// Probably a bad thing, but all pages are **hard-coded** into // the Gulpfile, so they can be copied. This is because there // won't be any posts on the website, so this won't have to be // updated any time soon. const gulp = require('gulp') const cleanCSS = require('gulp-clean-css') const del = require('del') const postcss = require('gulp-postcss') // CSS function css() { return gulp.src('src/css/styles.css') .pipe(postcss([ require('tailwindcss'), require('autoprefixer') ])) .pipe(cleanCSS()) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/assets/css')) } // Images // TODO: Optimize images with a Gulp plugin function images() { return gulp.src('src/img/**/*.{png,jpg,jpeg}') .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/assets/img')) } // Pages function home() { return gulp.src('src/index.html') .pipe(gulp.dest('dist')) } // Clean function clean() { return del([ 'dist' ]) } exports.css = css exports.images = images exports.home = home exports.clean = clean exports.default = gulp.series(home, css, images)