UnregisterSurface(remove_surface);
-    }
-    remove_surfaces.clear();
-RasterizerCache::SurfaceRef RasterizerCache::CreateSurface(const SurfaceParams& params) {
-    SurfaceRef surface = std::make_shared<OpenGL::Surface>(runtime, params);
-    surface->MarkInvalid(surface->GetInterval());
-    return surface;
-void RasterizerCache::RegisterSurface(const SurfaceRef& surface) {
-    if (surface->registered) {
-        return;
-    }
-    surface->registered = true;
-    surface_cache.add({surface->GetInterval(), SurfaceSet{surface}});
-    UpdatePagesCachedCount(surface->addr, surface->size, 1);
-void RasterizerCache::UnregisterSurface(const SurfaceRef& surface) {
-    if (!surface->registered) {
-        return;
-    }
-    surface->registered = false;
-    UpdatePagesCachedCount(surface->addr, surface->size, -1);
-    surface_cache.subtract({surface->GetInterval(), SurfaceSet{surface}});
-void RasterizerCache::UpdatePagesCachedCount(PAddr addr, u32 size, int delta) {
-    const u32 num_pages =
-        ((addr + size - 1) >> Memory::CITRA_PAGE_BITS) - (addr >> Memory::CITRA_PAGE_BITS) + 1;
-    const u32 page_start = addr >> Memory::CITRA_PAGE_BITS;
-    const u32 page_end = page_start + num_pages;
-    // Interval maps will erase segments if count reaches 0, so if delta is negative we have to
-    // subtract after iterating
-    const auto pages_interval = PageMap::interval_type::right_open(page_start, page_end);
-    if (delta > 0) {
-        cached_pages.add({pages_interval, delta});
-    }
-    for (const auto& pair : RangeFromInterval(cached_pages, pages_interval)) {
-        const auto interval = pair.first & pages_interval;
-        const int count = pair.second;
-        const PAddr interval_start_addr = boost::icl::first(interval) << Memory::CITRA_PAGE_BITS;
-        const PAddr interval_end_addr = boost::icl::last_next(interval) << Memory::CITRA_PAGE_BITS;
-        const u32 interval_size = interval_end_addr - interval_start_addr;
-        if (delta > 0 && count == delta) {
-            memory.RasterizerMarkRegionCached(interval_start_addr, interval_size, true);
-        } else if (delta < 0 && count == -delta) {
-            memory.RasterizerMarkRegionCached(interval_start_addr, interval_size, false);
-        } else {
-            ASSERT(count >= 0);
-        }
-    }
-    if (delta < 0) {
-        cached_pages.add({pages_interval, delta});
-    }
 } // namespace VideoCore
diff --git a/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/rasterizer_cache.h b/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/rasterizer_cache.h
index c2653a66b4..cf387aa43a 100644
--- a/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/rasterizer_cache.h
+++ b/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/rasterizer_cache.h
@@ -4,188 +4,1410 @@
 #pragma once
-#include <functional>
-#include <unordered_map>
-#include <vector>
-#include <boost/icl/interval_map.hpp>
-#include <boost/icl/interval_set.hpp>
-#include "video_core/rasterizer_cache/surface_base.h"
-#include "video_core/rasterizer_cache/surface_params.h"
-#include "video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_texture_runtime.h"
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <boost/container/small_vector.hpp>
+#include <boost/range/iterator_range.hpp>
+#include "common/alignment.h"
+#include "common/logging/log.h"
+#include "common/microprofile.h"
+#include "common/settings.h"
+#include "core/memory.h"
+#include "video_core/custom_textures/custom_tex_manager.h"
+#include "video_core/rasterizer_cache/rasterizer_cache_base.h"
+#include "video_core/regs.h"
+#include "video_core/renderer_base.h"
 #include "video_core/texture/texture_decode.h"
-namespace Memory {
-class MemorySystem;
-namespace Pica {
-struct Regs;
 namespace VideoCore {
-enum class ScaleMatch {
-    Exact,   // only accept same res scale
-    Upscale, // only allow higher scale than params
-    Ignore   // accept every scaled res
-class CustomTexManager;
-class CustomTexture;
-class RendererBase;
+constexpr auto RangeFromInterval(const auto& map, const auto& interval) {
+    return boost::make_iterator_range(map.equal_range(interval));
-class RasterizerCache : NonCopyable {
-    using SurfaceRef = std::shared_ptr<OpenGL::Surface>;
+template <class T>
+RasterizerCache<T>::RasterizerCache(Memory::MemorySystem& memory_,
+                                    CustomTexManager& custom_tex_manager_, Runtime& runtime_,
+                                    Pica::Regs& regs_, RendererBase& renderer_)
+    : memory{memory_}, custom_tex_manager{custom_tex_manager_}, runtime{runtime_}, regs{regs_},
+      renderer{renderer_}, resolution_scale_factor{renderer.GetResolutionScaleFactor()},
+      use_filter{Settings::values.texture_filter.GetValue() != Settings::TextureFilter::None},
+      dump_textures{Settings::values.dump_textures.GetValue()},
+      use_custom_textures{Settings::values.custom_textures.GetValue()} {
+    using TextureConfig = Pica::TexturingRegs::TextureConfig;
-    // Declare rasterizer interval types
-    using SurfaceSet = std::set<SurfaceRef>;
-    using SurfaceMap = boost::icl::interval_map<PAddr, SurfaceRef, boost::icl::partial_absorber,
-                                                std::less, boost::icl::inplace_plus,
-                                                boost::icl::inter_section, SurfaceInterval>;
-    using SurfaceCache = boost::icl::interval_map<PAddr, SurfaceSet, boost::icl::partial_absorber,
-                                                  std::less, boost::icl::inplace_plus,
-                                                  boost::icl::inter_section, SurfaceInterval>;
+    // Create null handles for all cached resources
+    void(slot_surfaces.insert(runtime, SurfaceParams{
+                                           .width = 1,
+                                           .height = 1,
+                                           .stride = 1,
+                                           .texture_type = VideoCore::TextureType::Texture2D,
+                                           .pixel_format = VideoCore::PixelFormat::RGBA8,
+                                           .type = VideoCore::SurfaceType::Color,
+                                       }));
+    void(slot_surfaces.insert(runtime, SurfaceParams{
+                                           .width = 1,
+                                           .height = 1,
+                                           .stride = 1,
+                                           .texture_type = TextureType::CubeMap,
+                                           .pixel_format = PixelFormat::RGBA8,
+                                           .type = SurfaceType::Color,
+                                       }));
+    void(slot_samplers.insert(runtime, SamplerParams{
+                                           .mag_filter = TextureConfig::TextureFilter::Linear,
+                                           .min_filter = TextureConfig::TextureFilter::Linear,
+                                           .mip_filter = TextureConfig::TextureFilter::Linear,
+                                           .wrap_s = TextureConfig::WrapMode::ClampToBorder,
+                                           .wrap_t = TextureConfig::WrapMode::ClampToBorder,
+                                       }));
-    static_assert(std::is_same<SurfaceRegions::interval_type, SurfaceCache::interval_type>() &&
-                      std::is_same<SurfaceMap::interval_type, SurfaceCache::interval_type>(),
-                  "Incorrect interval types");
+template <class T>
+RasterizerCache<T>::~RasterizerCache() {
+    ClearAll(false);
-    using SurfaceRect_Tuple = std::tuple<SurfaceRef, Common::Rectangle<u32>>;
-    using PageMap = boost::icl::interval_map<u32, int>;
+template <class T>
+void RasterizerCache<T>::TickFrame() {
+    custom_tex_manager.TickFrame();
-    struct RenderTargets {
-        SurfaceRef color_surface;
-        SurfaceRef depth_surface;
+    const u32 scale_factor = renderer.GetResolutionScaleFactor();
+    const bool resolution_scale_changed = resolution_scale_factor != scale_factor;
+    const bool use_custom_texture_changed =
+        Settings::values.custom_textures.GetValue() != use_custom_textures;
+    const bool texture_filter_changed =
+        renderer.Settings();
+    if (resolution_scale_changed || texture_filter_changed || use_custom_texture_changed) {
+        resolution_scale_factor = scale_factor;
+        use_filter = Settings::values.texture_filter.GetValue() != Settings::TextureFilter::None;
+        use_custom_textures = Settings::values.custom_textures.GetValue();
+        if (use_custom_textures) {
+            custom_tex_manager.FindCustomTextures();
+        }
+        UnregisterAll();
+    }
+template <class T>
+bool RasterizerCache<T>::AccelerateTextureCopy(const GPU::Regs::DisplayTransferConfig& config) {
+    // Texture copy size is aligned to 16 byte units
+    const u32 copy_size = Common::AlignDown(config.texture_copy.size, 16);
+    if (copy_size == 0) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    u32 input_gap = config.texture_copy.input_gap * 16;
+    u32 input_width = config.texture_copy.input_width * 16;
+    if (input_width == 0 && input_gap != 0) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (input_gap == 0 || input_width >= copy_size) {
+        input_width = copy_size;
+        input_gap = 0;
+    }
+    if (copy_size % input_width != 0) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    u32 output_gap = config.texture_copy.output_gap * 16;
+    u32 output_width = config.texture_copy.output_width * 16;
+    if (output_width == 0 && output_gap != 0) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (output_gap == 0 || output_width >= copy_size) {
+        output_width = copy_size;
+        output_gap = 0;
+    }
+    if (copy_size % output_width != 0) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    SurfaceParams src_params;
+    src_params.addr = config.GetPhysicalInputAddress();
+    src_params.stride = input_width + input_gap; // stride in bytes
+    src_params.width = input_width;              // width in bytes
+    src_params.height = copy_size / input_width;
+    src_params.size = ((src_params.height - 1) * src_params.stride) + src_params.width;
+    src_params.end = src_params.addr + src_params.size;
+    const auto [src_surface_id, src_rect] = GetTexCopySurface(src_params);
+    if (!src_surface_id) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    const SurfaceParams src_info = slot_surfaces[src_surface_id];
+    if (output_gap != 0 &&
+        (output_width != src_info.BytesInPixels(src_rect.GetWidth() / src_info.res_scale) *
+                             (src_info.is_tiled ? 8 : 1) ||
+         output_gap % src_info.BytesInPixels(src_info.is_tiled ? 64 : 1) != 0)) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    SurfaceParams dst_params = src_info;
+    dst_params.addr = config.GetPhysicalOutputAddress();
+    dst_params.width = src_rect.GetWidth() / src_info.res_scale;
+    dst_params.stride =
+        dst_params.width + src_info.PixelsInBytes(src_info.is_tiled ? output_gap / 8 : output_gap);
+    dst_params.height = src_rect.GetHeight() / src_info.res_scale;
+    dst_params.res_scale = src_info.res_scale;
+    dst_params.UpdateParams();
+    // Since we are going to invalidate the gap if there is one, we will have to load it first
+    const bool load_gap = output_gap != 0;
+    const auto [dst_surface_id, dst_rect] =
+        GetSurfaceSubRect(dst_params, ScaleMatch::Upscale, load_gap);
+    if (!dst_surface_id) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    Surface& src_surface = slot_surfaces[src_surface_id];
+    Surface& dst_surface = slot_surfaces[dst_surface_id];
+    if (dst_surface.type == SurfaceType::Texture ||
+        !CheckFormatsBlittable(src_surface.pixel_format, dst_surface.pixel_format)) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    ASSERT(src_rect.GetWidth() == dst_rect.GetWidth());
+    const TextureCopy texture_copy = {
+        .src_level = src_surface.LevelOf(src_params.addr),
+        .dst_level = dst_surface.LevelOf(dst_params.addr),
+        .src_offset = {src_rect.left, src_rect.bottom},
+        .dst_offset = {dst_rect.left, dst_rect.bottom},
+        .extent = {src_rect.GetWidth(), src_rect.GetHeight()},
+    };
+    runtime.CopyTextures(src_surface, dst_surface, texture_copy);
+    InvalidateRegion(dst_params.addr, dst_params.size, dst_surface_id);
+    return true;
+template <class T>
+bool RasterizerCache<T>::AccelerateDisplayTransfer(const GPU::Regs::DisplayTransferConfig& config) {
+    SurfaceParams src_params;
+    src_params.addr = config.GetPhysicalInputAddress();
+    src_params.width = config.output_width;
+    src_params.stride = config.input_width;
+    src_params.height = config.output_height;
+    src_params.is_tiled = !config.input_linear;
+    src_params.pixel_format = PixelFormatFromGPUPixelFormat(config.input_format);
+    src_params.UpdateParams();
+    SurfaceParams dst_params;
+    dst_params.addr = config.GetPhysicalOutputAddress();
+    dst_params.width = config.scaling != config.NoScale ? config.output_width.Value() / 2
+                                                        : config.output_width.Value();
+    dst_params.height = config.scaling == config.ScaleXY ? config.output_height.Value() / 2
+                                                         : config.output_height.Value();
+    dst_params.is_tiled = config.input_linear != config.dont_swizzle;
+    dst_params.pixel_format = PixelFormatFromGPUPixelFormat(config.output_format);
+    dst_params.UpdateParams();
+    auto [src_surface_id, src_rect] = GetSurfaceSubRect(src_params, ScaleMatch::Ignore, true);
+    if (!src_surface_id) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    dst_params.res_scale = slot_surfaces[src_surface_id].res_scale;
+    const auto [dst_surface_id, dst_rect] =
+        GetSurfaceSubRect(dst_params, ScaleMatch::Upscale, false);
+    if (!dst_surface_id) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    Surface& src_surface = slot_surfaces[src_surface_id];
+    Surface& dst_surface = slot_surfaces[dst_surface_id];
+    if (src_surface.is_tiled != dst_surface.is_tiled) {
+        std::swap(, src_rect.bottom);
+    }
+    if (config.flip_vertically) {
+        std::swap(, src_rect.bottom);
+    }
+    if (!CheckFormatsBlittable(src_surface.pixel_format, dst_surface.pixel_format)) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    const TextureBlit texture_blit = {
+        .src_level = src_surface.LevelOf(src_params.addr),
+        .dst_level = dst_surface.LevelOf(dst_params.addr),
+        .src_rect = src_rect,
+        .dst_rect = dst_rect,
+    };
+    runtime.BlitTextures(src_surface, dst_surface, texture_blit);
+    InvalidateRegion(dst_params.addr, dst_params.size, dst_surface_id);
+    return true;
+template <class T>
+bool RasterizerCache<T>::AccelerateFill(const GPU::Regs::MemoryFillConfig& config) {
+    SurfaceParams params;
+    params.addr = config.GetStartAddress();
+    params.end = config.GetEndAddress();
+    params.size = params.end - params.addr;
+    params.type = SurfaceType::Fill;
+    params.res_scale = std::numeric_limits<u16>::max();
+    SurfaceId fill_surface_id = slot_surfaces.insert(runtime, params);
+    Surface& fill_surface = slot_surfaces[fill_surface_id];
+    std::memcpy(&fill_surface.fill_data[0], &config.value_32bit, sizeof(u32));
+    if (config.fill_32bit) {
+        fill_surface.fill_size = 4;
+    } else if (config.fill_24bit) {
+        fill_surface.fill_size = 3;
+    } else {
+        fill_surface.fill_size = 2;
+    }
+    RegisterSurface(fill_surface_id);
+    InvalidateRegion(fill_surface.addr, fill_surface.size, fill_surface_id);
+    return true;
+template <class T>
+typename T::Surface& RasterizerCache<T>::GetSurface(SurfaceId surface_id) {
+    return slot_surfaces[surface_id];
+template <class T>
+typename T::Sampler& RasterizerCache<T>::GetSampler(SamplerId sampler_id) {
+    return slot_samplers[sampler_id];
+template <class T>
+typename T::Sampler& RasterizerCache<T>::GetSampler(
+    const Pica::TexturingRegs::TextureConfig& config) {
+    const SamplerParams params = {
+        .mag_filter = config.mag_filter,
+        .min_filter = config.min_filter,
+        .mip_filter = config.mip_filter,
+        .wrap_s = config.wrap_s,
+        .wrap_t = config.wrap_t,
+        .border_color = config.border_color.raw,
+        .lod_min = config.lod.min_level,
+        .lod_max = config.lod.max_level,
+        .lod_bias = config.lod.bias,
-    struct TextureCube {
-        SurfaceRef surface{};
-        std::array<SurfaceRef, 6> faces{};
-        std::array<u64, 6> ticks{};
+    auto [it, is_new] = samplers.try_emplace(params);
+    if (is_new) {
+        it->second = slot_samplers.insert(runtime, params);
+    }
+    return slot_samplers[it->second];
+template <class T>
+void RasterizerCache<T>::CopySurface(Surface& src_surface, Surface& dst_surface,
+                                     SurfaceInterval copy_interval) {
+    MICROPROFILE_SCOPE(RasterizerCache_CopySurface);
+    const PAddr copy_addr = copy_interval.lower();
+    const SurfaceParams subrect_params = dst_surface.FromInterval(copy_interval);
+    const auto dst_rect = dst_surface.GetScaledSubRect(subrect_params);
+    ASSERT(subrect_params.GetInterval() == copy_interval);
+    if (src_surface.type == SurfaceType::Fill) {
+        const TextureClear clear = {
+            .texture_level = dst_surface.LevelOf(copy_addr),
+            .texture_rect = dst_rect,
+            .value = src_surface.MakeClearValue(copy_addr, dst_surface.pixel_format),
+        };
+        runtime.ClearTexture(dst_surface, clear);
+        return;
+    }
+    const TextureBlit blit = {
+        .src_level = src_surface.LevelOf(copy_addr),
+        .dst_level = dst_surface.LevelOf(copy_addr),
+        .src_rect = src_surface.GetScaledSubRect(subrect_params),
+        .dst_rect = dst_rect,
+    };
+    runtime.BlitTextures(src_surface, dst_surface, blit);
+template <class T>
+SurfaceId RasterizerCache<T>::GetSurface(const SurfaceParams& params, ScaleMatch match_res_scale,
+                                         bool load_if_create) {
+    if (params.addr == 0 || params.height * params.width == 0) {
+        return {};
+    }
+    // Use GetSurfaceSubRect instead
+    ASSERT(params.width == params.stride);
+    ASSERT(!params.is_tiled || (params.width % 8 == 0 && params.height % 8 == 0));
+    // Check for an exact match in existing surfaces
+    SurfaceId surface_id = FindMatch<MatchFlags::Exact>(params, match_res_scale);
+    if (!surface_id) {
+        u16 target_res_scale = params.res_scale;
+        if (match_res_scale != ScaleMatch::Exact) {
+            // This surface may have a subrect of another surface with a higher res_scale, find
+            // it to adjust our params
+            SurfaceParams find_params = params;
+            SurfaceId expandable_id = FindMatch<MatchFlags::Expand>(find_params, match_res_scale);
+            if (expandable_id) {
+                Surface& expandable = slot_surfaces[expandable_id];
+                if (expandable.res_scale > target_res_scale) {
+                    target_res_scale = expandable.res_scale;
+                }
+            }
+            // Keep res_scale when reinterpreting d24s8 -> rgba8
+            if (params.pixel_format == PixelFormat::RGBA8) {
+                find_params.pixel_format = PixelFormat::D24S8;
+                expandable_id = FindMatch<MatchFlags::Expand>(find_params, match_res_scale);
+                if (expandable_id) {
+                    Surface& expandable = slot_surfaces[expandable_id];
+                    if (expandable.res_scale > target_res_scale) {
+                        target_res_scale = expandable.res_scale;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        SurfaceParams new_params = params;
+        new_params.res_scale = target_res_scale;
+        surface_id = CreateSurface(new_params);
+        RegisterSurface(surface_id);
+    }
+    if (load_if_create) {
+        ValidateSurface(surface_id, params.addr, params.size);
+    }
+    return surface_id;
+template <class T>
+typename RasterizerCache<T>::SurfaceRect_Tuple RasterizerCache<T>::GetSurfaceSubRect(
+    const SurfaceParams& params, ScaleMatch match_res_scale, bool load_if_create) {
+    if (params.addr == 0 || params.height * params.width == 0) {
+        return std::make_pair(SurfaceId{}, Common::Rectangle<u32>{});
+    }
+    // Attempt to find encompassing surface
+    SurfaceId surface_id = FindMatch<MatchFlags::SubRect>(params, match_res_scale);
+    // Check if FindMatch failed because of res scaling. If that's the case create a new surface
+    // with the dimensions of the lower res_scale surface to suggest it should not be used again.
