package funkin.ui.charSelect; import openfl.filters.BitmapFilter; import flixel.FlxObject; import flixel.FlxSprite; import; import; import; import flixel.math.FlxPoint; import flixel.sound.FlxSound; import; import flixel.text.FlxText; import flixel.tweens.FlxEase; import flixel.tweens.FlxTween; import flixel.util.FlxTimer; import; import; import; import; import openfl.filters.DropShadowFilter; import; import; import; import; import; import; import funkin.ui.freeplay.charselect.PlayableCharacter; import funkin.ui.freeplay.FreeplayState; import funkin.ui.PixelatedIcon; import funkin.util.MathUtil; import funkin.vis.dsp.SpectralAnalyzer; import openfl.display.BlendMode; import; import openfl.filters.ShaderFilter; import funkin.util.FramesJSFLParser; import funkin.util.FramesJSFLParser.FramesJSFLInfo; import funkin.util.FramesJSFLParser.FramesJSFLFrame; import; class CharSelectSubState extends MusicBeatSubState { var cursor:FlxSprite; var cursorBlue:FlxSprite; var cursorDarkBlue:FlxSprite; var grpCursors:FlxTypedGroup; var cursorConfirmed:FlxSprite; var cursorDenied:FlxSprite; var cursorX:Int = 0; var cursorY:Int = 0; var cursorFactor:Float = 110; var cursorOffsetX:Float = -16; var cursorOffsetY:Float = -48; var cursorLocIntended:FlxPoint = new FlxPoint(0, 0); var lerpAmnt:Float = 0.95; var tmrFrames:Int = 60; var currentStage:Stage; var playerChill:CharSelectPlayer; var playerChillOut:CharSelectPlayer; var gfChill:CharSelectGF; var gfChillOut:CharSelectGF; var barthing:FlxAtlasSprite; var dipshitBacking:FlxSprite; var chooseDipshit:FlxSprite; var dipshitBlur:FlxSprite; var transitionGradient:FlxSprite; var curChar(default, set):String = "pico"; var nametag:Nametag; var camFollow:FlxObject; var autoFollow:Bool = false; var availableChars:Map = new Map(); var pressedSelect:Bool = false; var selectTimer:FlxTimer = new FlxTimer(); var selectSound:FunkinSound; var unlockSound:FunkinSound; var lockedSound:FunkinSound; var introSound:FunkinSound; var staticSound:FunkinSound; var charSelectCam:FunkinCamera; var selectedBizz:Array = [ new DropShadowFilter(0, 0, 0xFFFFFF, 1, 2, 2, 19, 1, false, false, false), new DropShadowFilter(5, 45, 0x000000, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, false, false, false) ]; var bopInfo:FramesJSFLInfo; var blackScreen:FunkinSprite; public function new() { super(); loadAvailableCharacters(); } function loadAvailableCharacters():Void { var playerIds:Array = PlayerRegistry.instance.listEntryIds(); for (playerId in playerIds) { var player:Null = PlayerRegistry.instance.fetchEntry(playerId); if (player == null) continue; var playerData = player.getCharSelectData(); if (playerData == null) continue; var targetPosition:Int = playerData.position ?? 0; while (availableChars.exists(targetPosition)) { targetPosition += 1; } trace('Placing player ${playerId} at position ${targetPosition}'); availableChars.set(targetPosition, playerId); } } var fadeShader:BlueFade = new BlueFade(); override public function create():Void { super.create(); bopInfo = FramesJSFLParser.parse(Paths.file("images/charSelect/iconBopInfo/iconBopInfo.txt")); var bg:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(-153, -140); bg.loadGraphic(Paths.image('charSelect/charSelectBG')); bg.scrollFactor.set(0.1, 0.1); add(bg); var crowd:FlxAtlasSprite = new FlxAtlasSprite(0, 0, Paths.animateAtlas("charSelect/crowd"));; crowd.scrollFactor.set(0.3, 0.3); add(crowd); var stageSpr:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(-40, 