package funkin; import flixel.FlxSprite; import flixel.addons.transition.FlxTransitionableState; import; import; import; import flixel.math.FlxMath; import flixel.text.FlxText; import flixel.tweens.FlxTween; import flixel.util.FlxColor; import flixel.util.FlxTimer; import funkin.MenuItem.WeekType; import; import; import; import openfl.Assets; using StringTools; #if discord_rpc import Discord.DiscordClient; #end class StoryMenuState extends MusicBeatState { var scoreText:FlxText; var weekData:Array> = [ ['Tutorial'], ['Bopeebo', 'Fresh', 'Dadbattle'], ['Spookeez', 'South', "Monster"], ['Pico', 'Philly', "Blammed"], ['Satin-Panties', "High", "Milf"], ['Cocoa', 'Eggnog', 'Winter-Horrorland'], ['Senpai', 'Roses', 'Thorns'], ['Ugh', 'Guns', 'Stress'], ['Darnell', "lit-up", "2hot"] ]; var curDifficulty:Int = 1; // TODO: This info is just hardcoded right now. // We should probably make it so that weeks must be completed in order to unlock the next week. public static var weekUnlocked:Array = [true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true]; var weekCharacters:Array = [ ['dad', 'bf', 'gf'], ['dad', 'bf', 'gf'], ['spooky', 'bf', 'gf'], ['pico', 'bf', 'gf'], ['mom', 'bf', 'gf'], ['parents-christmas', 'bf', 'gf'], ['senpai', 'bf', 'gf'], ['tankman', 'bf', 'gf'], ['darnell', 'pico', 'nene'] ]; var weekNames:Array = [ "", "Daddy Dearest", "Spooky Month", "PICO", "MOMMY MUST MURDER", "RED SNOW", "hating simulator ft. moawling", "TANKMAN", "Due Debts" ]; var weekType:Array = [WEEK, WEEK, WEEK, WEEK, WEEK, WEEK, WEEK, WEEK, WEEKEND]; var weekTypeInc:Map = new Map(); var txtWeekTitle:FlxText; var curWeek:Int = 0; var txtTracklist:FlxText; var grpWeekText:FlxTypedGroup; var grpWeekCharacters:Array>; // var grpWeekCharacters:FlxTypedGroup; var grpLocks:FlxTypedGroup; var difficultySelectors:FlxGroup; var sprDifficulty:FlxSprite; var leftArrow:FlxSprite; var rightArrow:FlxSprite; var yellowBG:FlxSprite; // not actually, yellow, lol! var targetColor:Int = 0xFFF9CF51; override function create() { transIn = FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransIn; transOut = FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransOut; if ( != null) { if (! FlxG.sound.playMusic('freakyMenu')); } persistentUpdate = persistentDraw = true; scoreText = new FlxText(10, 10, 0, "SCORE: 49324858", 36); scoreText.setFormat("VCR OSD Mono", 32); txtWeekTitle = new FlxText(FlxG.width * 0.7, 10, 0, "", 32); txtWeekTitle.setFormat("VCR OSD Mono", 32, FlxColor.WHITE, RIGHT); txtWeekTitle.alpha = 0.7; var rankText:FlxText = new FlxText(0, 10); rankText.text = 'RANK: GREAT'; rankText.setFormat(Paths.font("vcr.ttf"), 32); rankText.size = scoreText.size; rankText.screenCenter(X); var ui_tex = Paths.getSparrowAtlas('campaign_menu_UI_assets'); yellowBG = new FlxSprite(0, 56).makeGraphic(FlxG.width, 400, FlxColor.WHITE); yellowBG.color = 0xFFF9CF51; // 0xFF413CAE blue // 0xFFF9CF51 yello grpWeekText = new FlxTypedGroup(); add(grpWeekText); var blackBarThingie:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite().makeGraphic(FlxG.width, 56, FlxColor.BLACK); add(blackBarThingie); // grpWeekCharacters = new FlxTypedGroup(); grpWeekCharacters = []; grpLocks = new FlxTypedGroup(); add(grpLocks); #if discord_rpc // Updating Discord Rich Presence DiscordClient.changePresence("In the Menus", null); #end for (i in 0...weekData.length) { if (!weekTypeInc.exists(weekType[i])) weekTypeInc[weekType[i]] = 1; if (i == 0 && weekType[i] == WEEK) weekTypeInc[weekType[i]] = 