
import flixel.FlxState;
import flixel.FlxSubState;

 * This is a base class for all events that are issued to scripted classes.
 * It can be used to identify the type of event called, store data, and cancel event propagation.
class ScriptEvent
   * If true, the behavior associated with this event can be prevented.
   * For example, cancelling COUNTDOWN_START should prevent the countdown from starting,
   * until another script restarts it, or cancelling NOTE_HIT should cause the note to be missed.
  public var cancelable(default, null):Bool;

   * The type associated with the event.
  public var type(default, null):ScriptEventType;

   * Whether the event should continue to be triggered on additional targets.
  public var shouldPropagate(default, null):Bool;

   * Whether the event has been canceled by one of the scripts that received it.
  public var eventCanceled(default, null):Bool;

  public function new(type:ScriptEventType, cancelable:Bool = false):Void
    this.type = type;
    this.cancelable = cancelable;
    this.eventCanceled = false;
    this.shouldPropagate = true;

   * Call this function on a cancelable event to cancel the associated behavior.
   * For example, cancelling COUNTDOWN_START will prevent the countdown from starting.
  public function cancelEvent():Void
    if (cancelable)
      eventCanceled = true;

   * Cancel this event.
   * This is an alias for cancelEvent() but I make this typo all the time.
  public function cancel():Void

   * Call this function to stop any other Scripteds from receiving the event.
  public function stopPropagation():Void
    shouldPropagate = false;

  public function toString():String
    return 'ScriptEvent(type=$type, cancelable=$cancelable)';

 * An event that is fired associated with a specific note.
class NoteScriptEvent extends ScriptEvent
   * The note associated with this event.
   * You cannot replace it, but you can edit it.
  public var note(default, null):NoteSprite;

   * The combo count as it is with this event.
   * Will be (combo) on miss events and (combo + 1) on hit events (the stored combo count won't update if the event is cancelled).
  public var comboCount(default, null):Int;

   * Whether to play the record scratch sound (if this eventn type is `NOTE_MISS`).
  public var playSound(default, default):Bool;

   * The health gained or lost from this note.
   * This affects both hits and misses. Remember that max health is 2.00.
  public var healthChange:Float;

  public function new(type:ScriptEventType, note:NoteSprite, healthChange:Float, comboCount:Int = 0, cancelable:Bool = false):Void
    super(type, cancelable);
    this.note = note;
    this.comboCount = comboCount;
    this.playSound = true;
    this.healthChange = healthChange;

  public override function toString():String
    return 'NoteScriptEvent(type=' + type + ', cancelable=' + cancelable + ', note=' + note + ', comboCount=' + comboCount + ')';

class HitNoteScriptEvent extends NoteScriptEvent
   * The judgement the player received for hitting the note.
  public var judgement:String;

   * The score the player received for hitting the note.
  public var score:Int;

   * If the hit causes a combo break.
  public var isComboBreak:Bool = false;

   * The time difference when the player hit the note
  public var hitDiff:Float = 0;

   * Whether this note hit causes a note splash to display.
   * Defaults to true only on "sick" notes.
  public var doesNotesplash:Bool = false;

  public function new(note:NoteSprite, healthChange:Float, score:Int, judgement:String, isComboBreak:Bool, comboCount:Int = 0, hitDiff:Float = 0,
      doesNotesplash:Bool = false):Void
    super(NOTE_HIT, note, healthChange, comboCount, true);
    this.score = score;
    this.judgement = judgement;
    this.isComboBreak = isComboBreak;
    this.doesNotesplash = doesNotesplash;
    this.hitDiff = hitDiff;

  public override function toString():String
    return 'HitNoteScriptEvent(note=' + note + ', comboCount=' + comboCount + ', judgement=' + judgement + ', score=' + score + ', isComboBreak='
      + isComboBreak + ', hitDiff=' + hitDiff + ', doesNotesplash=' + doesNotesplash + ')';

 * An event that is fired when you press a key with no note present.
class GhostMissNoteScriptEvent extends ScriptEvent
   * The direction that was mistakenly pressed.
  public var dir(default, null):NoteDirection;

   * Whether there was a note within judgement range when this ghost note was pressed.
  public var hasPossibleNotes(default, null):Bool;

   * How much health should be lost when this ghost note is pressed.
   * Remember that max health is 2.00.
  public var healthChange(default, default):Float;

   * How much score should be lost when this ghost note is pressed.
  public var scoreChange(default, default):Int;

   * Whether to play the record scratch sound.
  public var playSound(default, default):Bool;

   * Whether to play the miss animation on the player.
  public var playAnim(default, default):Bool;

  public function new(dir:NoteDirection, hasPossibleNotes:Bool, healthChange:Float, scoreChange:Int):Void
    super(NOTE_GHOST_MISS, true);
    this.dir = dir;
    this.hasPossibleNotes = hasPossibleNotes;
    this.healthChange = healthChange;
    this.scoreChange = scoreChange;
    this.playSound = true;
    this.playAnim = true;

  public override function toString():String
    return 'GhostMissNoteScriptEvent(dir=' + dir + ', hasPossibleNotes=' + hasPossibleNotes + ')';

