package funkin.util.macro;

#if debug
class GitCommit
   * Get the SHA1 hash of the current Git commit.
  public static macro function getGitCommitHash():haxe.macro.Expr.ExprOf<String>
    #if !display
    // Get the current line number.
    var pos = haxe.macro.Context.currentPos();

    var process = new'git', ['rev-parse', 'HEAD']);
    if (process.exitCode() != 0)
      var message = process.stderr.readAll().toString();'[WARN] Could not determine current git commit; is this a proper Git repository?', pos);

    // read the output of the process
    var commitHash:String = process.stdout.readLine();
    var commitHashSplice:String = commitHash.substr(0, 7);

    trace('Git Commit ID: ${commitHashSplice}');

    // Generates a string expression
    return macro $v{commitHashSplice};
    // `#if display` is used for code completion. In this case returning an
    // empty string is good enough; We don't want to call git on every hint.
    var commitHash:String = "";
    return macro $v{commitHashSplice};

   * Get the branch name of the current Git commit.
  public static macro function getGitBranch():haxe.macro.Expr.ExprOf<String>
    #if !display
    // Get the current line number.
    var pos = haxe.macro.Context.currentPos();
    var branchProcess = new'git', ['rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD']);

    if (branchProcess.exitCode() != 0)
      var message = branchProcess.stderr.readAll().toString();'[WARN] Could not determine current git commit; is this a proper Git repository?', pos);

    var branchName:String = branchProcess.stdout.readLine();
    trace('Git Branch Name: ${branchName}');

    // Generates a string expression
    return macro $v{branchName};
    // `#if display` is used for code completion. In this case returning an
    // empty string is good enough; We don't want to call git on every hint.
    var branchName:String = "";
    return macro $v{branchName};