+    if (!surface_id && match_res_scale != ScaleMatch::Ignore) {
+        surface_id = FindMatch<MatchFlags::SubRect>(params, ScaleMatch::Ignore);
+        if (surface_id) {
+            SurfaceParams new_params = slot_surfaces[surface_id];
+            new_params.res_scale = params.res_scale;
+            surface_id = CreateSurface(new_params);
+            RegisterSurface(surface_id);
+        }
+    }
+    SurfaceParams aligned_params = params;
+    if (params.is_tiled) {
+        aligned_params.height = Common::AlignUp(params.height, 8);
+        aligned_params.width = Common::AlignUp(params.width, 8);
+        aligned_params.stride = Common::AlignUp(params.stride, 8);
+        aligned_params.UpdateParams();
+    }
+    // Check for a surface we can expand before creating a new one
+    if (!surface_id) {
+        surface_id = FindMatch<MatchFlags::Expand>(aligned_params, match_res_scale);
+        if (surface_id) {
+            Surface& surface = slot_surfaces[surface_id];
+            aligned_params.width = aligned_params.stride;
+            aligned_params.UpdateParams();
+            SurfaceParams new_params = surface;
+            new_params.addr = std::min(aligned_params.addr, surface.addr);
+            new_params.end = std::max(aligned_params.end, surface.end);
+            new_params.size = new_params.end - new_params.addr;
+            new_params.height =
+                new_params.size / aligned_params.BytesInPixels(aligned_params.stride);
+            new_params.UpdateParams();
+            ASSERT(new_params.size % aligned_params.BytesInPixels(aligned_params.stride) == 0);
+            SurfaceId new_surface_id = CreateSurface(new_params);
+            DuplicateSurface(surface_id, new_surface_id);
+            UnregisterSurface(surface_id);
+            RegisterSurface(new_surface_id);
+            surface_id = new_surface_id;
+        }
+    }
+    // No subrect found - create and return a new surface
+    if (!surface_id) {
+        SurfaceParams new_params = aligned_params;
+        // Can't have gaps in a surface
+        new_params.width = aligned_params.stride;
+        new_params.UpdateParams();
+        // GetSurface will create the new surface and possibly adjust res_scale if necessary
+        surface_id = GetSurface(new_params, match_res_scale, load_if_create);
+    } else if (load_if_create) {
+        ValidateSurface(surface_id, aligned_params.addr, aligned_params.size);
+    }
+    return std::make_pair(surface_id, slot_surfaces[surface_id].GetScaledSubRect(params));
+template <class T>
+typename T::Surface& RasterizerCache<T>::GetTextureSurface(
+    const Pica::TexturingRegs::FullTextureConfig& config) {
+    const auto info = Pica::Texture::TextureInfo::FromPicaRegister(config.config, config.format);
+    const u32 max_level = MipLevels(info.width, info.height, config.config.lod.max_level) - 1;
+    const SurfaceId surface_id = GetTextureSurface(info, max_level);
+    return slot_surfaces[surface_id];
+template <class T>
+SurfaceId RasterizerCache<T>::GetTextureSurface(const Pica::Texture::TextureInfo& info,
+                                                u32 max_level) {
+    if (info.physical_address == 0) [[unlikely]] {
+        // Can occur when texture addr is null or its memory is unmapped/invalid
+        // HACK: In this case, the correct behaviour for the PICA is to use the last
+        // rendered colour. But because this would be impractical to implement, the
+        // next best alternative is to use a clear texture, essentially skipping
+        // the geometry in question.
+        // For example: a bug in Pokemon X/Y causes NULL-texture squares to be drawn
+        // on the male character's face, which in the OpenGL default appear black.
+        return NULL_SURFACE_ID;
+    }
+    SurfaceParams params;
+    params.addr = info.physical_address;
+    params.width = info.width;
+    params.height = info.height;
+    params.levels = max_level + 1;
+    params.is_tiled = true;
+    params.pixel_format = PixelFormatFromTextureFormat(info.format);
+    params.res_scale = use_filter ? resolution_scale_factor : 1;
+    params.UpdateParams();
+    const u32 min_width = info.width >> max_level;
+    const u32 min_height = info.height >> max_level;
+    if (min_width % 8 != 0 || min_height % 8 != 0) {
+        if (min_width % 4 == 0 && min_height % 4 == 0) {
+            const auto [src_surface_id, rect] = GetSurfaceSubRect(params, ScaleMatch::Ignore, true);
+            Surface& src_surface = slot_surfaces[src_surface_id];
+            params.res_scale = src_surface.res_scale;
+            SurfaceId tmp_surface_id = CreateSurface(params);
+            Surface& tmp_surface = slot_surfaces[tmp_surface_id];
+            const TextureBlit blit = {
+                .src_level = src_surface.LevelOf(params.addr),
+                .dst_level = 0,
+                .src_rect = rect,
+                .dst_rect = tmp_surface.GetScaledRect(),
+            };
+            runtime.BlitTextures(src_surface, tmp_surface, blit);
+            return tmp_surface_id;
+        }
+        LOG_CRITICAL(HW_GPU, "Texture size ({}x{}) is not multiple of 4", min_width, min_height);
+        return NULL_SURFACE_ID;
+    }
+    if (info.width != (min_width << max_level) || info.height != (min_height << max_level)) {
+        LOG_CRITICAL(HW_GPU, "Texture size ({}x{}) does not support required mipmap level ({})",
+                     params.width, params.height, max_level);
+        return NULL_SURFACE_ID;
+    }
+    SurfaceId surface_id = GetSurface(params, ScaleMatch::Ignore, true);
+    return surface_id ? surface_id : NULL_SURFACE_ID;
+template <class T>
+typename T::Surface& RasterizerCache<T>::GetTextureCube(const TextureCubeConfig& config) {
+    if (config.width == 0) [[unlikely]] {
+        return slot_surfaces[NULL_SURFACE_CUBE_ID];
+    }
+    auto [it, new_surface] = texture_cube_cache.try_emplace(config);
+    TextureCube& cube = it->second;
+    if (new_surface) {
+        SurfaceParams cube_params = {
+            .addr = config.px,
+            .width = config.width,
+            .height = config.width,
+            .stride = config.width,
+            .levels = config.levels,
+            .res_scale = use_filter ? resolution_scale_factor : 1,
+            .texture_type = TextureType::CubeMap,
+            .pixel_format = PixelFormatFromTextureFormat(config.format),
+            .type = SurfaceType::Texture,
+        };
+        cube_params.UpdateParams();
+        cube.surface_id = CreateSurface(cube_params);
+    }
+    const u32 scaled_size = slot_surfaces[cube.surface_id].GetScaledWidth();
+    const std::array addresses = {config.px, config.nx,, config.ny, config.pz,};
+    Pica::Texture::TextureInfo info = {
+        .width = config.width,
+        .height = config.width,
+        .format = config.format,
+    };
+    info.SetDefaultStride();
+    for (u32 i = 0; i < addresses.size(); i++) {
+        if (!addresses[i]) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        SurfaceId& face_id = cube.face_ids[i];
+        if (!face_id) {
+            info.physical_address = addresses[i];
+            face_id = GetTextureSurface(info, config.levels - 1);
+            ASSERT_MSG(slot_surfaces[face_id].levels >= config.levels,
+                       "Texture cube face levels are not enough to validate the levels requested");
+        }
+        Surface& surface = slot_surfaces[face_id];
+        surface.flags |= SurfaceFlagBits::Tracked;
+        if (cube.ticks[i] == surface.modification_tick) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        cube.ticks[i] = surface.modification_tick;
+        Surface& cube_surface = slot_surfaces[cube.surface_id];
+        for (u32 level = 0; level < config.levels; level++) {
+            const u32 width_lod = scaled_size >> level;
+            const TextureCopy texture_copy = {
+                .src_level = level,
+                .dst_level = level,
+                .src_layer = 0,
+                .dst_layer = i,
+                .src_offset = {0, 0},
+                .dst_offset = {0, 0},
+                .extent = {width_lod, width_lod},
+            };
+            runtime.CopyTextures(surface, cube_surface, texture_copy);
+        }
+    }
+    return slot_surfaces[cube.surface_id];
+template <class T>
+typename T::Framebuffer RasterizerCache<T>::GetFramebufferSurfaces(bool using_color_fb,
+                                                                   bool using_depth_fb) {
+    const auto& config = regs.framebuffer.framebuffer;
+    const s32 framebuffer_width = config.GetWidth();
+    const s32 framebuffer_height = config.GetHeight();
+    const auto viewport_rect = regs.rasterizer.GetViewportRect();
+    const Common::Rectangle<u32> viewport_clamped = {
+        static_cast<u32>(std::clamp(viewport_rect.left, 0, framebuffer_width)),
+        static_cast<u32>(std::clamp(, 0, framebuffer_height)),
+        static_cast<u32>(std::clamp(viewport_rect.right, 0, framebuffer_width)),
+        static_cast<u32>(std::clamp(viewport_rect.bottom, 0, framebuffer_height)),
-    RasterizerCache(Memory::MemorySystem& memory, CustomTexManager& custom_tex_manager,
-                    OpenGL::TextureRuntime& runtime, Pica::Regs& regs, RendererBase& renderer);
-    ~RasterizerCache();
+    // get color and depth surfaces
+    SurfaceParams color_params;
+    color_params.is_tiled = true;
+    color_params.res_scale = resolution_scale_factor;
+    color_params.width = config.GetWidth();
+    color_params.height = config.GetHeight();
+    SurfaceParams depth_params = color_params;
-    /// Notify the cache that a new frame has been queued
-    void TickFrame();
+    color_params.addr = config.GetColorBufferPhysicalAddress();
+    color_params.pixel_format = PixelFormatFromColorFormat(config.color_format);
+    color_params.UpdateParams();
-    /// Perform hardware accelerated texture copy according to the provided configuration
-    bool AccelerateTextureCopy(const GPU::Regs::DisplayTransferConfig& config);
+    depth_params.addr = config.GetDepthBufferPhysicalAddress();
+    depth_params.pixel_format = PixelFormatFromDepthFormat(config.depth_format);
+    depth_params.UpdateParams();
-    /// Perform hardware accelerated display transfer according to the provided configuration
-    bool AccelerateDisplayTransfer(const GPU::Regs::DisplayTransferConfig& config);
+    auto color_vp_interval = color_params.GetSubRectInterval(viewport_clamped);
+    auto depth_vp_interval = depth_params.GetSubRectInterval(viewport_clamped);
-    /// Perform hardware accelerated memory fill according to the provided configuration
-    bool AccelerateFill(const GPU::Regs::MemoryFillConfig& config);
+    // Make sure that framebuffers don't overlap if both color and depth are being used
+    if (using_color_fb && using_depth_fb &&
+        boost::icl::length(color_vp_interval & depth_vp_interval)) {
+        LOG_CRITICAL(HW_GPU, "Color and depth framebuffer memory regions overlap; "
+                             "overlapping framebuffers not supported!");
+        using_depth_fb = false;
+    }
-    /// Copy one surface's region to another
-    void CopySurface(const SurfaceRef& src_surface, const SurfaceRef& dst_surface,
-                     SurfaceInterval copy_interval);
+    Common::Rectangle<u32> color_rect{};
+    SurfaceId color_id{};
+    u32 color_level{};
+    if (using_color_fb)
+        std::tie(color_id, color_rect) = GetSurfaceSubRect(color_params, ScaleMatch::Exact, false);
-    /// Load a texture from 3DS memory to OpenGL and cache it (if not already cached)
-    SurfaceRef GetSurface(const SurfaceParams& params, ScaleMatch match_res_scale,
-                          bool load_if_create);
+    Common::Rectangle<u32> depth_rect{};
+    SurfaceId depth_id{};
+    u32 depth_level{};
+    if (using_depth_fb)
+        std::tie(depth_id, depth_rect) = GetSurfaceSubRect(depth_params, ScaleMatch::Exact, false);
-    /// Attempt to find a subrect (resolution scaled) of a surface, otherwise loads a texture from
-    /// 3DS memory to OpenGL and caches it (if not already cached)
-    SurfaceRect_Tuple GetSurfaceSubRect(const SurfaceParams& params, ScaleMatch match_res_scale,
-                                        bool load_if_create);
+    Common::Rectangle<u32> fb_rect{};
+    if (color_id && depth_id) {
+        fb_rect = color_rect;
+        // Color and Depth surfaces must have the same dimensions and offsets
+        if (color_rect.bottom != depth_rect.bottom || != ||
+            color_rect.left != depth_rect.left || color_rect.right != depth_rect.right) {
+            color_id = GetSurface(color_params, ScaleMatch::Exact, false);
+            depth_id = GetSurface(depth_params, ScaleMatch::Exact, false);
+            fb_rect = slot_surfaces[color_id].GetScaledRect();
+        }
+    } else if (color_id) {
+        fb_rect = color_rect;
+    } else if (depth_id) {
+        fb_rect = depth_rect;
+    }
-    /// Get a surface based on the texture configuration
-    SurfaceRef GetTextureSurface(const Pica::TexturingRegs::FullTextureConfig& config);
-    SurfaceRef GetTextureSurface(const Pica::Texture::TextureInfo& info, u32 max_level = 0);
+    const Surface* color_surface = color_id ? &slot_surfaces[color_id] : nullptr;
+    const Surface* depth_surface = depth_id ? &slot_surfaces[depth_id] : nullptr;
-    /// Get a texture cube based on the texture configuration
-    SurfaceRef GetTextureCube(const TextureCubeConfig& config);
+    if (color_id) {
+        color_level = color_surface->LevelOf(color_params.addr);
+        ValidateSurface(color_id, boost::icl::first(color_vp_interval),
+                        boost::icl::length(color_vp_interval));
+    }
+    if (depth_id) {
+        depth_level = depth_surface->LevelOf(depth_params.addr);
+        ValidateSurface(depth_id, boost::icl::first(depth_vp_interval),
+                        boost::icl::length(depth_vp_interval));
+    }
-    /// Get the color and depth surfaces based on the framebuffer configuration
-    OpenGL::Framebuffer GetFramebufferSurfaces(bool using_color_fb, bool using_depth_fb);
+    render_targets = RenderTargets{
+        .color_id = color_id,
+        .depth_id = depth_id,
+    };
-    /// Marks the draw rectangle defined in framebuffer as invalid
-    void InvalidateFramebuffer(const OpenGL::Framebuffer& framebuffer);
+    return Framebuffer{runtime,     color_surface, color_level, depth_surface,
+                       depth_level, regs,          fb_rect};
-    /// Get a surface that matches a "texture copy" display transfer config
-    SurfaceRect_Tuple GetTexCopySurface(const SurfaceParams& params);
+template <class T>
+void RasterizerCache<T>::InvalidateFramebuffer(const Framebuffer& framebuffer) {
+    const auto invalidate = [&](SurfaceId surface_id) {
+        if (!surface_id) {
+            return;
+        }
+        Surface& surface = slot_surfaces[surface_id];
+        const SurfaceInterval interval = framebuffer.Interval(surface.type);
+        const PAddr addr = boost::icl::first(interval);
+        const u32 size = boost::icl::length(interval);
+        InvalidateRegion(addr, size, surface_id);
+    };
+    const bool has_color = framebuffer.HasAttachment(SurfaceType::Color);
+    const bool has_depth = framebuffer.HasAttachment(SurfaceType::DepthStencil);
+    if (has_color) {
+        invalidate(render_targets.color_id);
+    }
+    if (has_depth) {
+        invalidate(render_targets.depth_id);
+    }
-    /// Write any cached resources overlapping the region back to memory (if dirty)
-    void FlushRegion(PAddr addr, u32 size, SurfaceRef flush_surface = nullptr);
+template <class T>
+typename RasterizerCache<T>::SurfaceRect_Tuple RasterizerCache<T>::GetTexCopySurface(
+    const SurfaceParams& params) {
+    Common::Rectangle<u32> rect{};
-    /// Mark region as being invalidated by region_owner (nullptr if 3DS memory)
-    void InvalidateRegion(PAddr addr, u32 size, const SurfaceRef& region_owner);
+    SurfaceId match_id = FindMatch<MatchFlags::TexCopy>(params, ScaleMatch::Ignore);
-    /// Flush all cached resources tracked by this cache manager
-    void FlushAll();
+    if (match_id) {
+        ValidateSurface(match_id, params.addr, params.size);
-    /// Clear all cached resources tracked by this cache manager
-    void ClearAll(bool flush);
+        SurfaceParams match_subrect;
+        Surface& match_surface = slot_surfaces[match_id];
+        if (params.width != params.stride) {
+            const u32 tiled_size = match_surface.is_tiled ? 8 : 1;
+            match_subrect = params;
+            match_subrect.width = match_surface.PixelsInBytes(params.width) / tiled_size;
+            match_subrect.stride = match_surface.PixelsInBytes(params.stride) / tiled_size;
+            match_subrect.height *= tiled_size;
+        } else {
+            match_subrect = match_surface.FromInterval(params.GetInterval());
+            ASSERT(match_subrect.GetInterval() == params.GetInterval());
+        }
-    /// Transfers ownership of a memory region from src_surface to dest_surface
-    void DuplicateSurface(const SurfaceRef& src_surface, const SurfaceRef& dest_surface);
+        rect = match_surface.GetScaledSubRect(match_subrect);
+    }
-    /// Update surface's texture for given region when necessary
-    void ValidateSurface(const SurfaceRef& surface, PAddr addr, u32 size);
+    return std::make_pair(match_id, rect);
-    /// Copies pixel data in interval from the guest VRAM to the host GPU surface
-    void UploadSurface(const SurfaceRef& surface, SurfaceInterval interval);
+template <class T>
+template <typename Func>
+void RasterizerCache<T>::ForEachSurfaceInRegion(PAddr addr, size_t size, Func&& func) {
+    using FuncReturn = typename std::invoke_result<Func, SurfaceId, Surface&>::type;
+    static constexpr bool BOOL_BREAK = std::is_same_v<FuncReturn, bool>;
+    boost::container::small_vector<SurfaceId, 8> surfaces;
+    ForEachPage(addr, size, [this, &surfaces, addr, size, func](u64 page) {
+        const auto it = page_table.find(page);
+        if (it == page_table.end()) {
+            if constexpr (BOOL_BREAK) {
+                return false;
+            } else {
+                return;
+            }
+        }
+        for (const SurfaceId surface_id : it->second) {
+            Surface& surface = slot_surfaces[surface_id];
+            if (True(surface.flags & SurfaceFlagBits::Picked)) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            if (!surface.Overlaps(addr, size)) {
+                continue;
+            }
-    /// Uploads a custom texture identified with hash to the target surface
-    bool UploadCustomSurface(const SurfaceRef& surface, const SurfaceParams& load_info, u64 hash);
+            surface.flags |= SurfaceFlagBits::Picked;
+            surfaces.push_back(surface_id);
+            if constexpr (BOOL_BREAK) {
+                if (func(surface_id, surface)) {
+                    return true;
+                }
+            } else {
+                func(surface_id, surface);
+            }
+        }
+        if constexpr (BOOL_BREAK) {
+            return false;
+        }
+    });
+    for (const SurfaceId surface_id : surfaces) {
+        slot_surfaces[surface_id].flags &= ~SurfaceFlagBits::Picked;
+    }
-    /// Returns the hash used to lookup the custom surface.
