package; import Section.SwagSection; import SongLoad.SwagSong; import charting.ChartingState; import flixel.FlxCamera; import flixel.FlxObject; import flixel.FlxSprite; import flixel.FlxState; import flixel.FlxSubState; import flixel.addons.effects.FlxTrail; import flixel.addons.transition.FlxTransitionableState; import; import flixel.math.FlxAngle; import flixel.math.FlxMath; import flixel.math.FlxPoint; import flixel.math.FlxRect; import flixel.system.FlxSound; import flixel.text.FlxText; import flixel.tweens.FlxEase; import flixel.tweens.FlxTween; import flixel.ui.FlxBar; import flixel.util.FlxColor; import flixel.util.FlxSort; import flixel.util.FlxTimer; import haxe.Json; import lime.ui.Haptic; import lime.utils.Assets; import shaderslmfao.BuildingShaders; import shaderslmfao.ColorSwap; import shaderslmfao.OverlayBlend; import ui.PreferencesMenu; using StringTools; #if discord_rpc import Discord.DiscordClient; #end class PlayState extends MusicBeatState { public static var curStage:String = ''; public static var SONG:SwagSong; public static var isStoryMode:Bool = false; public static var storyWeek:Int = 0; public static var storyPlaylist:Array = []; public static var storyDifficulty:Int = 1; public static var deathCounter:Int = 0; public static var practiceMode:Bool = false; public static var needsReset:Bool = false; var halloweenLevel:Bool = false; private var vocals:VoicesGroup; private var vocalsFinished:Bool = false; private var dad:Character; private var gf:Character; private var boyfriend:Boyfriend; /** * Notes that should be ON SCREEN and have UPDATES running on them! */ private var notes:FlxTypedGroup; private var unspawnNotes:Array = []; private var strumLine:FlxSprite; private var camFollow:FlxObject; private static var prevCamFollow:FlxObject; private var strumLineNotes:FlxTypedGroup; private var playerStrums:FlxTypedGroup; private var camZooming:Bool = false; private var curSong:String = ""; private var gfSpeed:Int = 1; private var health:Float = 1; private var healthDisplay:Float = 1; private var combo:Int = 0; private var healthBarBG:FlxSprite; private var healthBar:FlxBar; private var generatedMusic:Bool = false; private var startingSong:Bool = false; private var iconP1:HealthIcon; private var iconP2:HealthIcon; private var camHUD:FlxCamera; private var camGame:FlxCamera; var dialogue:Array; public static var seenCutscene:Bool = false; var halloweenBG:FlxSprite; var isHalloween:Bool = false; var phillyCityLights:FlxTypedGroup; var phillyTrain:FlxSprite; var trainSound:FlxSound; var foregroundSprites:FlxTypedGroup; var limo:FlxSprite; var grpLimoDancers:FlxTypedGroup; var fastCar:FlxSprite; var upperBoppers:FlxSprite; var bottomBoppers:FlxSprite; var santa:FlxSprite; var bgGirls:BackgroundGirls; var wiggleShit:WiggleEffect = new WiggleEffect(); var tankmanRun:FlxTypedGroup; var gfCutsceneLayer:FlxGroup; var bfTankCutsceneLayer:FlxGroup; var tankWatchtower:BGSprite; var tankGround:BGSprite; var talking:Bool = true; var songScore:Int = 0; var scoreTxt:FlxText; // Dunno why its called doof lol, it's just the dialogue box var doof:DialogueBox; var grpNoteSplashes:FlxTypedGroup; public static var campaignScore:Int = 0; var defaultCamZoom:Float = 1.05; // how big to stretch the pixel art assets public static var daPixelZoom:Float = 6; var inCutscene:Bool = false; #if discord_rpc // Discord RPC variables var storyDifficultyText:String = ""; var iconRPC:String = ""; var songLength:Float = 0; var detailsText:String = ""; var detailsPausedText:String = ""; #end var camPos:FlxPoint; var lightFadeShader:BuildingShaders; override public function create() { initCameras(); persistentUpdate = true; persistentDraw = true; if (SONG == null) SONG = SongLoad.loadFromJson('tutorial'); Conductor.mapBPMChanges(SONG); Conductor.changeBPM(SONG.bpm); foregroundSprites = new FlxTypedGroup(); // dialogue init shit, just for week 5 really (for now...?) switch ( { case 'senpai': dialogue = CoolUtil.coolTextFile(Paths.txt('senpai/senpaiDialogue')); case 'roses': dialogue = CoolUtil.coolTextFile(Paths.txt('roses/rosesDialogue')); case 'thorns': dialogue = CoolUtil.coolTextFile(Paths.txt('thorns/thornsDialogue')); } #if discord_rpc initDiscord(); #end initStageBullshit(); initCharacters(); add(foregroundSprites); if (dialogue != null) { doof = new DialogueBox(false, dialogue); doof.scrollFactor.set(); doof.finishThing = startCountdown; doof.cameras = [camHUD]; } Conductor.songPosition = -5000; strumLine = new FlxSprite(0, 50).makeGraphic(FlxG.width, 10); if (PreferencesMenu.getPref('downscroll')) strumLine.y = FlxG.height - 150; // 150 just random ass number lol strumLine.scrollFactor.set(); strumLineNotes = new FlxTypedGroup(); add(strumLineNotes); // fake notesplash cache type deal so that it loads in the graphic? grpNoteSplashes = new FlxTypedGroup(); var noteSplash:NoteSplash = new NoteSplash(100, 100, 0); grpNoteSplashes.add(noteSplash); noteSplash.alpha = 0.1; add(grpNoteSplashes); playerStrums = new FlxTypedGroup(); generateSong(); // add(strumLine); camFollow = new FlxObject(0, 0, 1, 1); camFollow.setPosition(camPos.x, camPos.y); if (prevCamFollow != null) { camFollow = prevCamFollow; prevCamFollow = null; } add(camFollow); resetCamFollow(); FlxG.worldBounds.set(0, 0, FlxG.width, FlxG.height); FlxG.fixedTimestep = false; healthBarBG = new FlxSprite(0, FlxG.height * 0.9).loadGraphic(Paths.image('healthBar')); healthBarBG.screenCenter(X); healthBarBG.scrollFactor.set(); add(healthBarBG); if (PreferencesMenu.getPref('downscroll')) healthBarBG.y = FlxG.height * 0.1; healthBar = new FlxBar(healthBarBG.x + 4, healthBarBG.y + 4, RIGHT_TO_LEFT, - 8), - 8), this, 'healthDisplay', 0, 2); healthBar.scrollFactor.set(); healthBar.createFilledBar(0xFFFF0000, 0xFF66FF33); // healthBar add(healthBar); scoreTxt = new FlxText(healthBarBG.x + healthBarBG.width - 190, healthBarBG.y + 30, 0, "", 20); scoreTxt.setFormat(Paths.font("vcr.ttf"), 16, FlxColor.WHITE, RIGHT, FlxTextBorderStyle.OUTLINE, FlxColor.BLACK); scoreTxt.scrollFactor.set(); add(scoreTxt); iconP1 = new HealthIcon(SONG.player1, true); iconP1.y = healthBar.y - (iconP1.height / 2); add(iconP1); iconP2 = new HealthIcon(SONG.player2, false); iconP2.y = healthBar.y - (iconP2.height / 2); add(iconP2); grpNoteSplashes.cameras = [camHUD]; strumLineNotes.cameras = [camHUD]; notes.cameras = [camHUD]; healthBar.cameras = [camHUD]; healthBarBG.cameras = [camHUD]; iconP1.cameras = [camHUD]; iconP2.cameras = [camHUD]; scoreTxt.cameras = [camHUD]; // if ( == 'South') // = 0.7; // UI_camera.zoom = 1; // cameras = [FlxG.cameras.list[1]]; startingSong = true; if (isStoryMode && !seenCutscene) { seenCutscene = true; switch (curSong.toLowerCase()) { case "winter-horrorland": var blackScreen:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(0, 0).makeGraphic( * 2), * 2), FlxColor.BLACK); add(blackScreen); blackScreen.scrollFactor.set(); camHUD.visible = false; new FlxTimer().start(0.1, function(tmr:FlxTimer) { remove(blackScreen);'Lights_Turn_On')); camFollow.y = -2050; camFollow.x += 200;; = 1.5; new FlxTimer().start(0.8, function(tmr:FlxTimer) { camHUD.visible = true; remove(blackScreen); FlxTween.tween(, {zoom: defaultCamZoom}, 2.5, { ease: FlxEase.quadInOut, onComplete: function(twn:FlxTween) { startCountdown(); } }); }); }); case 'senpai' | 'roses' | 'thorns': schoolIntro(doof); // doof is assumed to be non-null, lol! case 'ugh': ughIntro(); case 'stress': stressIntro(); case 'guns': gunsIntro(); default: startCountdown(); } } else { switch (curSong.toLowerCase()) { // REMOVE THIS LATER // case 'ugh': // ughIntro(); // case 'stress': // stressIntro(); // case 'guns': // gunsIntro(); default: startCountdown(); } } super.create(); } function initCameras() { defaultCamZoom = FlxCamera.defaultZoom; defaultCamZoom *= 1.05; if ( != null); FlxG.sound.cache(Paths.inst(; FlxG.sound.cache(Paths.voices(; // var gameCam:FlxCamera =; camGame = new SwagCamera(); camHUD = new FlxCamera(); camHUD.bgColor.alpha = 0; FlxG.cameras.reset(camGame); FlxG.cameras.add(camHUD, false); } // a lot of this stage code will be cleaned up more when the stage load shit is more fleshed out! For now it's still a lot of hardcoded shit!! function initStageBullshit() { switch ( { case 'spookeez' | 'monster' | 'south': curStage = "spooky"; halloweenLevel = true; var hallowTex = Paths.getSparrowAtlas('halloween_bg'); halloweenBG = new FlxSprite(-200, -100); halloweenBG.frames = hallowTex; halloweenBG.animation.addByPrefix('idle', 'halloweem bg0'); halloweenBG.animation.addByPrefix('lightning', 'halloweem bg lightning strike', 24, false);'idle'); halloweenBG.antialiasing = true; add(halloweenBG); isHalloween = true; case 'pico' | 'blammed' | 'philly': curStage = 'philly'; var bg:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(-100).loadGraphic(Paths.image('philly/sky')); bg.scrollFactor.set(0.1, 0.1); add(bg); var city:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(-10).loadGraphic(Paths.image('philly/city')); city.scrollFactor.set(0.3, 