package; import flixel.FlxG; import openfl.Lib; import openfl.display.Bitmap; import openfl.display.BitmapData; import openfl.display.Sprite; import openfl.display3D.Context3DTextureFormat; import openfl.display3D.textures.TextureBase; import openfl.filters.BitmapFilter; /** * Provides cool stuff for `BitmapData`s that have a hardware texture internally. */ @:access(openfl.display.BitmapData) @:access(openfl.display3D.textures.TextureBase) @:access(openfl.display3D.Context3D) class BitmapDataUtil { static function getCache():{sprite:Sprite, bitmap:Bitmap} { static var cache:{sprite:Sprite, bitmap:Bitmap} = null; if (cache == null) { final sprite = new Sprite(); final bitmap = new Bitmap(); sprite.addChild(bitmap); cache = { sprite: sprite, bitmap: bitmap } } return cache; } /** * Applies a bitmap filter to a bitmap immediately. The bitmap filter may refer * the bitmap itself as a shader input. * @param bitmap the bitmap data * @param filter the bitmap filter */ public static function applyFilter(bitmap:BitmapData, filter:BitmapFilter):Void { hardwareCheck(bitmap); final cache = getCache(); cache.bitmap.bitmapData = bitmap; cache.sprite.filters = [filter]; bitmap.draw(cache.sprite); } /** * Creates a bitmap with a hardware texture. * @param width the width * @param height the height * @param format the format if the internal texture * @return the bitmap */ public static function create(width:Int, height:Int, format:Context3DTextureFormat = BGRA):FixedBitmapData { final texture = Lib.current.stage.context3D.createTexture(width, height, format, true); return FixedBitmapData.fromTexture(texture); } /** * Resizes the bitmap. * @param bitmap the bitmap data * @param width the width * @param height the height */ public static function resize(bitmap:BitmapData, width:Int, height:Int):Void { hardwareCheck(bitmap); if (bitmap.width == width && bitmap.height == height) return; bitmap.width = width; bitmap.height = height; resizeTexture(bitmap.__texture, width, height); } /** * Resizes the texture. * @param texture the texture * @param width the width * @param height the height */ public static function resizeTexture(texture:TextureBase, width:Int, height:Int):Void { if (texture.__width == width && texture.__height == height) return; texture.__width = width; texture.__height = height; final context = texture.__context; final gl =; context.__bindGLTexture2D(texture.__textureID); gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, texture.__internalFormat, width, height, 0, texture.__format, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null); context.__bindGLTexture2D(null); } /** * Copies the content of `src` to `dst`. The destination bitmap `dst` will be resized * so that it has the same size as `src`. * @param dst the destination bitmap * @param src the source bitmap */ public static function copy(dst:BitmapData, src:BitmapData):Void { hardwareCheck(dst); hardwareCheck(src); final cache = getCache(); cache.bitmap.bitmapData = src; cache.sprite.filters = null; resize(dst, src.width, src.height); dst.fillRect(dst.rect, 0); dst.draw(cache.sprite); } static function hardwareCheck(bitmap:BitmapData):Void { if (bitmap.readable) { FlxG.log.error('do not use `BitmapDataUtil` for non-GPU bitmaps!'); } } }