
907 lines
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Raw Permalink Blame History

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// Various utility functions used in Indigo.
package main
import (
// Internals
// Externals
sessions ""
// Inititialize sessions and other variables. Used in almost every page that uses HTML, and even some that don't.
func doSession(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (user, bool) {
session := sessions.Start(w, r)
currentUser := user{}
ip := getIP(r)
timezone, err := r.Cookie("timezone")
if err != nil || len(timezone.Value) == 0 {
timezone = &http.Cookie{Name: "timezone", Value: getTimezone(ip), Expires: time.Now().Add(365 * 24 * time.Hour)}
http.SetCookie(w, timezone)
currentUser.Timezone = timezone.Value
host, _, _ := net.SplitHostPort(ip)
cidr := getCIDR(host, "1")
cidr2 := getCIDR(host, "2")
var banLength time.Time
db.QueryRow("SELECT until FROM bans WHERE (cidr = 0 AND ip = ?) OR (cidr = 1 AND ip = ?) OR (cidr = 2 AND ip = ?)", host, cidr, cidr2).Scan(&banLength)
if int64(banLength.Unix()) != -62135596800 {
success := showBan(w, currentUser, banLength)
if success {
return currentUser, false
if len(session.GetString("username")) != 0 {
currentUser = QueryUser(session.GetString("username"), currentUser.Timezone)
if len(currentUser.Theme) > 0 {
currentUser.ThemeColors = strings.Split(currentUser.Theme, ",")
currentUser.Avatar = getAvatar(currentUser.Avatar, currentUser.HasMii, 0)
db.QueryRow("SELECT until FROM bans WHERE user = ?", currentUser.ID).Scan(&banLength)
if int64(banLength.Unix()) != -62135596800 {
success := showBan(w, currentUser, banLength)
if success {
return currentUser, false
} else {
indigoAuth, err := r.Cookie("indigo-auth")
if err == nil && len(indigoAuth.Value) > 0 {
var username string
db.QueryRow("SELECT username FROM login_tokens LEFT JOIN users ON user = WHERE value = ?", &indigoAuth.Value).Scan(&username)
if len(username) > 0 {
currentUser = QueryUser(username, currentUser.Timezone)
if len(currentUser.Theme) > 0 {
currentUser.ThemeColors = strings.Split(currentUser.Theme, ",")
currentUser.Avatar = getAvatar(currentUser.Avatar, currentUser.HasMii, 0)
session.Set("username", currentUser.Username)
session.Set("user_id", currentUser.ID)
stmt, err := db.Prepare("INSERT INTO sessions (id, user) VALUES (?, ?)")
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
return currentUser, false
stmt.Exec(session.ID(), currentUser.ID)
db.QueryRow("SELECT until FROM bans WHERE user = ?", currentUser.ID).Scan(&banLength)
if int64(banLength.Unix()) != -62135596800 {
success := showBan(w, currentUser, banLength)
if success {
return currentUser, false
} else {
if settings.ForceLogins && r.URL.Path != "/reset" {
http.Redirect(w, r, "/login", 301)
return currentUser, false
return currentUser, true
} else {
if settings.ForceLogins && r.URL.Path != "/reset" {
http.Redirect(w, r, "/login", 301)
return currentUser, false
return currentUser, true
currentUser.CSRFToken = csrf.Token(r)
currentUser.LightMode = getLightMode(w, r)
if r.Header.Get("X-PJAX") == "" {
var friendRequests int
db.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages LEFT JOIN conversations ON conversation_id = WHERE (source = ? OR target = ?) AND created_by <> ? AND msg_read = 0 AND messages.is_rm = 0 AND conversations.is_rm = 0", currentUser.ID, currentUser.ID, currentUser.ID).Scan(&currentUser.Notifications.Messages)
var groupUnread int
db.QueryRow("SELECT SUM(unread_messages) FROM group_members WHERE user = ?", currentUser.ID).Scan(&groupUnread)
currentUser.Notifications.Messages += groupUnread
db.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM notifications WHERE notif_to = ? AND merged IS NULL AND notif_read = 0", currentUser.ID).Scan(&currentUser.Notifications.Notifications)
db.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM friend_requests WHERE request_to = ? AND request_read = 0", currentUser.ID).Scan(&friendRequests)
currentUser.Notifications.Notifications += friendRequests
return currentUser, true
// Escape the "forbidden keywords" field for regexp.
func escapeForbiddenKeywords(regex string) string {
if len(regex) == 0 {
return "b\bb" // This regex always returns "false", so no posts are ever filtered out if you don't have any reserved words.
