package funkin.ui.debug; import flixel.math.FlxPoint; import flixel.FlxObject; import flixel.FlxSprite; import funkin.ui.MusicBeatSubState; import funkin.ui.TextMenuList; import funkin.ui.debug.charting.ChartEditorState; import funkin.ui.MusicBeatSubState; import funkin.util.logging.CrashHandler; import flixel.addons.transition.FlxTransitionableState; class DebugMenuSubState extends MusicBeatSubState { var items:TextMenuList; /** * Camera focus point */ var camFocusPoint:FlxObject; override function create():Void { FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransIn = true; super.create(); bgColor = 0x00000000; // Create an object for the camera to track. camFocusPoint = new FlxObject(0, 0); add(camFocusPoint); // Follow the camera focus as we scroll., null, 0.06); // Create the green background. var menuBG = new FlxSprite().loadGraphic(Paths.image('menuDesat')); menuBG.color = 0xFF4CAF50; menuBG.setGraphicSize( * 1.1)); menuBG.updateHitbox(); menuBG.screenCenter(); menuBG.scrollFactor.set(0, 0); add(menuBG); // Create the list for menu items. items = new TextMenuList(); // Move the camera when the menu is scrolled. items.onChange.add(onMenuChange); add(items); // Create each menu item. // Call onMenuChange when the first item is created to move the camera . onMenuChange(createItem("CHART EDITOR", openChartEditor)); createItem("ANIMATION EDITOR", openAnimationEditor); createItem("STAGE EDITOR", openStageEditor); createItem("TEST STICKERS", testStickers); #if sys createItem("OPEN CRASH LOG FOLDER", openLogFolder); #end FlxPoint(camFocusPoint.x, camFocusPoint.y)); FlxPoint(camFocusPoint.x, camFocusPoint.y + 500)); } function onMenuChange(selected:TextMenuItem) { camFocusPoint.setPosition(selected.x + selected.width / 2, selected.y + selected.height / 2); } override function update(elapsed:Float) { super.update(elapsed); if (controls.BACK) {'cancelMenu')); exitDebugMenu(); } } function createItem(name:String, callback:Void->Void, fireInstantly = false) { var item = items.createItem(0, 100 + items.length * 100, name, BOLD, callback); item.fireInstantly = fireInstantly; item.screenCenter(X); return item; } function openChartEditor() { FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransIn = true; FlxG.switchState(new ChartEditorState()); } function openAnimationEditor() { FlxG.switchState(new funkin.ui.debug.anim.DebugBoundingState()); trace('Animation Editor'); } function testStickers() { openSubState(new funkin.ui.transition.StickerSubState()); trace('opened stickers'); } function openStageEditor() { trace('Stage Editor'); } #if sys function openLogFolder() { #if windows Sys.command('explorer', [CrashHandler.LOG_FOLDER]); #elseif mac // mac could be fuckie with where the log folder is relative to the game file... // if this comment is still here... it means it has NOT been verified on mac yet! Sys.command('open', [CrashHandler.LOG_FOLDER]); #end // TODO: implement linux // some shit with xdg-open :thinking: emoji... } #end function exitDebugMenu() { // TODO: Add a transition? this.close(); } }