package; import Note.NoteData; import Section.SwagSection; import haxe.Json; import haxe.format.JsonParser; import lime.utils.Assets; using StringTools; typedef SwagSong = { var song:String; var notes:FunnyNotes; var difficulties:Array; var noteMap:Map>; var bpm:Float; var needsVoices:Bool; var voiceList:Array; var speed:FunnySpeed; var speedMap:Map; var player1:String; var player2:String; var validScore:Bool; var extraNotes:Map>; } typedef FunnySpeed = { var ?easy:Float; var ?normal:Float; var ?hard:Float; } typedef FunnyNotes = { var ?easy:Array; var ?normal:Array; var ?hard:Array; } class SongLoad { public static var curDiff:String = 'normal'; public static var curNotes:Array; public static var songData:SwagSong; public static function loadFromJson(jsonInput:String, ?folder:String):SwagSong { var rawJson = Assets.getText(Paths.json('songs/${folder.toLowerCase()}/${jsonInput.toLowerCase()}')).trim(); while (!rawJson.endsWith("}")) { rawJson = rawJson.substr(0, rawJson.length - 1); // LOL GOING THROUGH THE BULLSHIT TO CLEAN IDK WHATS STRANGE } // FIX THE CASTING ON WINDOWS/NATIVE // Windows??? // trace(songData); // trace('LOADED FROM JSON: ' + songData.notes); /* for (i in 0...songData.notes.length) { trace('LOADED FROM JSON: ' + songData.notes[i].sectionNotes); // songData.notes[i].sectionNotes = songData.notes[i].sectionNotes } daNotes = songData.notes; daSong =; daBpm = songData.bpm; */ return parseJSONshit(rawJson); } public static function getSong(?diff:String):Array { if (diff == null) diff = SongLoad.curDiff; var songShit:Array = []; // THIS IS OVERWRITTEN, WILL BE DEPRECTATED AND REPLACED SOOOOON if (songData != null) { switch (diff) { case 'easy': songShit = songData.notes.easy; case 'normal': songShit = songData.notes.normal; case 'hard': songShit = songData.notes.hard; } } checkAndCreateNotemap(curDiff); songShit = songData.noteMap[diff]; return songShit; } public static function checkAndCreateNotemap(diff:String):Void { if (songData.noteMap[diff] == null) songData.noteMap[diff] = []; } public static function getSpeed(?diff:String):Float { if (diff == null) diff = SongLoad.curDiff; var speedShit:Float = 1; // all this shit is overridden by the thing that loads it from speedMap Map object!!! // replace and delete later! switch (diff) { case 'easy': speedShit = songData.speed.easy; case 'normal': speedShit = songData.speed.normal; case 'hard': speedShit = songData.speed.hard; } if (songData.speedMap[diff] == null) songData.speedMap[diff] = 1; speedShit = songData.speedMap[diff]; return speedShit; } public static function getDefaultSwagSong():SwagSong { return { song: 'Test', notes: {easy: [], normal: [], hard: []}, difficulties: ["easy", "normal", "hard"], noteMap: new Map(), speedMap: new Map(), bpm: 150, needsVoices: true, player1: 'bf', player2: 'dad', speed: { easy: 1, normal: 1, hard: 1 }, validScore: false, voiceList: ["BF", "BF-pixel"], extraNotes: [] }; } public static function getDefaultNoteData():NoteData { return new NoteData(); } /** * Casts the an array to NOTE data (for LOADING shit from json usually) */ public static function castArrayToNoteData(noteStuff:Array) { if (noteStuff == null) return; for (sectionIndex => section in noteStuff) { if (section == null || section.sectionNotes == null) continue; for (noteIndex => noteDataArray in section.sectionNotes) { var arrayDipshit:Array = cast noteDataArray; // crackhead if (arrayDipshit != null) // array isnt null, that means it