regex = regexp.QuoteMeta(regex)
split := strings.Split(regex, ",")
fixed := []string{}
for _, s := range split {
if len(s) > 0 {
fixed = append(fixed, s)
regex = strings.Join(fixed, "|")
regex = strings.Replace(regex, "\\|", ",", -1)
return strings.Replace(regex, "\\\\", "\\", -1)
// Escape Markdown.
func escapeMarkdown(text string) string {
text = string(symbols.ReplaceAll([]byte(text), []byte("\\$1")))
return text
// Get a CIDR-esque range from an IP.
func getCIDR(ip string, cidr string) string {
netmasks := strings.Split(ip, ".")
netmasks[3] = "0"
if cidr == "2" {
netmasks[2] = "0"
return strings.Join(netmasks, ".")
// Get the user's light mode status.
func getLightMode(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) bool {
lightMode, err := r.Cookie("light")
if err != nil || len(lightMode.Value) == 0 {
lightMode = &http.Cookie{Name: "light", Value: "false", Expires: time.Unix(253402300799, 0)}
http.SetCookie(w, lightMode)
lightModeBool, err := strconv.ParseBool(lightMode.Value)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
return false
return lightModeBool
// Get the data of a post's migration.
func getPostMigration(migration int, migratedCommunity string) (string, string, string, string) {
var migrationImage string
var migrationURL string
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT image, url FROM migrations WHERE id = ?", migration).Scan(&migrationImage, &migrationURL)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("no migrations")
return "", "", "This message should not appear. An error occurred while grabbing the migration data. Check the console.", ""
var communityTitle string
var communityIcon string
err = db.QueryRow("SELECT title, icon FROM migrated_communities WHERE migrated_id = ? AND migration = ?", migratedCommunity, migration).Scan(&communityTitle, &communityIcon)
if err != nil {
return migrationImage, migrationURL, "Unknown Community", "/assets/img/title-icon-default.png"
return migrationImage, migrationURL, communityTitle, communityIcon
// Format timestamps in a way that normal people who AREN'T robots can read.
func humanTiming(timestamp time.Time, timezone string) string {
location, err := time.LoadLocation(timezone)
if err != nil {
return err.Error()
timestamp = timestamp.In(location)
since := time.Now().In(location).Sub(timestamp).Seconds()
if since <= 1 {
return "Less than a second ago"
} else if since < 2 {
return "1 second ago"
} else if since < 60 {
return strconv.Itoa(int(math.Floor(since))) + " seconds ago"
} else if since < 120 {
return "1 minute ago"
} else if since < 3600 {
return strconv.Itoa(int(math.Floor(since/60))) + " minutes ago"
} else if since < 7200 {
return "1 hour ago"
} else if since < 86400 {
return strconv.Itoa(int(math.Floor(since/60/60))) + " hours ago"
} else if since < 172800 {
return "1 day ago"
} else if since < 345600 {
return strconv.Itoa(int(math.Floor(since/60/60/24))) + " days ago"
} else {
return timestamp.Format("01/02/2006 3:04 PM")
/* Discord styled timestamp code here.
now := time.Now().In(location)
if now.Day() == timestamp.Day() && now.Month() == timestamp.Month() && now.Year() == timestamp.Year() {
return timestamp.Format("Today at 3:04 PM")
} else if now.Day()-1 == timestamp.Day() && now.Month() == timestamp.Month() && now.Year() == timestamp.Year() {
return timestamp.Format("Yesterday at 3:04 PM")
} else if now.Day()-2 == timestamp.Day() && now.Month() == timestamp.Month() && now.Year() == timestamp.Year() {
return timestamp.Format("Last Monday at 3:04 PM")
} else {
return timestamp.Format("01/02/2006 3:04 PM")
// Send a notification to a user.
func createNotif(to int, notif_type int, post string, currentUser int) {
notif_read := 0
for client := range clients {
if clients[client].UserID == to {
if ((notif_type == 0 || notif_type == 2 || notif_type == 3) && clients[client].OnPage == "/posts/"+post) || (notif_type == 1 && clients[client].OnPage == "/comments/"+post) {
notif_read = 1
if notif_type == 0 || notif_type == 1 {
var hasYeahNotificationsEnabled bool
db.QueryRow("SELECT yeah_notifications FROM users WHERE id = ?", to).Scan(&hasYeahNotificationsEnabled)
if !hasYeahNotificationsEnabled {
// 0 = post yeah, 1 = reply yeah, 2 = comment on your post, 3 = poster's comment, 4 = follow
var check_mergedusernews int
if notif_type != 4 {
db.QueryRow("SELECT merged FROM notifications WHERE notif_by = ? AND notif_to = ? AND notif_type = ? AND notif_post = ? AND merged IS NOT NULL AND notif_date > NOW() - 28800 ORDER BY notif_date DESC", currentUser, to, notif_type, post).Scan(&check_mergedusernews)
} else {
db.QueryRow("SELECT merged FROM notifications WHERE notif_by = ? AND notif_to = ? AND notif_type = ? AND merged IS NOT NULL AND notif_date > NOW() - 28800 ORDER BY notif_date DESC", currentUser, to, notif_type).Scan(&check_mergedusernews)
if check_mergedusernews != 0 {
stmt, _ := db.Prepare("UPDATE notifications SET notif_read = 0, notif_date = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE id = ?")
