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synced 2025-03-27 12:29:26 +00:00
* Replace browserify with webpack * Add react-intl-translations-manager * Do not minify in development, add offline-plugin for ServiceWorker background cache updates * Adjust tests and dependencies * Fix production deployments * Fix tests * More optimizations * Improve travis cache for npm stuff * Re-run travis * Add back support for custom.scss as before * Remove offline-plugin and babili * Fix issue with Immutable.List().unshift(...values) not working as expected * Make travis load schema instead of running all migrations in sequence * Fix missing React import in WarningContainer. Optimize rendering performance by using ImmutablePureComponent instead of React.PureComponent. ImmutablePureComponent uses Immutable.is() to compare props. Replace dynamic callback bindings in <UI /> * Add react definitions to places that use JSX * Add Procfile.dev for running rails, webpack and streaming API at the same time
45 lines
1,017 B
45 lines
1,017 B
// Note: You must restart bin/webpack-dev-server for changes to take effect
/* eslint global-require: 0 */
const webpack = require('webpack')
const merge = require('webpack-merge')
const CompressionPlugin = require('compression-webpack-plugin')
const sharedConfig = require('./shared.js')
module.exports = merge(sharedConfig, {
output: { filename: '[name]-[chunkhash].js' },
plugins: [
new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({
compress: {
unused: true,
evaluate: true,
booleans: true,
drop_debugger: true,
dead_code: true,
pure_getters: true,
negate_iife: true,
conditionals: true,
loops: true,
cascade: true,
keep_fargs: false,
warnings: true
mangle: false,
output: {
comments: false
sourceMap: false
new CompressionPlugin({
asset: '[path].gz[query]',
algorithm: 'gzip',
test: /\.(js|css|svg|eot|ttf|woff|woff2)$/