package funkin;

import flixel.FlxSprite;
import flixel.math.FlxMath;
import flixel.util.FlxColor;

class MenuItem extends FlxSpriteGroup
  public var targetY:Float = 0;
  public var week:FlxSprite;
  public var flashingInt:Int = 0;

  public function new(x:Float, y:Float, weekNum:Int = 0, weekType:WeekType)
    super(x, y);

    var weekStr:String = switch (weekType)
      case WEEK:
      case WEEKEND:

    week = new FlxSprite().loadGraphic(Paths.image('storymenu/' + weekStr + weekNum));

  var isFlashing:Bool = false;

  public function startFlashing():Void
    isFlashing = true;

  // if it runs at 60fps, fake framerate will be 6
  // if it runs at 144 fps, fake framerate will be like 14, and will update the graphic every 0.016666 * 3 seconds still???
  // so it runs basically every so many seconds, not dependant on framerate??
  // I'm still learning how math works thanks whoever is reading this lol
  var fakeFramerate:Int = Math.round((1 / FlxG.elapsed) / 10);

  override function update(elapsed:Float)
    y = CoolUtil.coolLerp(y, (targetY * 120) + 480, 0.17);

    if (isFlashing) flashingInt += 1;

    if (flashingInt % fakeFramerate >= Math.floor(fakeFramerate / 2)) week.color = 0xFF33ffff;
      week.color = FlxColor.WHITE;

enum abstract WeekType(String) to String
  var WEEK;
  var WEEKEND;