0.3); city.setGraphicSize( * 0.85)); city.updateHitbox(); add(city); lightFadeShader = new BuildingShaders(); phillyCityLights = new FlxTypedGroup(); add(phillyCityLights); for (i in 0...5) { var light:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(city.x).loadGraphic(Paths.image('philly/win' + i)); light.scrollFactor.set(0.3, 0.3); light.visible = false; light.setGraphicSize( * 0.85)); light.updateHitbox(); light.antialiasing = true; light.shader = lightFadeShader.shader; phillyCityLights.add(light); } var streetBehind:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(-40, 50).loadGraphic(Paths.image('philly/behindTrain')); add(streetBehind); phillyTrain = new FlxSprite(2000, 360).loadGraphic(Paths.image('philly/train')); add(phillyTrain); trainSound = new FlxSound().loadEmbedded(Paths.sound('train_passes')); FlxG.sound.list.add(trainSound); // var cityLights:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite().loadGraphic(AssetPaths.win0.png); var street:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(-40, streetBehind.y).loadGraphic(Paths.image('philly/street')); add(street); case "milf" | 'satin-panties' | 'high': curStage = 'limo'; defaultCamZoom *= 0.90; var skyBG:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(-120, -50).loadGraphic(Paths.image('limo/limoSunset')); var overlayShader:OverlayBlend = new OverlayBlend(); var sunOverlay:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite().loadGraphic(Paths.image('limo/limoOverlay')); sunOverlay.setGraphicSize( * 2)); sunOverlay.updateHitbox(); overlayShader.funnyShit.input = sunOverlay.pixels; skyBG.shader = overlayShader; skyBG.scrollFactor.set(0.1, 0.1); add(skyBG); var bgLimo:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(-200, 480); bgLimo.frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas('limo/bgLimo'); bgLimo.animation.addByPrefix('drive', "background limo pink", 24);'drive'); bgLimo.scrollFactor.set(0.4, 0.4); add(bgLimo); grpLimoDancers = new FlxTypedGroup(); add(grpLimoDancers); for (i in 0...5) { var dancer:BackgroundDancer = new BackgroundDancer((370 * i) + 130, bgLimo.y - 400); dancer.scrollFactor.set(0.4, 0.4); grpLimoDancers.add(dancer); } var overlayShit:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(-500, -600).loadGraphic(Paths.image('limo/limoOverlay')); overlayShit.alpha = 0.5; // add(overlayShit); // var shaderBullshit = new BlendModeEffect(new OverlayShader(), FlxColor.RED); //[new ShaderFilter(cast shaderBullshit.shader)]); // overlayShit.shader = shaderBullshit; limo = new FlxSprite(-120, 550); limo.frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas('limo/limoDrive'); limo.animation.addByPrefix('drive', "Limo stage", 24);'drive'); limo.antialiasing = true; fastCar = new FlxSprite(-300, 160).loadGraphic(Paths.image('limo/fastCarLol')); // add(limo); case "cocoa" | 'eggnog': curStage = 'mall'; defaultCamZoom *= 0.80; var bg:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(-1000, -500).loadGraphic(Paths.image('christmas/bgWalls')); bg.antialiasing = true; bg.scrollFactor.set(0.2, 0.2); = false; bg.setGraphicSize( * 0.8)); bg.updateHitbox(); add(bg); upperBoppers = new FlxSprite(-240, -90); upperBoppers.frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas('christmas/upperBop'); upperBoppers.animation.addByPrefix('bop', "Upper Crowd Bob", 24, false); upperBoppers.antialiasing = true; upperBoppers.scrollFactor.set(0.33, 0.33); upperBoppers.setGraphicSize( * 0.85)); upperBoppers.updateHitbox(); add(upperBoppers); var bgEscalator:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(-1100, -600).loadGraphic(Paths.image('christmas/bgEscalator')); bgEscalator.antialiasing = true; bgEscalator.scrollFactor.set(0.3, 0.3); = false; bgEscalator.setGraphicSize( * 0.9)); bgEscalator.updateHitbox(); add(bgEscalator); var tree:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(370, -250).loadGraphic(Paths.image('christmas/christmasTree')); tree.antialiasing = true; tree.scrollFactor.set(0.40, 0.40); add(tree); bottomBoppers = new FlxSprite(-300, 140); bottomBoppers.frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas('christmas/bottomBop'); bottomBoppers.animation.addByPrefix('bop', 'Bottom Level Boppers', 24, false); bottomBoppers.antialiasing = true; bottomBoppers.scrollFactor.set(0.9, 0.9); bottomBoppers.setGraphicSize( * 1)); bottomBoppers.updateHitbox(); add(bottomBoppers); var fgSnow:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(-600, 700).loadGraphic(Paths.image('christmas/fgSnow')); = false; fgSnow.antialiasing = true; add(fgSnow); santa = new FlxSprite(-840, 150); santa.frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas('christmas/santa'); santa.animation.addByPrefix('idle', 'santa idle in fear', 24, false); santa.antialiasing = true; add(santa); case 'winter-horrorland': loadStage('mallEvil'); case 'senpai' | 'roses': curStage = 'school'; // defaultCamZoom *= 0.9; var bgSky = new FlxSprite().loadGraphic(Paths.image('weeb/weebSky')); bgSky.scrollFactor.set(0.1, 0.1); add(bgSky); var repositionShit = -200; var bgSchool:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(repositionShit, 0).loadGraphic(Paths.image('weeb/weebSchool')); bgSchool.scrollFactor.set(0.6, 0.90); add(bgSchool); var bgStreet:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(repositionShit).loadGraphic(Paths.image('weeb/weebStreet')); bgStreet.scrollFactor.set(0.95, 0.95); add(bgStreet); var fgTrees:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(repositionShit + 170, 130).loadGraphic(Paths.image('weeb/weebTreesBack')); fgTrees.scrollFactor.set(0.9, 0.9); add(fgTrees); var bgTrees:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(repositionShit - 380, -800); var treetex = Paths.getPackerAtlas('weeb/weebTrees'); bgTrees.frames = treetex; bgTrees.animation.add('treeLoop', [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18], 12);'treeLoop'); bgTrees.scrollFactor.set(0.85, 0.85); add(bgTrees); var treeLeaves:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(repositionShit, -40); treeLeaves.frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas('weeb/petals'); treeLeaves.animation.addByPrefix('leaves', 'PETALS ALL', 24, true);'leaves'); treeLeaves.scrollFactor.set(0.85, 0.85); add(treeLeaves); var widShit = * 6); bgSky.setGraphicSize(widShit); bgSchool.setGraphicSize(widShit); bgStreet.setGraphicSize(widShit); bgTrees.setGraphicSize( * 1.4)); fgTrees.setGraphicSize( * 0.8)); treeLeaves.setGraphicSize(widShit); fgTrees.updateHitbox(); bgSky.updateHitbox(); bgSchool.updateHitbox(); bgStreet.updateHitbox(); bgTrees.updateHitbox(); treeLeaves.updateHitbox(); bgGirls = new BackgroundGirls(-100, 190); bgGirls.scrollFactor.set(0.9, 0.9); if ( == 'roses') { bgGirls.getScared(); } bgGirls.setGraphicSize( * daPixelZoom)); bgGirls.updateHitbox(); add(bgGirls); case 'thorns': // loadStage('schoolEvil'); curStage = 'schoolEvil'; var schoolBG:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(-200, 0).loadGraphic(Paths.image('weeb/evilSchoolBG')); wiggleShit.waveAmplitude = 0.017; wiggleShit.waveSpeed = 2; wiggleShit.waveFrequency = 4; schoolBG.shader = wiggleShit.shader; schoolBG.setGraphicSize( * 6)); schoolBG.updateHitbox(); // schoolBG.scale.set(6, 6); add(schoolBG); schoolBG.scrollFactor.set(0.7, 1); var schoolFront:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(-250, schoolBG.y + 20).loadGraphic(Paths.image('weeb/evilSchoolFG')); schoolFront.shader = wiggleShit.shader; schoolFront.setGraphicSize( * 6)); schoolFront.updateHitbox(); add(schoolFront); case 'guns' | 'stress' | 'ugh': loadStage('tank'); // this goes after tankSky and before tankMountains in stage file // need to accomodate for the velocity thing! var tankSky:BGSprite = new BGSprite('tankClouds',, -100),, 20), 0.1, 0.1); = true; tankSky.velocity.x = FlxG.random.float(5, 15); add(tankSky); tankWatchtower = new BGSprite('tankWatchtower', 100, 50, 0.5, 0.5, ['watchtower gradient color']); add(tankWatchtower); tankGround = new BGSprite('tankRolling', 300, 300, 0.5, 0.5, ['BG tank w lighting'], true); add(tankGround); // = false; tankmanRun = new FlxTypedGroup(); add(tankmanRun); var tankGround:BGSprite = new BGSprite('tankGround', -420, -150); tankGround.setGraphicSize( * 1.15)); tankGround.updateHitbox(); add(tankGround); moveTank(); // smokeLeft.screenCenter(); var fgTank0:BGSprite = new BGSprite('tank0', -500, 650, 1.7, 1.5, ['fg']); foregroundSprites.add(fgTank0); var fgTank1:BGSprite = new BGSprite('tank1', -300, 750, 2, 0.2, ['fg']); foregroundSprites.add(fgTank1); // just called 'foreground' just cuz small inconsistency no bbiggei var fgTank2:BGSprite = new BGSprite('tank2', 450, 940, 1.5, 1.5, ['foreground']); foregroundSprites.add(fgTank2); var fgTank4:BGSprite = new BGSprite('tank4', 1300, 900, 1.5, 1.5, ['fg']); foregroundSprites.add(fgTank4); var fgTank5:BGSprite = new BGSprite('tank5', 1620, 700, 1.5, 1.5, ['fg']); foregroundSprites.add(fgTank5); var fgTank3:BGSprite = new BGSprite('tank3', 