391); stageSpr.frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas("charSelect/charSelectStage"); stageSpr.animation.addByPrefix("idle", "stage full instance 1", 24, true);"idle"); add(stageSpr); var curtains:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(-47, -49); curtains.loadGraphic(Paths.image('charSelect/curtains')); curtains.scrollFactor.set(1.4, 1.4); add(curtains); barthing = new FlxAtlasSprite(0, 0, Paths.animateAtlas("charSelect/barThing"));""); barthing.blend = BlendMode.MULTIPLY; barthing.scrollFactor.set(0, 0); add(barthing); barthing.y += 80; FlxTween.tween(barthing, {y: barthing.y - 80}, 1.3, {ease: FlxEase.expoOut}); var charLight:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(800, 250); charLight.loadGraphic(Paths.image('charSelect/charLight')); add(charLight); var charLightGF:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(180, 240); charLightGF.loadGraphic(Paths.image('charSelect/charLight')); add(charLightGF); gfChill = new CharSelectGF(); gfChill.switchGF("bf"); add(gfChill); playerChillOut = new CharSelectPlayer(0, 0); playerChillOut.switchChar("bf"); add(playerChillOut); playerChill = new CharSelectPlayer(0, 0); playerChill.switchChar("bf"); add(playerChill); var speakers:FlxAtlasSprite = new FlxAtlasSprite(0, 0, Paths.animateAtlas("charSelect/charSelectSpeakers"));""); speakers.scrollFactor.set(1.8, 1.8); add(speakers); var fgBlur:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(-125, 170); fgBlur.loadGraphic(Paths.image('charSelect/foregroundBlur')); fgBlur.blend = openfl.display.BlendMode.MULTIPLY; add(fgBlur); dipshitBlur = new FlxSprite(419, -65); dipshitBlur.frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas("charSelect/dipshitBlur"); dipshitBlur.animation.addByPrefix('idle', "CHOOSE vertical offset instance 1", 24, true); dipshitBlur.blend = BlendMode.ADD;"idle"); add(dipshitBlur); dipshitBacking = new FlxSprite(423, -17); dipshitBacking.frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas("charSelect/dipshitBacking"); dipshitBacking.animation.addByPrefix('idle', "CHOOSE horizontal offset instance 1", 24, true); dipshitBacking.blend = BlendMode.ADD;"idle"); add(dipshitBacking); dipshitBacking.y += 210; FlxTween.tween(dipshitBacking, {y: dipshitBacking.y - 210}, 1.1, {ease: FlxEase.expoOut}); chooseDipshit = new FlxSprite(426, -13); chooseDipshit.loadGraphic(Paths.image('charSelect/chooseDipshit')); add(chooseDipshit); chooseDipshit.y += 200; FlxTween.tween(chooseDipshit, {y: chooseDipshit.y - 200}, 1, {ease: FlxEase.expoOut}); dipshitBlur.y += 220; FlxTween.tween(dipshitBlur, {y: dipshitBlur.y - 220}, 1.2, {ease: FlxEase.expoOut}); chooseDipshit.scrollFactor.set(); dipshitBacking.scrollFactor.set(); dipshitBlur.scrollFactor.set(); nametag = new Nametag(); add(nametag); nametag.scrollFactor.set(); FlxG.debugger.addTrackerProfile(new TrackerProfile(FlxSprite, ["x", "y", "alpha", "scale", "blend"])); FlxG.debugger.addTrackerProfile(new TrackerProfile(FlxAtlasSprite, ["x", "y"])); FlxG.debugger.addTrackerProfile(new TrackerProfile(FlxSound, ["pitch", "volume"])); // FlxG.debugger.track(crowd); // FlxG.debugger.track(stageSpr, "stageSpr"); // FlxG.debugger.track(bfChill, "bf chill"); // FlxG.debugger.track(playerChill, "player"); // FlxG.debugger.track(nametag, "nametag"); // FlxG.debugger.track(selectSound, "selectSound"); // FlxG.debugger.track(chooseDipshit, "choose dipshit"); // FlxG.debugger.track(barthing, "barthing"); // FlxG.debugger.track(fgBlur, "fgBlur"); // FlxG.debugger.track(dipshitBlur, "dipshitBlur"); // FlxG.debugger.track(dipshitBacking, "dipshitBacking"); // FlxG.debugger.track(charLightGF, "charLight"); // FlxG.debugger.track(gfChill, "gfChill"); grpCursors = new FlxTypedGroup(); add(grpCursors); cursor = new FlxSprite(0, 0); cursor.loadGraphic(Paths.image('charSelect/charSelector')); cursor.color = 0xFFFFFF00; // FFCC00 cursorBlue = new FlxSprite(0, 0); cursorBlue.loadGraphic(Paths.image('charSelect/charSelector')); cursorBlue.color = 0xFF3EBBFF; cursorDarkBlue = new FlxSprite(0, 0); cursorDarkBlue.loadGraphic(Paths.image('charSelect/charSelector')); cursorDarkBlue.color = 0xFF3C74F7; cursorBlue.blend = BlendMode.SCREEN; cursorDarkBlue.blend = BlendMode.SCREEN; cursorConfirmed = new FlxSprite(0, 0); cursorConfirmed.scrollFactor.set(); cursorConfirmed.frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas("charSelect/charSelectorConfirm"); cursorConfirmed.animation.addByPrefix("idle", "cursor ACCEPTED instance 1", 24, true); cursorConfirmed.visible = false; add(cursorConfirmed); cursorDenied = new FlxSprite(0, 0); cursorDenied.scrollFactor.set(); cursorDenied.frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas("charSelect/charSelectorDenied"); cursorDenied.animation.addByPrefix("idle", "cursor DENIED instance 1", 24, false); cursorDenied.visible = false; add(cursorDenied); grpCursors.add(cursorDarkBlue); grpCursors.add(cursorBlue); grpCursors.add(cursor); selectSound = new FunkinSound(); selectSound.loadEmbedded(Paths.sound('CS_select')); selectSound.pitch = 1; selectSound.volume = 0.7; FlxG.sound.defaultSoundGroup.add(selectSound); FlxG.sound.list.add(selectSound); unlockSound = new FunkinSound(); unlockSound.loadEmbedded(Paths.sound('CS_unlock')); unlockSound.pitch = 1; unlockSound.volume = 0;; FlxG.sound.defaultSoundGroup.add(unlockSound); FlxG.sound.list.add(unlockSound); lockedSound = new FunkinSound(); lockedSound.loadEmbedded(Paths.sound('CS_locked')); lockedSound.pitch = 1; lockedSound.volume = 1.; FlxG.sound.defaultSoundGroup.add(lockedSound); FlxG.sound.list.add(lockedSound); staticSound = new FunkinSound(); staticSound.loadEmbedded(Paths.sound('static loop')); staticSound.pitch = 1; staticSound.looped = true; staticSound.volume = 0.6; FlxG.sound.defaultSoundGroup.add(staticSound); FlxG.sound.list.add(staticSound); // playing it here to preload it. not doing this makes a super awkward pause at the end of the intro // TODO: probably make an intro thing for funkinSound itself that preloads the next audio? FunkinSound.playMusic('stayFunky', { startingVolume: 0, overrideExisting: true, restartTrack: true, }); initLocks(); for (index => member in grpIcons.members) { member.y += 300; FlxTween.tween(member, {y: member.y - 300}, 1, {ease: FlxEase.expoOut}); } cursor.scrollFactor.set(); cursorBlue.scrollFactor.set(); cursorDarkBlue.scrollFactor.set(); FlxTween.color(cursor, 0.2, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xFFFFCC00, {type: PINGPONG}); // FlxG.debugger.track(cursor); FlxG.debugger.addTrackerProfile(new TrackerProfile(CharSelectSubState, ["curChar", "grpXSpread", "grpYSpread"])); FlxG.debugger.track(this); camFollow = new FlxObject(0, 0, 1, 1); add(camFollow); camFollow.screenCenter(); //, LOCKON, 0.01);, LOCKON); var fadeShaderFilter:ShaderFilter = new ShaderFilter(fadeShader); = [fadeShaderFilter]; var temp:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(); temp.loadGraphic(Paths.image('charSelect/placement')); add(temp); temp.alpha = 0.0; Conductor.stepHit.add(spamOnStep); // FlxG.debugger.track(temp, "tempBG"); transitionGradient = new FlxSprite(0, 