package; import; import; import; import; import; import funkin.util.assets.DataAssets; import funkin.util.VersionUtil; class SongRegistry extends BaseRegistry { /** * The current version string for the stage data format. * Handle breaking changes by incrementing this value * and adding migration to the `migrateStageData()` function. */ public static final SONG_METADATA_VERSION:thx.semver.Version = "2.0.0"; public static final SONG_METADATA_VERSION_RULE:thx.semver.VersionRule = "2.0.x"; public static final SONG_CHART_DATA_VERSION:thx.semver.Version = "2.0.0"; public static final SONG_CHART_DATA_VERSION_RULE:thx.semver.VersionRule = "2.0.x"; public static var DEFAULT_GENERATEDBY(get, null):String; static function get_DEFAULT_GENERATEDBY():String { return '${Constants.TITLE} - ${Constants.VERSION}'; } public static final instance:SongRegistry = new SongRegistry(); public function new() { super('SONG', 'songs', SONG_METADATA_VERSION_RULE); } public override function loadEntries():Void { clearEntries(); // // SCRIPTED ENTRIES // var scriptedEntryClassNames:Array = getScriptedClassNames(); log('Registering ${scriptedEntryClassNames.length} scripted entries...'); for (entryCls in scriptedEntryClassNames) { var entry:Song = createScriptedEntry(entryCls); if (entry != null) { log('Successfully created scripted entry (${entryCls} = ${})'); entries.set(, entry); } else { log('Failed to create scripted entry (${entryCls})'); } } // // UNSCRIPTED ENTRIES // var entryIdList:Array = DataAssets.listDataFilesInPath('songs/', '-metadata.json').map(function(songDataPath:String):String { return songDataPath.split('/')[0]; }); var unscriptedEntryIds:Array = entryIdList.filter(function(entryId:String):Bool { return !entries.exists(entryId); }); log('Fetching data for ${unscriptedEntryIds.length} unscripted entries...'); for (entryId in unscriptedEntryIds) { try { var entry:Song = createEntry(entryId); if (entry != null) { trace(' Loaded entry data: ${entry}'); entries.set(, entry); } } catch (e:Dynamic) { // Print the error. trace(' Failed to load entry data: ${entryId}'); trace(e); continue; } } } /** * Read, parse, and validate the JSON data and produce the corresponding data object. */ public function parseEntryData(id:String):Null { return parseEntryMetadata(id); } public function parseEntryMetadata(id:String, variation:String = ""):Null { // JsonParser does not take type parameters, // otherwise this function would be in BaseRegistry. var parser = new json2object.JsonParser(); switch (loadEntryMetadataFile(id)) { case {fileName: fileName, contents: contents}: parser.fromJson(contents, fileName); default: return null; } if (parser.errors.length > 0) { printErrors(parser.errors, id); return null; } return parser.value; } public function parseEntryMetadataWithMigration(id:String, variation:String = '', version:thx.semver.Version):Null { // If a version rule is not specified, do not check against it. if (SONG_METADATA_VERSION_RULE == null || VersionUtil.validateVersion(version, SONG_METADATA_VERSION_RULE)) { return parseEntryMetadata(id); } else { throw '[${registryId}] Metadata entry ${id}:${variation == '' ? 'default' : variation} does not support migration to version ${SONG_METADATA_VERSION_RULE}.'; } } public function parseMusicData(id:String, variation:String = ""):Null { // JsonParser does not take type parameters, // otherwise this function would be in BaseRegistry. var parser = new json2object.JsonParser(); switch (loadMusicDataFile(id)) { case {fileName: fileName, contents: contents}: parser.fromJson(contents, fileName); default: return null; } if (parser.errors.length > 0) { printErrors(parser.errors, id); return null; } return parser.value; } public function parseEntryChartData(id:String, variation:String = ''):Null { // JsonParser does not take type parameters, // otherwise this function would be in BaseRegistry. var parser = new json2object.JsonParser(); switch (loadEntryChartFile(id)) { case {fileName: fileName, contents: contents}: parser.fromJson(contents, fileName); default: return null; } if (parser.errors.length > 0) { printErrors(parser.errors, id); return null; } return parser.value; } public function parseEntryChartDataWithMigration(id:String, variation:String = '', version:thx.semver.Version):Null { // If a version rule is not specified, do not check against it. if (SONG_CHART_DATA_VERSION_RULE == null || VersionUtil.validateVersion(version, SONG_CHART_DATA_VERSION_RULE)) { return parseEntryChartData(id, variation); } else { throw '[${registryId}] Chart entry ${id}:${variation == '' ? 'default' : variation} does not support migration to version ${SONG_CHART_DATA_VERSION_RULE}.'; } } function createScriptedEntry(clsName:String):Song { return ScriptedSong.init(clsName, "unknown"); } function getScriptedClassNames():Array { return ScriptedSong.listScriptClasses(); } function loadEntryMetadataFile(id:String, variation:String = ''):Null { var entryFilePath:String = Paths.json('$dataFilePath/$id/$id${variation == '' ? '' : '-$variation'}-metadata'); if (!openfl.Assets.exists(entryFilePath)) return null; var rawJson:Null = openfl.Assets.getText(entryFilePath); if (rawJson == null) return null; rawJson = rawJson.trim(); return {fileName: entryFilePath, contents: rawJson}; } function loadMusicDataFile(id:String, variation:String = ''):Null { var entryFilePath:String = Paths.file('music/$id/$id${variation == '' ? '' : '-$variation'}-metadata.json'); if (!openfl.Assets.exists(entryFilePath)) return null; var rawJson:String = openfl.Assets.getText(entryFilePath); if (rawJson == null) return null; rawJson = rawJson.trim(); return {fileName: entryFilePath, contents: rawJson}; } function loadEntryChartFile(id:String, variation:String = ''):Null { var entryFilePath:String = Paths.json('$dataFilePath/$id/$id${variation == '' ? '' : '-$variation'}-chart'); if (!openfl.Assets.exists(entryFilePath)) return null; var rawJson:String = openfl.Assets.getText(entryFilePath); if (rawJson == null) return null; rawJson = rawJson.trim(); return {fileName: entryFilePath, contents: rawJson}; } public function fetchEntryMetadataVersion(id:String, variation:String = ''):Null { var entryStr:Null = loadEntryMetadataFile(id, variation)?.contents; var entryVersion:thx.semver.Version = VersionUtil.getVersionFromJSON(entryStr); return entryVersion; } public function fetchEntryChartVersion(id:String, variation:String = ''):Null { var entryStr:Null = loadEntryChartFile(id, variation)?.contents; var entryVersion:thx.semver.Version = VersionUtil.getVersionFromJSON(entryStr); return entryVersion; } /** * A list of all the story weeks from the base game, in order. * TODO: Should this be hardcoded? */ public function listBaseGameSongIds():Array { return [ "tutorial", "bopeebo", "fresh", "dadbattle", "spookeez", "south", "monster", "pico", "philly-nice", "blammed", "satin-panties", "high", "milf", "cocoa", "eggnog", "winter-horrorland", "senpai", "roses", "thorns", "ugh", "guns", "stress", "darnell", "lit-up", "2hot", "blazin" ]; } /** * A list of all installed story weeks that are not from the base game. */ public function listModdedSongIds():Array { return listEntryIds().filter(function(id:String):Bool { return listBaseGameSongIds().indexOf(id) == -1; }); } }