package; import; import; import; import funkin.util.assets.FlxAnimationUtil; import flixel.FlxG; import; import flixel.FlxSprite; class NoteHoldCover extends FlxTypedSpriteGroup<FlxSprite> { static final FRAMERATE_DEFAULT:Int = 24; static var glowFrames:FlxFramesCollection; public var holdNote:SustainTrail; var glow:FlxSprite; var sparks:FlxSprite; public function new() { super(0, 0); setup(); } public static function preloadFrames():Void { glowFrames = null; for (direction in Strumline.DIRECTIONS) { var directionName = direction.colorName.toTitleCase(); var atlas:FlxFramesCollection = Paths.getSparrowAtlas('holdCover${directionName}'); atlas.parent.persist = true; if (glowFrames != null) { glowFrames = FlxAnimationUtil.combineFramesCollections(glowFrames, atlas); } else { glowFrames = atlas; } } } /** * Add ALL the animations to this sprite. We will recycle and reuse the FlxSprite multiple times. */ function setup():Void { glow = new FlxSprite(); add(glow); if (glowFrames == null) preloadFrames(); glow.frames = glowFrames; for (direction in Strumline.DIRECTIONS) { var directionName = direction.colorName.toTitleCase(); glow.animation.addByPrefix('holdCoverStart$directionName', 'holdCoverStart${directionName}0', FRAMERATE_DEFAULT, false, false, false); glow.animation.addByPrefix('holdCover$directionName', 'holdCover${directionName}0', FRAMERATE_DEFAULT, true, false, false); glow.animation.addByPrefix('holdCoverEnd$directionName', 'holdCoverEnd${directionName}0', FRAMERATE_DEFAULT, false, false, false); } glow.animation.finishCallback = this.onAnimationFinished; if (glow.animation.getAnimationList().length < 3 * 4) { trace('WARNING: NoteHoldCover failed to initialize all animations.'); } } public override function update(elapsed):Void { super.update(elapsed); } public function playStart():Void { var direction:NoteDirection = holdNote.noteDirection;'holdCoverStart${direction.colorName.toTitleCase()}'); } public function playContinue():Void { var direction:NoteDirection = holdNote.noteDirection;'holdCover${direction.colorName.toTitleCase()}'); } public function playEnd():Void { var direction:NoteDirection = holdNote.noteDirection;'holdCoverEnd${direction.colorName.toTitleCase()}'); } public override function kill():Void { super.kill(); this.visible = false; if (glow != null) glow.visible = false; if (sparks != null) sparks.visible = false; } public override function revive():Void { super.revive(); this.visible = true; this.alpha = 1.0; if (glow != null) glow.visible = true; if (sparks != null) sparks.visible = true; } public function onAnimationFinished(animationName:String):Void { if (animationName.startsWith('holdCoverStart')) { playContinue(); } if (animationName.startsWith('holdCoverEnd')) { // *lightning* *zap* *crackle* this.visible = false; this.kill(); } } }