package funkin.ui.options;

import flixel.FlxCamera;
import flixel.FlxObject;
import flixel.FlxSprite;
import funkin.ui.AtlasText.AtlasFont;
import funkin.ui.options.OptionsState.Page;
import funkin.ui.TextMenuList.TextMenuItem;
import funkin.ui.options.MenuItemEnums;
import funkin.ui.options.items.CheckboxPreferenceItem;
import funkin.ui.options.items.NumberPreferenceItem;
import funkin.ui.options.items.EnumPreferenceItem;

class PreferencesMenu extends Page
  var items:TextMenuList;
  var preferenceItems:FlxTypedSpriteGroup<FlxSprite>;

  var menuCamera:FlxCamera;
  var camFollow:FlxObject;

  public function new()

    menuCamera = new FunkinCamera('prefMenu');
    FlxG.cameras.add(menuCamera, false);
    menuCamera.bgColor = 0x0;
    camera = menuCamera;

    add(items = new TextMenuList());
    add(preferenceItems = new FlxTypedSpriteGroup<FlxSprite>());


    camFollow = new FlxObject(FlxG.width / 2, 0, 140, 70);
    if (items != null) camFollow.y = items.selectedItem.y;

    menuCamera.follow(camFollow, null, 0.06);
    var margin = 160;
    menuCamera.deadzone.set(0, margin, menuCamera.width, 40);
    menuCamera.minScrollY = 0;

    items.onChange.add(function(selected) {
      camFollow.y = selected.y;

   * Create the menu items for each of the preferences.
  function createPrefItems():Void
    createPrefItemCheckbox('Naughtyness', 'Toggle displaying raunchy content', function(value:Bool):Void {
      Preferences.naughtyness = value;
    }, Preferences.naughtyness);
    createPrefItemCheckbox('Downscroll', 'Enable to make notes move downwards', function(value:Bool):Void {
      Preferences.downscroll = value;
    }, Preferences.downscroll);
    createPrefItemCheckbox('Flashing Lights', 'Disable to dampen flashing effects', function(value:Bool):Void {
      Preferences.flashingLights = value;
    }, Preferences.flashingLights);
    createPrefItemCheckbox('Camera Zooming on Beat', 'Disable to stop the camera bouncing to the song', function(value:Bool):Void {
      Preferences.zoomCamera = value;
    }, Preferences.zoomCamera);
    createPrefItemCheckbox('Debug Display', 'Enable to show FPS and other debug stats', function(value:Bool):Void {
      Preferences.debugDisplay = value;
    }, Preferences.debugDisplay);
    createPrefItemCheckbox('Auto Pause', 'Automatically pause the game when it loses focus', function(value:Bool):Void {
      Preferences.autoPause = value;
    }, Preferences.autoPause);

  override function update(elapsed:Float):Void

    // Indent the selected item.
    items.forEach(function(daItem:TextMenuItem) {
      var thyOffset:Int = 0;

      // Initializing thy text width (if thou text present)
      var thyTextWidth:Int = 0;
      if (Std.isOfType(daItem, EnumPreferenceItem)) thyTextWidth = cast(daItem, EnumPreferenceItem).lefthandText.getWidth();
      else if (Std.isOfType(daItem, NumberPreferenceItem)) thyTextWidth = cast(daItem, NumberPreferenceItem).lefthandText.getWidth();

      if (thyTextWidth != 0)
        // Magic number because of the weird offset thats being added by default
        thyOffset += thyTextWidth - 75;

      if (items.selectedItem == daItem)
        thyOffset += 150;
        thyOffset += 120;

      daItem.x = thyOffset;

  // - Preference item creation methods -
  // Should be moved into a separate PreferenceItems class but you can't access PreferencesMenu.items and PreferencesMenu.preferenceItems from outside.

   * Creates a pref item that works with booleans
   * @param onChange Gets called every time the player changes the value; use this to apply the value
   * @param defaultValue The value that is loaded in when the pref item is created (usually your Preferences.settingVariable)
  function createPrefItemCheckbox(prefName:String, prefDesc:String, onChange:Bool->Void, defaultValue:Bool):Void
    var checkbox:CheckboxPreferenceItem = new CheckboxPreferenceItem(0, 120 * (items.length - 1 + 1), defaultValue);

    items.createItem(0, (120 * items.length) + 30, prefName, AtlasFont.BOLD, function() {
      var value = !checkbox.currentValue;
      checkbox.currentValue = value;


   * Creates a pref item that works with general numbers
   * @param onChange Gets called every time the player changes the value; use this to apply the value
   * @param valueFormatter Will get called every time the game needs to display the float value; use this to change how the displayed value looks
   * @param defaultValue The value that is loaded in when the pref item is created (usually your Preferences.settingVariable)
   * @param min Minimum value (example: 0)
   * @param max Maximum value (example: 10)
   * @param step The value to increment/decrement by (default = 0.1)
   * @param precision Rounds decimals up to a `precision` amount of digits (ex: 4 -> 0.1234, 2 -> 0.12)
  function createPrefItemNumber(prefName:String, prefDesc:String, onChange:Float->Void, ?valueFormatter:Float->String, defaultValue:Int, min:Int, max:Int,
      step:Float = 0.1, precision:Int):Void
    var item = new NumberPreferenceItem(0, (120 * items.length) + 30, prefName, defaultValue, min, max, step, precision, onChange, valueFormatter);
    items.addItem(prefName, item);

   * Creates a pref item that works with number percentages
   * @param onChange Gets called every time the player changes the value; use this to apply the value
   * @param defaultValue The value that is loaded in when the pref item is created (usually your Preferences.settingVariable)
   * @param min Minimum value (default = 0)
   * @param max Maximum value (default = 100)
  function createPrefItemPercentage(prefName:String, prefDesc:String, onChange:Int->Void, defaultValue:Int, min:Int = 0, max:Int = 100):Void
    var newCallback = function(value:Float) {
    var formatter = function(value:Float) {
      return '${value}%';
    var item = new NumberPreferenceItem(0, (120 * items.length) + 30, prefName, defaultValue, min, max, 10, 0, newCallback, formatter);
    items.addItem(prefName, item);

   * Creates a pref item that works with enums
   * @param values Maps enum values to display strings _(ex: `NoteHitSoundType.PingPong => "Ping pong"`)_
   * @param onChange Gets called every time the player changes the value; use this to apply the value
   * @param defaultValue The value that is loaded in when the pref item is created (usually your Preferences.settingVariable)
  function createPrefItemEnum(prefName:String, prefDesc:String, values:Map<String, String>, onChange:String->Void, defaultValue:String):Void
    var item = new EnumPreferenceItem(0, (120 * items.length) + 30, prefName, values, defaultValue, onChange);
    items.addItem(prefName, item);