 * An event that is fired when the song reaches an event.
class SongEventScriptEvent extends ScriptEvent
   * The note associated with this event.
   * You cannot replace it, but you can edit it.
  public var eventData(default, null);

  public function new(
    super(SONG_EVENT, true);
    this.eventData = eventData;

  public override function toString():String
    return 'SongEventScriptEvent(event=' + eventData + ')';

 * An event that is fired during the update loop.
class UpdateScriptEvent extends ScriptEvent
   * The note associated with this event.
   * You cannot replace it, but you can edit it.
  public var elapsed(default, null):Float;

  public function new(elapsed:Float):Void
    super(UPDATE, false);
    this.elapsed = elapsed;

  public override function toString():String
    return 'UpdateScriptEvent(elapsed=$elapsed)';

 * An event that is fired regularly during the song.
 * May be on beat or on step.
class SongTimeScriptEvent extends ScriptEvent
   * The current beat of the song.
  public var beat(default, null):Int;

   * The current step of the song.
  public var step(default, null):Int;

  public function new(type:ScriptEventType, beat:Int, step:Int):Void
    super(type, true);
    this.beat = beat;
    this.step = step;

  public override function toString():String
    return 'SongTimeScriptEvent(type=' + type + ', beat=' + beat + ', step=' + step + ')';

 * An event that is fired regularly during the song.
 * May be on beat or on step.
class CountdownScriptEvent extends ScriptEvent
   * The current step of the countdown.
  public var step(default, null):CountdownStep;

  public function new(type:ScriptEventType, step:CountdownStep, cancelable:Bool = true):Void
    super(type, cancelable);
    this.step = step;

  public override function toString():String
    return 'CountdownScriptEvent(type=' + type + ', step=' + step + ')';

 * An event that is fired during a dialogue.
class DialogueScriptEvent extends ScriptEvent
   * The dialogue being referenced by the event.
  public var conversation(default, null):Conversation;

  public function new(type:ScriptEventType, conversation:Conversation, cancelable:Bool = true):Void
    super(type, cancelable);
    this.conversation = conversation;

  public override function toString():String
    return 'DialogueScriptEvent(type=$type, conversation=$conversation)';

 * An event that is fired when the player presses a key.
class KeyboardInputScriptEvent extends ScriptEvent
   * The associated keyboard event.
  public var event(default, null):KeyboardEvent;

  public function new(type:ScriptEventType, event:KeyboardEvent):Void
    super(type, false);
    this.event = event;

  public override function toString():String
    return 'KeyboardInputScriptEvent(type=' + type + ', event=' + event + ')';

 * An event that is fired once the song's chart has been parsed.
class SongLoadScriptEvent extends ScriptEvent
   * The note associated with this event.
   * You cannot replace it, but you can edit it.
  public var notes(default, set):Array<SongNoteData>;

  public var events(default, set):Array<SongEventData>;

  public var id(default, null):String;

  public var difficulty(default, null):String;

  function set_notes(notes:Array<SongNoteData>):Array<SongNoteData>
    this.notes = notes;
    return this.notes;

  function set_events(events:Array<SongEventData>):Array<SongEventData>
  { = events;

  public function new(id:String, difficulty:String, notes:Array<SongNoteData>, events:Array<SongEventData>):Void
    super(SONG_LOADED, false); = id;
    this.difficulty = difficulty;
    this.notes = notes; = events;

  public override function toString():String
    var noteStr = notes == null ? 'null' : 'Array(' + notes.length + ')';
    return 'SongLoadScriptEvent(notes=$noteStr, id=$id, difficulty=$difficulty)';

 * An event that is fired when moving out of or into an FlxState.
class StateChangeScriptEvent extends ScriptEvent
   * The state the game is moving into.
  public var targetState(default, null):FlxState;

  public function new(type:ScriptEventType, targetState:FlxState, cancelable:Bool = false):Void
    super(type, cancelable);
    this.targetState = targetState;

  public override function toString():String
    return 'StateChangeScriptEvent(type=' + type + ', targetState=' + targetState + ')';

 * An event that is fired when moving out of or into an FlxSubState.
class SubStateScriptEvent extends ScriptEvent
   * The state the game is moving into.
  public var targetState(default, null):FlxSubState;

  public function new(type:ScriptEventType, targetState:FlxSubState, cancelable:Bool = false):Void
    super(type, cancelable);
    this.targetState = targetState;

  public override function toString():String
    return 'SubStateScriptEvent(type=' + type + ', targetState=' + targetState + ')';

 * An event which is called when the player attempts to pause the game.
class PauseScriptEvent extends ScriptEvent
   * Whether to use the Gitaroo Man pause.
  public var gitaroo(default, default):Bool;

  public function new(gitaroo:Bool):Void
    super(PAUSE, true);
    this.gitaroo = gitaroo;