# Voice ## Terminology * **Discord Gateway** - The standard Discord Gateway users connect to and receive update events from * **Discord Voice Gateway** - The Discord Voice gateway that allows voice connections to be configured * **Voice Server** - What the Discord Voice Gateway allows connection to for sending of Opus voice packets over UDP * **Voice Packet** - Opus encoded UDP packet that contains audio * **Application** - Could be a custom Discord Client or Bot (nothing that is within this package) * **Library** - Code within this package ## Connection Flow * The **application** would get a new `*Voice` instance by calling `NewVoice()` * When the **application** wants to connect to a voice channel they would call `JoinChannel()` on the stored `*Voice` instance --- * The **library** sends a [Voice State Update](https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/topics/voice-connections#retrieving-voice-server-information-gateway-voice-state-update-example) to the **Discord Gateway**. * The **library** waits until it receives a [Voice Server Update](https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/topics/voice-connections#retrieving-voice-server-information-example-voice-server-update-payload) from the **Discord Gateway**. * Once a *Voice Server Update* event is received, a new connection is opened to the **Discord Voice Gateway**. --- * The **Discord Voice Gateway** will first send a [Hello Event](https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/topics/voice-connections#heartbeating-example-hello-payload-since-v3) which will be used to create a new `*heart.PacemakerLoop` and start sending heartbeats to the **Discord Voice Gateway**. * Afterwards, an [Identify Command](https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/topics/voice-connections#establishing-a-voice-websocket-connection-example-voice-identify-payload) or [Resume Command](https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/topics/voice-connections#resuming-voice-connection-example-resume-connection-payload) is sent to the **Discord Voice Gateway** depending on whether or not the **library** is reconnecting. --- * The **Discord Voice Gateway** should then respond with a [Ready Event](https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/topics/voice-connections#establishing-a-voice-websocket-connection-example-voice-ready-payload) once the connection is opened, providing the required information to connect to a **Voice Server**. * Using the information provided in the *Ready Event*, a new UDP connection is opened to the **Voice Server** and [IP Discovery](https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/topics/voice-connections#ip-discovery) occurs. * After *IP Discovery* returns the **Application**'s external ip and port it connected to the **Voice Server** with, the **library** sends a [Select Protocol Event](https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/topics/voice-connections#establishing-a-voice-udp-connection-example-select-protocol-payload) to the **Discord Voice Gateway**. * The **library** waits until it receives a [Session Description Event](https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/topics/voice-connections#establishing-a-voice-udp-connection-example-session-description-payload) from the **Discord Voice Gateway**. * Once the *Session Description Event* is received, [Speaking Events](https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/topics/voice-connections#speaking-example-speaking-payload) and **Voice Packets** can begin to be sent to the **Discord Voice Gateway** and **Voice Server** respectively. ## Usage * The **application** would get a new `*Voice` instance by calling `NewVoice()` and keep it stored for when it needs to open voice connections. * When the **application** wants to connect to a voice channel they would call `JoinChannel()` on the stored `*Voice` instance. * `JoinChannel()` will block as it follows the [Connection Flow](#connection-flow), returning an `error` if one occurs and a `*voice.Session` if it was successful. * The **application** should now call `(*voice.Session).Speaking()` with the wanted [voice flag](https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/topics/voice-connections#speaking) (`voicegateway.Microphone`, `voicegateway.Soundshare`, or `voicegateway.Priority`). * The **application** can now send **Voice Packets** using the `(*voice.Session).Write()` method which will be sent to the **Voice Server**. `(*voice.Session)` also implements `io.Writer`. * When the **application** wants to stop sending **Voice Packets** they should call `(*voice.Session).StopSpeaking()`, then any required voice cleanup (closing streams, etc.), then `(*voice.Session).Disconnect()` ## Examples Check the integration tests at [voice/integration_test.go](https://github.com/diamondburned/arikawa/blob/master/voice/integration_test.go).