use bevy::{ app::{App, Startup}, core::{DebugName, Name}, core_pipeline::core_2d::Camera2dBundle, ecs::{entity::Entity, query::Without, system::Commands, world::World}, ui::{node_bundles::NodeBundle, Node}, DefaultPlugins, }; use bevy_dioxus::{colors::*, prelude::*}; use bevy_mod_picking::DefaultPickingPlugins; fn main() { App::new() .add_plugins((DefaultPlugins, DioxusUiPlugin, DefaultPickingPlugins)) .add_systems(Startup, |mut commands: Commands| { commands.spawn(DioxusUiBundle { dioxus_ui_root: DioxusUiRoot(Editor), node_bundle: NodeBundle::default(), }); commands.spawn((Camera2dBundle::default(), Name::new("Camera"))); }) .run(); } #[component] fn Editor(cx: Scope) -> Element { // TODO: When selected entity is despawned, need to reset this to None let selected_entity = use_state(cx, || Option::::None); render! { node { width: "100vw", height: "100vh", justify_content: "space_between", SceneTree { selected_entity: selected_entity } EntityInspector { selected_entity: selected_entity } } } } #[component] fn SceneTree<'a>(cx: Scope, selected_entity: &'a UseState>) -> Element { let entities = use_query_filtered::<(Entity, DebugName), Without>(cx); let entities = entities.query(); let mut entities = entities.into_iter().collect::>(); entities.sort_by_key(|(entity, _)| *entity); let spawn_entity = use_system(cx, |world: &mut World| { world.spawn_empty(); }); render! { node { onclick: move |_| selected_entity.set(None), flex_direction: "column", if entities.is_empty() { rsx! { "No entities exist" } } else { rsx! { for (entity, name) in entities { Button { onclick: move |event: Event| if * == PointerButton::Primary { if Some(entity) == ***selected_entity { selected_entity.set(None); } else { selected_entity.set(Some(entity)); } event.stop_propagation(); }, base_color: if Some(entity) == ***selected_entity { Some(VIOLET_700) } else { None }, click_color: if Some(entity) == ***selected_entity { Some(VIOLET_400) } else { None }, hover_color: if Some(entity) == ***selected_entity { Some(VIOLET_500) } else { None }, match { Some(name) => format!("{name}"), _ => format!("Entity ({:?})", name.entity) } } } } } Button { onclick: move |event: Event| if * == PointerButton::Primary { spawn_entity(); event.stop_propagation(); }, text { text: "Spawn Entity", text_size: "18" } } } } } #[component] fn EntityInspector<'a>(cx: Scope, selected_entity: &'a UseState>) -> Element { let world = use_world(cx); let components = if let Some(selected_entity) = selected_entity.get() { let entity_ref = world.get_entity(*selected_entity).unwrap(); let archetype = entity_ref.archetype(); let mut components = archetype .components() .map(|component_id| { let info = world.components().get_info(component_id).unwrap(); let name =; (name, component_id, info.type_id(), info.layout().size()) }) .collect::>(); components.sort_by(|(name_a, ..), (name_b, ..)| name_a.cmp(name_b)); components } else { vec![] }; render! { if selected_entity.is_none() { rsx! { node { padding: "8", "Select an entity to view its components" } } } else { rsx! { node { flex_direction: "column", for (name, _component_id, _type_id, _size) in components { node { padding: "8", background_color: NEUTRAL_800, "Component: {name}" } } } } } } } #[allow(non_snake_case)] fn Button<'a>(cx: Scope<'a, ButtonProps<'a>>) -> Element<'a> { let clicked = use_state(cx, || false); let hovered = use_state(cx, || false); let background_color = if **clicked { cx.props.click_color.unwrap_or(NEUTRAL_500) } else if **hovered { cx.props.hover_color.unwrap_or(NEUTRAL_600) } else { cx.props.base_color.unwrap_or(NEUTRAL_800) }; render! { node { onclick: move |event|, onclick_down: |event| if * == PointerButton::Primary { clicked.set(true) }, onclick_up: |event| if * == PointerButton::Primary { clicked.set(false) }, onmouse_enter: |_| hovered.set(true), onmouse_exit: |_| { hovered.set(false); clicked.set(false) }, padding: "8", background_color: background_color, &cx.props.children } } } #[derive(Props)] struct ButtonProps<'a> { onclick: EventHandler<'a, Event>, base_color: Option<&'a str>, click_color: Option<&'a str>, hover_color: Option<&'a str>, children: Element<'a>, }