1300, 1200, 3.5, 2.5, ['fg']); foregroundSprites.add(fgTank3); case "darnell": loadStage('phillyStreets'); default: loadStage('stage'); } } function initCharacters() { // all dis is shitty, redo later for stage shit var gfVersion:String = 'gf'; switch (curStage) { case 'limo': gfVersion = 'gf-car'; case 'mall' | 'mallEvil': gfVersion = 'gf-christmas'; case 'school' | 'schoolEvil': gfVersion = 'gf-pixel'; case 'tank': gfVersion = 'gf-tankmen'; } if (SONG.player1 == "pico") { gfVersion = "nene"; } if ( == 'stress') gfVersion = 'pico-speaker'; gf = new Character(400, 130, gfVersion); gf.scrollFactor.set(0.95, 0.95); switch (gfVersion) { case 'pico-speaker': gf.x -= 50; gf.y -= 200; var tempTankman:TankmenBG = new TankmenBG(20, 500, true); tempTankman.strumTime = 10; tempTankman.resetShit(20, 600, true); tankmanRun.add(tempTankman); for (i in 0...TankmenBG.animationNotes.length) { if (FlxG.random.bool(16)) { var tankman:TankmenBG = tankmanRun.recycle(TankmenBG); // new TankmenBG(500, 200 +, 100), TankmenBG.animationNotes[i][1] < 2); tankman.strumTime = TankmenBG.animationNotes[i][0]; tankman.resetShit(500, 200 +, 100), TankmenBG.animationNotes[i][1] < 2); tankmanRun.add(tankman); } } } dad = new Character(100, 100, SONG.player2); camPos = new FlxPoint(dad.getGraphicMidpoint().x, dad.getGraphicMidpoint().y); switch (SONG.player2) { case 'gf': dad.setPosition(gf.x, gf.y); gf.visible = false; if (isStoryMode) { camPos.x += 600; tweenCamIn(); } case "spooky": dad.y += 200; case "monster": dad.y += 100; case 'monster-christmas': dad.y += 130; case 'dad': camPos.x += 400; case 'pico': camPos.x += 600; dad.y += 300; case 'parents-christmas': dad.x -= 500; case 'senpai' | 'senpai-angry': dad.x += 150; dad.y += 360; camPos.set(dad.getGraphicMidpoint().x + 300, dad.getGraphicMidpoint().y); case 'spirit': dad.x -= 150; dad.y += 100; camPos.set(dad.getGraphicMidpoint().x + 300, dad.getGraphicMidpoint().y); case 'tankman': dad.y += 180; } boyfriend = new Boyfriend(770, 450, SONG.player1); // REPOSITIONING PER STAGE switch (curStage) { case 'limo': boyfriend.y -= 220; boyfriend.x += 260; resetFastCar(); add(fastCar); case 'mall': boyfriend.x += 200; case 'mallEvil': boyfriend.x += 320; dad.y -= 80; case 'school': boyfriend.x += 200; boyfriend.y += 220; gf.x += 180; gf.y += 300; case 'schoolEvil': // trailArea.scrollFactor.set(); var evilTrail = new FlxTrail(dad, null, 4, 24, 0.3, 0.069); // evilTrail.changeValuesEnabled(false, false, false, false); // evilTrail.changeGraphic() add(evilTrail); // evilTrail.scrollFactor.set(1.1, 1.1); boyfriend.x += 200; boyfriend.y += 220; gf.x += 180; gf.y += 300; case "tank": gf.y += 10; gf.x -= 30; boyfriend.x += 40; boyfriend.y += 0; dad.y += 60; dad.x -= 80; if (gfVersion != 'pico-speaker') { gf.x -= 170; gf.y -= 75; } case 'stage' | 'phillyStreets': dad.y = 870 - dad.height; } add(gf); gfCutsceneLayer = new FlxGroup(); add(gfCutsceneLayer); bfTankCutsceneLayer = new FlxGroup(); add(bfTankCutsceneLayer); // Shitty layering but whatev it works LOL if (curStage == 'limo') add(limo); add(dad); add(boyfriend); } function ughIntro() { inCutscene = true; var blackShit:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(-200, -200).makeGraphic(FlxG.width * 2, FlxG.height * 2, FlxColor.BLACK); blackShit.scrollFactor.set(); add(blackShit); var vid:FlxVideo = new FlxVideo('music/ughCutscene.mp4'); vid.finishCallback = function() { remove(blackShit); FlxTween.tween(, {zoom: defaultCamZoom}, (Conductor.crochet / 1000) * 5, {ease: FlxEase.quadInOut}); startCountdown(); cameraMovement(); }; = defaultCamZoom * 1.2; camFollow.x += 100; camFollow.y += 100; /* FlxG.sound.playMusic('DISTORTO'), 0);, 0, 0.5); dad.visible = false; var tankCutscene:TankCutscene = new TankCutscene(-20, 320); tankCutscene.frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas('cutsceneStuff/tankTalkSong1'); tankCutscene.animation.addByPrefix('wellWell', 'TANK TALK 1 P1', 24, false); tankCutscene.animation.addByPrefix('killYou', 'TANK TALK 1 P2', 24, false);'wellWell'); tankCutscene.antialiasing = true; gfCutsceneLayer.add(tankCutscene); camHUD.visible = false; *= 1.2; camFollow.y += 100; tankCutscene.startSyncAudio = FlxG.sound.load(Paths.sound('wellWellWell')); new FlxTimer().start(3, function(tmr:FlxTimer) { camFollow.x += 800; camFollow.y += 100; FlxTween.tween(, {zoom: defaultCamZoom * 1.2}, 0.27, {ease: FlxEase.quadInOut}); new FlxTimer().start(1.5, function(bep:FlxTimer) { boyfriend.playAnim('singUP'); // play sound'bfBeep'), function() { boyfriend.playAnim('idle'); }); }); new FlxTimer().start(3, function(swaggy:FlxTimer) { camFollow.x -= 800; camFollow.y -= 100; FlxTween.tween(, {zoom: defaultCamZoom * 1.2}, 0.5, {ease: FlxEase.quadInOut});'killYou');'killYou')); new FlxTimer().start(6.1, function(swagasdga:FlxTimer) { FlxTween.tween(, {zoom: defaultCamZoom}, (Conductor.crochet / 1000) * 5, {ease: FlxEase.quadInOut}); / 1000) * 5, 0); new FlxTimer().start((Conductor.crochet / 1000) * 5, function(money:FlxTimer) { dad.visible = true; gfCutsceneLayer.remove(tankCutscene); }); cameraMovement(); startCountdown(); camHUD.visible = true; }); }); });*/ } function loadStage(path:String) { curStage = path; var json = Assets.getText(Paths.file('data/stagedata/' + curStage + 'Stage.json')); var parsed:StageData = cast Json.parse(json); defaultCamZoom *= parsed.camZoom; for (prop in parsed.propsBackground) { var funnyProp:BGSprite = new BGSprite(prop.path, prop.x, prop.y, prop.scrollX, prop.scrollY, null, false, false); if (prop.animBullshit != null) funnyProp.setupSparrow(prop.path, prop.animBullshit.anims, prop.animBullshit.isLooping); else funnyProp.justLoadImage(prop.path); if (prop.updateHitbox != null && !prop.updateHitbox) { funnyProp.scale.set(prop.scaleX, prop.scaleY); } else { funnyProp.setGraphicSize( * prop.scaleX), * prop.scaleY)); funnyProp.updateHitbox(); } if (prop.antialiasing != null) funnyProp.antialiasing = prop.antialiasing; funnyProp.scrollFactor.set(prop.scrollX, prop.scrollY); add(funnyProp); } trace(parsed.propsBackground); } function gunsIntro() { inCutscene = true; var blackShit:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(-200, -200).makeGraphic(FlxG.width * 2, FlxG.height * 2, FlxColor.BLACK); blackShit.scrollFactor.set(); add(blackShit); var vid:FlxVideo = new FlxVideo('music/gunsCutscene.mp4'); vid.finishCallback = function() { remove(blackShit); FlxTween.tween(, {zoom: defaultCamZoom}, (Conductor.crochet / 1000) * 5, {ease: FlxEase.quadInOut}); startCountdown(); cameraMovement(); }; /* camFollow.setPosition(camPos.x, camPos.y); camHUD.visible = false; FlxG.sound.playMusic('DISTORTO'), 0);, 0, 0.5); camFollow.y += 100; FlxTween.tween(, {zoom: defaultCamZoom * 1.3}, 4, {ease: FlxEase.quadInOut}); dad.visible = false; var tankCutscene:TankCutscene = new TankCutscene(20, 320); tankCutscene.frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas('cutsceneStuff/tankTalkSong2'); tankCutscene.animation.addByPrefix('tankyguy', 'TANK TALK 2', 24, false);'tankyguy'); tankCutscene.antialiasing = true; gfCutsceneLayer.add(tankCutscene); // add(); tankCutscene.startSyncAudio = FlxG.sound.load(Paths.sound('tankSong2')); new FlxTimer().start(4.1, function(ugly:FlxTimer) { FlxTween.tween(, {zoom: defaultCamZoom * 1.4}, 0.4, {ease: FlxEase.quadOut}); FlxTween.tween(, {zoom: defaultCamZoom * 1.3}, 0.7, {ease: FlxEase.quadInOut, startDelay: 0.45}); gf.playAnim('sad'); }); new FlxTimer().start(11, function(tmr:FlxTimer) { / 1000) * 5, 0); FlxTween.tween(, {zoom: defaultCamZoom}, (Conductor.crochet * 5) / 1000, {ease: FlxEase.quartIn}); startCountdown(); new FlxTimer().start((Conductor.crochet * 25) / 1000, function(daTim:FlxTimer) { dad.visible = true; gfCutsceneLayer.remove(tankCutscene); }); camHUD.visible = true; });*/ } /** * [ * [0, function(){blah;}], * [4.6, function(){blah;}], * [25.1, function(){blah;}], * [30.7, function(){blah;}] * ] * SOMETHING LIKE THIS */ // var cutsceneFunctions:Array = []; function stressIntro() { inCutscene = true; var blackShit:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(-200, -200).makeGraphic(FlxG.width * 2, FlxG.height * 2, FlxColor.BLACK); blackShit.scrollFactor.set(); add(blackShit); var vid:FlxVideo = new FlxVideo('music/stressCutscene.mp4'); vid.finishCallback = function() { remove(blackShit); FlxTween.tween(, {zoom: defaultCamZoom}, (Conductor.crochet / 1000) * 5, {ease: FlxEase.quadInOut}); startCountdown(); cameraMovement(); }; /* camHUD.visible = false; // for story mode shit camFollow.setPosition(camPos.x, camPos.y); var dummyLoaderShit:FlxGroup = new FlxGroup(); add(dummyLoaderShit); for (i in 0...7) { var dummyLoader:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(); dummyLoader.loadGraphic(Paths.image('cutsceneStuff/gfHoldup-' + i)); dummyLoaderShit.add(dummyLoader); dummyLoader.alpha = 0.01; dummyLoader.y = FlxG.height - 20; // dummyLoader.drawFrame(true); } dad.visible = false; // gf.y += 300; gf.alpha = 0.01; var gfTankmen:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(210, 