} else {
var result_update_newsmergesearch int
if notif_type != 4 {
db.QueryRow("SELECT id FROM notifications WHERE notif_to = ? AND notif_post = ? AND notif_date > NOW() - 28800 AND notif_type = ? ORDER BY notif_date DESC", to, post, notif_type).Scan(&result_update_newsmergesearch)
} else {
db.QueryRow("SELECT id FROM notifications WHERE notif_to = ? AND notif_date > NOW() - 28800 AND notif_type = ? ORDER BY notif_date DESC", to, notif_type).Scan(&result_update_newsmergesearch)
if result_update_newsmergesearch != 0 {
if notif_type != 4 {
stmt, _ := db.Prepare("INSERT INTO notifications(notif_by, notif_to, notif_post, merged, notif_type, notif_read) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")
stmt.Exec(currentUser, to, post, result_update_newsmergesearch, notif_type, notif_read)
} else {
stmt, _ := db.Prepare("INSERT INTO notifications(notif_by, notif_to, merged, notif_type, notif_read) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")
stmt.Exec(currentUser, to, result_update_newsmergesearch, notif_type, notif_read)
stmt, _ := db.Prepare("UPDATE notifications SET notif_read = ?, notif_date = NOW() WHERE id = ?")
stmt.Exec(notif_read, result_update_newsmergesearch)
} else {
if notif_type != 4 {
stmt, _ := db.Prepare("INSERT INTO notifications(notif_by, notif_to, notif_post, notif_type, notif_read) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")
stmt.Exec(currentUser, to, post, notif_type, notif_read)
} else {
stmt, _ := db.Prepare("INSERT INTO notifications(notif_by, notif_to, notif_type, notif_read) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)")
stmt.Exec(currentUser, to, notif_type, notif_read)
if notif_read == 0 {
var msg wsMessage
msg.Type = "notif"
var notifCount int
var friendRequests int
db.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM notifications WHERE notif_to = ? AND merged IS NULL AND notif_read = 0", &to).Scan(&notifCount)
db.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM friend_requests WHERE request_to = ? AND request_read = 0", to).Scan(&friendRequests)
msg.Content = strconv.Itoa(notifCount + friendRequests)
for client := range clients {
if clients[client].UserID == to {
err := client.WriteJSON(msg)
if err != nil {
delete(clients, client)
// Find a user with a username.
func QueryUser(username string, timezone string) user {
var users = user{}
var role int
var lastSeenTime time.Time
db.QueryRow("SELECT id, username, nickname, avatar, has_mh, email, password, ip, level, role, online, hide_online, last_seen, hide_last_seen, color, theme, yeah_notifications, websockets_enabled, forbidden_keywords, default_privacy FROM users WHERE username=?", username).Scan(&users.ID, &users.Username, &users.Nickname, &users.Avatar, &users.HasMii, &users.Email, &users.Password, &users.IP, &users.Level, &role, &users.Online, &users.HideOnline, &lastSeenTime, &users.HideLastSeen, &users.Color, &users.Theme, &users.YeahNotifications, &users.WebsocketsEnabled, &users.ForbiddenKeywords, &users.DefaultPrivacy)
if role > 0 {
db.QueryRow("SELECT image, organization FROM roles WHERE id = ?", role).Scan(&users.Role.Image, &users.Role.Organization)
users.Timezone = timezone
users.LastSeen = humanTiming(lastSeenTime, timezone)
users.LastSeenUnix = lastSeenTime.Unix()
return users
// Send JSON to a websocket.