-    u64 ComputeCustomHash(const SurfaceParams& load_info, std::span<u8> decoded,
-                          std::span<u8> upload_data);
+template <class T>
+template <MatchFlags find_flags>
+SurfaceId RasterizerCache<T>::FindMatch(const SurfaceParams& params, ScaleMatch match_scale_type,
+                                        std::optional<SurfaceInterval> validate_interval) {
+    SurfaceId match_id{};
+    bool match_valid = false;
+    u32 match_scale = 0;
+    SurfaceInterval match_interval{};
-    /// Copies pixel data in interval from the host GPU surface to the guest VRAM
-    void DownloadSurface(const SurfaceRef& surface, SurfaceInterval interval);
+    ForEachSurfaceInRegion(params.addr, params.size, [&](SurfaceId surface_id, Surface& surface) {
+        const bool res_scale_matched = match_scale_type == ScaleMatch::Exact
+                                           ? (params.res_scale == surface.res_scale)
+                                           : (params.res_scale <= surface.res_scale);
+        const bool is_valid =
+            True(find_flags & MatchFlags::Copy)
+                ? true
+                : surface.IsRegionValid(validate_interval.value_or(params.GetInterval()));
-    /// Downloads a fill surface to guest VRAM
-    void DownloadFillSurface(const SurfaceRef& surface, SurfaceInterval interval);
+        auto IsMatch_Helper = [&](auto check_type, auto match_fn) {
+            if (False(find_flags & check_type))
+                return;
-    /// Returns false if there is a surface in the cache at the interval with the same bit-width,
-    bool NoUnimplementedReinterpretations(const SurfaceRef& surface, SurfaceParams params,
-                                          const SurfaceInterval& interval);
+            bool matched;
+            SurfaceInterval surface_interval;
+            std::tie(matched, surface_interval) = match_fn();
+            if (!matched)
+                return;
-    /// Return true if a surface with an invalid pixel format exists at the interval
-    bool IntervalHasInvalidPixelFormat(const SurfaceParams& params,
-                                       const SurfaceInterval& interval);
+            if (!res_scale_matched && match_scale_type != ScaleMatch::Ignore &&
+                surface.type != SurfaceType::Fill)
+                return;
-    /// Attempt to find a reinterpretable surface in the cache and use it to copy for validation
-    bool ValidateByReinterpretation(const SurfaceRef& surface, SurfaceParams params,
-                                    const SurfaceInterval& interval);
+            // Found a match, update only if this is better than the previous one
+            auto UpdateMatch = [&] {
+                match_id = surface_id;
+                match_valid = is_valid;
+                match_scale = surface.res_scale;
+                match_interval = surface_interval;
+            };
-    /// Create a new surface
-    SurfaceRef CreateSurface(const SurfaceParams& params);
+            if (surface.res_scale > match_scale) {
+                UpdateMatch();
+                return;
+            } else if (surface.res_scale < match_scale) {
+                return;
+            }
-    /// Register surface into the cache
-    void RegisterSurface(const SurfaceRef& surface);
+            if (is_valid && !match_valid) {
+                UpdateMatch();
+                return;
+            } else if (is_valid != match_valid) {
+                return;
+            }
-    /// Remove surface from the cache
-    void UnregisterSurface(const SurfaceRef& surface);
+            if (boost::icl::length(surface_interval) > boost::icl::length(match_interval)) {
+                UpdateMatch();
+            }
+        };
+        IsMatch_Helper(std::integral_constant<MatchFlags, MatchFlags::Exact>{}, [&] {
+            return std::make_pair(surface.ExactMatch(params), surface.GetInterval());
+        });
+        IsMatch_Helper(std::integral_constant<MatchFlags, MatchFlags::SubRect>{}, [&] {
+            return std::make_pair(surface.CanSubRect(params), surface.GetInterval());
+        });
+        IsMatch_Helper(std::integral_constant<MatchFlags, MatchFlags::Copy>{}, [&] {
+            ASSERT(validate_interval);
+            const SurfaceInterval copy_interval =
+                surface.GetCopyableInterval(params.FromInterval(*validate_interval));
+            const bool matched = boost::icl::length(copy_interval & *validate_interval) != 0 &&
+                                 surface.CanCopy(params, copy_interval);
+            return std::make_pair(matched, copy_interval);
+        });
+        IsMatch_Helper(std::integral_constant<MatchFlags, MatchFlags::Reinterpret>{}, [&] {
+            ASSERT(validate_interval);
+            const bool matched =
+                !boost::icl::contains(surface.invalid_regions, *validate_interval) &&
+                surface.CanReinterpret(params);
+            return std::make_pair(matched, surface.GetInterval());
+        });
+        IsMatch_Helper(std::integral_constant<MatchFlags, MatchFlags::Expand>{}, [&] {
+            return std::make_pair(surface.CanExpand(params), surface.GetInterval());
+        });
+        IsMatch_Helper(std::integral_constant<MatchFlags, MatchFlags::TexCopy>{}, [&] {
+            return std::make_pair(surface.CanTexCopy(params), surface.GetInterval());
+        });
+    });
+    return match_id;
-    /// Increase/decrease the number of surface in pages touching the specified region
-    void UpdatePagesCachedCount(PAddr addr, u32 size, int delta);
+template <class T>
+void RasterizerCache<T>::DuplicateSurface(SurfaceId src_id, SurfaceId dst_id) {
+    Surface& src_surface = slot_surfaces[src_id];
+    Surface& dst_surface = slot_surfaces[dst_id];
+    ASSERT(dst_surface.addr <= src_surface.addr && dst_surface.end >= src_surface.end);
-    Memory::MemorySystem& memory;
-    CustomTexManager& custom_tex_manager;
-    OpenGL::TextureRuntime& runtime;
-    Pica::Regs& regs;
-    RendererBase& renderer;
-    SurfaceCache surface_cache;
-    PageMap cached_pages;
-    SurfaceMap dirty_regions;
-    std::vector<SurfaceRef> remove_surfaces;
-    u32 resolution_scale_factor;
-    RenderTargets render_targets;
-    std::unordered_map<TextureCubeConfig, TextureCube> texture_cube_cache;
-    bool use_filter;
-    bool dump_textures;
-    bool use_custom_textures;
+    const auto src_rect = src_surface.GetScaledRect();
+    const auto dst_rect = dst_surface.GetScaledSubRect(src_surface);
+    ASSERT(src_rect.GetWidth() == dst_rect.GetWidth());
+    const TextureCopy copy = {
+        .src_level = 0,
+        .dst_level = 0,
+        .src_offset = {src_rect.left, src_rect.bottom},
+        .dst_offset = {dst_rect.left, dst_rect.bottom},
+        .extent = {src_rect.GetWidth(), src_rect.GetHeight()},
+    };
+    runtime.CopyTextures(src_surface, dst_surface, copy);
+    dst_surface.invalid_regions -= src_surface.GetInterval();
+    dst_surface.invalid_regions += src_surface.invalid_regions;
+    SurfaceRegions regions;
+    for (const auto& pair : RangeFromInterval(dirty_regions, src_surface.GetInterval())) {
+        if (pair.second == src_id) {
+            regions += pair.first;
+        }
+    }
+    for (const auto& interval : regions) {
+        dirty_regions.set({interval, dst_id});
+    }
+template <class T>
+void RasterizerCache<T>::ValidateSurface(SurfaceId surface_id, PAddr addr, u32 size) {
+    if (size == 0) [[unlikely]] {
+        return;
+    }
+    Surface& surface = slot_surfaces[surface_id];
+    const SurfaceInterval validate_interval(addr, addr + size);
+    if (surface.type == SurfaceType::Fill) {
+        ASSERT_MSG(surface.IsRegionValid(validate_interval),
+                   "Attempted to validate a non-valid fill surface");
+        return;
+    }
+    SurfaceRegions validate_regions = surface.invalid_regions & validate_interval;
+    auto notify_validated = [&](SurfaceInterval interval) {
+        surface.MarkValid(interval);
+        validate_regions.erase(interval);
+    };
+    u32 level = surface.LevelOf(addr);
+    SurfaceInterval level_interval = surface.LevelInterval(level);
+    while (!validate_regions.empty()) {
+        // Take an invalid interval from the validation regions and clamp it
+        // to the current level interval. If the interval is empty
+        // then we have validated the entire level so move to the next.
+        const auto interval = *validate_regions.begin() & level_interval;
+        if (boost::icl::is_empty(interval)) {
+            level_interval = surface.LevelInterval(++level);
+            continue;
+        }
+        // Look for a valid surface to copy from.
+        const SurfaceParams params = surface.FromInterval(interval);
+        const SurfaceId copy_surface_id =
+            FindMatch<MatchFlags::Copy>(params, ScaleMatch::Ignore, interval);
+        if (copy_surface_id && copy_surface_id != surface_id) {
+            Surface& copy_surface = slot_surfaces[copy_surface_id];
+            const SurfaceInterval copy_interval = copy_surface.GetCopyableInterval(params);
+            CopySurface(copy_surface, surface, copy_interval);
+            notify_validated(copy_interval);
+            continue;
+        }
+        // Try to find surface in cache with different format
+        // that can can be reinterpreted to the requested format.
+        if (ValidateByReinterpretation(surface, params, interval)) {
+            notify_validated(interval);
+            continue;
+        }
+        FlushRegion(params.addr, params.size);
+        if (!use_custom_textures || !UploadCustomSurface(surface_id, interval)) {
+            UploadSurface(surface, interval);
+        }
+        notify_validated(params.GetInterval());
+    }
+    // Filtered mipmaps often look really bad. We can achieve better quality by
+    // generating them from the base level.