70); gfTankmen.frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas('characters/gfTankmen'); gfTankmen.animation.addByPrefix('loop', 'GF Dancing at Gunpoint', 24, true);'loop'); gfTankmen.antialiasing = true; gfCutsceneLayer.add(gfTankmen); var tankCutscene:TankCutscene = new TankCutscene(-70, 320); tankCutscene.frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas('cutsceneStuff/tankTalkSong3-pt1'); tankCutscene.animation.addByPrefix('tankyguy', 'TANK TALK 3 P1 UNCUT', 24, false); // tankCutscene.animation.addByPrefix('weed', 'sexAmbig', 24, false);'tankyguy'); tankCutscene.antialiasing = true; bfTankCutsceneLayer.add(tankCutscene); // add(); var alsoTankCutscene:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(20, 320); alsoTankCutscene.frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas('cutsceneStuff/tankTalkSong3-pt2'); alsoTankCutscene.animation.addByPrefix('swagTank', 'TANK TALK 3 P2 UNCUT', 24, false); alsoTankCutscene.antialiasing = true; bfTankCutsceneLayer.add(alsoTankCutscene); alsoTankCutscene.y = FlxG.height + 100; camFollow.setPosition(gf.x + 350, gf.y + 560);; boyfriend.visible = false; var fakeBF:Character = new Character(boyfriend.x, boyfriend.y, 'bf', true); bfTankCutsceneLayer.add(fakeBF); // var atlasCutscene:Animation // var animAssets:AssetManager = new AssetManager(); // var url = 'images/gfDemon'; // // animAssets.enqueueSingle(Paths.file(url + "/spritemap1.png")); // // animAssets.enqueueSingle(Paths.file(url + "/spritemap1.json")); // // animAssets.enqueueSingle(Paths.file(url + "/Animation.json")); // animAssets.loadQueue(function(asssss:AssetManager) // { // var daAnim:Animation = asssss.createAnimation('GF Turnin Demon W Effect'); // FlxG.addChildBelowMouse(daAnim); // }); var bfCatchGf:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(boyfriend.x - 10, boyfriend.y - 90); bfCatchGf.frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas('cutsceneStuff/bfCatchesGF'); bfCatchGf.animation.addByPrefix('catch', 'BF catches GF', 24, false); bfCatchGf.antialiasing = true; add(bfCatchGf); bfCatchGf.visible = false; if (PreferencesMenu.getPref('censor-naughty')) tankCutscene.startSyncAudio ='stressCutscene')); else { tankCutscene.startSyncAudio ='song3censor')); // cutsceneSound.loadEmbedded(Paths.sound('song3censor')); var censor:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(); censor.frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas('cutsceneStuff/censor'); censor.animation.addByPrefix('censor', 'mouth censor', 24);'censor'); add(censor); censor.visible = false; // new FlxTimer().start(4.6, function(censorTimer:FlxTimer) { censor.visible = true; censor.setPosition(dad.x + 160, dad.y + 180); new FlxTimer().start(0.2, function(endThing:FlxTimer) { censor.visible = false; }); }); new FlxTimer().start(25.1, function(censorTimer:FlxTimer) { censor.visible = true; censor.setPosition(dad.x + 120, dad.y + 170); new FlxTimer().start(0.9, function(endThing:FlxTimer) { censor.visible = false; }); }); new FlxTimer().start(30.7, function(censorTimer:FlxTimer) { censor.visible = true; censor.setPosition(dad.x + 210, dad.y + 190); new FlxTimer().start(0.4, function(endThing:FlxTimer) { censor.visible = false; }); }); new FlxTimer().start(33.8, function(censorTimer:FlxTimer) { censor.visible = true; censor.setPosition(dad.x + 180, dad.y + 170); new FlxTimer().start(0.6, function(endThing:FlxTimer) { censor.visible = false; }); }); } // new FlxTimer().start(0.01, function(tmr); //; //; // tankCutscene.startSyncAudio = cutsceneSound; // tankCutscene.animation.curAnim.curFrame = defaultCamZoom * 1.15; camFollow.x -= 200; // cutsceneSound.onComplete = startCountdown; // Cunt 1 new FlxTimer().start(31.5, function(cunt:FlxTimer) { camFollow.x += 400; camFollow.y += 150; = defaultCamZoom * 1.4; FlxTween.tween(, {zoom: + 0.1}, 0.5, {ease: FlxEase.elasticOut});; boyfriend.playAnim('singUPmiss'); boyfriend.animation.finishCallback = function(animFinish:String) { camFollow.x -= 400; camFollow.y -= 150; /= 1.4;; boyfriend.animation.finishCallback = null; }; }); new FlxTimer().start(15.1, function(tmr:FlxTimer) { camFollow.y -= 170; camFollow.x += 200; FlxTween.tween(, {zoom: * 1.3}, 2.1, { ease: FlxEase.quadInOut }); new FlxTimer().start(2.2, function(swagTimer:FlxTimer) { // FlxTween.tween(, {zoom: defaultCamZoom}, 0.7, {ease: FlxEase.elasticOut}); = 0.8; // camFollow.y -= 100; boyfriend.visible = false; bfCatchGf.visible = true;'catch'); bfTankCutsceneLayer.remove(fakeBF); bfCatchGf.animation.finishCallback = function(anim:String) { bfCatchGf.visible = false; boyfriend.visible = true; }; new FlxTimer().start(3, function(weedShitBaby:FlxTimer) { camFollow.y += 180; camFollow.x -= 80; }); new FlxTimer().start(2.3, function(gayLol:FlxTimer) { bfTankCutsceneLayer.remove(tankCutscene); alsoTankCutscene.y = 320;'swagTank'); //'weed'); }); }); gf.visible = false; var cutsceneShit:CutsceneCharacter = new CutsceneCharacter(210, 70, 'gfHoldup'); gfCutsceneLayer.add(cutsceneShit); gfCutsceneLayer.remove(gfTankmen); cutsceneShit.onFinish = function() { gf.alpha = 1; gf.visible = true; }; // add(cutsceneShit); new FlxTimer().start(20, function(alsoTmr:FlxTimer) { dad.visible = true; bfTankCutsceneLayer.remove(alsoTankCutscene); startCountdown(); remove(dummyLoaderShit); dummyLoaderShit.destroy(); dummyLoaderShit = null; gfCutsceneLayer.remove(cutsceneShit); }); });*/ } function initDiscord():Void { #if discord_rpc storyDifficultyText = difficultyString(); iconRPC = SONG.player2; // To avoid having duplicate images in Discord assets switch (iconRPC) { case 'senpai-angry': iconRPC = 'senpai'; case 'monster-christmas': iconRPC = 'monster'; case 'mom-car': iconRPC = 'mom'; } // String that contains the mode defined here so it isn't necessary to call changePresence for each mode detailsText = isStoryMode ? "Story Mode: Week " + storyWeek : "Freeplay"; detailsPausedText = "Paused - " + detailsText; // Updating Discord Rich Presence. DiscordClient.changePresence(detailsText, + " (" + storyDifficultyText + ")", iconRPC); #end } function schoolIntro(?dialogueBox:DialogueBox):Void { var black:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(-100, -100).makeGraphic(FlxG.width * 2, FlxG.height * 2, FlxColor.BLACK); black.scrollFactor.set(); add(black); var red:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(-100, -100).makeGraphic(FlxG.width * 2, FlxG.height * 2, 0xFFff1b31); red.scrollFactor.set(); var senpaiEvil:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(); senpaiEvil.frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas('weeb/senpaiCrazy'); senpaiEvil.animation.addByPrefix('idle', 'Senpai Pre Explosion', 24, false); senpaiEvil.setGraphicSize( * daPixelZoom)); senpaiEvil.scrollFactor.set(); senpaiEvil.updateHitbox(); senpaiEvil.screenCenter(); senpaiEvil.x += senpaiEvil.width / 5; camFollow.setPosition(camPos.x, camPos.y); if ( == 'roses' || == 'thorns') { remove(black); if ( == 'thorns') { add(red); camHUD.visible = false; } else'ANGRY')); // moved senpai angry noise in here to clean up cutscene switch case lol } new FlxTimer().start(0.3, function(tmr:FlxTimer) { black.alpha -= 0.15; if (black.alpha > 0) tmr.reset(0.3); else { if (dialogueBox != null) { inCutscene = true; if ( == 'thorns') { add(senpaiEvil); senpaiEvil.alpha = 0; new FlxTimer().start(0.3, function(swagTimer:FlxTimer) { senpaiEvil.alpha += 0.15; if (senpaiEvil.alpha < 1) swagTimer.reset(); else {'idle');'Senpai_Dies'), 1, false, null, true, function() { remove(senpaiEvil); remove(red);, 0.01, true, function() { add(dialogueBox); camHUD.visible = true; }, true); }); new FlxTimer().start(3.2, function(deadTime:FlxTimer) {, 1.6, false); }); } }); } else add(dialogueBox); } else startCountdown(); remove(black); } }); } var startTimer:FlxTimer = new FlxTimer(); var perfectMode:Bool = false; function startCountdown():Void { inCutscene = false; camHUD.visible = true; generateStaticArrows(0); generateStaticArrows(1); talking = false; restartCountdownTimer(); } function restartCountdownTimer():Void { startedCountdown = true; Conductor.songPosition = 0; Conductor.songPosition -= Conductor.crochet * 5; var swagCounter:Int = 0; startTimer.start(Conductor.crochet / 1000, function(tmr:FlxTimer) { // this just based on beatHit stuff but compact if (swagCounter % gfSpeed == 0); if (swagCounter % 2 == 0) { if (!"sing")) boyfriend.playAnim('idle'); if (!"sing")); } else if (dad.curCharacter == 'spooky' && !"sing")); if (generatedMusic) notes.sort(sortNotes, FlxSort.DESCENDING); var introSprPaths:Array = ["ready", "set", "go"]; var altSuffix:String = ""; if (curStage.startsWith("school")) { altSuffix = '-pixel'; introSprPaths = ['weeb/pixelUI/ready-pixel', 'weeb/pixelUI/set-pixel', 'weeb/pixelUI/date-pixel']; } var introSndPaths:Array = [ "intro3" + altSuffix, "intro2" + altSuffix, "intro1" + altSuffix, "introGo" + altSuffix ]; if (swagCounter > 0) readySetGo(introSprPaths[swagCounter - 1]);[swagCounter]), 0.6); /* switch (swagCounter) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: }*/ swagCounter += 1; }, 4); } function readySetGo(path:String):Void { var spr:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite().loadGraphic(Paths.image(path)); spr.scrollFactor.set(); if (curStage.startsWith('school')) spr.setGraphicSize( * daPixelZoom)); spr.updateHitbox(); spr.screenCenter(); add(spr); FlxTween.tween(spr, {y: spr.y += 100, alpha: 0}, Conductor.crochet / 1000, { ease: FlxEase.cubeInOut, onComplete: function(twn:FlxTween) { spr.destroy(); } }); } var previousFrameTime:Int = 0; var songTime:Float = 0; function startSong():Void { startingSong = false; previousFrameTime =; if (!paused) { // if ( != null) //; // else FlxG.sound.playMusic(Paths.inst(, 1, false); } = endSong;; #if discord_rpc // Song duration in a float, useful for the time left feature songLength =; // Updating Discord Rich Presence (with Time Left) DiscordClient.changePresence(detailsText, + " (" + storyDifficultyText + ")", iconRPC, true, songLength); #end } private function generateSong():Void { // FlxG.log.add(ChartParser.parse()); Conductor.changeBPM(SONG.bpm); curSong =; if (SONG.needsVoices) vocals = new VoicesGroup(, SONG.voiceList); else vocals = new VoicesGroup(, null, false); vocals.members[0].onComplete = function() { vocalsFinished = true; }; notes = new FlxTypedGroup(); add(notes); regenNoteData(); generatedMusic = true; } function regenNoteData():Void { // make unspawn notes shit def empty unspawnNotes = []; notes.forEach(function(nt) { nt.followsTime = false; FlxTween.tween(nt, {y: FlxG.height + nt.y}, 0.5, { ease: FlxEase.expoIn, onComplete: function(twn) { nt.kill(); notes.remove(nt, true); nt.destroy(); } }); }); var noteData:Array; // NEW SHIT noteData = SongLoad.getSong(); for (section in noteData) { for (songNotes in section.sectionNotes) { var daStrumTime:Float = songNotes.strumTime; var daNoteData:Int = % 4); var gottaHitNote:Bool = section.mustHitSection; if (songNotes.noteData > 3) gottaHitNote = !section.mustHitSection; var oldNote:Note; if (unspawnNotes.length > 0) oldNote = unspawnNotes[ - 1)]; else oldNote = null; var swagNote:Note = new Note(daStrumTime, daNoteData, oldNote); = songNotes.sustainLength; = songNotes.altNote; swagNote.scrollFactor.set(0, 0); var susLength:Float =; susLength = susLength / Conductor.stepCrochet; unspawnNotes.push(swagNote); for (susNote in 0...Math.round(susLength)) { oldNote = unspawnNotes[ - 1)]; var sustainNote:Note = new Note(daStrumTime + (Conductor.stepCrochet * susNote) + Conductor.stepCrochet, daNoteData, oldNote, true); sustainNote.scrollFactor.set(); unspawnNotes.push(sustainNote); sustainNote.mustPress = gottaHitNote; if (sustainNote.mustPress) sustainNote.x += FlxG.width / 2; // general offset } swagNote.mustPress = gottaHitNote; if (swagNote.mustPress) swagNote.x += FlxG.width / 2; // general offset } } unspawnNotes.sort(sortByShit); } // Now you are probably wondering why I made 2 of these very similar functions // sortByShit(), and sortNotes(). sortNotes is meant to be used by both sortByShit(), and the notes FlxGroup // sortByShit() is meant to be used only by the unspawnNotes array. // and the array sorting function doesnt need that order variable thingie // this is good enough for now lololol HERE IS COMMENT FOR THIS SORTA DUMB DECISION LOL function sortByShit(Obj1:Note, Obj2:Note):Int { return sortNotes(FlxSort.ASCENDING, Obj1, Obj2); } function sortNotes(order:Int = FlxSort.ASCENDING, Obj1:Note, Obj2:Note) { return FlxSort.byValues(order,,; } // ^ These two sorts also look cute together ^ private function generateStaticArrows(player:Int):Void { for (i in 0...4) { // FlxG.log.add(i); var babyArrow:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(0, strumLine.y); var colorswap:ColorSwap = new ColorSwap(); babyArrow.shader = colorswap.shader; colorswap.update(Note.arrowColors[i]); switch (curStage) { case 'school' | 'schoolEvil': babyArrow.loadGraphic(Paths.image('weeb/pixelUI/arrows-pixels'), true, 17, 17); babyArrow.animation.add('green', [6]); babyArrow.animation.add('red', [7]); babyArrow.animation.add('blue', [5]); babyArrow.animation.add('purplel', [4]); babyArrow.setGraphicSize( * daPixelZoom)); babyArrow.updateHitbox(); babyArrow.antialiasing = false; switch (Math.abs(i)) { case 0: babyArrow.x += Note.swagWidth * 0; babyArrow.animation.add('static', [0]); babyArrow.animation.add('pressed', [4, 8], 12, false); babyArrow.animation.add('confirm', [12, 16], 24, false); case 1: babyArrow.x += Note.swagWidth * 1; babyArrow.animation.add('static', [1]); babyArrow.animation.add('pressed', [5, 9], 12, false); babyArrow.animation.add('confirm', [13, 17], 24, false); case 2: babyArrow.x += Note.swagWidth * 2; babyArrow.animation.add('static', [2]); babyArrow.animation.add('pressed', [6, 10], 12, false); babyArrow.animation.add('confirm', [14, 18], 12, false); case 3: babyArrow.x += Note.swagWidth * 3; babyArrow.animation.add('static', [3]); babyArrow.animation.add('pressed', [7, 11], 12, false); babyArrow.animation.add('confirm', [15, 19], 24, false); } default: babyArrow.frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas('NOTE_assets'); babyArrow.animation.addByPrefix('green', 'arrowUP'); babyArrow.animation.addByPrefix('blue', 'arrowDOWN'); babyArrow.animation.addByPrefix('purple', 'arrowLEFT'); babyArrow.animation.addByPrefix('red', 'arrowRIGHT'); babyArrow.antialiasing = true; babyArrow.setGraphicSize( * 0.7)); switch (Math.abs(i)) { case 0: babyArrow.x += Note.swagWidth * 0; babyArrow.animation.addByPrefix('static', 'arrow static instance 1'); babyArrow.animation.addByPrefix('pressed', 'left press', 24, false); babyArrow.animation.addByPrefix('confirm', 'left confirm', 24, false); case 1: babyArrow.x += Note.swagWidth * 1; babyArrow.animation.addByPrefix('static', 'arrow static instance 2'); babyArrow.animation.addByPrefix('pressed', 'down press', 24, false); babyArrow.animation.addByPrefix('confirm', 'down confirm', 24, false); case 2: babyArrow.x += Note.swagWidth * 2; babyArrow.animation.addByPrefix('static', 'arrow static instance 4'); babyArrow.animation.addByPrefix('pressed', 'up press', 24, false); babyArrow.animation.addByPrefix('confirm', 'up confirm', 24, false); case 3: babyArrow.x += Note.swagWidth * 3; babyArrow.animation.addByPrefix('static', 'arrow static instance 3'); babyArrow.animation.addByPrefix('pressed', 'right press', 24, false); babyArrow.animation.addByPrefix('confirm', 'right confirm', 24, false); } } babyArrow.updateHitbox(); babyArrow.scrollFactor.set(); if (!isStoryMode) { babyArrow.y -= 10; babyArrow.alpha = 0; FlxTween.tween(babyArrow, {y: babyArrow.y + 10, alpha: 1}, 1, {ease: FlxEase.circOut, startDelay: 0.5 + (0.2 * i)}); } babyArrow.ID = i; if (player == 1) playerStrums.add(babyArrow);'static'); babyArrow.x += 50; babyArrow.x += ((FlxG.width / 2) * player); strumLineNotes.add(babyArrow); } } function tweenCamIn():Void { FlxTween.tween(, {zoom: 1.3 * FlxCamera.defaultZoom}, (Conductor.stepCrochet * 4 / 1000), {ease: FlxEase.elasticInOut}); } override function openSubState(SubState:FlxSubState) { if (paused) { if ( != null) {; vocals.pause(); } if (!startTimer.finished) = false; } super.openSubState(SubState); } override function closeSubState() { if (paused) { if ( != null && !startingSong) resyncVocals(); if (!startTimer.finished) = true; paused = false; #if discord_rpc if (startTimer.finished) DiscordClient.changePresence(detailsText, + " (" + storyDifficultyText + ")", iconRPC, true, songLength - Conductor.songPosition); else DiscordClient.changePresence(detailsText, + " (" + storyDifficultyText + ")", iconRPC); #end } super.closeSubState(); } #if discord_rpc override public function onFocus():Void { if (health > 0 && !paused && FlxG.autoPause) { if (Conductor.songPosition > 0.0) DiscordClient.changePresence(detailsText, + " (" + storyDifficultyText + ")", iconRPC, true, songLength - Conductor.songPosition); else DiscordClient.changePresence(detailsText, + " (" + storyDifficultyText + ")", iconRPC); } super.onFocus(); } override public function onFocusLost():Void { if (health > 0 && !paused && FlxG.autoPause) DiscordClient.changePresence(detailsPausedText, + " (" + storyDifficultyText + ")", iconRPC); super.onFocusLost(); } #end function resyncVocals():Void { if (_exiting) return; vocals.pause();; Conductor.songPosition = + Conductor.offset; if (vocalsFinished) return; vocals.time =;; } private var paused:Bool = false; var startedCountdown:Bool = false; var canPause:Bool = true; override public function update(elapsed:Float) { healthDisplay = FlxMath.lerp(healthDisplay, health, 0.15); if (needsReset) { resetCamFollow(); paused = false; persistentUpdate = true; persistentDraw = true; startingSong = true;; vocals.pause(); = 0; regenNoteData(); // loads the note data from start health = 1; restartCountdownTimer(); needsReset = false; // FlxScreenGrab.grab(null, true, true); /* var png:ByteArray = new ByteArray(); png =, new PNGEncoderOptions()); var