//func sendJSON()
// Get an array of posts from an SQL query.
func setupPost(row *post, currentUser user, postType int, repostLayer int) *post {
row.PosterIcon = getAvatar(row.PosterIcon, row.PosterHasMii, row.Feeling)
if row.PosterRoleID > 0 {
row.PosterRoleImage = getRoleImage(row.PosterRoleID)
row.CreatedAt = humanTiming(row.CreatedAtTime, currentUser.Timezone)
row.CreatedAtUnix = row.CreatedAtTime.Unix()
if row.EditedAtTime.Sub(row.CreatedAtTime).Minutes() > 5 {
row.EditedAt = humanTiming(row.EditedAtTime, currentUser.Timezone)
row.EditedAtUnix = row.EditedAtTime.Unix()
if len(row.MigratedID) == 0 || strings.Contains(row.BodyText, ":markdown:") {
row.Body = parseBodyWithLineBreaks(row.BodyText, true, true)
} else {
row.Body = parseBodyWithLineBreaks(row.BodyText, true, false)
if row.CreatedBy == currentUser.ID {
row.ByMe = true
if row.PostType == 2 {
row.Poll = getPoll(row.ID, currentUser.ID)
row.Type = postType
if row.RepostID > 0 {
var repost post
if repostLayer < 3 {
db.QueryRow("SELECT, created_by, created_at, edited_at, feeling, body, image, attachment_type, is_spoiler, post_type, url, url_type, pinned, privacy, repost, migration, migrated_id, migrated_community, is_rm_by_admin,, title, icon, rm, username, nickname, avatar, has_mh, online, hide_online, color, role FROM posts LEFT JOIN communities ON = community_id LEFT JOIN users ON = created_by WHERE = ? AND is_rm = 0 AND NOT IN (SELECT if(source = ?, target, source) FROM blocks WHERE (source = ? AND target = OR (source = AND target = ?)) AND IF(created_by = ?, true, LOWER(body) NOT REGEXP LOWER(?)) AND (privacy = 0 OR (privacy IN (1, 2, 3, 4) AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM friendships WHERE source = ? AND target = created_by OR source = created_by AND target = ? LIMIT 1) = 1) OR (privacy IN (1, 3, 5, 6) AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM follows WHERE follow_to = created_by AND follow_by = ? LIMIT 1) = 1) OR (privacy IN (1, 2, 5, 7) AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM follows WHERE follow_to = ? AND follow_by = created_by) = 1) OR (privacy = 8 AND ? > 0) OR created_by = ?) LIMIT 1", row.RepostID, currentUser.ID, currentUser.ID, currentUser.ID, currentUser.ID, escapeForbiddenKeywords(currentUser.ForbiddenKeywords), currentUser.ID, currentUser.ID, currentUser.ID, currentUser.ID, currentUser.Level, currentUser.ID).Scan(&repost.ID, &repost.CreatedBy, &repost.CreatedAtTime, &repost.EditedAtTime, &repost.Feeling, &repost.BodyText, &repost.Image, &repost.AttachmentType, &repost.IsSpoiler, &repost.PostType, &repost.URL, &repost.URLType, &repost.Pinned, &repost.Privacy, &repost.RepostID, &repost.MigrationID, &repost.MigratedID, &repost.MigratedCommunity, &repost.IsRMByAdmin, &repost.CommunityID, &repost.CommunityName, &repost.CommunityIcon, &repost.CommunityRM, &repost.PosterUsername, &repost.PosterNickname, &repost.PosterIcon, &repost.PosterHasMii, &repost.PosterOnline, &repost.PosterHideOnline, &repost.PosterColor, &repost.PosterRoleID)
row.Repost = &repost
row.Repost.Type = 3
if len(row.Repost.CommunityName) > 0 {
repostLayer = repostLayer + 1
row.Repost = setupPost(row.Repost, currentUser, 3, repostLayer)
} else {
repost.Type = 4
repost.ID = row.ID
row.Repost = &repost
if row.MigrationID > 0 {
row.MigrationImage, row.MigrationURL, row.CommunityName, row.CommunityIcon = getPostMigration(row.MigrationID, row.MigratedCommunity)
db.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM yeahs WHERE yeah_post = ? AND yeah_by = ? AND on_comment = 0 LIMIT 1", row.ID, currentUser.ID).Scan(&row.Yeahed)
row.CanYeah = checkIfCanYeah(currentUser, row.CreatedBy)
if row.CommentCount != -1 {
db.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM yeahs WHERE yeah_post = ? AND on_comment = 0", row.ID).Scan(&row.YeahCount)
db.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM comments WHERE post = ? AND is_rm = 0", row.ID).Scan(&row.CommentCount)
if row.CommentCount > 0 && postType != -1 && postType != 3 {
row.CommentPreview = getCommentPreview(row.ID, currentUser)
} else {
db.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM yeahs WHERE yeah_post = ? AND on_comment = 1", row.ID).Scan(&row.YeahCount)
return row
// Show a ban screen.
