package funkin.util.macro; import haxe.macro.Context; import haxe.macro.Expr; import haxe.macro.Type; class MacroUtil { /** * Gets the value of a Haxe compiler define. * * @param key The name of the define to get the value of. * @param defaultValue The value to return if the define is not set. * @return An expression containing the value of the define. */ public static macro function getDefine(key:String, defaultValue:String = null):haxe.macro.Expr { var value = haxe.macro.Context.definedValue(key); if (value == null) value = defaultValue; return macro $v{value}; } /** * Gets the current date and time (at compile time). * @return A `Date` object containing the current date and time. */ public static macro function getDate():ExprOf<Date> { var date =; var year = toExpr(date.getFullYear()); var month = toExpr(date.getMonth()); var day = toExpr(date.getDate()); var hours = toExpr(date.getHours()); var mins = toExpr(date.getMinutes()); var secs = toExpr(date.getSeconds()); return macro new Date($year, $month, $day, $hours, $mins, $secs); } #if macro // // MACRO HELPER FUNCTIONS // /** * Convert an ExprOf<Class<T>> to a ClassType. * @see */ public static function getClassTypeFromExpr(e:Expr):ClassType { var classType:ClassType = null; var parts:Array<String> = []; var nextSection:ExprDef = e.expr; while (nextSection != null) { var section:ExprDef = nextSection; nextSection = null; switch (section) { // Expression is a class name with no packages case EConst(c): switch (c) { case CIdent(cn): if (cn != "null") parts.unshift(cn); default: } // Expression is a fully qualified package name. // We need to traverse the expression tree to get the full package name. case EField(exp, field): nextSection = exp.expr; parts.unshift(field); // We've reached the end of the expression tree. default: } } var fullClassName:String = parts.join('.'); if (fullClassName != "") { var classType:Type = Context.getType(fullClassName); // Follow typedefs to get the actual class type. var classTypeParsed:Type = Context.follow(classType, false); switch (classTypeParsed) { case TInst(t, params): return t.get(); default: // We couldn't parse this class type. // This function may need to be updated to be more robust. throw 'Class type could not be parsed: ${fullClassName}'; } } return null; } public static function isFieldStatic(field:haxe.macro.Expr.Field):Bool { return field.access.contains(AStatic); } /** * Converts a value to an equivalent macro expression. */ public static function toExpr(value:Dynamic):ExprOf<Dynamic> { return Context.makeExpr(value, Context.currentPos()); } public static function areClassesEqual(class1:ClassType, class2:ClassType):Bool { return class1.pack.join('.') == class2.pack.join('.') && ==; } /** * Retrieve a ClassType from a string name. */ public static function getClassType(name:String):ClassType { switch (Context.getType(name)) { case TInst(t, _params): return t.get(); default: throw 'Class type could not be parsed: ${name}'; } } /** * Determine whether a given ClassType is a subclass of a given superclass. * @param classType The class to check. * @param superClass The superclass to check for. * @return Whether the class is a subclass of the superclass. */ public static function isSubclassOf(classType:ClassType, superClass:ClassType):Bool { if (areClassesEqual(classType, superClass)) return true; if (classType.superClass != null) { return isSubclassOf(classType.superClass.t.get(), superClass); } return false; } /** * Determine whether a given ClassType implements a given interface. * @param classType The class to check. * @param interfaceType The interface to check for. * @return Whether the class implements the interface. */ public static function implementsInterface(classType:ClassType, interfaceType:ClassType):Bool { for (i in classType.interfaces) { if (areClassesEqual(i.t.get(), interfaceType)) { return true; } } if (classType.superClass != null) { return implementsInterface(classType.superClass.t.get(), interfaceType); } return false; } #end }