package funkin.modding.module; import funkin.util.SortUtil; import; import; import; import funkin.modding.module.Module; import funkin.modding.module.ScriptedModule; /** * Utility functions for loading and manipulating active modules. */ class ModuleHandler { static final moduleCache:Map = new Map(); static var modulePriorityOrder:Array = []; /** * Parses and preloads the game's stage data and scripts when the game starts. * * If you want to force stages to be reloaded, you can just call this function again. */ public static function loadModuleCache():Void { // Clear any stages that are cached if there were any. clearModuleCache(); trace("[MODULEHANDLER] Loading module cache..."); var scriptedModuleClassNames:Array = ScriptedModule.listScriptClasses(); trace(' Instantiating ${scriptedModuleClassNames.length} modules...'); for (moduleCls in scriptedModuleClassNames) { var module:Module = ScriptedModule.init(moduleCls, moduleCls); if (module != null) { trace(' Loaded module: ${moduleCls}'); // Then store it. addToModuleCache(module); } else { trace(' Failed to instantiate module: ${moduleCls}'); } } reorderModuleCache(); trace("[MODULEHANDLER] Module cache loaded."); } public static function buildModuleCallbacks():Void { FlxG.signals.postStateSwitch.add(onStateSwitchComplete); } static function onStateSwitchComplete():Void { callEvent(new StateChangeScriptEvent(ScriptEvent.STATE_CHANGE_END, FlxG.state, true)); } static function addToModuleCache(module:Module):Void { moduleCache.set(module.moduleId, module); } static function reorderModuleCache():Void { modulePriorityOrder = moduleCache.keys().array(); modulePriorityOrder.sort(sortByPriority); } /** * Given two module IDs, sort them by priority. * @return 1 or -1 depending on which module has a higher priority. */ static function sortByPriority(a:String, b:String) { var aModule:Module = moduleCache.get(a); var bModule:Module = moduleCache.get(b); if (aModule.priority != bModule.priority) { return aModule.priority - bModule.priority; } else { return SortUtil.alphabetically(a, b); } } public static function getModule(moduleId:String):Module { return moduleCache.get(moduleId); } public static function activateModule(moduleId:String):Void { var module:Module = getModule(moduleId); if (module != null) { = true; } } public static function deactivateModule(moduleId:String):Void { var module:Module = getModule(moduleId); if (module != null) { = false; } } /** * Clear the module cache, forcing all modules to call shutdown events. */ public static function clearModuleCache():Void { if (moduleCache != null) { var event = new ScriptEvent(ScriptEvent.DESTROY, false); // Note: Ignore stopPropagation() for (key => value in moduleCache) { ScriptEventDispatcher.callEvent(value, event); moduleCache.remove(key); } moduleCache.clear(); modulePriorityOrder = []; } } public static function callEvent(event:ScriptEvent):Void { for (moduleId in modulePriorityOrder) { var module:Module = moduleCache.get(moduleId); // The module needs to be active to receive events. if (module != null && { ScriptEventDispatcher.callEvent(module, event); } } } public static inline function callOnCreate():Void { callEvent(new ScriptEvent(ScriptEvent.CREATE, false)); } }