func showBan(w http.ResponseWriter, currentUser user, banLength time.Time) bool {
if time.Now().Sub(banLength).Seconds() > 1 {
stmt, _ := db.Prepare("DELETE FROM bans WHERE user = ?")
return false
} else {
var data = map[string]interface{}{
"CurrentUser": currentUser,
"Length": banLength.Format("01/02/2006 3:04 PM"),
"LengthForever": banLength.Year() > 2100,
err := templates.ExecuteTemplate(w, "ban.html", data)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
return true
// Find a profile by user ID.
func QueryProfile(id int, timezone string) profile {
var profiles = profile{}
var createdAtTime time.Time
var genderNumber int // Gender is just a number.
db.QueryRow("SELECT created_at, nnid, mh, avatar_image, avatar_id, gender, region, comment, nnid_visibility, yeah_visibility, reply_visibility, discord, steam, psn, switch_code, twitter, youtube, allow_friend, favorite FROM profiles WHERE user = ?", id).Scan(&createdAtTime, &profiles.NNID, &profiles.MiiHash, &profiles.AvatarImage, &profiles.AvatarID, &genderNumber, &profiles.Region, &profiles.CommentText, &profiles.NNIDVisibility, &profiles.YeahVisibility, &profiles.ReplyVisibility, &profiles.Discord, &profiles.Steam, &profiles.PSN, &profiles.SwitchCode, &profiles.Twitter, &profiles.YouTube, &profiles.AllowFriend, &profiles.FavoritePostID)
profiles.Gender = [6]string{"", "He/him", "She/her", "He/she", "Nonbinary", "They/them"}[genderNumber]
profiles.User = id
profiles.Comment = parseBodyWithLineBreaks(profiles.CommentText, false, true)
profiles.CreatedAt = humanTiming(createdAtTime, timezone)
profiles.CreatedAtUnix = createdAtTime.Unix()
return profiles
// Find a community by ID.
func QueryCommunity(id string, canBeRM bool) community {
var communities = community{}
if canBeRM {
db.QueryRow("SELECT id, title, description, icon, banner, is_featured, permissions, rm FROM communities WHERE id = ?", id).Scan(&communities.ID, &communities.Title, &communities.DescriptionText, &communities.Icon, &communities.Banner, &communities.IsFeatured, &communities.Permissions, &communities.RM)
} else {
db.QueryRow("SELECT id, title, description, icon, banner, is_featured, permissions, rm FROM communities WHERE id = ? AND rm = 0", id).Scan(&communities.ID, &communities.Title, &communities.DescriptionText, &communities.Icon, &communities.Banner, &communities.IsFeatured, &communities.Permissions, &communities.RM)
communities.Description = parseBodyWithLineBreaks(communities.DescriptionText, false, true)
return communities
// Set variables for profile sidebar.
func setupProfileSidebar(user user, currentUser user, profileOnPage string) profileSidebar {
var sidebar profileSidebar
sidebar.Profile = QueryProfile(user.ID, currentUser.Timezone)
sidebar.User = user
sidebar.CurrentUser = currentUser
sidebar.ProfileOnPage = profileOnPage
sidebar.Reasons = settings.ReportReasons
if len(sidebar.User.Theme) > 0 {
sidebar.User.ThemeColors = strings.Split(sidebar.User.Theme, ",")
db.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM follows WHERE follow_to = ? AND follow_by = ? LIMIT 1", user.ID, currentUser.ID).Scan(&sidebar.IsFollowing)
var requestTimestamp time.Time
_ = db.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*), created_at FROM friend_requests WHERE request_to = ? AND request_by = ? GROUP BY created_at", user.ID, currentUser.ID).Scan(&sidebar.FriendStatus, &requestTimestamp)
if sidebar.FriendStatus > 0 {
sidebar.FriendStatus = 2
sidebar.RequestTime = requestTimestamp.Format("01/02/2006 3:04 PM")
} else {
db.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM friend_requests WHERE request_to = ? AND request_by = ?", currentUser.ID, user.ID).Scan(&sidebar.FriendStatus)
if sidebar.FriendStatus > 0 {
sidebar.FriendStatus = 1
var createdAt time.Time
db.QueryRow("SELECT id, message, created_at FROM friend_requests WHERE request_to = ? AND request_by = ? ORDER BY DESC", currentUser.ID, user.ID).Scan(&sidebar.Request.ID, &sidebar.Request.Message, &createdAt)
sidebar.Request.CreatedAt = createdAt.Format("01/02/2006 3:04 PM")
} else {
db.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM friendships WHERE (source = ? AND target = ?) OR (source = ? AND target = ?)", user.ID, currentUser.ID, currentUser.ID, user.ID).Scan(&sidebar.FriendStatus)
if sidebar.FriendStatus > 0 {
