package i18n; import firetongue.FireTongue; class FireTongueHandler { static final DEFAULT_LOCALE = 'en-US'; // static final DEFAULT_LOCALE = 'pt-BR'; static final LOCALE_DIR = 'assets/locales/'; static var tongue:FireTongue; /** * Initialize the FireTongue instance. * This will automatically start with the default locale for you. */ public static function init():Void { tongue = new FireTongue(OPENFL, // Haxe framework being used. // This should really have been a parameterized object... null, // Function to check if a file exists. Specify null to use the one from the framework. null, // Function to retrieve the text of a file. Specify null to use the one from the framework. null, // Function to get a list of files in a directory. Specify null to use the one from the framework. firetongue.FireTongue.Case.Upper); // TODO: Make this use the language from the user's preferences. setLanguage(DEFAULT_LOCALE); trace('[FIRETONGUE] Initialized. Available locales: ${tongue.locales.join(', ')}'); } /** * Switch the language used by FireTongue. * @param locale The name of the locale to use, such as `en-US`. */ public static function setLanguage(locale:String):Void { tongue.initialize({ locale: locale, // The locale to load. finishedCallback: onFinishLoad, // Function run when the locale is loaded. directory: LOCALE_DIR, // Folder (relative to assets/) to load data from. replaceMissing: false, // If true, missing flags fallback to the default locale. checkMissing: true, // If true, check for and store the list of missing flags for this locale. }); } /** * Function called when FireTongue finishes loading a language. */ static function onFinishLoad() { if (tongue == null) return; trace('[FIRETONGUE] Finished loading locale: ${tongue.locale}'); if (tongue.missingFlags != null) { if (tongue.missingFlags.get(tongue.locale) != null && tongue.missingFlags.get(tongue.locale).length != 0) { trace('[FIRETONGUE] Missing flags: ${tongue.missingFlags.get(tongue.locale).join(', ')}'); } else { trace('[FIRETONGUE] No missing flags for this locale. (Note: Another locale has missing flags.)'); } } else { trace('[FIRETONGUE] No missing flags.'); } trace('[FIRETONGUE] HELLO_WORLD = ${t("HELLO_WORLD")}'); } /** * Retrieve a localized string based on the given key. * * Example: * import i18n.FiretongueHandler.t; * trace(t('HELLO')); // Prints "Hello!" * * @param key The key to use to retrieve the localized string. * @param context The data file to load the key from. * @return The localized string. */ public static function t(key:String, context:String = 'data'):String { // The localization strings can be stored all in one file, // or split into several contexts. return tongue.get(key, context); } /** * Retrieve a localized string while replacing specific values. * In this way, you can use the same invocation call to properly localize * a variety of different languages with distinct grammar. * * Example: * import i18n.FiretongueHandler.f; * trace(f('COLLECT_X_APPLES', 'data', [''], ['10']); // Prints "Collect 10 apples!" * * @param key The key to use to retrieve the localized string. * @param context The data file to load the key from. * @param flags The flags to replace in the string. * @param values The values to replace those flags with. * @return The localized string. */ public static function f(key:String, context:String = 'data', flags:Array = null, values:Array = null):String { var str = t(key, context); return firetongue.Replace.flags(str, flags, values); } }