0; // set week to 0 by default? var weekThing:MenuItem = new MenuItem(0, yellowBG.y + yellowBG.height + 10, weekTypeInc[weekType[i]], weekType[i]); weekThing.y += ((weekThing.height + 20) * i); weekThing.targetY = i; grpWeekText.add(weekThing); weekTypeInc[weekType[i]] += 1; weekThing.screenCenter(X); weekThing.antialiasing = true; // weekThing.updateHitbox(); // Needs an offset thingie if (!weekUnlocked[i]) { var lock:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(weekThing.width + 10 + weekThing.x); lock.frames = ui_tex; lock.animation.addByPrefix('lock', 'lock');'lock'); lock.ID = i; lock.antialiasing = true; grpLocks.add(lock); } } var sizeChart:Map> = new Map(); var sizeTxt:Array = Assets.getText(Paths.file("data/storychardata.txt")).split("\n"); for (item in sizeTxt) { var items:Array = item.split(" "); var stuf:Array = []; var name:String = items.shift(); for (num in items) stuf.push(Std.parseFloat(num)); sizeChart.set(name, stuf); } for (index => week in weekCharacters) { grpWeekCharacters.push(new FlxTypedGroup()); for (char in 0...week.length) { var weekCharacterThing:MenuCharacter = new MenuCharacter((FlxG.width * 0.25) * (1 + char) - 150, weekCharacters[index][char]); weekCharacterThing.y += 70; weekCharacterThing.antialiasing = true; var size:Float = 0.9; switch (char) { case 0 | 2: size = 0.5; if (char == 0 && weekCharacterThing.character == "pico") weekCharacterThing.flipX = true; case 1: size = 0.9; weekCharacterThing.x -= 80; } if (sizeChart.exists(weekCharacterThing.character)) { var nums:Array = sizeChart[weekCharacterThing.character]; size = nums[char]; // IDK, this might be busted ass null shit? if (char != 1) { weekCharacterThing.x += nums[3]; weekCharacterThing.y += nums[4]; } } weekCharacterThing.setGraphicSize( * size)); weekCharacterThing.updateHitbox(); grpWeekCharacters[index].add(weekCharacterThing); trace("ADD CHARACTER"); } trace(grpWeekCharacters[index].toString()); } difficultySelectors = new FlxGroup(); add(difficultySelectors); leftArrow = new FlxSprite(grpWeekText.members[0].x + grpWeekText.members[0].width + 10, grpWeekText.members[0].y + 10); leftArrow.frames = ui_tex; leftArrow.animation.addByPrefix('idle', "arrow left"); leftArrow.animation.addByPrefix('press', "arrow push left");'idle'); difficultySelectors.add(leftArrow); sprDifficulty = new FlxSprite(leftArrow.x + 130, leftArrow.y); sprDifficulty.frames = ui_tex; sprDifficulty.animation.addByPrefix('easy', 'EASY'); sprDifficulty.animation.addByPrefix('normal', 'NORMAL'); sprDifficulty.animation.addByPrefix('hard', 'HARD');'easy'); changeDifficulty(); difficultySelectors.add(sprDifficulty); rightArrow = new FlxSprite(sprDifficulty.x + sprDifficulty.width + 50, leftArrow.y); rightArrow.frames = ui_tex; rightArrow.animation.addByPrefix('idle', 'arrow right'); rightArrow.animation.addByPrefix('press', "arrow push right", 24, false);'idle'); difficultySelectors.add(rightArrow); add(yellowBG); for (grp in grpWeekCharacters) { add(grp); // trace("ADDED GRP"); } // add(grpWeekCharacters); txtTracklist = new FlxText(FlxG.width * 0.05, yellowBG.x + yellowBG.height + 100, 0, "Tracks", 32); txtTracklist.alignment = CENTER; txtTracklist.font = rankText.font; txtTracklist.color = 0xFFe55777; add(txtTracklist); // add(rankText); add(scoreText); add(txtWeekTitle); updateText(); super.create(); } override function update(elapsed:Float) { // scoreText.setFormat('VCR OSD Mono', 32); yellowBG.color = FlxColor.interpolate(yellowBG.color, targetColor, 0.06); lerpScore = CoolUtil.coolLerp(lerpScore, intendedScore, 0.5); scoreText.text = "WEEK SCORE:" + Math.round(lerpScore); txtWeekTitle.text = weekNames[curWeek].toUpperCase(); txtWeekTitle.x = FlxG.width - (txtWeekTitle.width + 10); //'font', scoreText.font); difficultySelectors.visible = weekUnlocked[curWeek]; grpLocks.forEach(function(lock:FlxSprite) { lock.y = grpWeekText.members[lock.ID].y; }); if (!movedBack) { if (!selectedWeek) { if (controls.UI_UP_P) { changeWeek(-1); } if (controls.UI_DOWN_P) { changeWeek(1); } if (controls.UI_RIGHT)'press') else'idle'); if (controls.UI_LEFT)'press'); else'idle'); if (controls.UI_RIGHT_P) changeDifficulty(1); if (controls.UI_LEFT_P) changeDifficulty(-1); } if (controls.ACCEPT) { selectWeek(); } } if (controls.BACK && !movedBack && !selectedWeek) {'cancelMenu')); movedBack = true; FlxG.switchState(new MainMenuState()); } super.update(elapsed); } var movedBack:Bool = false; var selectedWeek:Bool = false; var stopspamming:Bool = false; function selectWeek() { if (weekUnlocked[curWeek]) { if (stopspamming == false) {'confirmMenu')); grpWeekText.members[curWeek].startFlashing(); grpWeekCharacters[curWeek].members[1]'bfConfirm'); stopspamming = true; } PlayState.storyPlaylist = weekData[curWeek]; PlayState.isStoryMode = true; selectedWeek = true; PlayState.currentSong = SongLoad.loadFromJson(PlayState.storyPlaylist[0].toLowerCase(), PlayState.storyPlaylist[0].toLowerCase()); PlayState.currentSong_NEW = SongDataParser.fetchSong(PlayState.storyPlaylist[0].toLowerCase()); PlayState.storyWeek = curWeek; PlayState.campaignScore = 0; PlayState.storyDifficulty = curDifficulty; PlayState.storyDifficulty_NEW = 'easy'; SongLoad.curDiff = switch (curDifficulty) { case 0: 'easy'; case 1: 'normal'; case 2: 'hard'; default: 'normal'; }; new FlxTimer().start(1, function(tmr:FlxTimer) { LoadingState.loadAndSwitchState(new PlayState(), true); }); } } function changeDifficulty(change:Int = 0):Void { curDifficulty += change; if (curDifficulty < 0) curDifficulty = 2; if (curDifficulty > 2) curDifficulty = 0; sprDifficulty.offset.x = 0; switch (curDifficulty) { case 0:'easy'); sprDifficulty.offset.x = 20; case 1:'normal'); sprDifficulty.offset.x = 70; case 2:'hard'); sprDifficulty.offset.x = 20; } sprDifficulty.alpha = 0; // USING THESE WEIRD VALUES SO THAT IT DOESNT FLOAT UP sprDifficulty.y = leftArrow.y - 15; intendedScore = Highscore.getWeekScore(curWeek, curDifficulty); FlxTween.tween(sprDifficulty, {y: leftArrow.y + 15, alpha: 1}, 0.07); } var lerpScore:Float = 0; var intendedScore:Int = 0; function changeWeek(change:Int = 0):Void { curWeek += change; if (curWeek >= weekData.length) curWeek = 0; if (curWeek < 0) curWeek = weekData.length - 1; var bullShit:Int = 0; for (item in grpWeekText.members) { item.targetY = bullShit - curWeek; if (item.targetY == && weekUnlocked[curWeek]) item.alpha = 1; else item.alpha = 0.6; bullShit++; }'scrollMenu')); updateText(); } function updateText() { switch (weekType[curWeek]) { case WEEK: targetColor = 0xFFF9CF51; case WEEKEND: targetColor = 0xFF413CAE; } for (ind => grp in grpWeekCharacters) grp.visible = ind == curWeek; txtTracklist.text = "Tracks\n"; var trackNames:Array = weekData[curWeek]; for (i in trackNames) { txtTracklist.text += '\n${i}'; } txtTracklist.text = txtTracklist.text.toUpperCase(); txtTracklist.screenCenter(X); txtTracklist.x -= FlxG.width * 0.35; intendedScore = Highscore.getWeekScore(curWeek, curDifficulty); } }