package; import; import; import; import funkin.util.macro.ClassMacro; import; /** * This class statically handles the parsing of internal and scripted song event handlers. */ class SongEventRegistry { /** * Every built-in event class must be added to this list. * Thankfully, with the power of `SongEventMacro`, this is done automatically. */ static final BUILTIN_EVENTS:List> = ClassMacro.listSubclassesOf(SongEvent); /** * Map of internal handlers for song events. * These may be either `ScriptedSongEvents` or built-in classes extending `SongEvent`. */ static final eventCache:Map = new Map(); public static function loadEventCache():Void { clearEventCache(); // // BASE GAME EVENTS // registerBaseEvents(); registerScriptedEvents(); } static function registerBaseEvents() { trace('Instantiating ${BUILTIN_EVENTS.length} built-in song events...'); for (eventCls in BUILTIN_EVENTS) { var eventClsName:String = Type.getClassName(eventCls); if (eventClsName == '' || eventClsName == '') continue; var event:SongEvent = Type.createInstance(eventCls, ["UNKNOWN"]); if (event != null) { trace(' Loaded built-in song event: (${})'); eventCache.set(, event); } else { trace(' Failed to load built-in song event: ${Type.getClassName(eventCls)}'); } } } static function registerScriptedEvents() { var scriptedEventClassNames:Array = ScriptedSongEvent.listScriptClasses(); if (scriptedEventClassNames == null || scriptedEventClassNames.length == 0) return; trace('Instantiating ${scriptedEventClassNames.length} scripted song events...'); for (eventCls in scriptedEventClassNames) { var event:SongEvent = ScriptedSongEvent.init(eventCls, "UKNOWN"); if (event != null) { trace(' Loaded scripted song event: ${}'); eventCache.set(, event); } else { trace(' Failed to instantiate scripted song event class: ${eventCls}'); } } } public static function listEventIds():Array { return eventCache.keys().array(); } public static function listEvents():Array { return eventCache.values(); } public static function getEvent(id:String):SongEvent { return eventCache.get(id); } public static function getEventSchema(id:String):SongEventSchema { var event:SongEvent = getEvent(id); if (event == null) return null; return event.getEventSchema(); } static function clearEventCache() { eventCache.clear(); } public static function handleEvent(data:SongEventData):Void { var eventType:String = data.event; var eventHandler:SongEvent = eventCache.get(eventType); if (eventHandler != null) { eventHandler.handleEvent(data); } else { trace('WARNING: No event handler for event with id: ${eventType}'); } data.activated = true; } public static inline function handleEvents(events:Array):Void { for (event in events) { handleEvent(event); } } /** * Given a list of song events and the current timestamp, * return a list of events that should be handled. */ public static function queryEvents(events:Array, currentTime:Float):Array { return events.filter(function(event:SongEventData):Bool { // If the event is already activated, don't activate it again. if (event.activated) return false; // If the event is in the future, don't activate it. if (event.time > currentTime) return false; return true; }); } /** * Reset activation of all the provided events. */ public static function resetEvents(events:Array):Void { for (event in events) { event.activated = false; // TODO: Add an onReset() method to SongEvent? } } }