import; import flixel.system.FlxSound; // different than FlxSoundGroup cuz this can control all the sounds time and shit // when needed class VoicesGroup extends FlxTypedGroup { public var time(default, set):Float = 0; public var volume(default, set):Float = 1; // make it a group that you add to? public function new(song:String, ?files:Array, ?needsVoices:Bool = true) { super(); if (!needsVoices) { // simply adds an empty sound? fills it in moreso for easier backwards compatibility add(new FlxSound()); // FlxG.sound.list.add(snd); return; } if (files == null) files = [""]; // loads with no file name assumption, to load "Voices.ogg" or whatev normally for (sndFile in files) { var snd:FlxSound = new FlxSound().loadEmbedded(Paths.voices(song, '$sndFile')); FlxG.sound.list.add(snd); // adds it to sound group for proper volumes add(snd); // adds it to main group for other shit } } // prob a better / cleaner way to do all these forEach stuff? public function pause() { forEachAlive(function(snd) { snd.pause(); }); } public function play() { forEachAlive(function(snd) {; }); } public function stop() { forEachAlive(function(snd) { snd.stop(); }); } function set_time(time:Float):Float { forEachAlive(function(snd) { // account for different offsets per sound? snd.time = time; }); return time; } // in PlayState, adjust the code so that it only mutes the player1 vocal tracks? function set_volume(volume:Float):Float { forEachAlive(function(snd) { snd.volume = volume; }); return volume; } }