package funkin.ui.debug.charting.dialogs; import funkin.input.Cursor; import funkin.ui.debug.charting.dialogs.ChartEditorBaseDialog.DialogDropTarget; import funkin.ui.debug.charting.dialogs.ChartEditorBaseDialog.DialogParams; import funkin.util.FileUtil; import; import; import haxe.ui.components.Button; import haxe.ui.components.Label; import haxe.ui.containers.dialogs.Dialog.DialogButton; import haxe.ui.containers.dialogs.Dialog.DialogEvent; import haxe.ui.containers.Box; import haxe.ui.containers.dialogs.Dialogs; import haxe.ui.core.Component; import haxe.ui.notifications.NotificationManager; import haxe.ui.notifications.NotificationType; // @:nullSafety // TODO: Fix null safety when used with HaxeUI build macros. @:build("assets/exclude/data/ui/chart-editor/dialogs/upload-vocals.xml")) @:access(funkin.ui.debug.charting.ChartEditorState) class ChartEditorUploadVocalsDialog extends ChartEditorBaseDialog { var dropHandlers:Array<DialogDropTarget> = []; var vocalContainer:Component; var dialogCancel:Button; var dialogNoVocals:Button; var dialogContinue:Button; var charIds:Array<String>; var instId:String; var hasClearedVocals:Bool = false; public function new(state2:ChartEditorState, charIds:Array<String>, params2:DialogParams) { super(state2, params2); this.charIds = charIds; this.instId = chartEditorState.currentInstrumentalId; dialogCancel.onClick = function(_) { hideDialog(DialogButton.CANCEL); } dialogNoVocals.onClick = function(_) { // Dismiss chartEditorState.wipeVocalData(); hideDialog(DialogButton.APPLY); }; dialogContinue.onClick = function(_) { // Dismiss hideDialog(DialogButton.APPLY); }; buildDropHandlers(); } function buildDropHandlers():Void { for (charKey in charIds) { trace('Adding vocal upload for character ${charKey}'); var charMetadata:Null<CharacterData> = CharacterDataParser.fetchCharacterData(charKey); var charName:String = charMetadata?.name ?? charKey; var vocalsEntry = new ChartEditorUploadVocalsEntry(charName); var dropHandler:DialogDropTarget = {component: vocalsEntry, handler: null}; var onDropFile:String->Void = function(pathStr:String) { trace('Selected file: $pathStr'); var path:Path = new Path(pathStr); if (chartEditorState.loadVocalsFromPath(path, charKey, this.instId, !this.hasClearedVocals)) { this.hasClearedVocals = true; // Tell the user the load was successful. chartEditorState.success('Loaded Vocals', 'Loaded vocals for $charName (${path.file}.${path.ext}), variation ${chartEditorState.selectedVariation}'); #if FILE_DROP_SUPPORTED vocalsEntry.vocalsEntryLabel.text = 'Voices for $charName (drag and drop, or click to browse)\nSelected file: ${path.file}.${path.ext}'; #else vocalsEntry.vocalsEntryLabel.text = 'Voices for $charName (click to browse)\n${path.file}.${path.ext}'; #end dialogNoVocals.hidden = true; chartEditorState.removeDropHandler(dropHandler); } else { trace('Failed to load vocal track (${path.file}.${path.ext})'); chartEditorState.error('Failed to Load Vocals', 'Failed to load vocal track (${path.file}.${path.ext}) for variation (${chartEditorState.selectedVariation})'); #if FILE_DROP_SUPPORTED vocalsEntry.vocalsEntryLabel.text = 'Drag and drop vocals for $charName here, or click to browse.'; #else vocalsEntry.vocalsEntryLabel.text = 'Click to browse for vocals for $charName.'; #end } }; vocalsEntry.onClick = function(_event) { Dialogs.openBinaryFile('Open $charName Vocals', [ {label: 'Audio File (.ogg)', extension: 'ogg'}], function(selectedFile) { if (selectedFile != null && selectedFile.bytes != null) { trace('Selected file: ' +; if (chartEditorState.loadVocalsFromBytes(selectedFile.bytes, charKey, this.instId, !this.hasClearedVocals)) { hasClearedVocals = true; // Tell the user the load was successful. chartEditorState.success('Loaded Vocals', 'Loaded vocals for $charName (${}), variation ${chartEditorState.selectedVariation}'); #if FILE_DROP_SUPPORTED vocalsEntry.vocalsEntryLabel.text = 'Voices for $charName (drag and drop, or click to browse)\nSelected file: ${}'; #else vocalsEntry.vocalsEntryLabel.text = 'Voices for $charName (click to browse)\n${}'; #end dialogNoVocals.hidden = true; } else { trace('Failed to load vocal track (${selectedFile.fullPath})'); chartEditorState.error('Failed to Load Vocals', 'Failed to load vocal track (${}) for variation (${chartEditorState.selectedVariation})'); #if FILE_DROP_SUPPORTED vocalsEntry.vocalsEntryLabel.text = 'Drag and drop vocals for $charName here, or click to browse.'; #else vocalsEntry.vocalsEntryLabel.text = 'Click to browse for vocals for $charName.'; #end } } }); } dropHandler.handler = onDropFile; // onDropFile #if FILE_DROP_SUPPORTED dropHandlers.push(dropHandler); #end vocalContainer.addComponent(vocalsEntry); } } public static function build(state:ChartEditorState, charIds:Array<String>, ?closable:Bool, ?modal:Bool):ChartEditorUploadVocalsDialog { var dialog = new ChartEditorUploadVocalsDialog(state, charIds, { closable: closable ?? false, modal: modal ?? true }); for (dropTarget in dialog.dropHandlers) { state.addDropHandler(dropTarget); } dialog.showDialog(modal ?? true); return dialog; } public override function onClose(event:DialogEvent):Void { super.onClose(event); if (event.button != DialogButton.APPLY && !this.closable) { // User cancelled the wizard! Back to the welcome dialog. chartEditorState.openWelcomeDialog(this.closable); } for (dropTarget in dropHandlers) { chartEditorState.removeDropHandler(dropTarget); } } public override function lock():Void { super.lock(); this.dialogCancel.disabled = true; } public override function unlock():Void { super.unlock(); this.dialogCancel.disabled = false; } /** * Called when clicking the Upload Chart box. */ public function onClickChartBox():Void { if (this.locked) return; this.lock(); // TODO / BUG: File filtering not working on mac finder dialog, so we don't use it for now #if !mac FileUtil.browseForBinaryFile('Open Chart', [FileUtil.FILE_EXTENSION_INFO_FNFC], onSelectFile, onCancelBrowse); #else FileUtil.browseForBinaryFile('Open Chart', null, onSelectFile, onCancelBrowse); #end } /** * Called when a file is selected by dropping a file onto the Upload Chart box. */ function onDropFileChartBox(pathStr:String):Void { var path:Path = new Path(pathStr); trace('Dropped file (${path})'); try { var result:Null<Array<String>> = ChartEditorImportExportHandler.loadFromFNFCPath(chartEditorState, path.toString()); if (result != null) { chartEditorState.success('Loaded Chart', result.length == 0 ? 'Loaded chart (${path.toString()})' : 'Loaded chart (${path.toString()})\n${result.join("\n")}'); this.hideDialog(DialogButton.APPLY); } else { chartEditorState.failure('Failed to Load Chart', 'Failed to load chart (${path.toString()})'); } } catch (err) { chartEditorState.failure('Failed to Load Chart', 'Failed to load chart (${path.toString()}): ${err}'); } } /** * Called when a file is selected by the dialog displayed when clicking the Upload Chart box. */ function onSelectFile(selectedFile:SelectedFileInfo):Void { this.unlock(); if (selectedFile != null && selectedFile.bytes != null) { try { var result:Null<Array<String>> = ChartEditorImportExportHandler.loadFromFNFC(chartEditorState, selectedFile.bytes); if (result != null) { chartEditorState.success('Loaded Chart', result.length == 0 ? 'Loaded chart (${})' : 'Loaded chart (${})\n${result.join("\n")}'); if (selectedFile.fullPath != null) chartEditorState.currentWorkingFilePath = selectedFile.fullPath; this.hideDialog(DialogButton.APPLY); } } catch (err) { chartEditorState.failure('Failed to Load Chart', 'Failed to load chart (${}): ${err}'); } } } function onCancelBrowse():Void { this.unlock(); } } @:build("assets/exclude/data/ui/chart-editor/dialogs/upload-vocals-entry.xml")) class ChartEditorUploadVocalsEntry extends Box { public var vocalsEntryLabel:Label; var charName:String; public function new(charName:String) { super(); this.charName = charName; #if FILE_DROP_SUPPORTED vocalsEntryLabel.text = 'Drag and drop vocals for $charName here, or click to browse.'; #else vocalsEntryLabel.text = 'Click to browse for vocals for $charName.'; #end this.onMouseOver = function(_event) { // if (this.locked) return; this.swapClass('upload-bg', 'upload-bg-hover'); Cursor.cursorMode = Pointer; } this.onMouseOut = function(_event) { this.swapClass('upload-bg-hover', 'upload-bg'); Cursor.cursorMode = Default; } } }