sidebar.FriendStatus = 3
} else {
sidebar.FriendStatus = 0
if sidebar.Profile.AllowFriend == 1 {
db.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM follows WHERE follow_to = ? AND follow_by = ? LIMIT 1", currentUser.ID, user.ID).Scan(&sidebar.IsFollowingMe)
sidebar.User.Blocked = checkIfBlocked(currentUser.ID, user.ID)
sidebar.Profile.FriendCount, sidebar.Profile.FollowingCount, sidebar.Profile.FollowerCount = setupSidebarStatus(user.ID)
var banCount int
db.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bans WHERE user = ?", user.ID).Scan(&banCount)
if banCount > 0 {
if len(sidebar.User.Role.Organization) > 0 {
sidebar.User.Role.Organization = "Banned<br>" + sidebar.User.Role.Organization
} else {
sidebar.User.Role.Organization = "Banned"
db.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM posts WHERE created_by = ? AND is_rm = 0", user.ID).Scan(&sidebar.Profile.PostCount)
db.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM comments WHERE created_by = ? AND is_rm = 0", user.ID).Scan(&sidebar.Profile.CommentCount)
db.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM yeahs WHERE yeah_by = ?", user.ID).Scan(&sidebar.Profile.YeahCount)
db.QueryRow("SELECT image FROM posts WHERE id = ?", sidebar.Profile.FavoritePostID).Scan(&sidebar.Profile.FavoritePostImage)
favorite_rows, err := db.Query("SELECT, title, icon FROM communities LEFT JOIN community_favorites ON = community WHERE favorite_by = ? AND rm = 0 ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 10", user.ID)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("error while getting favorite communities")
return sidebar
var favorites []community
for favorite_rows.Next() {
var row = community{}
err := favorite_rows.Scan(&row.ID, &row.Title, &row.Icon)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("error while scanning favorite communities")
favorites = append(favorites, row)
sidebar.FavoriteCommunities = favorites
return sidebar
// Set friend/following/follower counts for sidebars.
func setupSidebarStatus(userID int) (int, int, int) {
friendCount, followingCount, followerCount := 0, 0, 0
if userID != 0 {
db.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM friendships WHERE source = ? OR target = ?", userID, userID).Scan(&friendCount)
db.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM follows WHERE follow_by = ?", userID).Scan(&followingCount)
db.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM follows WHERE follow_to = ?", userID).Scan(&followerCount)
return friendCount, followingCount, followerCount
// Cut a string off at 200 characters if needed, and parse Markdown and later emotes.
func parseBody(body string, cutoff bool, parseMarkdown bool) template.HTML {
// Cut off at 200 characters if cutoff is set.
if cutoff && utf8.RuneCountInString(body) > 203 {
runes := []rune(body) // What is this, fucking RuneScape!?
body = string(runes[0:200]) + "..."
// Parse markdown and sanitize HTML.
if parseMarkdown {
body = strings.Replace(body, "<3", "\\<3", -1)
bodyTemp := blackfriday.Run([]byte(body), blackfriday.WithRenderer(renderer))
if len(bodyTemp) >= 7 {
rune2 := []rune(string(bodyTemp))
body = string(rune2[:len(rune2)-1])
} else {
body = string(bodyTemp)
body = bluemonday.UGCPolicy().Sanitize(body)
// Parse emotes.
matches := emotes.FindAllStringSubmatch(body, settings.EmoteLimit)
for _, match := range matches {
var image sql.NullString
db.QueryRow("SELECT image FROM emotes WHERE name = ?", match[1]).Scan(&image)
if image.Valid {
if len(image.String) > 0 {
body = strings.Replace(body, match[0], "<img title=\""+match[1]+"\" src=\""+image.String+"\">", 1)
} else {
body = strings.Replace(body, match[0], "", 1)
// Return the output.
return template.HTML(body)
// Parse a body with parseBody(), and then replace line breaks with <br> elements.
func parseBodyWithLineBreaks(body string, cutoff bool, parseMarkdown bool) template.HTML {
bodyHTML := parseBody(body, cutoff, parseMarkdown)
body = strings.Replace(string(bodyHTML), "\n", "<br>", -1)
return template.HTML(body)
// Cut a string off at 200 characters.
func parseCutoff(body template.HTML) template.HTML {
return body
// Cut a string off at 15 characters. Used for notifications and the "View _____'s post for this comment" bar thingy at the top of the comments page.