+    if (surface.res_scale != 1 && level != 0) {
+        runtime.GenerateMipmaps(surface);
+    }
+template <class T>
+void RasterizerCache<T>::UploadSurface(Surface& surface, SurfaceInterval interval) {
+    MICROPROFILE_SCOPE(RasterizerCache_UploadSurface);
+    const SurfaceParams load_info = surface.FromInterval(interval);
+    ASSERT(load_info.addr >= surface.addr && load_info.end <= surface.end);
+    const auto staging = runtime.FindStaging(
+        load_info.width * load_info.height * surface.GetInternalBytesPerPixel(), true);
+    MemoryRef source_ptr = memory.GetPhysicalRef(load_info.addr);
+    if (!source_ptr) [[unlikely]] {
+        return;
+    }
+    const auto upload_data = source_ptr.GetWriteBytes(load_info.end - load_info.addr);
+    DecodeTexture(load_info, load_info.addr, load_info.end, upload_data, staging.mapped,
+                  runtime.NeedsConversion(surface.pixel_format));
+    if (dump_textures && False(surface.flags & SurfaceFlagBits::Custom)) {
+        const u64 hash = Common::ComputeHash64(, upload_data.size());
+        const u32 level = surface.LevelOf(load_info.addr);
+        custom_tex_manager.DumpTexture(load_info, level, upload_data, hash);
+    }
+    const BufferTextureCopy upload = {
+        .buffer_offset = 0,
+        .buffer_size = staging.size,
+        .texture_rect = surface.GetSubRect(load_info),
+        .texture_level = surface.LevelOf(load_info.addr),
+    };
+    surface.Upload(upload, staging);
+template <class T>
+bool RasterizerCache<T>::UploadCustomSurface(SurfaceId surface_id, SurfaceInterval interval) {
+    MICROPROFILE_SCOPE(RasterizerCache_UploadSurface);
+    Surface& surface = slot_surfaces[surface_id];
+    const SurfaceParams load_info = surface.FromInterval(interval);
+    ASSERT(load_info.addr >= surface.addr && load_info.end <= surface.end);
+    MemoryRef source_ptr = memory.GetPhysicalRef(load_info.addr);
+    if (!source_ptr) [[unlikely]] {
+        return false;
+    }
+    const auto upload_data = source_ptr.GetWriteBytes(load_info.end - load_info.addr);
+    const u64 hash = [&] {
+        if (!custom_tex_manager.UseNewHash()) {
+            const u32 width = load_info.width;
+            const u32 height = load_info.height;
+            const u32 bpp = surface.GetInternalBytesPerPixel();
+            auto decoded = std::vector<u8>(width * height * bpp);
+            DecodeTexture(load_info, load_info.addr, load_info.end, upload_data, decoded, false);
+            return Common::ComputeHash64(, decoded.size());
+        } else {
+            return Common::ComputeHash64(, upload_data.size());
+        }
+    }();
+    const u32 level = surface.LevelOf(load_info.addr);
+    Material* material = custom_tex_manager.GetMaterial(hash);
+    if (!material) {
+        return surface.IsCustom();
+    }
+    if (level != 0 && custom_tex_manager.SkipMipmaps()) {
+        return true;
+    }
+    surface.flags |= SurfaceFlagBits::Custom;
+    const auto upload = [this, level, surface_id, material]() -> bool {
+        Surface& surface = slot_surfaces[surface_id];
+        if (False(surface.flags & SurfaceFlagBits::Custom)) {
+            LOG_ERROR(HW_GPU, "Surface is not suitable for custom upload, aborting!");
+            return false;
+        }
+        if (!surface.IsCustom() && !surface.Swap(material)) {
+            LOG_ERROR(HW_GPU, "Custom compressed format {} unsupported by host GPU",
+                      material->format);
+            return false;
+        }
+        surface.UploadCustom(material, level);
+        if (custom_tex_manager.SkipMipmaps()) {
+            runtime.GenerateMipmaps(surface);
+        }
+        return true;
+    };
+    return custom_tex_manager.Decode(material, std::move(upload));
+template <class T>
+void RasterizerCache<T>::DownloadSurface(Surface& surface, SurfaceInterval interval) {
+    MICROPROFILE_SCOPE(RasterizerCache_DownloadSurface);
+    const SurfaceParams flush_info = surface.FromInterval(interval);
+    const u32 flush_start = boost::icl::first(interval);
+    const u32 flush_end = boost::icl::last_next(interval);
+    ASSERT(flush_start >= surface.addr && flush_end <= surface.end);
+    const auto staging = runtime.FindStaging(
+        flush_info.width * flush_info.height * surface.GetInternalBytesPerPixel(), false);
+    const BufferTextureCopy download = {
+        .buffer_offset = 0,
+        .buffer_size = staging.size,
+        .texture_rect = surface.GetSubRect(flush_info),
+        .texture_level = surface.LevelOf(flush_start),
+    };
+    surface.Download(download, staging);
+    MemoryRef dest_ptr = memory.GetPhysicalRef(flush_start);
+    if (!dest_ptr) [[unlikely]] {
+        return;
+    }
+    const auto download_dest = dest_ptr.GetWriteBytes(flush_end - flush_start);
+    EncodeTexture(flush_info, flush_start, flush_end, staging.mapped, download_dest,
+                  runtime.NeedsConversion(surface.pixel_format));
+template <class T>
+void RasterizerCache<T>::DownloadFillSurface(Surface& surface, SurfaceInterval interval) {
+    const u32 flush_start = boost::icl::first(interval);
+    const u32 flush_end = boost::icl::last_next(interval);
+    ASSERT(flush_start >= surface.addr && flush_end <= surface.end);
+    MemoryRef dest_ptr = memory.GetPhysicalRef(flush_start);
+    if (!dest_ptr) [[unlikely]] {
+        return;
+    }
+    const u32 start_offset = flush_start - surface.addr;
+    const u32 download_size =
+        std::clamp(flush_end - flush_start, 0u, static_cast<u32>(dest_ptr.GetSize()));
+    const u32 coarse_start_offset = start_offset - (start_offset % surface.fill_size);
+    const u32 backup_bytes = start_offset % surface.fill_size;
+    std::array<u8, 4> backup_data;
+    if (backup_bytes) {
+        std::memcpy(, &dest_ptr[coarse_start_offset], backup_bytes);
+    }
+    for (u32 offset = coarse_start_offset; offset < download_size; offset += surface.fill_size) {
+        std::memcpy(&dest_ptr[offset], &surface.fill_data[0],
+                    std::min(surface.fill_size, download_size - offset));
+    }
+    if (backup_bytes) {
+        std::memcpy(&dest_ptr[coarse_start_offset], &backup_data[0], backup_bytes);
+    }
+template <class T>
+bool RasterizerCache<T>::ValidateByReinterpretation(Surface& surface, SurfaceParams params,
+                                                    const SurfaceInterval& interval) {
+    const bool is_gpu_modified = boost::icl::contains(dirty_regions, interval);
+    SurfaceId reinterpret_id =
+        FindMatch<MatchFlags::Reinterpret>(params, ScaleMatch::Ignore, interval);
+    if (reinterpret_id) {
+        Surface& src_surface = slot_surfaces[reinterpret_id];
+        if (src_surface.stride == surface.stride) {
+            const SurfaceInterval copy_interval = src_surface.GetCopyableInterval(params);
+            if (boost::icl::is_empty(copy_interval)) {
+                return false;
+            }
+            const PAddr addr = boost::icl::lower(interval);
+            const SurfaceParams copy_params = surface.FromInterval(copy_interval);
+            const TextureBlit reinterpret = {
+                .src_level = src_surface.LevelOf(addr),
+                .dst_level = surface.LevelOf(addr),
+                .src_rect = src_surface.GetScaledSubRect(copy_params),
+                .dst_rect = surface.GetScaledSubRect(copy_params),
+            };
+            return runtime.Reinterpret(src_surface, surface, reinterpret);
+        }
+        LOG_INFO(HW_GPU, "Unimplemented dimentional reinterpretatation {}x{} -> {}x{}",
+                 src_surface.width, src_surface.height, surface.width, surface.height);
+        // A surface with matching bit width was found but couldn't be reinterpreted
+        // due to mismatching stride. It's probably a developer mistake so skip flushing
+        // if it was created on the GPU.
+        return is_gpu_modified;
+    }
+    // No surfaces were found in the cache that had a matching bit-width.
+    // If there's a surface with invalid format it means the region was cleared
+    // so we don't want to skip validation in that case.
+    const bool has_invalid = IntervalHasInvalidPixelFormat(params, interval);
+    return !has_invalid && is_gpu_modified;
+template <class T>
+bool RasterizerCache<T>::IntervalHasInvalidPixelFormat(const SurfaceParams& params,
+                                                       SurfaceInterval interval) {
+    bool invalid_format_found = false;
+    const PAddr addr = boost::icl::lower(interval);
+    const u32 size = boost::icl::length(interval);
+    ForEachSurfaceInRegion(addr, size, [&](SurfaceId surface_id, Surface& surface) {
+        if (surface.pixel_format == PixelFormat::Invalid) {
+            invalid_format_found = true;
+            return true;
+        }
+        return false;
+    });
+    return invalid_format_found;
+template <class T>
+void RasterizerCache<T>::ClearAll(bool flush) {
+    const auto flush_interval = PageMap::interval_type::right_open(0x0, 0xFFFFFFFF);
+    // Force flush all surfaces from the cache
+    if (flush) {
+        FlushRegion(0x0, 0xFFFFFFFF);
+    }
+    // Unmark all of the marked pages
+    for (auto& pair : RangeFromInterval(cached_pages, flush_interval)) {
+        const auto interval = pair.first & flush_interval;
+        const PAddr interval_start_addr = boost::icl::first(interval) << Memory::CITRA_PAGE_BITS;
+        const PAddr interval_end_addr = boost::icl::last_next(interval) << Memory::CITRA_PAGE_BITS;
+        const u32 interval_size = interval_end_addr - interval_start_addr;
+        memory.RasterizerMarkRegionCached(interval_start_addr, interval_size, false);
+    }
+    // Remove the whole cache without really looking at it.
+    cached_pages -= flush_interval;
+    dirty_regions -= SurfaceInterval(0x0, 0xFFFFFFFF);
+    page_table.clear();
+    remove_surfaces.clear();
+template <class T>
+void RasterizerCache<T>::FlushRegion(PAddr addr, u32 size, SurfaceId flush_surface_id) {
+    if (size == 0) [[unlikely]] {
+        return;
+    }
+    const SurfaceInterval flush_interval(addr, addr + size);
+    SurfaceRegions flushed_intervals;
+    for (const auto& [region, surface_id] : RangeFromInterval(dirty_regions, flush_interval)) {
+        // Small sizes imply that this most likely comes from the cpu, flush the entire region
+        // the point is to avoid thousands of small writes every frame if the cpu decides to
+        // access that region, anything higher than 8 you're guaranteed it comes from a service
+        const auto interval = size <= 8 ? region : region & flush_interval;
+        if (flush_surface_id && surface_id != flush_surface_id) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        // Sanity check, this surface is the last one that marked this region dirty
+        Surface& surface = slot_surfaces[surface_id];
+        ASSERT(surface.IsRegionValid(interval));
+        if (surface.type == SurfaceType::Fill) {
+            DownloadFillSurface(surface, interval);
+        } else {
+            DownloadSurface(surface, interval);
+        }
+        flushed_intervals += interval;
+    }
+    // Reset dirty regions
+    dirty_regions -= flushed_intervals;
+template <class T>
+void RasterizerCache<T>::FlushAll() {
+    FlushRegion(0, 0xFFFFFFFF);
+template <class T>
+void RasterizerCache<T>::InvalidateRegion(PAddr addr, u32 size, SurfaceId region_owner_id) {
+    if (size == 0) [[unlikely]] {
+        return;
+    }
+    const SurfaceInterval invalid_interval(addr, addr + size);
+    if (region_owner_id) {
+        Surface& region_owner = slot_surfaces[region_owner_id];
+        ASSERT(region_owner.type != SurfaceType::Texture);
+        ASSERT(addr >= region_owner.addr && addr + size <= region_owner.end);
+        ASSERT(region_owner.width == region_owner.stride);
+        region_owner.MarkValid(invalid_interval);
+    }
+    ForEachSurfaceInRegion(addr, size, [&](SurfaceId surface_id, Surface& surface) {
+        if (surface_id == region_owner_id) {
+            return;
+        }
+        // If the CPU is invalidating this region we want to remove it
+        // to (likely) mark the memory pages as uncached
+        if (!region_owner_id && size <= 8) {
+            FlushRegion(surface.addr, surface.size, surface_id);
+            remove_surfaces.push_back(surface_id);
+            return;
+        }
+        surface.MarkInvalid(surface.GetInterval() & invalid_interval);
+        // If the surface has no salvageable data it should be removed
+        // from the cache to avoid clogging the data structure.
+        if (surface.IsFullyInvalid()) {
+            remove_surfaces.push_back(surface_id);
+        }
+    });
+    if (region_owner_id) {
+        dirty_regions.set({invalid_interval, region_owner_id});
+    } else {
+        dirty_regions.erase(invalid_interval);
+    }
+    for (const SurfaceId remove_surface_id : remove_surfaces) {
+        UnregisterSurface(remove_surface_id);
+    }
+    remove_surfaces.clear();
+template <class T>
+SurfaceId RasterizerCache<T>::CreateSurface(const SurfaceParams& params) {
+    SurfaceId surface_id = slot_surfaces.insert(runtime, params);
+    Surface& surface = slot_surfaces[surface_id];
+    surface.MarkInvalid(surface.GetInterval());
+    return surface_id;
+template <class T>
+void RasterizerCache<T>::RegisterSurface(SurfaceId surface_id) {
+    Surface& surface = slot_surfaces[surface_id];
+    ASSERT_MSG(False(surface.flags & SurfaceFlagBits::Registered),
+               "Trying to register an already registered surface");
+    surface.flags |= SurfaceFlagBits::Registered;
+    UpdatePagesCachedCount(surface.addr, surface.size, 1);
+    ForEachPage(surface.addr, surface.size,
+                [this, surface_id](u64 page) { page_table[page].push_back(surface_id); });
+template <class T>
+void RasterizerCache<T>::UnregisterSurface(SurfaceId surface_id) {
+    Surface& surface = slot_surfaces[surface_id];
+    ASSERT_MSG(True(surface.flags & SurfaceFlagBits::Registered),
+               "Trying to unregister an already unregistered surface");
+    surface.flags &= ~SurfaceFlagBits::Registered;
+    UpdatePagesCachedCount(surface.addr, surface.size, -1);
+    ForEachPage(surface.addr, surface.size, [this, surface_id](u64 page) {
+        const auto page_it = page_table.find(page);
+        if (page_it == page_table.end()) {
+            ASSERT_MSG(false, "Unregistering unregistered page=0x{:x}", page << CITRA_PAGEBITS);
+            return;
+        }
+        std::vector<SurfaceId>& surfaces = page_it.value();
+        const auto vector_it = std::find(surfaces.begin(), surfaces.end(), surface_id);
+        if (vector_it == surfaces.end()) {
+            ASSERT_MSG(false, "Unregistering unregistered surface in page=0x{:x}",
+                       page << CITRA_PAGEBITS);
+            return;
+        }
+        surfaces.erase(vector_it);
+    });
+    if (True(surface.flags & SurfaceFlagBits::Tracked)) {
+        auto it = texture_cube_cache.begin();
+        while (it != texture_cube_cache.end()) {
+            std::array<SurfaceId, 6>& face_ids = it->second.face_ids;
+            const auto array_it = std::find(face_ids.begin(), face_ids.end(), surface_id);
+            if (array_it != face_ids.end()) {
+                *array_it = SurfaceId{};
+            }
+            if (std::none_of(face_ids.begin(), face_ids.end(), [](SurfaceId id) { return id; })) {
+                slot_surfaces.erase(it->second.surface_id);
+                it = texture_cube_cache.erase(it);
+                continue;
+            }
+            it++;
+        }
+    }
+    slot_surfaces.erase(surface_id);
+template <class T>
+void RasterizerCache<T>::UnregisterAll() {
+    FlushAll();
+    for (auto& [page, surfaces] : page_table) {
+        while (!surfaces.empty()) {
+            UnregisterSurface(surfaces.back());
+        }
+    }
+    texture_cube_cache.clear();
+    remove_surfaces.clear();
+    runtime.Reset();
+template <class T>
+void RasterizerCache<T>::UpdatePagesCachedCount(PAddr addr, u32 size, int delta) {
+    const u32 num_pages =
+        ((addr + size - 1) >> Memory::CITRA_PAGE_BITS) - (addr >> Memory::CITRA_PAGE_BITS) + 1;
+    const u32 page_start = addr >> Memory::CITRA_PAGE_BITS;
+    const u32 page_end = page_start + num_pages;
+    // Interval maps will erase segments if count reaches 0, so if delta is negative we have to
+    // subtract after iterating
+    const auto pages_interval = PageMap::interval_type::right_open(page_start, page_end);
+    if (delta > 0) {
+        cached_pages.add({pages_interval, delta});
+    }
+    for (const auto& pair : RangeFromInterval(cached_pages, pages_interval)) {
+        const auto interval = pair.first & pages_interval;
+        const int count = pair.second;
+        const PAddr interval_start_addr = boost::icl::first(interval) << Memory::CITRA_PAGE_BITS;
+        const PAddr interval_end_addr = boost::icl::last_next(interval) << Memory::CITRA_PAGE_BITS;
+        const u32 interval_size = interval_end_addr - interval_start_addr;
+        if (delta > 0 && count == delta) {
+            memory.RasterizerMarkRegionCached(interval_start_addr, interval_size, true);
+        } else if (delta < 0 && count == -delta) {
+            memory.RasterizerMarkRegionCached(interval_start_addr, interval_size, false);
+        } else {
+            ASSERT(count >= 0);
+        }
+    }
+    if (delta < 0) {
+        cached_pages.add({pages_interval, delta});
+    }
 } // namespace VideoCore
diff --git a/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/rasterizer_cache_base.h b/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/rasterizer_cache_base.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eb638ae345
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/rasterizer_cache_base.h
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+// Copyright 2023 Citra Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#pragma once
+#include <functional>
+#include <optional>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <vector>
+#include <boost/icl/interval_map.hpp>
+#include <tsl/robin_map.h>
+#include "video_core/rasterizer_cache/sampler_params.h"
+#include "video_core/rasterizer_cache/surface_base.h"
+namespace Memory {
+class MemorySystem;
+namespace Pica {
+struct Regs;
+namespace Pica::Texture {
+struct TextureInfo;
+namespace VideoCore {
+enum class ScaleMatch {
+    Exact,   ///< Only accept same res scale
+    Upscale, ///< Only allow higher scale than params
+    Ignore   ///< Accept every scaled res
+enum class MatchFlags {
+    Exact = 1 << 0,       ///< Surface perfectly matches params
+    SubRect = 1 << 1,     ///< Surface encompasses params
+    Copy = 1 << 2,        ///< Surface that can be used as a copy source
+    Expand = 1 << 3,      ///< Surface that can expand params
+    TexCopy = 1 << 4,     ///< Surface that will match a display transfer "texture copy" parameters
+    Reinterpret = 1 << 5, ///< Surface might have different pixel format.