f ='./swag.png', true); f.writeString(png.readUTFBytes(png.length)); f.close(); */ //'./swag.png', png.readUTFBytes(png.length)); } #if !debug perfectMode = false; #else if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.H) camHUD.visible = !camHUD.visible; if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.K) { // @:privateAccess // var funnyData:Array = cast; // funnyData.reverse(); // @:privateAccess // = cast funnyData; } #end // do this BEFORE super.update() so songPosition is accurate if (startingSong) { if (startedCountdown) { Conductor.songPosition += FlxG.elapsed * 1000; if (Conductor.songPosition >= 0) startSong(); } } else { if (Paths.SOUND_EXT == 'mp3') Conductor.offset = -13; // DO NOT FORGET TO REMOVE THE HARDCODE! WHEN I MAKE BETTER OFFSET SYSTEM! Conductor.songPosition = + Conductor.offset; // 20 is THE MILLISECONDS?? // Conductor.songPosition += FlxG.elapsed * 1000; if (!paused) { songTime += - previousFrameTime; previousFrameTime =; // Interpolation type beat if (Conductor.lastSongPos != Conductor.songPosition) { songTime = (songTime + Conductor.songPosition) / 2; Conductor.lastSongPos = Conductor.songPosition; // Conductor.songPosition += FlxG.elapsed * 1000; // trace('MISSED FRAME'); } } // Conductor.lastSongPos =; } switch (curStage) { case 'philly': if (trainMoving) { trainFrameTiming += elapsed; if (trainFrameTiming >= 1 / 24) { updateTrainPos(); trainFrameTiming = 0; } } lightFadeShader.update((Conductor.crochet / 1000) * FlxG.elapsed * 1.5); // phillyCityLights.members[curLight].alpha -= (Conductor.crochet / 1000) * FlxG.elapsed; case 'tank': moveTank(); } super.update(elapsed); // idk if there's a particular reason why some code is before super.update(), and some is after. Prob nothing too much to worry about. wiggleShit.update(elapsed); var androidPause:Bool = false; #if android androidPause =; #end if ((controls.PAUSE || androidPause) && startedCountdown && canPause) { persistentUpdate = false; persistentDraw = true; paused = true; // 1 / 1000 chance for Gitaroo Man easter egg // can this please move to dying it's kinda fucked up that pausing has a 1/1000 chance ur forced to restart if (FlxG.random.bool(0.1)) { // gitaroo man easter egg FlxG.switchState(new GitarooPause()); } else { var boyfriendPos = boyfriend.getScreenPosition(); var pauseSubState = new PauseSubState(boyfriendPos.x, boyfriendPos.y); openSubState(pauseSubState); = camHUD; boyfriendPos.put(); } #if discord_rpc DiscordClient.changePresence(detailsPausedText, + " (" + storyDifficultyText + ")", iconRPC); #end } if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.SEVEN) { FlxG.switchState(new ChartingState()); #if discord_rpc DiscordClient.changePresence("Chart Editor", null, null, true); #end } // UI UPDATES scoreTxt.text = "Score:" + songScore; if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.EIGHT) FlxG.switchState(new ui.animDebugShit.DebugBoundingState()); if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.NINE) iconP1.swapOldIcon(); iconP1.setGraphicSize(, 150, 0.15))); iconP2.setGraphicSize(, 150, 0.15))); iconP1.updateHitbox(); iconP2.updateHitbox(); var iconOffset:Int = 26; iconP1.x = healthBar.x + (healthBar.width * (FlxMath.remapToRange(healthBar.value, 0, 2, 100, 0) * 0.01) - iconOffset); iconP2.x = healthBar.x + (healthBar.width * (FlxMath.remapToRange(healthBar.value, 0, 2, 100, 0) * 0.01)) - (iconP2.width - iconOffset); if (health > 2) health = 2; if (healthBar.percent < 20) iconP1.animation.curAnim.curFrame = 1; else iconP1.animation.curAnim.curFrame = 0; if (healthBar.percent > 80) iconP2.animation.curAnim.curFrame = 1; else iconP2.animation.curAnim.curFrame = 0; /* if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.NINE) FlxG.switchState(new Charting()); */ #if debug if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.ONE) endSong(); if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.PAGEUP) changeSection(1); if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.PAGEDOWN) changeSection(-1); #end if (generatedMusic && SongLoad.getSong()[ / 16)] != null) { cameraRightSide = SongLoad.getSong()[ / 16)].mustHitSection; cameraMovement(); } if (camZooming) { = FlxMath.lerp(defaultCamZoom,, 0.95); camHUD.zoom = FlxMath.lerp(1 * FlxCamera.defaultZoom, camHUD.zoom, 0.95); }"beatShit", curBeat);"stepShit", curStep); if (curSong == 'Fresh') { switch (curBeat) { case 16: camZooming = true; gfSpeed = 2; case 48: gfSpeed = 1; case 80: gfSpeed = 2; case 112: gfSpeed = 1; } } if (!inCutscene && !_exiting) { // RESET = Quick Game Over Screen if (controls.RESET) { health = 0; trace("RESET = True"); } #if CAN_CHEAT // brandon's a pussy if (controls.CHEAT) { health += 1; trace("User is cheating!"); } #end if (health <= 0 && !practiceMode) { // boyfriend.stunned = true; persistentUpdate = false; persistentDraw = false; paused = true; vocals.pause();; // unloadAssets(); deathCounter += 1; openSubState(new GameOverSubstate(boyfriend.getScreenPosition().x, boyfriend.getScreenPosition().y)); #if discord_rpc // Game Over doesn't get his own variable because it's only used here DiscordClient.changePresence("Game Over - " + detailsText, + " (" + storyDifficultyText + ")", iconRPC); #end } } while (unspawnNotes[0] != null && unspawnNotes[0].data.strumTime - Conductor.songPosition < 1800 / SongLoad.getSpeed()) { var dunceNote:Note = unspawnNotes[0]; notes.add(dunceNote); unspawnNotes.shift(); } if (generatedMusic) { notes.forEachAlive(function(daNote:Note) { if ((PreferencesMenu.getPref('downscroll') && daNote.y < -daNote.height) || (!PreferencesMenu.getPref('downscroll') && daNote.y > FlxG.height)) { = false; daNote.visible = false; } else { daNote.visible = true; = true; } var strumLineMid = strumLine.y + Note.swagWidth / 2; if (daNote.followsTime) daNote.y = (Conductor.songPosition - * (0.45 * FlxMath.roundDecimal(SongLoad.getSpeed(), 2) * daNote.noteSpeedMulti); if (PreferencesMenu.getPref('downscroll')) { daNote.y += strumLine.y; if (daNote.isSustainNote) { if ("end") && daNote.prevNote != null) daNote.y += daNote.prevNote.height; else daNote.y += daNote.height / 2; if ((!daNote.mustPress || (daNote.wasGoodHit || (daNote.prevNote.wasGoodHit && !daNote.canBeHit))) && daNote.y - daNote.offset.y * daNote.scale.y + daNote.height >= strumLineMid) { applyClipRect(daNote); } } } else { if (daNote.followsTime) daNote.y = strumLine.y - daNote.y; if (daNote.isSustainNote && (!daNote.mustPress || (daNote.wasGoodHit || (daNote.prevNote.wasGoodHit && !daNote.canBeHit))) && daNote.y + daNote.offset.y * daNote.scale.y <= strumLineMid) { applyClipRect(daNote); } } if (!daNote.mustPress && daNote.wasGoodHit) { if ( != 'Tutorial') camZooming = true; var altAnim:String = ""; if (SongLoad.getSong()[Math.floor(curStep / 16)] != null) { if (SongLoad.getSong()[Math.floor(curStep / 16)].altAnim) altAnim = '-alt'; } if ( altAnim = '-alt'; if (!daNote.isSustainNote) { switch (Math.abs( { case 0: dad.playAnim('singLEFT' + altAnim, true); case 1: dad.playAnim('singDOWN' + altAnim, true); case 2: dad.playAnim('singUP' + altAnim, true); case 3: dad.playAnim('singRIGHT' + altAnim, true); } } dad.holdTimer = 0; if (SONG.needsVoices) vocals.volume = 1; daNote.kill(); notes.remove(daNote, true); daNote.destroy(); } // WIP interpolation shit? Need to fix the pause issue // daNote.y = (strumLine.y - (songTime - daNote.strumTime) * (0.45 * SONG.speed[SongLoad.curDiff])); // removing this so whether the note misses or not is entirely up to Note class // var noteMiss:Bool = daNote.y < -daNote.height; // if (PreferencesMenu.getPref('downscroll')) // noteMiss = daNote.y > FlxG.height; if (daNote.isSustainNote && daNote.wasGoodHit) { if ((!PreferencesMenu.getPref('downscroll') && daNote.y < -daNote.height) || (PreferencesMenu.getPref('downscroll') && daNote.y > FlxG.height)) { = false; daNote.visible = false; daNote.kill(); notes.remove(daNote, true); daNote.destroy(); } } else if (daNote.tooLate || daNote.wasGoodHit) { if (daNote.tooLate) { health -= 0.0775; vocals.volume = 0; killCombo(); } = false; daNote.visible = false; daNote.kill(); notes.remove(daNote, true); daNote.destroy(); } }); } if (!inCutscene) keyShit(); } function applyClipRect(daNote:Note):Void { // clipRect is applied to graphic itself so use frame Heights var swagRect:FlxRect = new FlxRect(0, 0, daNote.frameWidth, daNote.frameHeight); var strumLineMid = strumLine.y + Note.swagWidth / 2; if (PreferencesMenu.getPref('downscroll')) { swagRect.height = (strumLineMid - daNote.y) / daNote.scale.y; swagRect.y = daNote.frameHeight - swagRect.height; } else { swagRect.y = (strumLineMid - daNote.y) / daNote.scale.y; swagRect.height -= swagRect.y; } daNote.clipRect = swagRect; } function killCombo():Void { if (combo > 5 && gf.animOffsets.exists('sad')) gf.playAnim('sad'); if (combo != 0) { combo = 0; displayCombo(); } } #if debug function changeSection(sec:Int):Void {; var daBPM:Float = SONG.bpm; var daPos:Float = 0; for (i in 0...