func parsePreview(body string, postType int, isRM bool) string {
if isRM {
body = "deleted"
} else if len(body) == 0 {
body = "empty"
} else if postType == 1 {
body = "handwritten"
} else if utf8.RuneCountInString(body) > 18 {
runes := []rune(body)
body = string(runes[0:15]) + "..."
return body
// Really minimal function to check if the user viewing the page can give a Yeah to a certain post.
func checkIfCanYeah(currentUser user, createdBy int) bool {
if len(currentUser.Username) == 0 {
return false
if createdBy == currentUser.ID {
return false
if checkIfEitherBlocked(currentUser.ID, createdBy) {
return false
return true
// Generate the name of a group chat from an array of user nicknames.
func getGroupName(users []string) string {
groupName := "Group chat with "
if len(users) < 1 {
groupName += "yourself"
} else if len(users) == 1 {
groupName += users[0]
} else if len(users) == 2 {
groupName += users[0] + " and " + users[1]
} else {
for i := 0; i < len(users)-2; i++ {
groupName += users[i] + ", "
groupName += users[len(users)-2] + " and " + users[len(users)-1]
return groupName
// Fetch the site's settings from a config.json file.
func getSettings() config {
var settings config
settingsJSON, err := ioutil.ReadFile("config.json")
if err != nil {
return settings
err = json.Unmarshal(settingsJSON, &settings)
if err != nil {
settings.ReportReasons = append([]reportReason{{
Name: "Spoiler",
Message: "Your post contained spoilers, so it was removed.",
Enabled: false,
BodyRequired: true,
}}, settings.ReportReasons...)
return settings
// Generate a login token for autoauth.
func generateLoginToken() string {
const letterBytes = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890"
const (
letterIdxBits = 6
letterIdxMask = 1<<letterIdxBits - 1
letterIdxMax = 63 / letterIdxBits
src := rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())
b := make([]byte, 16)
for i, cache, remain := 15, src.Int63(), letterIdxMax; i >= 0; {
if remain == 0 {
cache, remain = src.Int63(), letterIdxMax
if idx := int(cache & letterIdxMask); idx < len(letterBytes) {
b[i] = letterBytes[idx]
cache >>= letterIdxBits
return string(b)
// Check if a user is blocking another user.
func checkIfBlocked(source int, target int) bool {
var isBlocked bool
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM blocks WHERE source = ? AND target = ?", source, target).Scan(&isBlocked)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("error while getting blocks")
return isBlocked
// Check if a user is blocking another user, or vice versa.
func checkIfEitherBlocked(source int, target int) bool {
var isBlocked bool
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM blocks WHERE (source = ? AND target = ?) OR (source = ? AND target = ?)", source, target, target, source).Scan(&isBlocked)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("error while checking if either ballcoks")
return isBlocked
// Render a user's avatar as a Mii URL with an emotion or return it if it's not a Mii.
func getAvatar(avatar string, hasMii bool, feeling int) string {
const url = ""
if len(avatar) == 0 {
return "/assets/img/anonymous.png"
if hasMii {
switch feeling {
case 1, 8:
return fmt.Sprintf(url, avatar, "happy")
case 2, 7:
return fmt.Sprintf(url, avatar, "like")
case 3, 6:
return fmt.Sprintf(url, avatar, "surprised")
case 4:
return fmt.Sprintf(url, avatar, "frustrated")
case 5:
return fmt.Sprintf(url, avatar, "puzzled")
return fmt.Sprintf(url, avatar, "normal")
return avatar
// Get the database values necessary for showing a comment preview.
func getCommentPreview(postID int, currentUser user) comment {
var commentPreview comment
var timestamp time.Time
var editedAt time.Time
var role int
db.QueryRow("SELECT, created_at, edited_at, feeling, body, post_type, username, nickname, avatar, has_mh, online, hide_online, color, role FROM comments INNER JOIN users ON = created_by WHERE post = ? AND is_rm = 0 AND is_rm_by_admin = 0 AND is_spoiler = 0 AND ( NOT IN (SELECT if(source = ?, target, source) FROM blocks WHERE (source = ? AND target = OR (source = AND target = ?)) OR ? > 0) AND IF(created_by = ?, true, LOWER(body) NOT REGEXP LOWER(?)) ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 1", postID, currentUser.ID, currentUser.ID, currentUser.ID, currentUser.Level, currentUser.ID, escapeForbiddenKeywords(currentUser.ForbiddenKeywords)).Scan(&commentPreview.ID, &timestamp, &editedAt, &commentPreview.Feeling, &commentPreview.BodyText, &commentPreview.PostType, &commentPreview.CommenterUsername, &commentPreview.CommenterNickname, &commentPreview.CommenterIcon, &commentPreview.CommenterHasMii, &commentPreview.CommenterOnline, &commentPreview.CommenterHideOnline, &commentPreview.CommenterColor, &role)
commentPreview.CommenterIcon = getAvatar(commentPreview.CommenterIcon, commentPreview.CommenterHasMii, commentPreview.Feeling)
if role > 0 {
commentPreview.CommenterRoleImage = getRoleImage(role)
commentPreview.CreatedAt = humanTiming(timestamp, currentUser.Timezone)
commentPreview.CreatedAtUnix = timestamp.Unix()
if editedAt.Sub(timestamp).Minutes() > 5 {
commentPreview.EditedAt = humanTiming(editedAt, currentUser.Timezone)
commentPreview.EditedAtUnix = editedAt.Unix()
commentPreview.Body = parseBody(commentPreview.BodyText, false, true)
return commentPreview
// Check if a string violates a user's forbidden keywords.