+class CustomTexManager;
+class RendererBase;
+template <class T>
+class RasterizerCache {
+    /// Address shift for caching surfaces into a hash table
+    static constexpr u64 CITRA_PAGEBITS = 18;
+    using Runtime = typename T::Runtime;
+    using Sampler = typename T::Sampler;
+    using Surface = typename T::Surface;
+    using Framebuffer = typename T::Framebuffer;
+    using SurfaceMap = boost::icl::interval_map<PAddr, SurfaceId, boost::icl::partial_absorber,
+                                                std::less, boost::icl::inplace_plus,
+                                                boost::icl::inter_section, SurfaceInterval>;
+    using SurfaceRect_Tuple = std::pair<SurfaceId, Common::Rectangle<u32>>;
+    using PageMap = boost::icl::interval_map<u32, int>;
+    struct RenderTargets {
+        SurfaceId color_id;
+        SurfaceId depth_id;
+    };
+    struct TextureCube {
+        SurfaceId surface_id;
+        std::array<SurfaceId, 6> face_ids;
+        std::array<u64, 6> ticks;
+    };
+    explicit RasterizerCache(Memory::MemorySystem& memory, CustomTexManager& custom_tex_manager,
+                             Runtime& runtime, Pica::Regs& regs, RendererBase& renderer);
+    ~RasterizerCache();
+    /// Notify the cache that a new frame has been queued
+    void TickFrame();
+    /// Perform hardware accelerated texture copy according to the provided configuration
+    bool AccelerateTextureCopy(const GPU::Regs::DisplayTransferConfig& config);
+    /// Perform hardware accelerated display transfer according to the provided configuration
+    bool AccelerateDisplayTransfer(const GPU::Regs::DisplayTransferConfig& config);
+    /// Perform hardware accelerated memory fill according to the provided configuration
+    bool AccelerateFill(const GPU::Regs::MemoryFillConfig& config);
+    /// Returns a reference to the surface object assigned to surface_id
+    Surface& GetSurface(SurfaceId surface_id);
+    /// Returns a reference to the sampler object matching the provided configuration
+    Sampler& GetSampler(const Pica::TexturingRegs::TextureConfig& config);
+    Sampler& GetSampler(SamplerId sampler_id);
+    /// Copy one surface's region to another
+    void CopySurface(Surface& src_surface, Surface& dst_surface, SurfaceInterval copy_interval);
+    /// Load a texture from 3DS memory to OpenGL and cache it (if not already cached)
+    SurfaceId GetSurface(const SurfaceParams& params, ScaleMatch match_res_scale,
+                         bool load_if_create);
+    /// Attempt to find a subrect (resolution scaled) of a surface, otherwise loads a texture from
+    /// 3DS memory to OpenGL and caches it (if not already cached)
+    SurfaceRect_Tuple GetSurfaceSubRect(const SurfaceParams& params, ScaleMatch match_res_scale,
+                                        bool load_if_create);
+    /// Get a surface based on the texture configuration
+    Surface& GetTextureSurface(const Pica::TexturingRegs::FullTextureConfig& config);
+    SurfaceId GetTextureSurface(const Pica::Texture::TextureInfo& info, u32 max_level = 0);
+    /// Get a texture cube based on the texture configuration
+    Surface& GetTextureCube(const TextureCubeConfig& config);
+    /// Get the color and depth surfaces based on the framebuffer configuration
+    Framebuffer GetFramebufferSurfaces(bool using_color_fb, bool using_depth_fb);
+    /// Marks the draw rectangle defined in framebuffer as invalid
+    void InvalidateFramebuffer(const Framebuffer& framebuffer);
+    /// Get a surface that matches a "texture copy" display transfer config
+    SurfaceRect_Tuple GetTexCopySurface(const SurfaceParams& params);
+    /// Write any cached resources overlapping the region back to memory (if dirty)
+    void FlushRegion(PAddr addr, u32 size, SurfaceId flush_surface = {});
+    /// Mark region as being invalidated by region_owner (nullptr if 3DS memory)
+    void InvalidateRegion(PAddr addr, u32 size, SurfaceId region_owner = {});
+    /// Flush all cached resources tracked by this cache manager
+    void FlushAll();
+    /// Clear all cached resources tracked by this cache manager
+    void ClearAll(bool flush);
+    /// Iterate over all page indices in a range
+    template <typename Func>
+    void ForEachPage(PAddr addr, size_t size, Func&& func) {
+        static constexpr bool RETURNS_BOOL = std::is_same_v<std::invoke_result<Func, u64>, bool>;
+        const u64 page_end = (addr + size - 1) >> CITRA_PAGEBITS;
+        for (u64 page = addr >> CITRA_PAGEBITS; page <= page_end; ++page) {
+            if constexpr (RETURNS_BOOL) {
+                if (func(page)) {
+                    break;
+                }
+            } else {
+                func(page);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /// Iterates over all the surfaces in a region calling func
+    template <typename Func>
+    void ForEachSurfaceInRegion(PAddr addr, size_t size, Func&& func);
+    /// Get the best surface match (and its match type) for the given flags
+    template <MatchFlags find_flags>
+    SurfaceId FindMatch(const SurfaceParams& params, ScaleMatch match_scale_type,
+                        std::optional<SurfaceInterval> validate_interval = std::nullopt);
+    /// Transfers ownership of a memory region from src_surface to dest_surface
+    void DuplicateSurface(SurfaceId src_id, SurfaceId dst_id);
+    /// Update surface's texture for given region when necessary
+    void ValidateSurface(SurfaceId surface, PAddr addr, u32 size);
+    /// Copies pixel data in interval from the guest VRAM to the host GPU surface
+    void UploadSurface(Surface& surface, SurfaceInterval interval);
+    /// Uploads a custom texture identified with hash to the target surface
+    bool UploadCustomSurface(SurfaceId surface_id, SurfaceInterval interval);
+    /// Copies pixel data in interval from the host GPU surface to the guest VRAM
+    void DownloadSurface(Surface& surface, SurfaceInterval interval);
+    /// Downloads a fill surface to guest VRAM
+    void DownloadFillSurface(Surface& surface, SurfaceInterval interval);
+    /// Attempt to find a reinterpretable surface in the cache and use it to copy for validation
+    bool ValidateByReinterpretation(Surface& surface, SurfaceParams params,
+                                    const SurfaceInterval& interval);
+    /// Return true if a surface with an invalid pixel format exists at the interval
+    bool IntervalHasInvalidPixelFormat(const SurfaceParams& params, SurfaceInterval interval);
+    /// Create a new surface
+    SurfaceId CreateSurface(const SurfaceParams& params);
+    /// Register surface into the cache
+    void RegisterSurface(SurfaceId surface);
+    /// Remove surface from the cache
+    void UnregisterSurface(SurfaceId surface);
+    /// Unregisters all surfaces from the cache
+    void UnregisterAll();
+    /// Increase/decrease the number of surface in pages touching the specified region
+    void UpdatePagesCachedCount(PAddr addr, u32 size, int delta);
+    Memory::MemorySystem& memory;
+    CustomTexManager& custom_tex_manager;
+    Runtime& runtime;
+    Pica::Regs& regs;
+    RendererBase& renderer;
+    std::unordered_map<TextureCubeConfig, TextureCube> texture_cube_cache;
+    tsl::robin_pg_map<u64, std::vector<SurfaceId>, Common::IdentityHash<u64>> page_table;
+    std::unordered_map<SamplerParams, SamplerId> samplers;
+    Common::SlotVector<Surface> slot_surfaces;
+    Common::SlotVector<Sampler> slot_samplers;
+    SurfaceMap dirty_regions;
+    PageMap cached_pages;
+    std::vector<SurfaceId> remove_surfaces;
+    u32 resolution_scale_factor;
+    RenderTargets render_targets;
+    bool use_filter;
+    bool dump_textures;
+    bool use_custom_textures;
+} // namespace VideoCore
diff --git a/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/sampler_params.h b/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/sampler_params.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fcb47394ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/sampler_params.h
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+// Copyright 2023 Citra Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#pragma once
+#include <compare>
+#include "common/hash.h"
+#include "video_core/regs_texturing.h"
+namespace VideoCore {
+struct SamplerParams {
+    using TextureConfig = Pica::TexturingRegs::TextureConfig;
+    TextureConfig::TextureFilter mag_filter;
+    TextureConfig::TextureFilter min_filter;
+    TextureConfig::TextureFilter mip_filter;
+    TextureConfig::WrapMode wrap_s;
+    TextureConfig::WrapMode wrap_t;
+    u32 border_color = 0;
+    u32 lod_min = 0;
+    u32 lod_max = 0;
+    s32 lod_bias = 0;
+    auto operator<=>(const SamplerParams&) const noexcept = default;
+    const u64 Hash() const {
+        return Common::ComputeHash64(this, sizeof(SamplerParams));
+    }
+              "SamplerParams is not suitable for hashing");
+} // namespace VideoCore
+namespace std {
+template <>
+struct hash<VideoCore::SamplerParams> {
+    std::size_t operator()(const VideoCore::SamplerParams& params) const noexcept {
+        return params.Hash();
+    }
+} // namespace std
diff --git a/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/surface_base.cpp b/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/surface_base.cpp
index 0826be1ca2..1ad8bfa37a 100644
--- a/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/surface_base.cpp
+++ b/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/surface_base.cpp
@@ -45,13 +45,16 @@ bool SurfaceBase::CanFill(const SurfaceParams& dest_surface, SurfaceInterval fil
 bool SurfaceBase::CanCopy(const SurfaceParams& dest_surface, SurfaceInterval copy_interval) const {
-    SurfaceParams subrect_params = dest_surface.FromInterval(copy_interval);
+    const SurfaceParams subrect_params = dest_surface.FromInterval(copy_interval);
     ASSERT(subrect_params.GetInterval() == copy_interval);
-    if (CanSubRect(subrect_params))
-        return true;
-    if (CanFill(dest_surface, copy_interval))
+    if (CanSubRect(subrect_params)) {
         return true;
+    }
+    if (CanFill(dest_surface, copy_interval)) {
+        return true;
+    }
     return false;
@@ -102,6 +105,23 @@ SurfaceInterval SurfaceBase::GetCopyableInterval(const SurfaceParams& params) co
     return result;
+Extent SurfaceBase::RealExtent(bool scaled) {
+    const bool is_custom = IsCustom();
+    u32 real_width = width;
+    u32 real_height = height;
+    if (is_custom) {
+        real_width = material->width;
+        real_height = material->height;
+    } else if (scaled) {
+        real_width = GetScaledWidth();
+        real_height = GetScaledHeight();
+    }
+    return Extent{
+        .width = real_width,
+        .height = real_height,
+    };
 bool SurfaceBase::HasNormalMap() const noexcept {
     return material && material->Map(MapType::Normal) != nullptr;
diff --git a/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/surface_base.h b/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/surface_base.h
index 3deb989b59..9be06e0dfe 100644
--- a/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/surface_base.h
+++ b/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/surface_base.h
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 #include <boost/icl/interval_set.hpp>
 #include "video_core/rasterizer_cache/surface_params.h"
+#include "video_core/rasterizer_cache/utils.h"
 namespace VideoCore {
@@ -13,6 +14,15 @@ using SurfaceRegions = boost::icl::interval_set<PAddr, std::less, SurfaceInterva
 struct Material;
+enum class SurfaceFlagBits : u32 {
+    Registered = 1 << 0, ///< Surface is registed in the rasterizer cache.
+    Picked = 1 << 1,     ///< Surface has been picked when searching for a match.
+    Tracked = 1 << 2,    ///< Surface is part of a texture cube and should be tracked.
+    Custom = 1 << 3,     ///< Surface texture has been replaced with a custom texture.
+    ShadowMap = 1 << 4,  ///< Surface is used during shadow rendering.
 class SurfaceBase : public SurfaceParams {
     SurfaceBase(const SurfaceParams& params);
@@ -30,19 +40,27 @@ public:
     /// Returns the clear value used to validate another surface from this fill surface
     ClearValue MakeClearValue(PAddr copy_addr, PixelFormat dst_format);
+    /// Returns the internal surface extent.
+    Extent RealExtent(bool scaled = true);
     /// Returns true if the surface contains a custom material with a normal map.
     bool HasNormalMap() const noexcept;
+    bool Overlaps(PAddr overlap_addr, size_t overlap_size) const noexcept {
+        const PAddr overlap_end = overlap_addr + static_cast<PAddr>(overlap_size);
+        return addr < overlap_end && overlap_addr < end;
+    }
     u64 ModificationTick() const noexcept {
         return modification_tick;
     bool IsCustom() const noexcept {
-        return is_custom && custom_format != CustomPixelFormat::Invalid;
+        return True(flags & SurfaceFlagBits::Custom) && custom_format != CustomPixelFormat::Invalid;
     bool IsRegionValid(SurfaceInterval interval) const {
-        return (invalid_regions.find(interval) == invalid_regions.end());
+        return invalid_regions.find(interval) == invalid_regions.end();
     void MarkValid(SurfaceInterval interval) {
@@ -65,8 +83,7 @@ private:
     std::array<u8, 4> MakeFillBuffer(PAddr copy_addr);
-    bool registered = false;
-    bool is_custom = false;
+    SurfaceFlagBits flags{};
     const Material* material = nullptr;
     SurfaceRegions invalid_regions;
     u32 fill_size = 0;
diff --git a/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/surface_params.cpp b/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/surface_params.cpp
index 7caae3c9ec..b34ddee210 100644
--- a/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/surface_params.cpp
+++ b/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/surface_params.cpp
@@ -15,14 +15,23 @@ bool SurfaceParams::ExactMatch(const SurfaceParams& other_surface) const {
 bool SurfaceParams::CanSubRect(const SurfaceParams& sub_surface) const {
+    const u32 level = LevelOf(sub_surface.addr);
     return sub_surface.addr >= addr && sub_surface.end <= end &&
            sub_surface.pixel_format == pixel_format && pixel_format != PixelFormat::Invalid &&
            sub_surface.is_tiled == is_tiled &&
-           (sub_surface.addr - addr) % BytesInPixels(is_tiled ? 64 : 1) == 0 &&
-           (sub_surface.stride == stride || sub_surface.height <= (is_tiled ? 8u : 1u)) &&
+           (sub_surface.addr - mipmap_offsets[level]) % BytesInPixels(is_tiled ? 64 : 1) == 0 &&
+           (sub_surface.stride == (stride >> level) ||
+            sub_surface.height <= (is_tiled ? 8u : 1u)) &&
            GetSubRect(sub_surface).right <= stride;
+bool SurfaceParams::CanReinterpret(const SurfaceParams& other_surface) {
+    return other_surface.addr >= addr && other_surface.end <= end &&
+           pixel_format != PixelFormat::Invalid && GetFormatBpp() == other_surface.GetFormatBpp() &&
+           other_surface.is_tiled == is_tiled &&
+           (other_surface.addr - addr) % BytesInPixels(is_tiled ? 64 : 1) == 0;
 bool SurfaceParams::CanExpand(const SurfaceParams& expanded_surface) const {
     return pixel_format != PixelFormat::Invalid && pixel_format == expanded_surface.pixel_format &&
            addr <= expanded_surface.end && expanded_surface.addr <= end &&
@@ -206,7 +215,9 @@ SurfaceInterval SurfaceParams::LevelInterval(u32 level) const {
 u32 SurfaceParams::LevelOf(PAddr level_addr) const {
-    ASSERT(level_addr >= addr && level_addr <= end);
+    if (level_addr < addr || level_addr > end) {
+        return 0;
+    }
     u32 level = levels - 1;
     while (mipmap_offsets[level] > level_addr) {
diff --git a/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/surface_params.h b/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/surface_params.h
index e71f4716b6..74f880d2a9 100644
--- a/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/surface_params.h
+++ b/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/surface_params.h
@@ -4,11 +4,15 @@
 #pragma once
+#include <boost/icl/right_open_interval.hpp>
+#include "common/math_util.h"
 #include "video_core/custom_textures/custom_format.h"
-#include "video_core/rasterizer_cache/utils.h"
+#include "video_core/rasterizer_cache/pixel_format.h"
 namespace VideoCore {
+using SurfaceInterval = boost::icl::right_open_interval<PAddr>;
 constexpr std::size_t MAX_PICA_LEVELS = 8;
 class SurfaceParams {
@@ -19,6 +23,9 @@ public:
     /// Returns true if sub_surface is a subrect of params
     bool CanSubRect(const SurfaceParams& sub_surface) const;
+    /// Returns true if other_surface can be used for reinterpretion.
