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Nickname, up to 32 characters.
Profile Comment
Write anything you'd like to be shown on your profile. Just make sure it doesn't violate our rules.
Enter your region here. It'll appear on your profile. If you want to use your location, you can grab it here (it will not be saved automatically).
YouTube Channel/URL
Add your YouTube channel or a random URL here.
PlayStation Network Username
Nintendo Switch Friend Code
We recommend that you include the "SW-" at the start and seperate the numbers with dashes.
Don't add an "@" symbol at the start if you want it to be linked on your profile.
Nickname Color
This is the color your nickname will appear as.
Theme Color
This is the color that will be shown on the site's menus, as well as on your profile to everyone else.
Who should be able to see your Nintendo Network ID?
Who should be able to send you friend requests?
What's your preferred pronoun?
Who should be able to see your Yeahs given?
Who should be able to see your comments made?
What should the default privacy setting for your posts be?
Forbidden Keywords
Posts or comments that contain any of the keywords you type here will be hidden from your view. Seperate each phrase with a comma (","), and type "\," to look for an actual comma. (and type "\\," to actually find "\,")
Example: "my balls, itch"
Email Address
Enter your email address here. This will not be displayed on your profile.
Nintendo Network ID
Enter your Nintendo Network ID here. It'll appear on your profile if you set it to be visible.
Do you want the avatar shown beside your content to use the Mii from your Nintendo Network ID or an avatar?
Import Posts
You can import your posts from other websites using this tool.
Here you can view your past post imports, and undo them if you wish.