package; import funkin.util.SerializerUtil; /** * Data about a conversation. * Includes what speakers are in the conversation, and what phrases they say. */ @:jsonParse(j -> @:jsonStringify(v -> v.toJson()) class ConversationData { public var version:String; public var backdrop:BackdropData; public var outro:OutroData; public var music:MusicData; public var dialogue:Array; public function new(version:String, backdrop:BackdropData, outro:OutroData, music:MusicData, dialogue:Array) { this.version = version; this.backdrop = backdrop; this.outro = outro; = music; this.dialogue = dialogue; } public static function fromString(i:String):ConversationData { if (i == null || i == '') return null; var data: { version:String, backdrop:Dynamic, // TODO: tink.Json doesn't like when these are typed ?outro:Dynamic, // TODO: tink.Json doesn't like when these are typed ?music:Dynamic, // TODO: tink.Json doesn't like when these are typed dialogue:Array // TODO: tink.Json doesn't like when these are typed } = tink.Json.parse(i); return fromJson(data); } public static function fromJson(j:Dynamic):ConversationData { // TODO: Check version and perform migrations if necessary. if (j == null) return null; return new ConversationData(j.version, BackdropData.fromJson(j.backdrop), OutroData.fromJson(j.outro), MusicData.fromJson(, -> DialogueEntryData.fromJson(d))); } public function toJson():Dynamic { return { version: this.version, backdrop: this.backdrop.toJson(), dialogue: -> d.toJson()) }; } } /** * Data about a single dialogue entry. */ @:jsonParse(j -> @:jsonStringify(v -> v.toJson()) class DialogueEntryData { /** * The speaker who says this phrase. */ public var speaker:String; /** * The animation the speaker will play. */ public var speakerAnimation:String; /** * The text box that will appear. */ public var box:String; /** * The animation the dialogue box will play. */ public var boxAnimation:String; /** * The lines of text that will appear in the text box. */ public var text:Array; /** * The relative speed at which the text will scroll. * @default 1.0 */ public var speed:Float = 1.0; public function new(speaker:String, speakerAnimation:String, box:String, boxAnimation:String, text:Array, speed:Float = null) { this.speaker = speaker; this.speakerAnimation = speakerAnimation; = box; this.boxAnimation = boxAnimation; this.text = text; if (speed != null) this.speed = speed; } public static function fromJson(j:Dynamic):DialogueEntryData { if (j == null) return null; return new DialogueEntryData(j.speaker, j.speakerAnimation,, j.boxAnimation, j.text, j.speed); } public function toJson():Dynamic { var result:Dynamic = { speaker: this.speaker, speakerAnimation: this.speakerAnimation, box:, boxAnimation: this.boxAnimation, text: this.text, }; if (this.speed != 1.0) result.speed = this.speed; return result; } } /** * Data about a backdrop. */ @:jsonParse(j -> @:jsonStringify(v -> v.toJson()) class BackdropData { public var type:BackdropType; public var data:Dynamic; public function new(typeStr:String, data:Dynamic) { this.type = typeStr; = data; } public static function fromJson(j:Dynamic):BackdropData { if (j == null) return null; return new BackdropData(j.type,; } public function toJson():Dynamic { return { type: this.type, data: }; } } enum abstract BackdropType(String) from String to String { public var SOLID:BackdropType = 'solid'; } /** * Data about a music track. */ @:jsonParse(j -> @:jsonStringify(v -> v.toJson()) class MusicData { public var asset:String; public var fadeTime:Float; @:optional @:default(false) public var looped:Bool; public function new(asset:String, looped:Bool, fadeTime:Float = 0.0) { this.asset = asset; this.looped = looped; this.fadeTime = fadeTime; } public static function fromJson(j:Dynamic):MusicData { if (j == null) return null; return new MusicData(j.asset, j.looped, j.fadeTime); } public function toJson():Dynamic { return { asset: this.asset, looped: this.looped, fadeTime: this.fadeTime }; } } /** * Data about an outro. */ @:jsonParse(j -> @:jsonStringify(v -> v.toJson()) class OutroData { public var type:OutroType; public var data:Dynamic; public function new(?typeStr:String, data:Dynamic) { this.type = typeStr ?? OutroType.NONE; = data; } public static function fromJson(j:Dynamic):OutroData { if (j == null) return null; return new OutroData(j.type,; } public function toJson():Dynamic { return { type: this.type, data: }; } } enum abstract OutroType(String) from String to String { public var NONE:OutroType = 'none'; public var FADE:OutroType = 'fade'; }