loaded it as an array and needs to be manually parsed? { // at this point noteStuff[sectionIndex].sectionNotes[noteIndex] is an array because of the cast from the first line in this function // so this line right here turns it back into the NoteData typedef type because of another bastard cast noteStuff[sectionIndex].sectionNotes[noteIndex] = cast SongLoad.getDefaultNoteData(); // turn it from an array (because of the cast), back to noteData? yeah that works noteStuff[sectionIndex].sectionNotes[noteIndex].strumTime = arrayDipshit[0]; noteStuff[sectionIndex].sectionNotes[noteIndex].noteData = arrayDipshit[1]; noteStuff[sectionIndex].sectionNotes[noteIndex].sustainLength = arrayDipshit[2]; noteStuff[sectionIndex].sectionNotes[noteIndex].altNote = arrayDipshit[3]; if (arrayDipshit.length >= 5) { noteStuff[sectionIndex].sectionNotes[noteIndex].noteKind = arrayDipshit[4]; } } else if (noteDataArray != null) { // array is NULL, so it checks if noteDataArray (doesnt exactly NEED to be an 'array' is also null or not.) // At this point it should be an OBJECT that can be easily casted!!! noteStuff[sectionIndex].sectionNotes[noteIndex] = cast noteDataArray; } else throw "shit brokey"; // i actually dont know how throw works lol } } } /** * Cast notedata to ARRAY (usually used for level SAVING) */ public static function castNoteDataToArray(noteStuff:Array) { if (noteStuff == null) return; for (sectionIndex => section in noteStuff) { for (noteIndex => noteTypeDefShit in section.sectionNotes) { var dipshitArray:Array = [ noteTypeDefShit.strumTime, noteTypeDefShit.noteData, noteTypeDefShit.sustainLength, noteTypeDefShit.altNote ]; noteStuff[sectionIndex].sectionNotes[noteIndex] = cast dipshitArray; } } } public static function castNoteDataToNoteData(noteStuff:Array) { if (noteStuff == null) return; for (sectionIndex => section in noteStuff) { for (noteIndex => noteTypedefShit in section.sectionNotes) { trace(noteTypedefShit); noteStuff[sectionIndex].sectionNotes[noteIndex] = noteTypedefShit; } } } public static function parseJSONshit(rawJson:String):SwagSong { var songParsed:Dynamic = Json.parse(rawJson); var swagShit:SwagSong = cast; swagShit.difficulties = []; // reset it to default before load swagShit.noteMap = new Map(); swagShit.speedMap = new Map(); for (diff in Reflect.fields( { swagShit.difficulties.push(diff); swagShit.noteMap[diff] = cast Reflect.field(, diff); castArrayToNoteData(swagShit.noteMap[diff]); // castNoteDataToNoteData(swagShit.noteMap[diff]); /* switch (diff) { case "easy": castArrayToNoteData(swagShit.notes.hard); case "normal": castArrayToNoteData(swagShit.notes.normal); case "hard": castArrayToNoteData(swagShit.notes.hard); } */ } for (diff in swagShit.difficulties) { swagShit.speedMap[diff] = cast Reflect.field(, diff); } // trace(swagShit.noteMap.toString()); // trace(swagShit.speedMap.toString()); // trace('that was just notemap string lol'); swagShit.validScore = true; trace("SONG SHIT ABOUTTA WEEK AGOOO"); for (field in Reflect.fields(Json.parse(rawJson).song.speed)) { // swagShit.speed[field] = Reflect.field(Json.parse(rawJson).song.speed, field); // swagShit.notes[field] = Reflect.field(Json.parse(rawJson).song.notes, field); // trace(swagShit.notes[field]); } // swagShit.notes = cast Json.parse(rawJson).song.notes[SongLoad.curDiff]; // by default uses trace('THAT SHIT WAS JUST THE NORMAL NOTES!!!'); songData = swagShit; // curNotes = songData.notes.get('normal'); return swagShit; } }