
62 lines
2.3 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env bash
#type = custom/script
#exec = ~/.config/polybar/info-hlwm-workspaces.sh
#exec-if = ps -C herbstluftwm >/dev/null 2>&1
#tail = true
#scroll-up = herbstclient use_index -1 --skip-visible &
#scroll-down = herbstclient use_index +1 --skip-visible &
herbstclient --idle "tag_*" 2>/dev/null | {
while true; do
# Read tags into $tags as array
IFS=$'\t' read -ra tags <<< "$(herbstclient tag_status)"
for i in "${tags[@]}" ; do
# Read the prefix from each tag and render them according to that prefix
case ${i:0:1} in
# the tag is viewed on the focused monitor
# TODO Add your formatting tags for focused workspaces
echo "%{F#000}%{B#F27127}%{U#F28D35}" # Add your formatting tags for empty workspaces
# : the tag is not empty
# TODO Add your formatting tags for occupied workspaces
echo "%{F#000}%{B#BFB8AA}" # Add your formatting tags for empty workspaces
# ! the tag contains an urgent window
# TODO Add your formatting tags for workspaces with the urgent hint
# - the tag is viewed on a monitor that is not focused
# TODO Add your formatting tags for visible but not focused workspaces
echo "%{F-}%{B#764E29}" # Add your formatting tags for empty workspaces
# . the tag is empty
# There are also other possible prefixes but they won't appear here
echo "%{F-}%{B-}" # Add your formatting tags for empty workspaces
echo "%{A1:herbstclient use ${i:1}:} ${i:1} %{A -u -o F- B-}"
echo "%{F-}%{B-}"
} | tr -d "\n"
# wait for next event from herbstclient --idle
read -r || break
} 2>/dev/null