+    bool CanReinterpret(const SurfaceParams& other_surface);
     /// Returns true if params can be expanded to match expanded_surface
     bool CanExpand(const SurfaceParams& expanded_surface) const;
diff --git a/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/utils.h b/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/utils.h
index c563766941..678e27aba1 100644
--- a/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/utils.h
+++ b/src/video_core/rasterizer_cache/utils.h
@@ -4,28 +4,31 @@
 #pragma once
-#include <compare>
 #include <span>
-#include <boost/icl/right_open_interval.hpp>
 #include "common/hash.h"
 #include "common/math_util.h"
+#include "common/slot_vector.h"
 #include "common/vector_math.h"
-#include "video_core/rasterizer_cache/pixel_format.h"
+#include "video_core/regs_texturing.h"
 namespace VideoCore {
-using SurfaceInterval = boost::icl::right_open_interval<PAddr>;
+using SurfaceId = Common::SlotId;
+using SamplerId = Common::SlotId;
+/// Fake surface ID for null surfaces
+constexpr SurfaceId NULL_SURFACE_ID{0};
+/// Fake surface ID for null cube surfaces
+constexpr SurfaceId NULL_SURFACE_CUBE_ID{1};
+/// Fake sampler ID for null samplers
+constexpr SamplerId NULL_SAMPLER_ID{0};
 struct Offset {
-    constexpr auto operator<=>(const Offset&) const noexcept = default;
     u32 x = 0;
     u32 y = 0;
 struct Extent {
-    constexpr auto operator<=>(const Extent&) const noexcept = default;
     u32 width = 1;
     u32 height = 1;
@@ -71,9 +74,9 @@ struct BufferTextureCopy {
 struct StagingData {
-    u32 size = 0;
-    std::span<u8> mapped{};
-    u64 buffer_offset = 0;
+    u32 size;
+    std::span<u8> mapped;
+    u64 buffer_offset;
 struct TextureCubeConfig {
diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_blit_helper.cpp b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_blit_helper.cpp
index b8223aa0ac..1f0475c379 100644
--- a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_blit_helper.cpp
+++ b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_blit_helper.cpp
@@ -2,12 +2,16 @@
 // Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
 // Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include "common/scope_exit.h"
 #include "common/settings.h"
 #include "video_core/rasterizer_cache/pixel_format.h"
 #include "video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_blit_helper.h"
+#include "video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_driver.h"
 #include "video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_state.h"
 #include "video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_texture_runtime.h"
+#include "video_core/host_shaders/format_reinterpreter/d24s8_to_rgba8_frag.h"
+#include "video_core/host_shaders/format_reinterpreter/rgba4_to_rgb5a1_frag.h"
 #include "video_core/host_shaders/full_screen_triangle_vert.h"
 #include "video_core/host_shaders/texture_filtering/bicubic_frag.h"
 #include "video_core/host_shaders/texture_filtering/nearest_neighbor_frag.h"
@@ -49,8 +53,8 @@ OGLProgram CreateProgram(std::string_view frag) {
 } // Anonymous namespace
-BlitHelper::BlitHelper(TextureRuntime& runtime_)
-    : runtime{runtime_}, linear_sampler{CreateSampler(GL_LINEAR)},
+BlitHelper::BlitHelper(const Driver& driver_)
+    : driver{driver_}, linear_sampler{CreateSampler(GL_LINEAR)},
       nearest_sampler{CreateSampler(GL_NEAREST)}, bicubic_program{CreateProgram(
@@ -58,34 +62,104 @@ BlitHelper::BlitHelper(TextureRuntime& runtime_)
-      refine_program{CreateProgram(HostShaders::REFINE_FRAG)} {
+      refine_program{CreateProgram(HostShaders::REFINE_FRAG)},
+      d24s8_to_rgba8{CreateProgram(HostShaders::D24S8_TO_RGBA8_FRAG)},
+      rgba4_to_rgb5a1{CreateProgram(HostShaders::RGBA4_TO_RGB5A1_FRAG)} {
-    filter_fbo.Create();
+    draw_fbo.Create();
     state.draw.vertex_array = vao.handle;
     for (u32 i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
         state.texture_units[i].sampler = i == 2 ? nearest_sampler.handle : linear_sampler.handle;
+    if (driver.IsOpenGLES()) {
+        LOG_INFO(Render_OpenGL,
+                 "Texture views are unsupported, reinterpretation will do intermediate copy");
+        temp_tex.Create();
+        use_texture_view = false;
+    }
 BlitHelper::~BlitHelper() = default;
+bool BlitHelper::ConvertDS24S8ToRGBA8(Surface& source, Surface& dest,
+                                      const VideoCore::TextureBlit& blit) {
+    OpenGLState prev_state = OpenGLState::GetCurState();
+    SCOPE_EXIT({ prev_state.Apply(); });
+    state.texture_units[0].texture_2d = source.Handle();
+    state.texture_units[0].sampler = 0;
+    state.texture_units[1].sampler = 0;
+    if (use_texture_view) {
+        temp_tex.Create();
+        glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE1);
+        glTextureView(temp_tex.handle, GL_TEXTURE_2D, source.Handle(), GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8, 0, 1, 0,
+                      1);
+    } else if ( > || blit.src_rect.right > temp_rect.right) {
+        temp_tex.Release();
+        temp_tex.Create();
+        state.texture_units[1].texture_2d = temp_tex.handle;
+        state.Apply();
+        glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE1);
+        glTexStorage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 1, GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8, blit.src_rect.right,
+             ;
+        temp_rect = blit.src_rect;
+    }
+    state.texture_units[1].texture_2d = temp_tex.handle;
+    state.Apply();
+    glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE1);
+    if (!use_texture_view) {
+        glCopyImageSubData(source.Handle(), GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, blit.src_rect.left,
+                           blit.src_rect.bottom, 0, temp_tex.handle, GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0,
+                           blit.src_rect.left, blit.src_rect.bottom, 0, blit.src_rect.GetWidth(),
+                           blit.src_rect.GetHeight(), 1);
+    }
+    SetParams(d24s8_to_rgba8, source.RealExtent(), blit.src_rect);
+    Draw(d24s8_to_rgba8, dest.Handle(), draw_fbo.handle, 0, blit.dst_rect);
+    if (use_texture_view) {
+        temp_tex.Release();
+    }
+    // Restore the sampler handles
+    state.texture_units[0].sampler = linear_sampler.handle;
+    state.texture_units[1].sampler = linear_sampler.handle;
+    return true;
+bool BlitHelper::ConvertRGBA4ToRGB5A1(Surface& source, Surface& dest,
+                                      const VideoCore::TextureBlit& blit) {
+    OpenGLState prev_state = OpenGLState::GetCurState();
+    SCOPE_EXIT({ prev_state.Apply(); });
+    state.texture_units[0].texture_2d = source.Handle();
+    SetParams(rgba4_to_rgb5a1, source.RealExtent(), blit.src_rect);
+    Draw(rgba4_to_rgb5a1, dest.Handle(), draw_fbo.handle, 0, blit.dst_rect);
+    return true;
 bool BlitHelper::Filter(Surface& surface, const VideoCore::TextureBlit& blit) {
-    // Filtering to depth stencil surfaces isn't supported.
-    if (surface.type == SurfaceType::Depth || surface.type == SurfaceType::DepthStencil) {
+    const auto filter = Settings::values.texture_filter.GetValue();
+    const bool is_depth =
+        surface.type == SurfaceType::Depth || surface.type == SurfaceType::DepthStencil;
+    if (filter == Settings::TextureFilter::None || is_depth) {
         return false;
-    // Avoid filtering for mipmaps as the result often looks terrible.
     if (blit.src_level != 0) {
         return true;
-    const OpenGLState prev_state = OpenGLState::GetCurState();
-    state.texture_units[0].texture_2d = surface.Handle(0);
-    const auto filter{Settings::values.texture_filter.GetValue()};
     switch (filter) {
-    case TextureFilter::None:
-        break;
     case TextureFilter::Anime4K:
         FilterAnime4K(surface, blit);
@@ -101,15 +175,19 @@ bool BlitHelper::Filter(Surface& surface, const VideoCore::TextureBlit& blit) {
     case TextureFilter::xBRZ:
         FilterXbrz(surface, blit);
+    default:
+        LOG_ERROR(Render_OpenGL, "Unknown texture filter {}", filter);
-    prev_state.Apply();
     return true;
 void BlitHelper::FilterAnime4K(Surface& surface, const VideoCore::TextureBlit& blit) {
     static constexpr u8 internal_scale_factor = 2;
+    const OpenGLState prev_state = OpenGLState::GetCurState();
+    SCOPE_EXIT({ prev_state.Apply(); });
     const auto& tuple = surface.Tuple();
     const u32 src_width = blit.src_rect.GetWidth();
     const u32 src_height = blit.src_rect.GetHeight();
@@ -149,7 +227,7 @@ void BlitHelper::FilterAnime4K(Surface& surface, const VideoCore::TextureBlit& b
     Draw(gradient_y_program, LUMAD.tex.handle, LUMAD.fbo.handle, 0, temp_rect);
     // refine pass
-    Draw(refine_program, surface.Handle(), filter_fbo.handle, blit.dst_level, blit.dst_rect);
+    Draw(refine_program, surface.Handle(), draw_fbo.handle, blit.dst_level, blit.dst_rect);
     // These will have handles from the previous texture that was filtered, reset them to avoid
     // binding invalid textures.
@@ -160,25 +238,36 @@ void BlitHelper::FilterAnime4K(Surface& surface, const VideoCore::TextureBlit& b
 void BlitHelper::FilterBicubic(Surface& surface, const VideoCore::TextureBlit& blit) {
-    SetParams(bicubic_program, surface.Extent(), blit.src_rect);
-    Draw(bicubic_program, surface.Handle(), filter_fbo.handle, blit.dst_level, blit.dst_rect);
+    const OpenGLState prev_state = OpenGLState::GetCurState();
+    SCOPE_EXIT({ prev_state.Apply(); });
+    state.texture_units[0].texture_2d = surface.Handle(0);
+    SetParams(bicubic_program, surface.RealExtent(false), blit.src_rect);
+    Draw(bicubic_program, surface.Handle(), draw_fbo.handle, blit.dst_level, blit.dst_rect);
 void BlitHelper::FilterNearest(Surface& surface, const VideoCore::TextureBlit& blit) {
+    const OpenGLState prev_state = OpenGLState::GetCurState();
+    SCOPE_EXIT({ prev_state.Apply(); });
     state.texture_units[2].texture_2d = surface.Handle(0);
-    SetParams(nearest_program, surface.Extent(), blit.src_rect);
-    Draw(nearest_program, surface.Handle(), filter_fbo.handle, blit.dst_level, blit.dst_rect);
+    SetParams(nearest_program, surface.RealExtent(false), blit.src_rect);
+    Draw(nearest_program, surface.Handle(), draw_fbo.handle, blit.dst_level, blit.dst_rect);
 void BlitHelper::FilterScaleForce(Surface& surface, const VideoCore::TextureBlit& blit) {
-    SetParams(scale_force_program, surface.Extent(), blit.src_rect);
-    Draw(scale_force_program, surface.Handle(), filter_fbo.handle, blit.dst_level, blit.dst_rect);
+    const OpenGLState prev_state = OpenGLState::GetCurState();
+    SCOPE_EXIT({ prev_state.Apply(); });
+    state.texture_units[0].texture_2d = surface.Handle(0);
+    SetParams(scale_force_program, surface.RealExtent(false), blit.src_rect);
+    Draw(scale_force_program, surface.Handle(), draw_fbo.handle, blit.dst_level, blit.dst_rect);
 void BlitHelper::FilterXbrz(Surface& surface, const VideoCore::TextureBlit& blit) {
+    const OpenGLState prev_state = OpenGLState::GetCurState();
+    SCOPE_EXIT({ prev_state.Apply(); });
+    state.texture_units[0].texture_2d = surface.Handle(0);
     glProgramUniform1f(xbrz_program.handle, 2, static_cast<GLfloat>(surface.res_scale));
-    SetParams(xbrz_program, surface.Extent(), blit.src_rect);
-    Draw(xbrz_program, surface.Handle(), filter_fbo.handle, blit.dst_level, blit.dst_rect);
+    SetParams(xbrz_program, surface.RealExtent(false), blit.src_rect);
+    Draw(xbrz_program, surface.Handle(), draw_fbo.handle, blit.dst_level, blit.dst_rect);
 void BlitHelper::SetParams(OGLProgram& program, const VideoCore::Extent& src_extent,
@@ -206,7 +295,7 @@ void BlitHelper::Draw(OGLProgram& program, GLuint dst_tex, GLuint dst_fbo, u32 d
-    glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);
+    glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 3);
 } // namespace OpenGL
diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_blit_helper.h b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_blit_helper.h
index 3c156b5029..a0cf2a4bec 100644
--- a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_blit_helper.h
+++ b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_blit_helper.h
@@ -15,16 +15,20 @@ struct TextureBlit;
 namespace OpenGL {
-class TextureRuntime;
+class Driver;
 class Surface;
 class BlitHelper {
-    BlitHelper(TextureRuntime& runtime);
+    explicit BlitHelper(const Driver& driver);
     bool Filter(Surface& surface, const VideoCore::TextureBlit& blit);
+    bool ConvertDS24S8ToRGBA8(Surface& source, Surface& dest, const VideoCore::TextureBlit& blit);
+    bool ConvertRGBA4ToRGB5A1(Surface& source, Surface& dest, const VideoCore::TextureBlit& blit);
     void FilterAnime4K(Surface& surface, const VideoCore::TextureBlit& blit);
@@ -43,10 +47,10 @@ private:
               Common::Rectangle<u32> dst_rect);
-    TextureRuntime& runtime;
+    const Driver& driver;
     OGLVertexArray vao;
     OpenGLState state;
-    OGLFramebuffer filter_fbo;
+    OGLFramebuffer draw_fbo;
     OGLSampler linear_sampler;
     OGLSampler nearest_sampler;
@@ -57,6 +61,12 @@ private:
     OGLProgram gradient_x_program;
     OGLProgram gradient_y_program;
     OGLProgram refine_program;
+    OGLProgram d24s8_to_rgba8;
+    OGLProgram rgba4_to_rgb5a1;
+    OGLTexture temp_tex;
+    Common::Rectangle<u32> temp_rect{};
+    bool use_texture_view{true};
 } // namespace OpenGL
diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_format_reinterpreter.cpp b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_format_reinterpreter.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5019f79b7a..0000000000
--- a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_format_reinterpreter.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2022 Citra Emulator Project
-// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
-// Refer to the license.txt file included.
-#include "common/scope_exit.h"
-#include "video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_format_reinterpreter.h"
-#include "video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_state.h"
-#include "video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_texture_runtime.h"
-#include "video_core/host_shaders/format_reinterpreter/d24s8_to_rgba8_frag.h"
-#include "video_core/host_shaders/format_reinterpreter/fullscreen_quad_vert.h"
-#include "video_core/host_shaders/format_reinterpreter/rgba4_to_rgb5a1_frag.h"
-namespace OpenGL {
-RGBA4toRGB5A1::RGBA4toRGB5A1() {
-    program.Create(HostShaders::FULLSCREEN_QUAD_VERT, HostShaders::RGBA4_TO_RGB5A1_FRAG);
-    dst_size_loc = glGetUniformLocation(program.handle, "dst_size");
-    src_size_loc = glGetUniformLocation(program.handle, "src_size");
-    src_offset_loc = glGetUniformLocation(program.handle, "src_offset");
-    vao.Create();
-void RGBA4toRGB5A1::Reinterpret(Surface& source, Common::Rectangle<u32> src_rect, Surface& dest,
-                                Common::Rectangle<u32> dst_rect) {
-    OpenGLState prev_state = OpenGLState::GetCurState();
-    SCOPE_EXIT({ prev_state.Apply(); });
-    OpenGLState state;
-    state.texture_units[0].texture_2d = source.Handle();
-    state.draw.draw_framebuffer = draw_fbo.handle;
-    state.draw.shader_program = program.handle;
-    state.draw.vertex_array = vao.handle;
-    state.viewport = {static_cast<GLint>(dst_rect.left), static_cast<GLint>(dst_rect.bottom),
-                      static_cast<GLsizei>(dst_rect.GetWidth()),
-                      static_cast<GLsizei>(dst_rect.GetHeight())};
-    state.Apply();
-    glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, dest.Handle(),
-                           0);
-    glUniform2i(dst_size_loc, dst_rect.GetWidth(), dst_rect.GetHeight());
-    glUniform2i(src_size_loc, src_rect.GetWidth(), src_rect.GetHeight());
-    glUniform2i(src_offset_loc, src_rect.left, src_rect.bottom);
-    glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);
-ShaderD24S8toRGBA8::ShaderD24S8toRGBA8() {
-    program.Create(HostShaders::FULLSCREEN_QUAD_VERT, HostShaders::D24S8_TO_RGBA8_FRAG);
-    dst_size_loc = glGetUniformLocation(program.handle, "dst_size");
-    src_size_loc = glGetUniformLocation(program.handle, "src_size");
-    src_offset_loc = glGetUniformLocation(program.handle, "src_offset");
-    vao.Create();
-    auto state = OpenGLState::GetCurState();
-    auto cur_program = state.draw.shader_program;
-    state.draw.shader_program = program.handle;
-    state.Apply();
-    glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(program.handle, "stencil"), 1);
-    state.draw.shader_program = cur_program;
-    state.Apply();
-    // Nvidia seem to be the only one to support D24S8 views, at least on windows
-    // so for everyone else it will do an intermediate copy before running through the shader
-    std::string_view vendor{reinterpret_cast<const char*>(glGetString(GL_VENDOR))};
-    if (vendor.find("NVIDIA") != vendor.npos) {
-        use_texture_view = true;
-    } else {
-        LOG_INFO(Render_OpenGL,
-                 "Texture views are unsupported, reinterpretation will do intermediate copy");
-        temp_tex.Create();
-    }
-void ShaderD24S8toRGBA8::Reinterpret(Surface& source, Common::Rectangle<u32> src_rect,
-                                     Surface& dest, Common::Rectangle<u32> dst_rect) {
-    OpenGLState prev_state = OpenGLState::GetCurState();
-    SCOPE_EXIT({ prev_state.Apply(); });
-    OpenGLState state;
-    state.texture_units[0].texture_2d = source.Handle();
-    if (use_texture_view) {
-        temp_tex.Create();
-        glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE1);
-        glTextureView(temp_tex.handle, GL_TEXTURE_2D, source.Handle(), GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8, 0, 1, 0,
-                      1);
-    } else if ( > || src_rect.right > temp_rect.right) {
-        temp_tex.Release();
-        temp_tex.Create();
-        state.texture_units[1].texture_2d = temp_tex.handle;
-        state.Apply();
-        glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE1);
-        glTexStorage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 1, GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8, src_rect.right,;
-        temp_rect = src_rect;
-    }
-    state.texture_units[1].texture_2d = temp_tex.handle;
-    state.draw.draw_framebuffer = draw_fbo.handle;
-    state.draw.shader_program = program.handle;
-    state.draw.vertex_array = vao.handle;
-    state.viewport = {static_cast<GLint>(dst_rect.left), static_cast<GLint>(dst_rect.bottom),
-                      static_cast<GLsizei>(dst_rect.GetWidth()),
-                      static_cast<GLsizei>(dst_rect.GetHeight())};
-    state.Apply();
-    glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE1);
-    if (!use_texture_view) {
-        glCopyImageSubData(source.Handle(), GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, src_rect.left, src_rect.bottom, 0,
-                           temp_tex.handle, GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, src_rect.left, src_rect.bottom, 0,
-                           src_rect.GetWidth(), src_rect.GetHeight(), 1);
-    }
-    glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, dest.Handle(),
-                           0);
-    glUniform2i(dst_size_loc, dst_rect.GetWidth(), dst_rect.GetHeight());
-    glUniform2i(src_size_loc, src_rect.GetWidth(), src_rect.GetHeight());
-    glUniform2i(src_offset_loc, src_rect.left, src_rect.bottom);
-    glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);
-    if (use_texture_view) {
-        temp_tex.Release();
-    }
-} // namespace OpenGL
diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_format_reinterpreter.h b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_format_reinterpreter.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b4b9468eb0..0000000000
--- a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_format_reinterpreter.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2022 Citra Emulator Project
-// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
-// Refer to the license.txt file included.
