package funkin.modding; import funkin.util.macro.ClassMacro; import funkin.modding.module.ModuleHandler; import; import; import; import polymod.Polymod; import polymod.backends.PolymodAssets.PolymodAssetType; import polymod.format.ParseRules.TextFileFormat; import; import funkin.util.FileUtil; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; class PolymodHandler { /** * The API version that mods should comply with. * Format this with Semantic Versioning; <MAJOR>.<MINOR>.<PATCH>. * Bug fixes increment the patch version, new features increment the minor version. * Changes that break old mods increment the major version. */ static final API_VERSION:String = "0.1.0"; /** * Where relative to the executable that mods are located. */ static final MOD_FOLDER:String = #if (REDIRECT_ASSETS_FOLDER && macos) "../../../../../../../example_mods" #elseif REDIRECT_ASSETS_FOLDER "../../../../example_mods" #else "mods" #end; static final CORE_FOLDER:Null<String> = #if (REDIRECT_ASSETS_FOLDER && macos) "../../../../../../../assets" #elseif REDIRECT_ASSETS_FOLDER "../../../../assets" #else null #end; public static function createModRoot() { FileUtil.createDirIfNotExists(MOD_FOLDER); } /** * Loads the game with ALL mods enabled with Polymod. */ public static function loadAllMods() { // Create the mod root if it doesn't exist. createModRoot(); trace("Initializing Polymod (using all mods)..."); loadModsById(getAllModIds()); } /** * Loads the game with configured mods enabled with Polymod. */ public static function loadEnabledMods() { // Create the mod root if it doesn't exist. createModRoot(); trace("Initializing Polymod (using configured mods)..."); loadModsById(Save.get().enabledModIds); } /** * Loads the game without any mods enabled with Polymod. */ public static function loadNoMods() { // Create the mod root if it doesn't exist. createModRoot(); // We still need to configure the debug print calls etc. trace("Initializing Polymod (using no mods)..."); loadModsById([]); } public static function loadModsById(ids:Array<String>) { if (ids.length == 0) { trace('You attempted to load zero mods.'); } else { trace('Attempting to load ${ids.length} mods...'); } buildImports(); var loadedModList = polymod.Polymod.init( { // Root directory for all mods. modRoot: MOD_FOLDER, // The directories for one or more mods to load. dirs: ids, // Framework being used to load assets. framework: OPENFL, // The current version of our API. apiVersionRule: API_VERSION, // Call this function any time an error occurs. errorCallback: PolymodErrorHandler.onPolymodError, // Enforce semantic version patterns for each mod. // modVersions: null, // A map telling Polymod what the asset type is for unfamiliar file extensions. // extensionMap: [], frameworkParams: buildFrameworkParams(), // List of filenames to ignore in mods. Use the default list to ignore the metadata file, etc. ignoredFiles: Polymod.getDefaultIgnoreList(), // Parsing rules for various data formats. parseRules: buildParseRules(), // Parse hxc files and register the scripted classes in them. useScriptedClasses: true, loadScriptsAsync: #if html5 true #else false #end, }); if (loadedModList == null) { trace('An error occurred! Failed when loading mods!'); } else { if (loadedModList.length == 0) { trace('Mod loading complete. We loaded no mods / ${ids.length} mods.'); } else { trace('Mod loading complete. We loaded ${loadedModList.length} / ${ids.length} mods.'); } } for (mod in loadedModList) { trace(' * ${mod.title} v${mod.modVersion} [${}]'); } #if debug var fileList = Polymod.listModFiles(PolymodAssetType.IMAGE); trace('Installed mods have replaced ${fileList.length} images.'); for (item in fileList) trace(' * $item'); fileList = Polymod.listModFiles(PolymodAssetType.TEXT); trace('Installed mods have added/replaced ${fileList.length} text files.'); for (item in fileList) trace(' * $item'); fileList = Polymod.listModFiles(PolymodAssetType.AUDIO_MUSIC); trace('Installed mods have replaced ${fileList.length} music files.'); for (item in fileList) trace(' * $item'); fileList = Polymod.listModFiles(PolymodAssetType.AUDIO_SOUND); trace('Installed mods have replaced ${fileList.length} sound files.'); for (item in fileList) trace(' * $item'); fileList = Polymod.listModFiles(PolymodAssetType.AUDIO_GENERIC); trace('Installed mods have replaced ${fileList.length} generic audio files.'); for (item in fileList) trace(' * $item'); #end } static function buildImports():Void { // Add default imports for common classes. // Add import aliases for certain classes. // NOTE: Scripted classes are automatically aliased to their parent class. Polymod.addImportAlias('flixel.math.FlxPoint', flixel.math.FlxPoint.FlxBasePoint); Polymod.addImportAlias('flixel.system.FlxSound', flixel.sound.FlxSound); // Add blacklisting for prohibited classes and packages. // `polymod.*` for (cls in ClassMacro.listClassesInPackage('polymod')) { if (cls == null) continue; var className = Type.getClassName(cls); Polymod.blacklistImport(className); } } static function buildParseRules():polymod.format.ParseRules { var output = polymod.format.ParseRules.getDefault(); // Ensure TXT files have merge support. output.addType("txt", TextFileFormat.LINES); // Ensure script files have merge support. output.addType("hscript", TextFileFormat.PLAINTEXT); output.addType("hxs", TextFileFormat.PLAINTEXT); output.addType("hxc", TextFileFormat.PLAINTEXT); output.addType("hx", TextFileFormat.PLAINTEXT); // You can specify the format of a specific file, with file extension. // output.addFile("data/introText.txt", TextFileFormat.LINES) return output; } static inline function buildFrameworkParams():polymod.Polymod.FrameworkParams { return { assetLibraryPaths: [ "default" => "preload", "shared" => "", "songs" => "songs", "tutorial" => "tutorial", "week1" => "week1", "week2" => "week2", "week3" => "week3", "week4" => "week4", "week5" => "week5", "week6" => "week6", "week7" => "week7", "weekend1" => "weekend1", ], coreAssetRedirect: CORE_FOLDER, } } public static function getAllMods():Array<ModMetadata> { trace('Scanning the mods folder...'); var modMetadata = Polymod.scan( { modRoot: MOD_FOLDER, apiVersionRule: API_VERSION, errorCallback: PolymodErrorHandler.onPolymodError }); trace('Found ${modMetadata.length} mods when scanning.'); return modMetadata; } public static function getAllModIds():Array<String> { var modIds = [for (i in getAllMods())]; return modIds; } public static function getEnabledMods():Array<ModMetadata> { var modIds = Save.get().enabledModIds; var modMetadata = getAllMods(); var enabledMods = []; for (item in modMetadata) { if (modIds.indexOf( != -1) { enabledMods.push(item); } } return enabledMods; } public static function forceReloadAssets() { // Forcibly clear scripts so that scripts can be edited. ModuleHandler.clearModuleCache(); Polymod.clearScripts(); // Forcibly reload Polymod so it finds any new files. // TODO: Replace this with loadEnabledMods(). funkin.modding.PolymodHandler.loadAllMods(); // Reload scripted classes so stages and modules will update. Polymod.registerAllScriptClasses(); // Reload everything that is cached. // Currently this freezes the game for a second but I guess that's tolerable? // TODO: Reload event callbacks // These MUST be imported at the top of the file and not referred to by fully qualified name, // to ensure build macros work properly. SongRegistry.instance.loadEntries(); LevelRegistry.instance.loadEntries(); NoteStyleRegistry.instance.loadEntries(); SongEventRegistry.loadEventCache(); ConversationDataParser.loadConversationCache(); DialogueBoxDataParser.loadDialogueBoxCache(); SpeakerDataParser.loadSpeakerCache(); StageDataParser.loadStageCache(); CharacterDataParser.loadCharacterCache(); ModuleHandler.loadModuleCache(); } }