{{if .Pjax}} {{template "header.html" .}} {{else}} {{.Title}} {{end}}
{{template "profile_sidebar.html" .Sidebar}}


  • Nickname

    Nickname, up to 32 characters.

  • {{if not .Profile.CommentText}}2000{{end}}

    Profile Comment

    Write anything you'd like to be shown on your profile. Just make sure it doesn't violate our rules.

  • Region

    Enter your region here. It'll appear on your profile.
    If you want to use your location, you can grab it here (it will not be saved automatically).

  • DiscordTag

  • YouTube Channel/URL

    Add your YouTube channel or a random URL here.

  • PlayStation Network Username

  • Nintendo Switch Friend Code

    We recommend that you include the "SW-" at the start and seperate the numbers with dashes.

  • Twitter

    Don't add an "@" symbol at the start if you want it to be linked on your profile.

  • Steam

  • Nickname Color

    This is the color your nickname will appear as.

  • Theme Color

    This is the color that will be shown on the site's menus, as well as on your profile to everyone else.

  • Forbidden Keywords

    Posts or comments that contain any of the keywords you type here will be hidden from your view. Seperate each phrase with a comma (","), and type "\," to look for an actual comma. (and type "\\," to actually find "\,")

    Example: "my balls, itch"

  • Email Address

    Enter your email address here. This will not be displayed on your profile.

  • Nintendo Network ID

    Enter your Nintendo Network ID here. It'll appear on your profile if you set it to be visible.

  • Do you want the avatar shown beside your content to use the Mii from your Nintendo Network ID or an avatar?

  • {{if .Migrations}}
  • Import Posts

    You can import your posts from other websites using this tool.

    {{range $migration := .Migrations}}
    {{end}} {{if .Imports}}

    Past Imports

    Here you can view your past post imports, and undo them if you wish.

    {{range $import := .Imports}}
  • {{end}}
{{if .Pjax}} {{template "footer.html"}} {{end}}