-#pragma once
-#include "common/math_util.h"
-#include "video_core/rasterizer_cache/pixel_format.h"
-#include "video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_resource_manager.h"
-namespace OpenGL {
-class Surface;
-class FormatReinterpreterBase {
-    FormatReinterpreterBase() {
-        read_fbo.Create();
-        draw_fbo.Create();
-    }
-    virtual ~FormatReinterpreterBase() = default;
-    virtual VideoCore::PixelFormat GetSourceFormat() const = 0;
-    virtual void Reinterpret(Surface& source, Common::Rectangle<u32> src_rect, Surface& dest,
-                             Common::Rectangle<u32> dst_rect) = 0;
-    OGLFramebuffer read_fbo;
-    OGLFramebuffer draw_fbo;
-using ReinterpreterList = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<FormatReinterpreterBase>>;
-class RGBA4toRGB5A1 final : public FormatReinterpreterBase {
-    RGBA4toRGB5A1();
-    VideoCore::PixelFormat GetSourceFormat() const override {
-        return VideoCore::PixelFormat::RGBA4;
-    }
-    void Reinterpret(Surface& source, Common::Rectangle<u32> src_rect, Surface& dest,
-                     Common::Rectangle<u32> dst_rect) override;
-    OGLProgram program;
-    GLint dst_size_loc{-1};
-    GLint src_size_loc{-1};
-    GLint src_offset_loc{-1};
-    OGLVertexArray vao;
-class ShaderD24S8toRGBA8 final : public FormatReinterpreterBase {
-    ShaderD24S8toRGBA8();
-    VideoCore::PixelFormat GetSourceFormat() const override {
-        return VideoCore::PixelFormat::D24S8;
-    }
-    void Reinterpret(Surface& source, Common::Rectangle<u32> src_rect, Surface& dest,
-                     Common::Rectangle<u32> dst_rect) override;
-    bool use_texture_view{};
-    OGLProgram program{};
-    GLint dst_size_loc{-1};
-    GLint src_size_loc{-1};
-    GLint src_offset_loc{-1};
-    OGLVertexArray vao{};
-    OGLTexture temp_tex{};
-    Common::Rectangle<u32> temp_rect{0, 0, 0, 0};
-} // namespace OpenGL
diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_rasterizer.cpp b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_rasterizer.cpp
index 937f30f7c8..a34ad34a6f 100644
--- a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_rasterizer.cpp
+++ b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_rasterizer.cpp
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ MICROPROFILE_DEFINE(OpenGL_VAO, "OpenGL", "Vertex Array Setup", MP_RGB(255, 128,
 MICROPROFILE_DEFINE(OpenGL_VS, "OpenGL", "Vertex Shader Setup", MP_RGB(192, 128, 128));
 MICROPROFILE_DEFINE(OpenGL_GS, "OpenGL", "Geometry Shader Setup", MP_RGB(128, 192, 128));
 MICROPROFILE_DEFINE(OpenGL_Drawing, "OpenGL", "Drawing", MP_RGB(128, 128, 192));
-MICROPROFILE_DEFINE(OpenGL_CacheManagement, "OpenGL", "Cache Mgmt", MP_RGB(100, 255, 100));
+MICROPROFILE_DEFINE(OpenGL_Display, "OpenGL", "Display", MP_RGB(128, 128, 192));
 using VideoCore::SurfaceType;
@@ -97,16 +97,6 @@ RasterizerOpenGL::RasterizerOpenGL(Memory::MemorySystem& memory,
     u8 framebuffer_data[4] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
     glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, 1, 1, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, framebuffer_data);
-    // Create sampler objects
-    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < texture_samplers.size(); ++i) {
-        texture_samplers[i].Create();
-        state.texture_units[i].sampler = texture_samplers[i].sampler.handle;
-    }
-    // Create cubemap texture and sampler objects
-    texture_cube_sampler.Create();
-    state.texture_cube_unit.sampler = texture_cube_sampler.sampler.handle;
     // Generate VAO
@@ -251,14 +241,14 @@ void RasterizerOpenGL::SetupVertexArray(u8* array_ptr, GLintptr buffer_offset,
-        PAddr data_addr =
+        const PAddr data_addr =
             base_address + loader.data_offset + (vs_input_index_min * loader.byte_count);
-        u32 vertex_num = vs_input_index_max - vs_input_index_min + 1;
-        u32 data_size = loader.byte_count * vertex_num;
+        const u32 vertex_num = vs_input_index_max - vs_input_index_min + 1;
+        const u32 data_size = loader.byte_count * vertex_num;
-        res_cache.FlushRegion(data_addr, data_size, nullptr);
-        std::memcpy(array_ptr, VideoCore::g_memory->GetPhysicalPointer(data_addr), data_size);
+        res_cache.FlushRegion(data_addr, data_size);
+        std::memcpy(array_ptr, memory.GetPhysicalPointer(data_addr), data_size);
         array_ptr += data_size;
         buffer_offset += data_size;
@@ -287,8 +277,7 @@ void RasterizerOpenGL::SetupVertexArray(u8* array_ptr, GLintptr buffer_offset,
 bool RasterizerOpenGL::SetupVertexShader() {
-    return shader_program_manager->UseProgrammableVertexShader(Pica::g_state.regs,
-                                                               Pica::g_state.vs);
+    return shader_program_manager->UseProgrammableVertexShader(regs, Pica::g_state.vs);
 bool RasterizerOpenGL::SetupGeometryShader() {
@@ -400,8 +389,7 @@ bool RasterizerOpenGL::Draw(bool accelerate, bool is_indexed) {
     const Framebuffer framebuffer =
         res_cache.GetFramebufferSurfaces(using_color_fb, using_depth_fb);
     const bool has_color = framebuffer.HasAttachment(SurfaceType::Color);
-    const bool has_depth_stencil = framebuffer.HasAttachment(SurfaceType::DepthStencil);
-    if (!has_color && (shadow_rendering || !has_depth_stencil)) {
+    if (!has_color && shadow_rendering) {
         return true;
@@ -520,8 +508,9 @@ void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncTextureUnits(const Framebuffer& framebuffer) {
         if (texture_index == 0) {
             switch (texture.config.type.Value()) {
             case TextureType::Shadow2D: {
-                auto surface = res_cache.GetTextureSurface(texture);
-                state.image_shadow_texture_px = surface->Handle();
+                Surface& surface = res_cache.GetTextureSurface(texture);
+                surface.flags |= VideoCore::SurfaceFlagBits::ShadowMap;
+                state.image_shadow_texture_px = surface.Handle();
             case TextureType::ShadowCube: {
@@ -538,22 +527,14 @@ void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncTextureUnits(const Framebuffer& framebuffer) {
         // Sync texture unit sampler
-        texture_samplers[texture_index].SyncWithConfig(texture.config);
+        Sampler& sampler = res_cache.GetSampler(texture.config);
+        state.texture_units[texture_index].sampler = sampler.Handle();
         // Bind the texture provided by the rasterizer cache
-        auto surface = res_cache.GetTextureSurface(texture);
-        if (!surface) {
-            // Can occur when texture addr is null or its memory is unmapped/invalid
-            // HACK: In this case, the correct behaviour for the PICA is to use the last
-            // rendered colour. But because this would be impractical to implement, the
-            // next best alternative is to use a clear texture, essentially skipping
-            // the geometry in question.
-            // For example: a bug in Pokemon X/Y causes NULL-texture squares to be drawn
-            // on the male character's face, which in the OpenGL default appear black.
-            state.texture_units[texture_index].texture_2d = default_texture;
-        } else if (!IsFeedbackLoop(texture_index, framebuffer, *surface)) {
-            BindMaterial(texture_index, *surface);
-            state.texture_units[texture_index].texture_2d = surface->Handle();
+        Surface& surface = res_cache.GetTextureSurface(texture);
+        if (!IsFeedbackLoop(texture_index, framebuffer, surface)) {
+            BindMaterial(texture_index, surface);
+            state.texture_units[texture_index].texture_2d = surface.Handle();
@@ -570,8 +551,10 @@ void RasterizerOpenGL::BindShadowCube(const Pica::TexturingRegs::FullTextureConf
         const u32 binding = static_cast<u32>(face);
         info.physical_address = regs.texturing.GetCubePhysicalAddress(face);
-        auto surface = res_cache.GetTextureSurface(info);
-        state.image_shadow_texture[binding] = surface->Handle();
+        VideoCore::SurfaceId surface_id = res_cache.GetTextureSurface(info);
+        Surface& surface = res_cache.GetSurface(surface_id);
+        surface.flags |= VideoCore::SurfaceFlagBits::ShadowMap;
+        state.image_shadow_texture[binding] = surface.Handle();
@@ -589,10 +572,11 @@ void RasterizerOpenGL::BindTextureCube(const Pica::TexturingRegs::FullTextureCon
         .format = texture.format,
-    auto surface = res_cache.GetTextureCube(config);
-    texture_cube_sampler.SyncWithConfig(texture.config);
+    Surface& surface = res_cache.GetTextureCube(config);
+    Sampler& sampler = res_cache.GetSampler(texture.config);
-    state.texture_cube_unit.texture_cube = surface->Handle();
+    state.texture_cube_unit.texture_cube = surface.Handle();
+    state.texture_cube_unit.sampler = sampler.Handle();
     state.texture_units[0].texture_2d = 0;
@@ -608,7 +592,7 @@ void RasterizerOpenGL::BindMaterial(u32 texture_index, Surface& surface) {
         glBindSampler(, sampler);
-    const GLuint sampler = texture_samplers[texture_index].sampler.handle;
+    const GLuint sampler = state.texture_units[texture_index].sampler;
     if (surface.HasNormalMap()) {
         if ( {
             LOG_WARNING(Render_OpenGL, "Custom normal map used but scene has no light enabled");
@@ -726,24 +710,20 @@ void RasterizerOpenGL::NotifyFixedFunctionPicaRegisterChanged(u32 id) {
 void RasterizerOpenGL::FlushAll() {
-    MICROPROFILE_SCOPE(OpenGL_CacheManagement);
 void RasterizerOpenGL::FlushRegion(PAddr addr, u32 size) {
-    MICROPROFILE_SCOPE(OpenGL_CacheManagement);
     res_cache.FlushRegion(addr, size);
 void RasterizerOpenGL::InvalidateRegion(PAddr addr, u32 size) {
-    MICROPROFILE_SCOPE(OpenGL_CacheManagement);
-    res_cache.InvalidateRegion(addr, size, nullptr);
+    res_cache.InvalidateRegion(addr, size);
 void RasterizerOpenGL::FlushAndInvalidateRegion(PAddr addr, u32 size) {
-    MICROPROFILE_SCOPE(OpenGL_CacheManagement);
     res_cache.FlushRegion(addr, size);
-    res_cache.InvalidateRegion(addr, size, nullptr);
+    res_cache.InvalidateRegion(addr, size);
 void RasterizerOpenGL::ClearAll(bool flush) {
@@ -768,7 +748,7 @@ bool RasterizerOpenGL::AccelerateDisplay(const GPU::Regs::FramebufferConfig& con
     if (framebuffer_addr == 0) {
         return false;
-    MICROPROFILE_SCOPE(OpenGL_CacheManagement);
     VideoCore::SurfaceParams src_params;
     src_params.addr = framebuffer_addr;
@@ -779,85 +759,27 @@ bool RasterizerOpenGL::AccelerateDisplay(const GPU::Regs::FramebufferConfig& con
     src_params.pixel_format = VideoCore::PixelFormatFromGPUPixelFormat(config.color_format);
-    auto [src_surface, src_rect] =
+    const auto [src_surface_id, src_rect] =
         res_cache.GetSurfaceSubRect(src_params, VideoCore::ScaleMatch::Ignore, true);
-    if (src_surface == nullptr) {
+    if (!src_surface_id) {
         return false;
-    const u32 scaled_width = src_surface->GetScaledWidth();
-    const u32 scaled_height = src_surface->GetScaledHeight();
+    const Surface& src_surface = res_cache.GetSurface(src_surface_id);
+    const u32 scaled_width = src_surface.GetScaledWidth();
+    const u32 scaled_height = src_surface.GetScaledHeight();
     screen_info.display_texcoords = Common::Rectangle<float>(
         (float)src_rect.bottom / (float)scaled_height, (float)src_rect.left / (float)scaled_width,
         (float) / (float)scaled_height, (float)src_rect.right / (float)scaled_width);
-    screen_info.display_texture = src_surface->Handle();
+    screen_info.display_texture = src_surface.Handle();
     return true;
-void RasterizerOpenGL::SamplerInfo::Create() {
-    sampler.Create();
-    mag_filter = min_filter = mip_filter = TextureConfig::Linear;
-    wrap_s = wrap_t = TextureConfig::Repeat;
-    border_color = 0;
-    lod_min = lod_max = 0;
-    // default is 1000 and -1000
-    // Other attributes have correct defaults
-    glSamplerParameterf(sampler.handle, GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LOD, static_cast<float>(lod_max));
-    glSamplerParameterf(sampler.handle, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_LOD, static_cast<float>(lod_min));
-void RasterizerOpenGL::SamplerInfo::SyncWithConfig(
-    const Pica::TexturingRegs::TextureConfig& config) {
-    GLuint s = sampler.handle;
-    if (mag_filter != config.mag_filter) {
-        mag_filter = config.mag_filter;
-        glSamplerParameteri(s, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, PicaToGL::TextureMagFilterMode(mag_filter));
-    }
-    if (min_filter != config.min_filter || mip_filter != config.mip_filter) {
-        min_filter = config.min_filter;
-        mip_filter = config.mip_filter;
-        glSamplerParameteri(s, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER,
-                            PicaToGL::TextureMinFilterMode(min_filter, mip_filter));
-    }
-    if (wrap_s != config.wrap_s) {
-        wrap_s = config.wrap_s;
-        glSamplerParameteri(s, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, PicaToGL::WrapMode(wrap_s));
-    }
-    if (wrap_t != config.wrap_t) {
-        wrap_t = config.wrap_t;
-        glSamplerParameteri(s, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, PicaToGL::WrapMode(wrap_t));
-    }
-    if (wrap_s == TextureConfig::ClampToBorder || wrap_t == TextureConfig::ClampToBorder) {
-        if (border_color != config.border_color.raw) {
-            border_color = config.border_color.raw;
-            auto gl_color = PicaToGL::ColorRGBA8(border_color);
-            glSamplerParameterfv(s, GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR, gl_color.AsArray());
-        }
-    }
-    if (lod_min != config.lod.min_level) {
-        lod_min = config.lod.min_level;
-        glSamplerParameterf(s, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_LOD, static_cast<float>(lod_min));
-    }
-    if (lod_max != config.lod.max_level) {
-        lod_max = config.lod.max_level;
-        glSamplerParameterf(s, GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LOD, static_cast<float>(lod_max));
-    }
 void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncClipEnabled() {
-    state.clip_distance[1] = Pica::g_state.regs.rasterizer.clip_enable != 0;
+    state.clip_distance[1] = regs.rasterizer.clip_enable != 0;
 void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncCullMode() {
@@ -885,7 +807,7 @@ void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncCullMode() {
 void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncBlendEnabled() {
-    state.blend.enabled = (Pica::g_state.regs.framebuffer.output_merger.alphablend_enable == 1);
+    state.blend.enabled = (regs.framebuffer.output_merger.alphablend_enable == 1);
 void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncBlendFuncs() {
@@ -904,8 +826,7 @@ void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncBlendFuncs() {
 void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncBlendColor() {
-    auto blend_color =
-        PicaToGL::ColorRGBA8(Pica::g_state.regs.framebuffer.output_merger.blend_const.raw);
+    auto blend_color = PicaToGL::ColorRGBA8(regs.framebuffer.output_merger.blend_const.raw); = blend_color[0]; = blend_color[1]; = blend_color[2];
diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_rasterizer.h b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_rasterizer.h
index 73a25cdd54..51f0648686 100644
--- a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_rasterizer.h
+++ b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_rasterizer.h
@@ -55,28 +55,6 @@ private:
     void SyncFixedState() override;
     void NotifyFixedFunctionPicaRegisterChanged(u32 id) override;
-    struct SamplerInfo {
-        using TextureConfig = Pica::TexturingRegs::TextureConfig;
-        OGLSampler sampler;
-        /// Creates the sampler object, initializing its state so that it's in sync with the
-        /// SamplerInfo struct.
-        void Create();
-        /// Syncs the sampler object with the config, updating any necessary state.
