package animate; // import animateAtlasPlayer.assets.AssetManager; // import animateAtlasPlayer.core.Animation; import animate.ParseAnimate.AnimJson; import animate.ParseAnimate.Sprite; import animate.ParseAnimate.Spritemap; import flixel.FlxCamera; import flixel.FlxSprite; import; import; import; import; import flixel.math.FlxMatrix; import flixel.math.FlxPoint; import flixel.math.FlxRect; import flixel.system.FlxAssets.FlxGraphicAsset; import haxe.format.JsonParser; import openfl.Assets; import openfl.display.BitmapData; import openfl.geom.Matrix; import openfl.geom.Rectangle; class FlxAnimate extends FlxSymbol { // var myAnim:Animation; // var animBitmap:BitmapData; var jsonAnim:AnimJson; var sprGrp:FlxTypedGroup; public function new(x:Float, y:Float) { super(x, y); sprGrp = new FlxTypedGroup(); var tests:Array = ['tightBarsLol', 'tightestBars']; var folder:String = tests[1]; frames = FlxAnimate.fromAnimate(Paths.file('images/' + folder + "/spritemap1.png"), Paths.file('images/$folder/spritemap1.json')); jsonAnim = cast CoolUtil.coolJSON(Assets.getText(Paths.file('images/$folder/Animation.json'))); ParseAnimate.generateSymbolmap(jsonAnim.SD.S); ParseAnimate.resetFrameList(); ParseAnimate.parseTimeline(jsonAnim.AN.TL, 0, 0); generateSpriteShit(); /* var folder:String = 'tightestBars'; coolParse = cast Json.parse(Assets.getText(Paths.file('images/' + folder + '/Animation.json'))); // reverses the layers, for proper rendering! coolParse.AN.TL.L.reverse(); super(x, y, coolParse); frames = FlxAnimate.fromAnimate(Paths.file('images/' + folder + '/spritemap1.png'), Paths.file('images/' + folder + '/spritemap1.json')); */ // frames } override function draw() { // having this commented out fixes some wacky scaling bullshit? // or fixes drawing it twice? // super.draw(); // renderFrame(coolParse.AN.TL, coolParse, true); actualFrameRender(); } /** * Puts all the needed sprites into a FlxTypedGroup, and properly recycles them? **/ function generateSpriteShit() { sprGrp.kill(); // kills group, maybe dont need to do this one so broadly? ehh whatev for (frameSorted in ParseAnimate.frameList) { for (i in frameSorted) { // instead of making them every frame, regenerate when needed? var spr:FlxSymbol = sprGrp.recycle(FlxSymbol); // redo this to recycle from a list later spr.frames = frames; spr.frame = spr.frames.getByName(i.frameName); // this one is fine spr.updateHitbox(); // move this? wont work here! if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.I) { trace(i.frameName); trace(i.depthString); // trace("random lol: " + i.randomLol); } // cuz its in group, gets a lil fuckie when animated, need to go thru and properly reset each thing for shit like matrix! // merely resets the matrix to normal ass one! spr.transformMatrix.identity(); spr.setPosition(); /* for (swagMatrix in i.matrixArray) { var alsoSwag:FlxMatrix = new FlxMatrix(swagMatrix[0], swagMatrix[1], swagMatrix[4], swagMatrix[5], swagMatrix[12], swagMatrix[13]); spr.matrixExposed = true; spr.transformMatrix.concat(alsoSwag); }*/ // i.fullMatrix.concat spr.matrixExposed = true; // trace(i.fullMatrix); if (i.fullMatrix.a < 0) { trace('negative?'); trace(i.fullMatrix); } spr.transformMatrix.concat(i.fullMatrix); if (i.fullMatrix.a < 0) { trace('negative?'); trace(i.fullMatrix); trace(spr.transformMatrix); } // trace(spr.transformMatrix); spr.origin.set(); /* for (trpShit in i.trpArray) { spr.origin.x -= trpShit[0]; spr.origin.y -= trpShit[1]; } */ // spr.alpha = 0.3; spr.antialiasing = true; sprGrp.add(spr); spr.alpha = 0.5; /* if (i == "0225") { trace('FUNNY MATRIX!'); trace(spr._matrix); trace("\n\n MATRIX MAP"); for (m in ParseAnimate.matrixMap.get("0225")) { trace(m); } trace('\n\n'); }*/ } } // trace(sprGrp.length); } // fix render order of ALL layers! // seperate frameList into layers // go thru animate file to see how it should all be ordered // per frame symbol stuff to fix lip sync (in ParseAnimate?) // definitely need to dig through Animate.json stuff // something with TRP stuff, look through tighterBars (GF scene) // redo map stuff incase there's multiple assets // ONE CENTRAL THING FOR THIS DUMBASS BULLSHIT // sorted framelist put it all in there, then make i actually mean something function actualFrameRender() { sprGrp.draw(); } // notes to self // account for different layers var playingAnim:Bool = false; var frameTickTypeShit:Float = 0; var animFrameRate:Int = 24; // redo all the matrix animation stuff override function update(elapsed:Float) { super.update(elapsed); if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.SPACE) playingAnim = !playingAnim; if (playingAnim) { frameTickTypeShit += elapsed; // prob fix this framerate thing for higher framerates? if (frameTickTypeShit >= 1 / 24) { changeFrame(1); frameTickTypeShit = 0; ParseAnimate.resetFrameList(); ParseAnimate.parseTimeline(jsonAnim.AN.TL, 0, daFrame); generateSpriteShit(); } } if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.RIGHT) { changeFrame(1); ParseAnimate.resetFrameList(); ParseAnimate.parseTimeline(jsonAnim.AN.TL, 0, daFrame); generateSpriteShit(); } if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.LEFT) changeFrame(-1); } /** * PARSES THE 'spritemap1.png' or whatever into a FlxAtlasFrames!!! */ public static function fromAnimate(Source:FlxGraphicAsset, Description:String):FlxAtlasFrames { var graphic:FlxGraphic = FlxG.bitmap.add(Source); if (graphic == null) return null; var frames:FlxAtlasFrames = FlxAtlasFrames.findFrame(graphic); if (frames != null) return frames; if (graphic == null || Description == null) return null; frames = new FlxAtlasFrames(graphic); var data:Spritemap; var json:String = Description; // trace(json); var funnyJson:Dynamic = {}; if (Assets.exists(json)) funnyJson = JaySon.parseFile(json); // trace(json); // data = c data = cast funnyJson; for (sprite in data.ATLAS.SPRITES) { // probably nicer way to do this? Oh well var swagSprite:Sprite = sprite.SPRITE; var rect = FlxRect.get(swagSprite.x, swagSprite.y, swagSprite.w, swagSprite.h); var size = new Rectangle(0, 0, rect.width, rect.height); var offset = FlxPoint.get(-size.left,; var sourceSize = FlxPoint.get(size.width, size.height); frames.addAtlasFrame(rect, sourceSize, offset,; } return frames; } } // handy json function that has some hashlink fix, see the thing in CoolUtils file to see the link / where i stole it from class JaySon { public static function parseFile(name:String) { var cont = Assets.getText(name); function is(n:Int, what:Int) return cont.charCodeAt(n) == what; return JsonParser.parse(cont.substr(if (is(0, 65279)) /// looks like a HL target, skipping only first character here: 1 else if (is(0, 239) && is(1, 187) && is(2, 191)) /// it seems to be Neko or PHP, start from position 3: 3 else /// all other targets, that prepare the UTF string correctly 0)); } }