// Package voice handles the Discord voice gateway and UDP connections, as well // as managing and keeping track of multiple voice sessions. // // This package abstracts the subpackage voice/voicesession and voice/udp. package voice import ( "log" "sync" "github.com/diamondburned/arikawa/discord" "github.com/diamondburned/arikawa/gateway" "github.com/diamondburned/arikawa/state" "github.com/pkg/errors" ) var ( // defaultErrorHandler is the default error handler defaultErrorHandler = func(err error) { log.Println("Voice gateway error:", err) } // ErrCannotSend is an error when audio is sent to a closed channel. ErrCannotSend = errors.New("cannot send audio to closed channel") ) // Voice represents a Voice Repository used for managing voice sessions. type Voice struct { *state.State // Session holds all of the active voice sessions. mapmutex sync.Mutex sessions map[discord.Snowflake]*Session // guildID:Session // ErrorLog will be called when an error occurs (defaults to log.Println) ErrorLog func(err error) } // NewVoice creates a new Voice repository wrapped around a state. func NewVoice(s *state.State) *Voice { v := &Voice{ State: s, sessions: make(map[discord.Snowflake]*Session), ErrorLog: defaultErrorHandler, } // Add the required event handlers to the session. s.AddHandler(v.onVoiceStateUpdate) s.AddHandler(v.onVoiceServerUpdate) return v } // onVoiceStateUpdate receives VoiceStateUpdateEvents from the gateway // to keep track of the current user's voice state. func (v *Voice) onVoiceStateUpdate(e *gateway.VoiceStateUpdateEvent) { // Get the current user. me, err := v.Me() if err != nil { v.ErrorLog(err) return } // Ignore the event if it is an update from another user. if me.ID != e.UserID { return } // Get the stored voice session for the given guild. vs, ok := v.GetSession(e.GuildID) if !ok { return } // Do what we must. vs.UpdateState(e) // Remove the connection if the current user has disconnected. if e.ChannelID == 0 { v.RemoveSession(e.GuildID) } } // onVoiceServerUpdate receives VoiceServerUpdateEvents from the gateway // to manage the current user's voice connections. func (v *Voice) onVoiceServerUpdate(e *gateway.VoiceServerUpdateEvent) { // Get the stored voice session for the given guild. vs, ok := v.GetSession(e.GuildID) if !ok { return } // Do what we must. vs.UpdateServer(e) } // GetSession gets a session for a guild with a read lock. func (v *Voice) GetSession(guildID discord.Snowflake) (*Session, bool) { v.mapmutex.Lock() defer v.mapmutex.Unlock() // For some reason you cannot just put `return v.sessions[]` and return a bool D: conn, ok := v.sessions[guildID] return conn, ok } // RemoveSession removes a session. func (v *Voice) RemoveSession(guildID discord.Snowflake) { v.mapmutex.Lock() defer v.mapmutex.Unlock() // Ensure that the session is disconnected. if ses, ok := v.sessions[guildID]; ok { ses.Disconnect() } delete(v.sessions, guildID) } // JoinChannel joins the specified channel in the specified guild. func (v *Voice) JoinChannel(gID, cID discord.Snowflake, muted, deafened bool) (*Session, error) { // Get the stored voice session for the given guild. conn, ok := v.GetSession(gID) // Create a new voice session if one does not exist. if !ok { u, err := v.Me() if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Failed to get self") } conn = NewSession(v.Session, u.ID) v.mapmutex.Lock() v.sessions[gID] = conn v.mapmutex.Unlock() } // Connect. return conn, conn.JoinChannel(gID, cID, muted, deafened) }