func inForbiddenKeywords(text string, userID int) bool {
var forbiddenKeywords string
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT forbidden_keywords FROM users WHERE id = ?", userID).Scan(&forbiddenKeywords)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("error while getting forbidden keyword")
isMatch, err := regexp.MatchString(escapeForbiddenKeywords(forbiddenKeywords), text)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("error while dying")
return isMatch
// Get the current hostname.
// TODO: this prints my local server's hostname like
// but is it really worth fixing
func getHostname(host string) string {
hostname := "http"
if settings.SSL.Enabled {
hostname += "s"
hostname += "://" + host
if (settings.Port == ":80" && settings.SSL.Enabled) || (settings.Port == ":443" && !settings.SSL.Enabled) || (settings.Port != ":80" && settings.Port != ":443") {
hostname += settings.Port
return hostname
// Get the current user's IP.
func getIP(r *http.Request) string {
ForwardedForHeader := r.Header.Get("X-Forwarded-For")
if settings.Proxy && len(ForwardedForHeader) > 0 { // Proxy sites like Cloudflare mask the IP, so grab that from the headers... if it's set in the settings, that is; otherwise, people could fake this and we'd have an impersonation exploit on our hands. (Looking at you, Seth)
//ips := strings.Split(r.Header.Get("X-Forwarded-For"), ", ")
//return ips[0] + settings.Port
return ForwardedForHeader + ":0"
} else {
return r.RemoteAddr
// Get a poll from an ID.
func getPoll(pollID int, userID int) poll {
var newPoll poll
option_rows, err := db.Query("SELECT, name FROM options WHERE post = ?", pollID)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("could not get poll")
return newPoll
for option_rows.Next() {
var row = option{}
option_rows.Scan(&row.ID, &row.Name)
user_rows, err := db.Query("SELECT FROM votes LEFT JOIN users ON = user WHERE poll = ? AND option_id = ?", pollID, row.ID)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("could not die")
return newPoll
for user_rows.Next() { // OPTIMIZE THIS!!!
var currentID int
if currentID == userID {
row.Selected = true
newPoll.Selected = true
row.Votes = row.Votes + 1
newPoll.Options = append(newPoll.Options, row)
for _, row := range newPoll.Options {
newPoll.Votes = newPoll.Votes + row.Votes
for i, row := range newPoll.Options {
if row.Votes > 0 {
newPoll.Options[i].Percentage = math.Round(row.Votes / newPoll.Votes * 100)
} else {
row.Percentage = 0
newPoll.ID = pollID
return newPoll
// Get the image of a role from its ID.
func getRoleImage(roleID int) string {
var image string
db.QueryRow("SELECT image FROM roles WHERE id = ?", roleID).Scan(&image)
return image
// Get the image and organization of a role from its ID.
func getRoleImageAndOrganization(roleID int) (string, string) {
var image string
var organization string
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT image, organization FROM roles WHERE id = ?", roleID).Scan(&image, &organization)
if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
fmt.Println("role lookup failed: " + err.Error())
return image, organization
// Get a user's timezone from their IP.
func getTimezone(ip string) string {
if isGeoIPEnabled == false {
return settings.DefaultTimezone
parsedHost, _, _ := net.SplitHostPort(ip)
parsedIP := net.ParseIP(parsedHost)
if parsedIP == nil {
fmt.Println("parsedIP was nil")
return settings.DefaultTimezone
city, err := geoip.City(parsedIP)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("no city")
return settings.DefaultTimezone
if len(city.Location.TimeZone) > 0 {
return city.Location.TimeZone
} else {
return settings.DefaultTimezone
// Write to a websocket.
func writeWs(session *wsSession, client *websocket.Conn, message wsMessage) error {
session.Send <- message
return nil