package; import haxe.Json; import lime.utils.Assets; using StringTools; class Song { public var song:String; public var notes:Array
; public var bpm:Int; public var sections:Int; public var sectionLengths:Array = []; public function new(song, notes, bpm, sections) { = song; this.notes = notes; this.bpm = bpm; this.sections = sections; for (i in 0...notes.length) { this.sectionLengths.push(notes[i]); } } public static function loadFromJson(jsonInput:String):Song { var daNotes:Array
= []; var daBpm:Int = 0; var daSections:Int = 0; var daSong:String = ''; var daSectionLengths:Array = []; var rawJson = Assets.getText('assets/data/' + jsonInput + '/' + jsonInput + '.json').trim(); while (!rawJson.endsWith("}")) { rawJson = rawJson.substr(0, rawJson.length - 1); // LOL GOING THROUGH THE BULLSHIT TO CLEAN IDK WHATS STRANGE } trace(rawJson); var songData = Json.parse(rawJson); daNotes = songData.notes; daSong =; daSections = songData.sections; daBpm = songData.bpm; daSectionLengths = songData.sectionLengths; return new Song(daSong, daNotes, daBpm, daSections); } }