package funkin.ui; import flixel.FlxSprite; import flixel.FlxSubState; import flixel.addons.transition.FlxTransitionableState; import; import flixel.util.FlxSignal; import funkin.util.Constants; import funkin.util.WindowUtil; class OptionsState extends MusicBeatState { var pages = new Map<PageName, Page>(); var currentName:PageName = Options; var currentPage(get, never):Page; inline function get_currentPage() return pages[currentName]; override function create() { var menuBG = new FlxSprite().loadGraphic(Paths.image('menuDesat')); menuBG.color = 0xFFea71fd; menuBG.setGraphicSize( * 1.1)); menuBG.updateHitbox(); menuBG.screenCenter(); menuBG.scrollFactor.set(0, 0); add(menuBG); var options = addPage(Options, new OptionsMenu()); var preferences = addPage(Preferences, new PreferencesMenu()); var controls = addPage(Controls, new ControlsMenu()); if (options.hasMultipleOptions()) { options.onExit.add(exitToMainMenu); controls.onExit.add(switchPage.bind(Options)); preferences.onExit.add(switchPage.bind(Options)); } else { // No need to show Options page controls.onExit.add(exitToMainMenu); setPage(Controls); } // disable for intro transition currentPage.enabled = false; super.create(); } function addPage<T:Page>(name:PageName, page:T) { page.onSwitch.add(switchPage); pages[name] = page; add(page); page.exists = currentName == name; return page; } function setPage(name:PageName) { if (pages.exists(currentName)) { currentPage.exists = false; currentPage.visible = false; } currentName = name; if (pages.exists(currentName)) { currentPage.exists = true; currentPage.visible = true; } } override function finishTransIn() { super.finishTransIn(); currentPage.enabled = true; } function switchPage(name:PageName) { // Todo animate? setPage(name); } function exitToMainMenu() { currentPage.enabled = false; // TODO: Animate this transition? FlxG.switchState(new MainMenuState()); } } class Page extends FlxGroup { public var onSwitch(default, null) = new FlxTypedSignal<PageName->Void>(); public var onExit(default, null) = new FlxSignal(); public var enabled(default, set) = true; public var canExit = true; var controls(get, never):Controls; inline function get_controls() return PlayerSettings.player1.controls; var subState:FlxSubState; inline function switchPage(name:PageName) { onSwitch.dispatch(name); } inline function exit() { onExit.dispatch(); } override function update(elapsed:Float) { super.update(elapsed); if (enabled) updateEnabled(elapsed); } function updateEnabled(elapsed:Float) { if (canExit && controls.BACK) {'cancelMenu')); exit(); } } function set_enabled(value:Bool) { return this.enabled = value; } function openPrompt(prompt:Prompt, onClose:Void->Void) { enabled = false; prompt.closeCallback = function() { enabled = true; if (onClose != null) onClose(); } FlxG.state.openSubState(prompt); } override function destroy() { super.destroy(); onSwitch.removeAll(); } } class OptionsMenu extends Page { var items:TextMenuList; public function new() { super(); add(items = new TextMenuList()); createItem("PREFERENCES", function() switchPage(Preferences)); createItem("CONTROLS", function() switchPage(Controls)); #if newgrounds if (NGio.isLoggedIn) createItem("LOGOUT", selectLogout); else createItem("LOGIN", selectLogin); #end createItem("EXIT", exit); } function createItem(name:String, callback:Void->Void, fireInstantly = false) { var item = items.createItem(0, 100 + items.length * 100, name, BOLD, callback); item.fireInstantly = fireInstantly; item.screenCenter(X); return item; } override function set_enabled(value:Bool) { items.enabled = value; return super.set_enabled(value); } /** * True if this page has multiple options, excluding the exit option. * If false, there's no reason to ever show this page. */ public function hasMultipleOptions():Bool { return items.length > 2; } #if newgrounds function selectLogin() { openNgPrompt(NgPrompt.showLogin()); } function selectLogout() { openNgPrompt(NgPrompt.showLogout()); } /** * Calls openPrompt and redraws the login/logout button * @param prompt * @param onClose */ public function openNgPrompt(prompt:Prompt, ?onClose:Void->Void) { var onPromptClose = checkLoginStatus; if (onClose != null) { onPromptClose = function() { checkLoginStatus(); onClose(); } } openPrompt(prompt, onPromptClose); } function checkLoginStatus() { // this shit don't work!! wtf!!!! var prevLoggedIn = items.has("logout"); if (prevLoggedIn && !NGio.isLoggedIn) items.resetItem("logout", "login", selectLogin); else if (!prevLoggedIn && NGio.isLoggedIn) items.resetItem("login", "logout", selectLogout); } #end } enum PageName { Options; Controls; Colors; Mods; Preferences; }