0).loadGraphic(Paths.image('freeplay/transitionGradient')); transitionGradient.scale.set(1280, 1); transitionGradient.flipY = true; transitionGradient.updateHitbox(); FlxTween.tween(transitionGradient, {y: -720}, 1, {ease: FlxEase.expoOut}); add(transitionGradient); camFollow.screenCenter(); camFollow.y -= 150; fadeShader.fade(0.0, 1.0, 0.8, {ease: FlxEase.quadOut}); FlxTween.tween(camFollow, {y: camFollow.y + 150}, 1.5, { ease: FlxEase.expoOut, onComplete: function(_) { autoFollow = true;, LOCKON, 0.01); } }); var blackScreen = new FunkinSprite().makeSolidColor(FlxG.width * 2, FlxG.height * 2, 0xFF000000); blackScreen.x = -(FlxG.width * 0.5); blackScreen.y = -(FlxG.height * 0.5); add(blackScreen); introSound = new FunkinSound(); introSound.loadEmbedded(Paths.sound('CS_Lights')); introSound.pitch = 1; introSound.volume = 0; FlxG.sound.defaultSoundGroup.add(introSound); FlxG.sound.list.add(introSound); openSubState(new IntroSubState()); subStateClosed.addOnce((_) -> { remove(blackScreen); if (!Save.instance.oldChar) { camera.flash(); introSound.volume = 1;; } checkNewChar(); Save.instance.oldChar = true; }); } function checkNewChar():Void { if (nonLocks.length > 0) selectTimer.start(2, (_) -> { unLock(); }); else { FunkinSound.playMusic('stayFunky', { startingVolume: 1, overrideExisting: true, restartTrack: true, onLoad: function() { @:privateAccess gfChill.analyzer = new SpectralAnalyzer(, 7, 0.1); #if desktop // On desktop it uses FFT stuff that isn't as optimized as the direct browser stuff we use on HTML5 // So we want to manually change it! @:privateAccess gfChill.analyzer.fftN = 512; #end } }); } } var grpIcons:FlxSpriteGroup; var grpXSpread(default, set):Float = 107; var grpYSpread(default, set):Float = 127; var nonLocks = []; function initLocks():Void { grpIcons = new FlxSpriteGroup(); add(grpIcons); FlxG.debugger.addTrackerProfile(new TrackerProfile(FlxSpriteGroup, ["x", "y"])); // FlxG.debugger.track(grpIcons, "iconGrp"); for (i in 0...9) { if (availableChars.exists(i) && Save.instance.charactersSeen.contains(availableChars[i])) { var path:String = availableChars.get(i); var temp:PixelatedIcon = new PixelatedIcon(0, 0); temp.setCharacter(path); temp.setGraphicSize(128, 128); temp.updateHitbox(); temp.ID = 0; grpIcons.add(temp); } else { if (availableChars.exists(i)) nonLocks.push(i); var temp:Lock = new Lock(0, 0, i); temp.ID = 1; // temp.onAnimationComplete.add(function(anim) { // if (anim == "unlock") playerChill.playAnimation("unlock", true); // }); grpIcons.add(temp); } } updateIconPositions(); grpIcons.scrollFactor.set(); } function unLock() { var index = nonLocks[0]; pressedSelect = true; var copy = 3; var yThing = -1; while ((index + 1) > copy) { yThing++; copy += 3; } var xThing = (copy - index - 2) * -1; // Look, I'd write better code but I had better aneurysms, my bad - Cheems cursorY = yThing; cursorX = xThing;; nonLocks.shift(); selectTimer.start(0.5, function(_) { var lock:Lock = cast[index]; lock.anim.getFrameLabel("unlockAnim").add(function() { playerChillOut.playAnimation("death"); }); lock.playAnimation("unlock"); unlockSound.volume = 0.7;; syncLock = lock; sync = true; lock.onAnimationComplete.addOnce(function(_) { syncLock = null; var char = availableChars.get(index); camera.flash(0xFFFFFFFF, 0.1); playerChill.playAnimation("unlock"); playerChill.visible = true; var id = grpIcons.members.indexOf(lock); nametag.switchChar(char); gfChill.switchGF(char); var icon = new PixelatedIcon(0, 0); icon.setCharacter(char); icon.setGraphicSize(128, 128); icon.updateHitbox(); grpIcons.insert(id, icon); grpIcons.remove(lock, true); icon.ID = 0; bopPlay = true; updateIconPositions(); playerChillOut.onAnimationComplete.addOnce((_) -> if (_ == "death") { // sync = false; playerChillOut.visible = false; playerChillOut.switchChar(char); }); Save.instance.addCharacterSeen(char); if (nonLocks.length == 0) { pressedSelect = false; @:bypassAccessor curChar = char; staticSound.stop(); FunkinSound.playMusic('stayFunky', { startingVolume: 1, overrideExisting: true, restartTrack: true, onLoad: function() { @:privateAccess gfChill.analyzer = new SpectralAnalyzer(, 7, 0.1); #if desktop // On desktop it uses FFT stuff that isn't as optimized as the direct browser stuff we use on HTML5 // So we want to manually change it! @:privateAccess gfChill.analyzer.fftN = 512; #end } }); } else playerChill.onAnimationComplete.addOnce((_) -> unLock()); }); playerChill.visible = false; playerChill.switchChar(availableChars[index]); playerChillOut.visible = true; }); } function updateIconPositions() { grpIcons.x = 450; grpIcons.y = 120; for (index => member in grpIcons.members) { var posX:Float = (index % 3); var posY:Float = Math.floor(index / 3); member.x = posX * grpXSpread; member.y = posY * grpYSpread; member.x += grpIcons.x; member.y += grpIcons.y; } } var sync:Bool = false; var syncLock:Lock = null; var audioBizz:Float = 0; function syncAudio(elapsed:Float):Void { @:privateAccess if (sync && unlockSound.time > 0) { // if (playerChillOut.anim.framerate > 0) // { // if (syncLock != null) syncLock.anim.framerate = 0; // playerChillOut.anim.framerate = 0; // } playerChillOut.anim._tick = 0; if (syncLock != null) syncLock.anim._tick = 0; if ((unlockSound.time - audioBizz) >= ((delay) * 100)) { if (syncLock != null) syncLock.anim._tick = delay; playerChillOut.anim._tick = delay; audioBizz += delay * 100; } } } function goToFreeplay():Void { autoFollow = false; FlxTween.tween(cursor, {alpha: 0}, 0.8, {ease: FlxEase.expoOut}); FlxTween.tween(cursorBlue, {alpha: 0}, 0.8, {ease: FlxEase.expoOut}); FlxTween.tween(cursorDarkBlue, {alpha: 0}, 0.8, {ease: FlxEase.expoOut}); FlxTween.tween(cursorConfirmed, {alpha: 0}, 0.8, {ease: FlxEase.expoOut}); FlxTween.tween(barthing, {y: barthing.y + 80}, 0.8, {ease: FlxEase.backIn}); FlxTween.tween(dipshitBacking, {y: dipshitBacking.y + 210}, 0.8, {ease: FlxEase.backIn}); FlxTween.tween(chooseDipshit, {y: chooseDipshit.y + 200}, 0.8, {ease: FlxEase.backIn}); FlxTween.tween(dipshitBlur, {y: dipshitBlur.y + 220}, 0.8, {ease: FlxEase.backIn}); for (index => member in grpIcons.members) { // member.y += 300; FlxTween.tween(member, {y: member.y + 300}, 0.8, {ease: FlxEase.backIn}); }, LOCKON); FlxTween.tween(transitionGradient, {y: -150}, 0.8, {ease: FlxEase.backIn}); fadeShader.fade(1.0, 0, 0.8, {ease: FlxEase.quadIn}); FlxTween.tween(camFollow, {y: camFollow.y - 150}, 0.8, { ease: FlxEase.backIn, onComplete: function(_) { FlxG.switchState( { { character: curChar, fromCharSelect: true } })); } }); } var holdTmrUp:Float = 0; var holdTmrDown:Float = 0; var holdTmrLeft:Float = 0; var holdTmrRight:Float = 0; var spamUp:Bool = false; var spamDown:Bool = false; var spamLeft:Bool = false; var spamRight:Bool = false; override public function update(elapsed:Float):Void { super.update(elapsed); Conductor.instance.update(); if (controls.UI_UP_R || controls.UI_DOWN_R || controls.UI_LEFT_R || controls.UI_RIGHT_R) selectSound.pitch = 1; syncAudio(elapsed); if (!pressedSelect) { if (controls.UI_UP) holdTmrUp += elapsed; if (controls.UI_UP_R) { holdTmrUp = 0; spamUp = false; } if (controls.UI_DOWN) holdTmrDown += elapsed; if (controls.UI_DOWN_R) { holdTmrDown = 0; spamDown = false; } if (controls.UI_LEFT) holdTmrLeft += elapsed; if (controls.UI_LEFT_R) { holdTmrLeft = 0; spamLeft = false; } if (controls.UI_RIGHT) holdTmrRight += elapsed; if (controls.UI_RIGHT_R) { holdTmrRight = 0; spamRight = false; } var initSpam = 0.5; if (holdTmrUp >= initSpam) spamUp = true; if (holdTmrDown >= initSpam) spamDown = true; if (holdTmrLeft >= initSpam) spamLeft = true; if (holdTmrRight >= initSpam) spamRight = true; if (controls.UI_UP_P) { cursorY -= 1; cursorDenied.visible = false; holdTmrUp = 0;; } if (controls.UI_DOWN_P) { cursorY += 1; cursorDenied.visible = false; holdTmrDown = 0;; } if (controls.UI_LEFT_P) { cursorX -= 1; cursorDenied.visible = false; holdTmrLeft = 0;; } if (controls.UI_RIGHT_P) { cursorX += 1; cursorDenied.visible = false; holdTmrRight = 0;; } } if (cursorX < -1) { cursorX = 1; } if (cursorX > 1) { cursorX = -1; } if (cursorY < -1) { cursorY = 1; } if (cursorY > 1) { cursorY = -1; } if (autoFollow && availableChars.exists(getCurrentSelected()) && Save.instance.charactersSeen.contains(availableChars[getCurrentSelected()])) { gfChill.visible = true; curChar = availableChars.get(getCurrentSelected()); if (!pressedSelect && controls.ACCEPT) { cursorConfirmed.visible = true; cursorConfirmed.x = cursor.x - 2; cursorConfirmed.y = cursor.y - 4;"idle", true); grpCursors.visible = false;'CS_confirm')); FlxTween.tween(, {pitch: 0.1}, 1, {ease: FlxEase.quadInOut}); FlxTween.tween(, {volume: 0.0}, 1.5, {ease: FlxEase.quadInOut}); playerChill.playAnimation("select"); gfChill.playAnimation("confirm", true, false, true); pressedSelect = true; selectTimer.start(1.5, (_) -> { // pressedSelect = false; // FlxG.switchState( // { // { // character: curChar // } // })); goToFreeplay(); }); } if (pressedSelect && controls.BACK) { cursorConfirmed.visible = false; grpCursors.visible = true; FlxTween.globalManager.cancelTweensOf(; FlxTween.tween(, {pitch: 1.0, volume: 1.0}, 1, {ease: FlxEase.quartInOut}); playerChill.playAnimation("deselect"); gfChill.playAnimation("deselect"); pressedSelect = false; FlxTween.tween(, {pitch: 1.0}, 1, { ease: FlxEase.quartInOut, onComplete: (_) -> { if (playerChill.getCurrentAnimation() == "deselect loop start" || playerChill.getCurrentAnimation() == "deselect") { playerChill.playAnimation("idle", true, false, true); gfChill.playAnimation("idle", true, false, true); } } }); selectTimer.cancel(); } } else if (autoFollow) { curChar = "locked"; gfChill.visible = false; if (controls.ACCEPT) { cursorDenied.visible = true; cursorDenied.x = cursor.x - 2; cursorDenied.y = cursor.y - 4; playerChill.playAnimation("cannot select Label", true);;"idle", true); cursorDenied.animation.finishCallback = (_) -> { cursorDenied.visible = false; }; } } updateLockAnims(); if (autoFollow == true) { camFollow.screenCenter(); camFollow.x += cursorX * 10; camFollow.y += cursorY * 10; } cursorLocIntended.x = (cursorFactor * cursorX) + (FlxG.width / 2) - cursor.width / 2; cursorLocIntended.y = (cursorFactor * cursorY) + (FlxG.height / 2) - cursor.height / 2; cursorLocIntended.x += cursorOffsetX; cursorLocIntended.y += cursorOffsetY; cursor.x = MathUtil.coolLerp(cursor.x, cursorLocIntended.x, lerpAmnt); cursor.y = MathUtil.coolLerp(cursor.y, cursorLocIntended.y, lerpAmnt); cursorBlue.x = MathUtil.coolLerp(cursorBlue.x, cursor.x, lerpAmnt * 0.4); cursorBlue.y = MathUtil.coolLerp(cursorBlue.y, cursor.y, lerpAmnt * 0.4); cursorDarkBlue.x = MathUtil.coolLerp(cursorDarkBlue.x, cursorLocIntended.x, lerpAmnt * 0.2); cursorDarkBlue.y = MathUtil.coolLerp(cursorDarkBlue.y, cursorLocIntended.y, lerpAmnt * 0.2); } var bopTimer:Float = 0; var delay = 1 / 24; var bopFr = 0; var bopPlay:Bool = false; var bopRefX:Float = 0; var bopRefY:Float = 0; function doBop(icon:PixelatedIcon, elapsed:Float):Void { if (bopFr >= bopInfo.frames.length) { bopRefX = 0; bopRefY = 0; bopPlay = false; bopFr = 0; return; } bopTimer += elapsed; if (bopTimer >= delay) { bopTimer -= bopTimer; var refFrame = bopInfo.frames[bopInfo.frames.length - 1]; var curFrame = bopInfo.frames[bopFr]; if (bopFr >= 13) icon.filters = selectedBizz; var scaleXDiff:Float = curFrame.scaleX - refFrame.scaleX; var scaleYDiff:Float = curFrame.scaleY - refFrame.scaleY; icon.scale.set(2.6, 2.6); icon.scale.add(scaleXDiff, scaleYDiff); bopFr++; } } public override function dispatchEvent(event:ScriptEvent):Void { // super.dispatchEvent(event) dispatches event to module scripts. super.dispatchEvent(event); // Dispatch events (like onBeatHit) to props ScriptEventDispatcher.callEvent(playerChill, event); ScriptEventDispatcher.callEvent(gfChill, event); } function spamOnStep():Void { if (spamUp || spamDown || spamLeft || spamRight) { // selectSound.changePitchBySemitone(1); if (selectSound.pitch > 5) selectSound.pitch = 5;; cursorDenied.visible = false; if (spamUp) { cursorY -= 1; holdTmrUp = 0; } if (spamDown) { cursorY += 1; holdTmrDown = 0; } if (spamLeft) { cursorX -= 1; holdTmrLeft = 0; } if (spamRight) { cursorX += 1; holdTmrRight = 0; } } } private function updateLockAnims():Void { for (index => member in { switch (member.ID) { case 1: var lock:Lock = cast member; if (index == getCurrentSelected()) { switch (lock.getCurrentAnimation()) { case "idle": lock.playAnimation("selected"); case "selected" | "clicked": if (controls.ACCEPT) lock.playAnimation("clicked", true); } } else { lock.playAnimation("idle"); } case 0: var memb:PixelatedIcon = cast member; if (index == getCurrentSelected()) { // memb.pixels = memb.withDropShadow.clone(); if (bopPlay) { if (bopRefX == 0) { bopRefX = memb.x; bopRefY = memb.y; } doBop(memb, FlxG.elapsed); } else { memb.filters = selectedBizz; memb.scale.set(2.6, 2.6); } if (pressedSelect && == "idle")"confirm"); if (autoFollow && !pressedSelect && != "idle") {"confirm", false, true); member.animation.finishCallback = (_) -> {"idle"); member.animation.finishCallback = null; }; } } else { // memb.pixels = memb.noDropShadow.clone(); memb.filters = null; memb.scale.set(2, 2); } } } } function getCurrentSelected():Int { var tempX:Int = cursorX + 1; var tempY:Int = cursorY + 1; var gridPosition:Int = tempX + tempY * 3; return gridPosition; } function set_curChar(value:String):String { if (curChar == value) return value; curChar = value; if (value == "locked"); else staticSound.stop(); nametag.switchChar(value); playerChill.visible = false; playerChillOut.visible = true; playerChillOut.playAnimation("slideout"); var index = playerChillOut.anim.getFrameLabel("slideout").index; playerChillOut.onAnimationFrame.add((_, frame:Int) -> { if (frame == index + 1) { playerChill.visible = true; playerChill.switchChar(value); gfChill.switchGF(value); } if (frame == index + 2) { playerChillOut.switchChar(value); playerChillOut.visible = false; playerChillOut.onAnimationFrame.removeAll(); } }); return value; } function set_grpXSpread(value:Float):Float { grpXSpread = value; updateIconPositions(); return value; } function set_grpYSpread(value:Float):Float { grpYSpread = value; updateIconPositions(); return value; } }