package; import flixel.FlxCamera; import flixel.util.FlxColor; import openfl.Lib; import openfl.display.BitmapData; import openfl.display3D.textures.TextureBase; import openfl.geom.Matrix; import openfl.geom.Rectangle; /** * A single frame buffer. Used by `FrameBufferManager`. */ class FrameBuffer { /** * The bitmap data of the frame buffer. */ public var bitmap(default, null):BitmapData = null; var texture:TextureBase; final camera:FlxCamera; final spriteCopies:Array = []; public function new() { camera = new FlxCamera(); camera.antialiasing = false; camera.bgColor = FlxColor.TRANSPARENT; @:privateAccess camera.flashSprite.stage = Lib.current.stage; } /** * Creates a frame buffer with the given size. * @param width the width * @param height the height * @param bgColor the background color */ public function create(width:Int, height:Int, bgColor:FlxColor):Void { dispose(); texture = Lib.current.stage.context3D.createTexture(width, height, BGRA, true); bitmap = FixedBitmapData.fromTexture(texture); camera.bgColor = bgColor; } /** * Makes the internal camera follows the target camera. * @param target the target camera */ public function follow(target:FlxCamera):Void { camera.x = target.x; camera.y = target.y; camera.width = target.width; camera.height = target.height; camera.scroll.x = target.scroll.x; camera.scroll.y = target.scroll.y; camera.setScale(target.scaleX, target.scaleY); } /** * Locks the frame buffer and clears the buffer. */ @:access(flixel.FlxCamera) public function lock():Void { camera.clearDrawStack();; camera.fill(camera.bgColor.to24Bit(), camera.useBgAlphaBlending, camera.bgColor.alphaFloat); #if FLX_DEBUG; #end } /** * Renders all sprite copies. */ @:access(flixel.FlxCamera) public function render():Void { for (spriteCopy in spriteCopies) { spriteCopy.render(camera); } camera.render(); } /** * Unlocks the frame buffer and makes the bitmap ready to use. */ public function unlock():Void { bitmap.fillRect(new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.width, bitmap.height), 0); bitmap.draw(camera.flashSprite, new Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, camera.flashSprite.x, camera.flashSprite.y)); } /** * Diposes stuff. Call `create` again if you want to reuse the instance. */ public function dispose():Void { if (texture != null) { texture.dispose(); texture = null; bitmap.dispose(); bitmap = null; } spriteCopies.resize(0); } /** * Adds a sprite copy to the frame buffer. * @param spriteCopy the sprite copy */ public function addSpriteCopy(spriteCopy:SpriteCopy):Void { spriteCopies.push(spriteCopy); } }