( / 16 + sec))) { if (SongLoad.getSong()[i].changeBPM) { daBPM = SongLoad.getSong()[i].bpm; } daPos += 4 * (1000 * 60 / daBPM); } Conductor.songPosition = = daPos; Conductor.songPosition += Conductor.offset; updateCurStep(); resyncVocals(); } #end function endSong():Void { seenCutscene = false; deathCounter = 0; canPause = false; = 0; vocals.volume = 0; if (SONG.validScore) { Highscore.saveScore(, songScore, storyDifficulty); } if (isStoryMode) { campaignScore += songScore; storyPlaylist.remove(storyPlaylist[0]); if (storyPlaylist.length <= 0) { FlxG.sound.playMusic('freakyMenu')); transIn = FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransIn; transOut = FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransOut; switch (PlayState.storyWeek) { case 7: FlxG.switchState(new VideoState()); default: FlxG.switchState(new StoryMenuState()); } // if () StoryMenuState.weekUnlocked[ + 1, StoryMenuState.weekUnlocked.length - 1))] = true; if (SONG.validScore) { NGio.unlockMedal(60961); Highscore.saveWeekScore(storyWeek, campaignScore, storyDifficulty); } = StoryMenuState.weekUnlocked;; } else { var difficulty:String = ""; if (storyDifficulty == 0) difficulty = '-easy'; if (storyDifficulty == 2) difficulty = '-hard'; trace('LOADING NEXT SONG'); trace(storyPlaylist[0].toLowerCase() + difficulty); FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransIn = true; FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransOut = true;; vocals.stop(); if ( == 'eggnog') { var blackShit:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(-FlxG.width *, -FlxG.height * * 3, FlxG.height * 3, FlxColor.BLACK); blackShit.scrollFactor.set(); add(blackShit); camHUD.visible = false; inCutscene = true;'Lights_Shut_off'), function() { // no camFollow so it centers on horror tree SONG = SongLoad.loadFromJson(storyPlaylist[0].toLowerCase() + difficulty, storyPlaylist[0]); LoadingState.loadAndSwitchState(new PlayState()); }); } else { prevCamFollow = camFollow; SONG = SongLoad.loadFromJson(storyPlaylist[0].toLowerCase() + difficulty, storyPlaylist[0]); LoadingState.loadAndSwitchState(new PlayState()); } } } else { trace('WENT BACK TO FREEPLAY??'); // unloadAssets(); FlxG.switchState(new FreeplayState()); } } // gives score and pops up rating private function popUpScore(strumtime:Float, daNote:Note):Void { var noteDiff:Float = Math.abs(strumtime - Conductor.songPosition); // boyfriend.playAnim('hey'); vocals.volume = 1; var rating:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(); var score:Int = 350; var daRating:String = "sick"; var isSick:Bool = true; var healthMulti:Float = 1; if ( >= 0) healthMulti *= 0.033; else healthMulti *= 0.002; if (noteDiff > Note.HIT_WINDOW * Note.BAD_THRESHOLD) { healthMulti *= 0; // no health on shit note daRating = 'shit'; score = 50; isSick = false; // shitty copypaste on this literally just because im lazy and tired lol! } else if (noteDiff > Note.HIT_WINDOW * Note.GOOD_THRESHOLD) { healthMulti *= 0.2; daRating = 'bad'; score = 100; isSick = false; } else if (noteDiff > Note.HIT_WINDOW * Note.SICK_THRESHOLD) { healthMulti *= 0.78; daRating = 'good'; score = 200; isSick = false; } health += healthMulti; if (isSick) { var noteSplash:NoteSplash = grpNoteSplashes.recycle(NoteSplash); noteSplash.setupNoteSplash(daNote.x, daNote.y,; // new NoteSplash(daNote.x, daNote.y, daNote.noteData); grpNoteSplashes.add(noteSplash); } // Only add the score if you're not on practice mode if (!practiceMode) songScore += score; // ludum dare rating system /* if (combo > 60) daRating = 'sick'; else if (combo > 12) daRating = 'good' else if (combo > 4) daRating = 'bad'; */ var ratingPath:String = daRating; if (curStage.startsWith('school')) ratingPath = "weeb/pixelUI/" + ratingPath + "-pixel"; rating.loadGraphic(Paths.image(ratingPath)); rating.x = FlxG.width * 0.55 - 40; // make sure rating is visible lol! if (rating.x < rating.x =; else if (rating.x > + - rating.width) rating.x = + - rating.width; rating.y = + * 0.4 - 60; rating.acceleration.y = 550; rating.velocity.y -=, 175); rating.velocity.x -=, 10); add(rating); if (curStage.startsWith('school')) { rating.setGraphicSize( * daPixelZoom * 0.7)); } else { rating.setGraphicSize( * 0.7)); rating.antialiasing = true; } rating.updateHitbox(); FlxTween.tween(rating, {alpha: 0}, 0.2, { onComplete: function(tween:FlxTween) { rating.destroy(); }, startDelay: Conductor.crochet * 0.001 }); if (combo >= 10 || combo == 0) displayCombo(); } function displayCombo():Void { var pixelShitPart1:String = ""; var pixelShitPart2:String = ''; if (curStage.startsWith('school')) { pixelShitPart1 = 'weeb/pixelUI/'; pixelShitPart2 = '-pixel'; } var comboSpr:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite().loadGraphic(Paths.image(pixelShitPart1 + 'combo' + pixelShitPart2)); comboSpr.y = + * 0.4 + 80; comboSpr.x = FlxG.width * 0.55; // make sure combo is visible lol! // 194 fits 4 combo digits if (comboSpr.x < + 194) comboSpr.x = + 194; else if (comboSpr.x > + - comboSpr.width) comboSpr.x = + - comboSpr.width; comboSpr.acceleration.y = 600; comboSpr.velocity.y -= 150; comboSpr.velocity.x +=, 10); add(comboSpr); if (curStage.startsWith('school')) { comboSpr.setGraphicSize( * daPixelZoom * 0.7)); } else { comboSpr.setGraphicSize( * 0.7)); comboSpr.antialiasing = true; } comboSpr.updateHitbox(); FlxTween.tween(comboSpr, {alpha: 0}, 0.2, { onComplete: function(tween:FlxTween) { comboSpr.destroy(); }, startDelay: Conductor.crochet * 0.001 }); var seperatedScore:Array = []; var tempCombo:Int = combo; while (tempCombo != 0) { seperatedScore.push(tempCombo % 10); tempCombo = / 10); } while (seperatedScore.length < 3) seperatedScore.push(0); // seperatedScore.reverse(); var daLoop:Int = 1; for (i in seperatedScore) { var numScore:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite().loadGraphic(Paths.image(pixelShitPart1 + 'num' + + pixelShitPart2)); numScore.y = comboSpr.y; if (curStage.startsWith('school')) { numScore.setGraphicSize( * daPixelZoom)); } else { numScore.antialiasing = true; numScore.setGraphicSize( * 0.5)); } numScore.updateHitbox(); numScore.x = comboSpr.x - (43 * daLoop); //- 90; numScore.acceleration.y =, 300); numScore.velocity.y -=, 160); numScore.velocity.x = FlxG.random.float(-5, 5); add(numScore); FlxTween.tween(numScore, {alpha: 0}, 0.2, { onComplete: function(tween:FlxTween) { numScore.destroy(); }, startDelay: Conductor.crochet * 0.002 }); daLoop++; } } var cameraRightSide:Bool = false; function cameraMovement() { if (camFollow.x != dad.getMidpoint().x + 150 && !cameraRightSide) { camFollow.setPosition(dad.getMidpoint().x + 150, dad.getMidpoint().y - 100); // camFollow.setPosition(lucky.getMidpoint().x - 120, lucky.getMidpoint().y + 210); switch (dad.curCharacter) { case 'mom': camFollow.y = dad.getMidpoint().y; case 'senpai' | 'senpai-angry': camFollow.y = dad.getMidpoint().y - 430; camFollow.x = dad.getMidpoint().x - 100; } if (dad.curCharacter == 'mom') vocals.volume = 1; if ( == 'tutorial') tweenCamIn(); } if (cameraRightSide && camFollow.x != boyfriend.getMidpoint().x - 100) { camFollow.setPosition(boyfriend.getMidpoint().x - 100, boyfriend.getMidpoint().y - 100); switch (curStage) { case 'limo': camFollow.x = boyfriend.getMidpoint().x - 300; case 'mall': camFollow.y = boyfriend.getMidpoint().y - 200; case 'school' | 'schoolEvil': camFollow.x = boyfriend.getMidpoint().x - 200; camFollow.y = boyfriend.getMidpoint().y - 200; } if ( == 'tutorial') FlxTween.tween(, {zoom: 1 * FlxCamera.defaultZoom}, (Conductor.stepCrochet * 4 / 1000), {ease: FlxEase.elasticInOut}); } } private function keyShit():Void { // control arrays, order L D R U var holdArray:Array = [controls.NOTE_LEFT, controls.NOTE_DOWN, controls.NOTE_UP, controls.NOTE_RIGHT]; var pressArray:Array = [ controls.NOTE_LEFT_P, controls.NOTE_DOWN_P, controls.NOTE_UP_P, controls.NOTE_RIGHT_P ]; var releaseArray:Array = [ controls.NOTE_LEFT_R, controls.NOTE_DOWN_R, controls.NOTE_UP_R, controls.NOTE_RIGHT_R ]; /* var widHalf = FlxG.width / 2; var heightHalf = FlxG.height / 2; if (FlxG.onMobile) { for (touch in FlxG.touches.list) { var getHeight:Int = Math.floor(touch.justPressedPosition.y / (FlxG.height / 3)); var getWid:Int = Math.floor(touch.justPressedPosition.x / (FlxG.width / 4)); if (touch.justPressed) { switch (getWid) { case 1: pressArray[3] = true; case 2: pressArray[0] = true; default: switch (getHeight) { case 0: pressArray[2] = true; case 1: touch.justPressedPosition.x < widHalf ? pressArray[0] = true : pressArray[3] = true; case 2: pressArray[1] = true; } } } switch (getWid) { case 1: holdArray[3] = true; case 2: holdArray[0] = true; default: switch (getHeight) { case 0: holdArray[2] = true; case 1: touch.justPressedPosition.x < widHalf ? holdArray[0] = true : holdArray[3] = true; case 2: holdArray[1] = true; } } } } */ // HOLDS, check for sustain notes if (holdArray.contains(true) && /*!boyfriend.stunned && */ generatedMusic) { notes.forEachAlive(function(daNote:Note) { if (daNote.isSustainNote && daNote.canBeHit && daNote.mustPress && holdArray[]) goodNoteHit(daNote); }); } // PRESSES, check for note hits if (pressArray.contains(true) && /*!boyfriend.stunned && */ generatedMusic) { Haptic.vibrate(100, 100); boyfriend.holdTimer = 0; var possibleNotes:Array = []; // notes that can be hit var directionList:Array = []; // directions that can be hit var dumbNotes:Array = []; // notes to kill later notes.forEachAlive(function(daNote:Note) { if (daNote.canBeHit && daNote.mustPress && !daNote.tooLate && !daNote.wasGoodHit) { if (directionList.contains( { for (coolNote in possibleNotes) { if ( == && Math.abs( - < 10) { // if it's the same note twice at < 10ms distance, just delete it // EXCEPT u cant delete it in this loop cuz it fucks with the collection lol dumbNotes.push(daNote); break; } else if ( == && < { // if daNote is earlier than existing note (coolNote), replace possibleNotes.remove(coolNote); possibleNotes.push(daNote); break; } } } else { possibleNotes.push(daNote); directionList.push(; } } }); for (note in dumbNotes) { FlxG.log.add("killing dumb ass note at " +; note.kill(); notes.remove(note, true); note.destroy(); } possibleNotes.sort((a, b) -> -; if (perfectMode) goodNoteHit(possibleNotes[0]); else if (possibleNotes.length > 0) { for (shit in 0...pressArray.length) { // if a direction is hit that shouldn't be if (pressArray[shit] && !directionList.contains(shit)) noteMiss(shit); } for (coolNote in possibleNotes) { if (pressArray[]) goodNoteHit(coolNote); } } else { for (shit in 0...pressArray.length) if (pressArray[shit]) noteMiss(shit); } } if (boyfriend.holdTimer > Conductor.stepCrochet * 4 * 0.001 && !holdArray.contains(true)) { if ('sing') && !'miss')) { boyfriend.playAnim('idle'); } } playerStrums.forEach(function(spr:FlxSprite) { if (pressArray[spr.ID] && != 'confirm')'pressed'); if (!holdArray[spr.ID])'static'); if ( == 'confirm' && !curStage.startsWith('school')) { spr.centerOffsets(); spr.offset.x -= 13; spr.offset.y -= 13; } else spr.centerOffsets(); }); } override function switchTo(nextState:FlxState):Bool { openfl.utils.Assets.cache.clear(Paths.inst(; openfl.utils.Assets.cache.clear(Paths.voices(; return super.switchTo(nextState); } function noteMiss(direction:Int = 1):Void { // whole function used to be encased in if (!boyfriend.stunned) health -= 0.07; killCombo(); if (!practiceMode) songScore -= 10; vocals.volume = 0;'missnote', 1, 3), FlxG.random.float(0.1, 0.2)); /* boyfriend.stunned = true; // get stunned for 5 seconds new FlxTimer().start(5 / 60, function(tmr:FlxTimer) { boyfriend.stunned = false; });*/ switch (direction) { case 0: boyfriend.playAnim('singLEFTmiss', true); case 1: boyfriend.playAnim('singDOWNmiss', true); case 2: boyfriend.playAnim('singUPmiss', true); case 3: boyfriend.playAnim('singRIGHTmiss', true); } } /* not used anymore lol function badNoteHit() { // just double pasting this shit cuz fuk u // REDO THIS SYSTEM! var leftP = controls.NOTE_LEFT_P; var downP = controls.NOTE_DOWN_P; var upP = controls.NOTE_UP_P; var rightP = controls.NOTE_RIGHT_P; if (leftP) noteMiss(0); if (downP) noteMiss(1); if (upP) noteMiss(2); if (rightP) noteMiss(3); }*/ function goodNoteHit(note:Note):Void { if (!note.wasGoodHit) { if (!note.isSustainNote) { combo += 1; popUpScore(, note); } switch ( { case 0: boyfriend.playAnim('singLEFT', true); case 1: boyfriend.playAnim('singDOWN', true); case 2: boyfriend.playAnim('singUP', true); case 3: boyfriend.playAnim('singRIGHT', true); } playerStrums.forEach(function(spr:FlxSprite) { if (Math.abs( == spr.ID) {'confirm', true); } }); note.wasGoodHit = true; vocals.volume = 1; if (!note.isSustainNote) { note.kill(); notes.remove(note, true); note.destroy(); } } } function resetCamFollow():Void {, LOCKON, 0.04); //, FlxG.width, 0, FlxG.height); = defaultCamZoom;; } var fastCarCanDrive:Bool = true; function resetFastCar():Void { fastCar.x = -12600; fastCar.y =, 250); fastCar.velocity.x = 0; fastCarCanDrive = true; } function fastCarDrive() {'carPass', 0, 1), 0.7); fastCar.velocity.x = (, 220) / FlxG.elapsed) * 3; fastCarCanDrive = false; new FlxTimer().start(2, function(tmr:FlxTimer) { resetFastCar(); }); } function moveTank():Void { if (!inCutscene) { var daAngleOffset:Float = 1; tankAngle += FlxG.elapsed * tankSpeed; tankGround.angle = tankAngle - 90 + 15; tankGround.x = tankX + Math.cos(FlxAngle.asRadians((tankAngle * daAngleOffset) + 180)) * 1500; tankGround.y = 1300 + Math.sin(FlxAngle.asRadians((tankAngle * daAngleOffset) + 180)) * 1100; } } var tankResetShit:Bool = false; var tankMoving:Bool = false; var tankAngle:Float =, 45); var tankSpeed:Float = FlxG.random.float(5, 7); var tankX:Float = 400; var trainMoving:Bool = false; var trainFrameTiming:Float = 0; var trainCars:Int = 8; var trainFinishing:Bool = false; var trainCooldown:Int = 0; function trainStart():Void { trainMoving = true;; } var startedMoving:Bool = false; function updateTrainPos():Void { if (trainSound.time >= 4700) { startedMoving = true; gf.playAnim('hairBlow'); } if (startedMoving) { phillyTrain.x -= 400; if (phillyTrain.x < -2000 && !trainFinishing) { phillyTrain.x = -1150; trainCars -= 1; if (trainCars <= 0) trainFinishing = true; } if (phillyTrain.x < -4000 && trainFinishing) trainReset(); } } function trainReset():Void { gf.playAnim('hairFall'); phillyTrain.x = FlxG.width + 200; trainMoving = false; // trainSound.stop(); // trainSound.time = 0; trainCars = 8; trainFinishing = false; startedMoving = false; } function lightningStrikeShit():Void {'thunder_', 1, 2));'lightning'); lightningStrikeBeat = curBeat; lightningOffset =, 24); boyfriend.playAnim('scared', true); gf.playAnim('scared', true); } override function stepHit() { super.stepHit(); if (Math.abs( - (Conductor.songPosition - Conductor.offset)) > 20 || (SONG.needsVoices && Math.abs(vocals.time - (Conductor.songPosition - Conductor.offset)) > 20)) { resyncVocals(); } } var lightningStrikeBeat:Int = 0; var lightningOffset:Int = 8; override function beatHit() { super.beatHit(); if (generatedMusic) { notes.sort(sortNotes, FlxSort.DESCENDING); } if (SongLoad.getSong()[Math.floor(curStep / 16)] != null) { if (SongLoad.getSong()[Math.floor(curStep / 16)].changeBPM) { Conductor.changeBPM(SongLoad.getSong()[Math.floor(curStep / 16)].bpm); FlxG.log.add('CHANGED BPM!'); } // else // Conductor.changeBPM(SONG.bpm); } // FlxG.log.add('change bpm' + SONG.notes[SongLoad.curDiff][ / 16)].changeBPM); // HARDCODING FOR MILF ZOOMS! if (PreferencesMenu.getPref('camera-zoom')) { if (curSong.toLowerCase() == 'milf' && curBeat >= 168 && curBeat < 200 && camZooming && < 1.35) { += 0.015 * FlxCamera.defaultZoom; camHUD.zoom += 0.03; } if (camZooming && < (1.35 * FlxCamera.defaultZoom) && curBeat % 4 == 0) { += 0.015 * FlxCamera.defaultZoom; camHUD.zoom += 0.03; } } iconP1.setGraphicSize( + 30)); iconP2.setGraphicSize( + 30)); iconP1.updateHitbox(); iconP2.updateHitbox(); if (curBeat % 8 == 7 && SongLoad.getSong()[Math.floor(curStep / 16)].mustHitSection && combo > 5 && !SongLoad.getSong()[Math.floor(curStep / 16) + 1].mustHitSection) { var animShit:ComboCounter = new ComboCounter(-100, 300, combo); animShit.scrollFactor.set(0.6, 0.6); // add(animShit); var frameShit:Float = (1 / 24) * 2; // equals 2 frames in the animation new FlxTimer().start(((Conductor.crochet / 1000) * 1.25) - frameShit, function(tmr) { animShit.forceFinish(); }); } if (curBeat % gfSpeed == 0); if (curBeat % 2 == 0) { if (!"sing")) boyfriend.playAnim('idle'); if (!"sing")); } else if (dad.curCharacter == 'spooky') { if (!"sing")); } if (curBeat % 8 == 7 && curSong == 'Bopeebo') { boyfriend.playAnim('hey', true); } if (curBeat % 16 == 15 && == 'Tutorial' && dad.curCharacter == 'gf' && curBeat > 16 && curBeat < 48) { boyfriend.playAnim('hey', true); dad.playAnim('cheer', true); } foregroundSprites.forEach(function(spr:BGSprite) {; }); // boppin friends switch (curStage) { case 'school':; case 'mall':'bop', true);'bop', true);'idle', true); case 'limo': grpLimoDancers.forEach(function(dancer:BackgroundDancer) {; }); if (FlxG.random.bool(10) && fastCarCanDrive) fastCarDrive(); case "philly": if (!trainMoving) trainCooldown += 1; if (curBeat % 4 == 0) { lightFadeShader.reset(); phillyCityLights.forEach(function(light:FlxSprite) { light.visible = false; }); curLight =, phillyCityLights.length - 1); phillyCityLights.members[curLight].visible = true; // phillyCityLights.members[curLight].alpha = 1; } if (curBeat % 8 == 4 && FlxG.random.bool(30) && !trainMoving && trainCooldown > 8) { trainCooldown =, 0); trainStart(); } case 'tank':; } if (isHalloween && FlxG.random.bool(10) && curBeat > lightningStrikeBeat + lightningOffset) { lightningStrikeShit(); } } var curLight:Int = 0; } typedef StageData = { var camZoom:Float; var propsBackground:Array; } typedef Props = { var x:Float; var y:Float; var scrollX:Float; var scrollY:Float; var propname:String; var path:String; var scaleX:Float; var scaleY:Float; var ?animBullshit:PropAnimData; var ?updateHitbox:Bool; var ?antialiasing:Bool; } typedef PropAnimData = { var isLooping:Bool; var anims:Array; }