-        void SyncWithConfig(const TextureConfig& config);
-    private:
-        TextureConfig::TextureFilter mag_filter;
-        TextureConfig::TextureFilter min_filter;
-        TextureConfig::TextureFilter mip_filter;
-        TextureConfig::WrapMode wrap_s;
-        TextureConfig::WrapMode wrap_t;
-        u32 border_color;
-        u32 lod_min;
-        u32 lod_max;
-    };
     /// Syncs the clip enabled status to match the PICA register
     void SyncClipEnabled();
@@ -156,14 +134,13 @@ private:
     OpenGLState state;
     GLuint default_texture;
     TextureRuntime runtime;
-    VideoCore::RasterizerCache res_cache;
+    RasterizerCache res_cache;
     std::unique_ptr<ShaderProgramManager> shader_program_manager;
     OGLVertexArray sw_vao; // VAO for software shader draw
     OGLVertexArray hw_vao; // VAO for hardware shader / accelerate draw
     std::array<bool, 16> hw_vao_enabled_attributes{};
-    std::array<SamplerInfo, 3> texture_samplers;
     GLsizeiptr texture_buffer_size;
     OGLStreamBuffer vertex_buffer;
     OGLStreamBuffer uniform_buffer;
@@ -175,8 +152,6 @@ private:
     std::size_t uniform_size_aligned_vs;
     std::size_t uniform_size_aligned_fs;
-    SamplerInfo texture_cube_sampler;
     OGLTexture texture_buffer_lut_lf;
     OGLTexture texture_buffer_lut_rg;
     OGLTexture texture_buffer_lut_rgba;
diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_rasterizer_cache.cpp b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_rasterizer_cache.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..48c05e3121
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_rasterizer_cache.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+// Copyright 2023 Citra Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#include "video_core/rasterizer_cache/rasterizer_cache.h"
+#include "video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_texture_runtime.h"
+namespace VideoCore {
+template class RasterizerCache<OpenGL::Traits>;
+} // namespace VideoCore
diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_texture_runtime.cpp b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_texture_runtime.cpp
index b461575a24..fe2c190705 100644
--- a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_texture_runtime.cpp
+++ b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_texture_runtime.cpp
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 #include "video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_driver.h"
 #include "video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_state.h"
 #include "video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_texture_runtime.h"
+#include "video_core/renderer_opengl/pica_to_gl.h"
 namespace OpenGL {
@@ -16,6 +17,7 @@ namespace {
 using VideoCore::MapType;
 using VideoCore::PixelFormat;
+using VideoCore::SurfaceFlagBits;
 using VideoCore::SurfaceType;
 using VideoCore::TextureType;
@@ -116,20 +118,11 @@ struct FramebufferInfo {
 } // Anonymous namespace
 TextureRuntime::TextureRuntime(const Driver& driver_, VideoCore::RendererBase& renderer)
-    : driver{driver_}, blit_helper{*this} {
+    : driver{driver_}, blit_helper{driver} {
     for (std::size_t i = 0; i < draw_fbos.size(); ++i) {
-    auto add_reinterpreter = [this](PixelFormat dest,
-                                    std::unique_ptr<FormatReinterpreterBase>&& obj) {
-        const u32 dst_index = static_cast<u32>(dest);
-        return reinterpreters[dst_index].push_back(std::move(obj));
-    };
-    add_reinterpreter(PixelFormat::RGBA8, std::make_unique<ShaderD24S8toRGBA8>());
-    add_reinterpreter(PixelFormat::RGB5A1, std::make_unique<RGBA4toRGB5A1>());
 TextureRuntime::~TextureRuntime() = default;
@@ -241,14 +234,30 @@ Allocation TextureRuntime::Allocate(const VideoCore::SurfaceParams& params,
         .height = params.height,
         .levels = params.levels,
         .res_scale = params.res_scale,
+        .is_custom = is_custom,
-bool TextureRuntime::ClearTexture(Surface& surface, const VideoCore::TextureClear& clear) {
-    const auto prev_state = OpenGLState::GetCurState();
+bool TextureRuntime::Reinterpret(Surface& source, Surface& dest,
+                                 const VideoCore::TextureBlit& blit) {
+    const PixelFormat src_format = source.pixel_format;
+    const PixelFormat dst_format = dest.pixel_format;
+    ASSERT_MSG(src_format != dst_format, "Reinterpretation with the same format is invalid");
+    if (src_format == PixelFormat::D24S8 && dst_format == PixelFormat::RGBA8) {
+        blit_helper.ConvertDS24S8ToRGBA8(source, dest, blit);
+    } else if (src_format == PixelFormat::RGBA4 && dst_format == PixelFormat::RGB5A1) {
+        blit_helper.ConvertRGBA4ToRGB5A1(source, dest, blit);
+    } else {
+        LOG_WARNING(Render_OpenGL, "Unimplemented reinterpretation {} -> {}",
+                    VideoCore::PixelFormatAsString(src_format),
+                    VideoCore::PixelFormatAsString(dst_format));
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
-    // Setup scissor rectangle according to the clear rectangle
-    OpenGLState state;
+bool TextureRuntime::ClearTexture(Surface& surface, const VideoCore::TextureClear& clear) {
+    OpenGLState state = OpenGLState::GetCurState();
     state.scissor.enabled = true;
     state.scissor.x = clear.texture_rect.left;
     state.scissor.y = clear.texture_rect.bottom;
@@ -257,42 +266,27 @@ bool TextureRuntime::ClearTexture(Surface& surface, const VideoCore::TextureClea
     state.draw.draw_framebuffer = draw_fbos[FboIndex(surface.type)].handle;
+    surface.Attach(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, clear.texture_level, 0);
     switch (surface.type) {
     case SurfaceType::Color:
     case SurfaceType::Texture:
-                               surface.Handle(), clear.texture_level);
-                               0);
         state.color_mask.red_enabled = true;
         state.color_mask.green_enabled = true;
         state.color_mask.blue_enabled = true;
         state.color_mask.alpha_enabled = true;
         glClearBufferfv(GL_COLOR, 0, clear.value.color.AsArray());
     case SurfaceType::Depth:
-        glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0);
-                               surface.Handle(), clear.texture_level);
         state.depth.write_mask = GL_TRUE;
         glClearBufferfv(GL_DEPTH, 0, &clear.value.depth);
     case SurfaceType::DepthStencil:
-        glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0);
-                               surface.Handle(), clear.texture_level);
         state.depth.write_mask = GL_TRUE;
         state.stencil.write_mask = -1;
         glClearBufferfi(GL_DEPTH_STENCIL, 0, clear.value.depth, clear.value.stencil);
@@ -300,7 +294,6 @@ bool TextureRuntime::ClearTexture(Surface& surface, const VideoCore::TextureClea
         return false;
-    prev_state.Apply();
     return true;
@@ -329,13 +322,12 @@ bool TextureRuntime::BlitTextures(Surface& source, Surface& dest,
     source.Attach(GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, blit.src_level, blit.src_layer);
     dest.Attach(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, blit.dst_level, blit.dst_layer);
-    // TODO (wwylele): use GL_NEAREST for shadow map texture
     // Note: shadow map is treated as RGBA8 format in PICA, as well as in the rasterizer cache, but
-    // doing linear intepolation componentwise would cause incorrect value. However, for a
-    // well-programmed game this code path should be rarely executed for shadow map with
-    // inconsistent scale.
+    // doing linear intepolation componentwise would cause incorrect value.
     const GLbitfield buffer_mask = MakeBufferMask(source.type);
-    const GLenum filter = buffer_mask == GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT ? GL_LINEAR : GL_NEAREST;
+    const bool is_shadow_map = True(source.flags & SurfaceFlagBits::ShadowMap);
+    const GLenum filter =
+        buffer_mask == GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT && !is_shadow_map ? GL_LINEAR : GL_NEAREST;
     glBlitFramebuffer(blit.src_rect.left, blit.src_rect.bottom, blit.src_rect.right,
             , blit.dst_rect.left, blit.dst_rect.bottom,
                       blit.dst_rect.right,, buffer_mask, filter);
@@ -359,11 +351,6 @@ void TextureRuntime::GenerateMipmaps(Surface& surface) {
-const ReinterpreterList& TextureRuntime::GetPossibleReinterpretations(
-    PixelFormat dest_format) const {
-    return reinterpreters[static_cast<u32>(dest_format)];
 Surface::Surface(TextureRuntime& runtime_, const VideoCore::SurfaceParams& params)
     : SurfaceBase{params}, driver{&runtime_.GetDriver()}, runtime{&runtime_} {
     if (pixel_format == PixelFormat::Invalid) {
@@ -422,15 +409,19 @@ void Surface::UploadCustom(const VideoCore::Material* material, u32 level) {
     glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, width);
-    glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Handle(0));
-    if (VideoCore::IsCustomFormatCompressed(custom_format)) {
-        const GLsizei image_size = static_cast<GLsizei>(color->data.size());
-        glCompressedTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, 0, 0, width, height, tuple.format,
-                                  image_size, color->;
-    } else {
-        glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, 0, 0, width, height, tuple.format, tuple.type,
-                        color->;
-    }
+    const auto upload = [&](u32 index, VideoCore::CustomTexture* texture) {
+        glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Handle(index));
+        if (VideoCore::IsCustomFormatCompressed(custom_format)) {
+            const GLsizei image_size = static_cast<GLsizei>(texture->data.size());
+            glCompressedTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, 0, 0, width, height, tuple.format,
+                                      image_size, texture->;
+        } else {
+            glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, 0, 0, width, height, tuple.format, tuple.type,
+                            texture->;
+        }
+    };
+    upload(0, color);
     const VideoCore::TextureBlit blit = {
         .src_rect = filter_rect,
@@ -444,15 +435,7 @@ void Surface::UploadCustom(const VideoCore::Material* material, u32 level) {
         if (!texture) {
-        glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Handle(i + 1));
-        if (VideoCore::IsCustomFormatCompressed(custom_format)) {
-            const GLsizei image_size = static_cast<GLsizei>(texture->data.size());
-            glCompressedTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, 0, 0, width, height, tuple.format,
-                                      image_size, texture->;
-        } else {
-            glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, 0, 0, width, height, tuple.format, tuple.type,
-                            texture->;
-        }
+        upload(i + 1, texture);
     glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0);
@@ -572,7 +555,6 @@ bool Surface::Swap(const VideoCore::Material* mat) {
               GetScaledWidth(), GetScaledHeight(), VideoCore::PixelFormatAsString(pixel_format),
               addr, width, height, VideoCore::CustomPixelFormatAsString(format));
-    is_custom = true;
     custom_format = format;
     material = mat;
@@ -614,13 +596,13 @@ HostTextureTag Surface::MakeTag() const noexcept {
         .res_scale = alloc.res_scale,
         .tuple = alloc.tuple,
         .type = texture_type,
-        .is_custom = is_custom,
+        .is_custom = alloc.is_custom,
         .has_normal = HasNormalMap(),
-Framebuffer::Framebuffer(TextureRuntime& runtime, Surface* const color, u32 color_level,
-                         Surface* const depth_stencil, u32 depth_level, const Pica::Regs& regs,
+Framebuffer::Framebuffer(TextureRuntime& runtime, const Surface* color, u32 color_level,
+                         const Surface* depth_stencil, u32 depth_level, const Pica::Regs& regs,
                          Common::Rectangle<u32> surfaces_rect)
     : VideoCore::FramebufferBase{regs,          color,       color_level,
                                  depth_stencil, depth_level, surfaces_rect} {
@@ -692,4 +674,30 @@ Framebuffer::Framebuffer(TextureRuntime& runtime, Surface* const color, u32 colo
 Framebuffer::~Framebuffer() = default;
+Sampler::Sampler(TextureRuntime&, VideoCore::SamplerParams params) {
+    const GLenum mag_filter = PicaToGL::TextureMagFilterMode(params.mag_filter);
+    const GLenum min_filter = PicaToGL::TextureMinFilterMode(params.min_filter, params.mip_filter);
+    const GLenum wrap_s = PicaToGL::WrapMode(params.wrap_s);
+    const GLenum wrap_t = PicaToGL::WrapMode(params.wrap_t);
+    const Common::Vec4f gl_color = PicaToGL::ColorRGBA8(params.border_color);
+    const float lod_min = params.lod_min;
+    const float lod_max = params.lod_max;
+    sampler.Create();
+    const GLuint handle = sampler.handle;
+    glSamplerParameteri(handle, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, mag_filter);
+    glSamplerParameteri(handle, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, min_filter);
+    glSamplerParameteri(handle, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, wrap_s);
+    glSamplerParameteri(handle, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, wrap_t);
+    glSamplerParameterfv(handle, GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR, gl_color.AsArray());
+    glSamplerParameterf(handle, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_LOD, lod_min);
+    glSamplerParameterf(handle, GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LOD, lod_max);
+Sampler::~Sampler() = default;
 } // namespace OpenGL
diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_texture_runtime.h b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_texture_runtime.h
index 48fa1d68a6..aab561f8aa 100644
--- a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_texture_runtime.h
+++ b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_texture_runtime.h
@@ -5,9 +5,8 @@
 #pragma once
 #include "video_core/rasterizer_cache/framebuffer_base.h"
-#include "video_core/rasterizer_cache/surface_base.h"
+#include "video_core/rasterizer_cache/rasterizer_cache_base.h"
 #include "video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_blit_helper.h"
-#include "video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_format_reinterpreter.h"
 namespace VideoCore {
 struct Material;
@@ -60,6 +59,7 @@ struct Allocation {
     u32 height;
     u32 levels;
     u32 res_scale;
+    bool is_custom;
     operator bool() const noexcept {
         return textures[0].handle;
@@ -76,7 +76,6 @@ class Driver;
 class TextureRuntime {
     friend class Surface;
     friend class Framebuffer;
-    friend class BlitHelper;
     explicit TextureRuntime(const Driver& driver, VideoCore::RendererBase& renderer);
@@ -95,12 +94,8 @@ public:
     const FormatTuple& GetFormatTuple(VideoCore::PixelFormat pixel_format) const;
     const FormatTuple& GetFormatTuple(VideoCore::CustomPixelFormat pixel_format);
-    /// Takes back ownership of the allocation for recycling
-    void Recycle(const HostTextureTag tag, Allocation&& alloc);
-    /// Allocates a texture with the specified dimentions and format
-    Allocation Allocate(const VideoCore::SurfaceParams& params,
-                        const VideoCore::Material* material = nullptr);
+    /// Attempts to reinterpret a rectangle of source to another rectangle of dest
+    bool Reinterpret(Surface& source, Surface& dest, const VideoCore::TextureBlit& blit);
     /// Fills the rectangle of the texture with the clear value provided
     bool ClearTexture(Surface& surface, const VideoCore::TextureClear& clear);
@@ -114,10 +109,14 @@ public:
     /// Generates mipmaps for all the available levels of the texture
     void GenerateMipmaps(Surface& surface);
-    /// Returns all source formats that support reinterpretation to the dest format
-    const ReinterpreterList& GetPossibleReinterpretations(VideoCore::PixelFormat dest_format) const;
+    /// Takes back ownership of the allocation for recycling
+    void Recycle(const HostTextureTag tag, Allocation&& alloc);
+    /// Allocates a texture with the specified dimentions and format
+    Allocation Allocate(const VideoCore::SurfaceParams& params,
+                        const VideoCore::Material* material = nullptr);
     /// Returns the OpenGL driver class
     const Driver& GetDriver() const {
         return driver;
@@ -127,7 +126,6 @@ private:
     const Driver& driver;
     BlitHelper blit_helper;
     std::vector<u8> staging_buffer;
-    std::array<ReinterpreterList, VideoCore::PIXEL_FORMAT_COUNT> reinterpreters;
     std::unordered_multimap<HostTextureTag, Allocation, HostTextureTag::Hash> alloc_cache;
     std::unordered_map<u64, OGLFramebuffer, Common::IdentityHash<u64>> framebuffer_cache;
     std::array<OGLFramebuffer, 3> draw_fbos;
@@ -145,24 +143,14 @@ public:
     Surface(Surface&& o) noexcept = default;
     Surface& operator=(Surface&& o) noexcept = default;
-    /// Returns the surface image handle at the provided index.
-    GLuint Handle(u32 index = 1) const noexcept {
+    [[nodiscard]] GLuint Handle(u32 index = 1) const noexcept {
         return alloc.handles[index];
-    /// Returns the tuple of the surface allocation.
-    const FormatTuple& Tuple() const noexcept {
+    [[nodiscard]] const FormatTuple& Tuple() const noexcept {
         return alloc.tuple;
-    /// Returns the extent of the underlying surface allocation
-    VideoCore::Extent Extent() const noexcept {
-        return {
-            .width = alloc.width,
-            .height = alloc.height,
-        };
-    }
     /// Uploads pixel data in staging to a rectangle region of the surface texture
     void Upload(const VideoCore::BufferTextureCopy& upload, const VideoCore::StagingData& staging);
@@ -201,8 +189,8 @@ private:
 class Framebuffer : public VideoCore::FramebufferBase {
-    explicit Framebuffer(TextureRuntime& runtime, Surface* const color, u32 color_level,
-                         Surface* const depth_stencil, u32 depth_level, const Pica::Regs& regs,
+    explicit Framebuffer(TextureRuntime& runtime, const Surface* color, u32 color_level,
+                         const Surface* depth_stencil, u32 depth_level, const Pica::Regs& regs,
                          Common::Rectangle<u32> surfaces_rect);
@@ -223,4 +211,32 @@ private:
     GLuint handle{};
+class Sampler {
+    explicit Sampler(TextureRuntime&, VideoCore::SamplerParams params);
+    ~Sampler();
+    Sampler(const Sampler&) = delete;
+    Sampler& operator=(const Sampler&) = delete;
+    Sampler(Sampler&&) = default;
+    Sampler& operator=(Sampler&&) = default;
+    [[nodiscard]] GLuint Handle() const noexcept {
+        return sampler.handle;
+    }
+    OGLSampler sampler;
+struct Traits {
+    using Runtime = OpenGL::TextureRuntime;
+    using Sampler = OpenGL::Sampler;
+    using Surface = OpenGL::Surface;
+    using Framebuffer = OpenGL::Framebuffer;
+using RasterizerCache = VideoCore::RasterizerCache<Traits>;
 } // namespace OpenGL