# Pronoun-Emojis A set of Pronoun Emoticons at 100x100px, in [Catppuccin](https://catppuccin-website.vercel.app/) Mocha Using ProggyTiny. ## Preview: ![Sampler Pack](https://fem.mint.lgbt/repo-avatars/f9d9483f374dd274126525698d736b09a430ecc4805ee8a7978b95f19efcb63d) This is a preview of the sampler pack, which contains between 2 and 4 four of each pronoun and and between 2 and 4 examples of each color. Repo also contains the .xcf file, and the .png for the base. ## Pronouns: - Co/Cos - Ey/Em/Eir - He/Him - It/Its - Nameself - "No Pronoun" - She/Her - They/Them - Thon/Thons - Voidself - Xe/Hir - Ze/Zir - Nounself (intended to be used with other emojis)