image: golang:alpine variables: GO111MODULE: "on" CGO_ENABLED: "0" COV: "/tmp/cov_results" before_script: - apk add git stages: - test build_test: stage: test script: - go build ./... unit_test: stage: test script: - go test -v -coverprofile $COV ./... - go tool cover -func $COV integration_test: stage: test script: # Don't run if these variables aren't provided. - '[ ! "$BOT_TOKEN" ] && exit' # go get first, so it doesn't count towards the timeout. - go get ./... # Timeout test after 120 seconds (2 minutes) - timeout 120 go test # Known packages that are important to do integration tests on. -coverpkg "./api,./gateway,./bot,./discord" -coverprofile $COV -tags integration -v # Test both the current package and the external API mocking package. ./... - go tool cover -func $COV