package; import; import flixel.FlxSprite; import; import flixel.util.FlxColor; import; import flixel.tweens.FlxTween; import flixel.tweens.FlxEase; import flixel.sound.FlxSound; import funkin.util.SortUtil; import flixel.util.FlxSort; import; import funkin.modding.IScriptedClass.IEventHandler; import; import funkin.modding.IScriptedClass.IDialogueScriptedClass; import; import flixel.addons.display.FlxPieDial; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * A high-level handler for dialogue. * * This shit is great for modders but it's pretty elaborate for how much it'll actually be used, lolol. -Eric */ class Conversation extends FlxSpriteGroup implements IDialogueScriptedClass implements IRegistryEntry { /** * The ID of the conversation. */ public final id:String; /** * The current state of the conversation. */ var state:ConversationState = ConversationState.Start; /** * Conversation data as parsed from the JSON file. */ public final _data:ConversationData; /** * The current entry in the dialogue. */ var currentDialogueEntry:Int = 0; var currentDialogueEntryCount(get, never):Int; function get_currentDialogueEntryCount():Int { return _data.dialogue.length; } /** * The current line in the current entry in the dialogue. * **/ var currentDialogueLine:Int = 0; var currentDialogueLineCount(get, never):Int; function get_currentDialogueLineCount():Int { return currentDialogueEntryData.text.length; } var currentDialogueEntryData(get, never):DialogueEntryData; function get_currentDialogueEntryData():DialogueEntryData { if (_data == null || _data.dialogue == null) return null; if (currentDialogueEntry < 0 || currentDialogueEntry >= _data.dialogue.length) return null; return _data.dialogue[currentDialogueEntry]; } var currentDialogueLineString(get, never):String; function get_currentDialogueLineString():String { return currentDialogueEntryData?.text[currentDialogueLine]; } /** * AUDIO */ var music:FlxSound; /** * GRAPHICS */ var backdrop:FunkinSprite; var currentSpeaker:Speaker; var currentDialogueBox:DialogueBox; public function new(id:String) { super(); = id; this._data = _fetchData(id); if (_data == null) { throw 'Could not parse conversation data for id: $id'; } } public function onCreate(event:ScriptEvent):Void { // Reset the progress in the dialogue. currentDialogueEntry = 0; currentDialogueLine = 0; this.state = ConversationState.Start; // Start the dialogue. dispatchEvent(new DialogueScriptEvent(DIALOGUE_START, this, false)); } function setupMusic():Void { if ( == null) return; music = new FlxSound().loadEmbedded(, true, true); music.volume = 0; if ( > 0.0) { FlxTween.tween(music, {volume: 1.0},, {ease: FlxEase.linear}); } else { music.volume = 1.0; } FlxG.sound.list.add(music);; } public function pauseMusic():Void { if (music != null) { music.pause(); } } public function resumeMusic():Void { if (music != null) { music.resume(); } } function setupBackdrop():Void { if (backdrop != null) { backdrop.destroy(); remove(backdrop); backdrop = null; } backdrop = new FunkinSprite(0, 0); if (_data.backdrop == null) return; // Play intro switch (_data.backdrop) { case SOLID(backdropData): var targetColor:FlxColor = FlxColor.fromString(backdropData.color); backdrop.makeSolidColor(,, targetColor); if (backdropData.fadeTime > 0.0) { backdrop.alpha = 0.0; FlxTween.tween(backdrop, {alpha: 1.0}, backdropData.fadeTime, {ease: FlxEase.linear}); } else { backdrop.alpha = 1.0; } default: return; } backdrop.zIndex = 10; add(backdrop); refresh(); } public override function update(elapsed:Float):Void { super.update(elapsed); dispatchEvent(new UpdateScriptEvent(elapsed)); } function showCurrentSpeaker():Void { var nextSpeakerId:String = currentDialogueEntryData.speaker; // Skip the next steps if the current speaker is already displayed. if ((currentSpeaker != null && currentSpeaker.alive) && nextSpeakerId == return; if (currentSpeaker != null) { remove(currentSpeaker); currentSpeaker.kill(); // Kill, don't destroy! We want to revive it later. currentSpeaker = null; } var nextSpeaker:Speaker = SpeakerRegistry.instance.fetchEntry(nextSpeakerId); if (nextSpeaker == null) { if (nextSpeakerId == null) { trace('Dialogue entry has no speaker.'); } else { trace('Speaker could not be retrieved.'); } return; } if (!nextSpeaker.alive) nextSpeaker.revive(); ScriptEventDispatcher.callEvent(nextSpeaker, new ScriptEvent(CREATE, true)); currentSpeaker = nextSpeaker; currentSpeaker.zIndex = 200; add(currentSpeaker); refresh(); } function playSpeakerAnimation():Void { var nextSpeakerAnimation:String = currentDialogueEntryData.speakerAnimation; if (nextSpeakerAnimation == null) return; currentSpeaker.playAnimation(nextSpeakerAnimation); } public function refresh():Void { sort(SortUtil.byZIndex, FlxSort.ASCENDING); } function showCurrentDialogueBox():Void { var nextDialogueBoxId:String = currentDialogueEntryData?.box; // Skip the next steps if the current dialogue box is already displayed. if ((currentDialogueBox != null && currentDialogueBox.alive) && nextDialogueBoxId == return; if (currentDialogueBox != null) { remove(currentDialogueBox); currentDialogueBox.kill(); // Kill, don't destroy! We want to revive it later. currentDialogueBox = null; } var nextDialogueBox:DialogueBox = DialogueBoxRegistry.instance.fetchEntry(nextDialogueBoxId); if (nextDialogueBox == null) { trace('Dialogue box could not be retrieved.'); return; } if (!nextDialogueBox.alive) nextDialogueBox.revive(); ScriptEventDispatcher.callEvent(nextDialogueBox, new ScriptEvent(CREATE, true)); currentDialogueBox = nextDialogueBox; currentDialogueBox.zIndex = 300; currentDialogueBox.typingCompleteCallback = this.onTypingComplete; add(currentDialogueBox); refresh(); } function playDialogueBoxAnimation():Void { var nextDialogueBoxAnimation:String = currentDialogueEntryData?.boxAnimation; if (nextDialogueBoxAnimation == null) return; currentDialogueBox.playAnimation(nextDialogueBoxAnimation); } function onTypingComplete():Void { if (this.state == ConversationState.Speaking) { this.state = ConversationState.Idle; } else { trace('[WARNING] Unexpected state transition from ${this.state}'); this.state = ConversationState.Idle; } } public function startConversation():Void { dispatchEvent(new DialogueScriptEvent(DIALOGUE_START, this, true)); } /** * Dispatch an event to attempt to advance the conversation. * This is done once at the start of the conversation, and once whenever the user presses CONFIRM to advance the conversation. * * The broadcast event may be cancelled by modules or ScriptedConversations. This will prevent the conversation from actually advancing. * This is useful if you want to manually play an animation or something. */ public function advanceConversation():Void { switch (state) { case ConversationState.Start: dispatchEvent(new DialogueScriptEvent(DIALOGUE_START, this, true)); case ConversationState.Opening: dispatchEvent(new DialogueScriptEvent(DIALOGUE_COMPLETE_LINE, this, true)); case ConversationState.Speaking: dispatchEvent(new DialogueScriptEvent(DIALOGUE_COMPLETE_LINE, this, true)); case ConversationState.Idle: dispatchEvent(new DialogueScriptEvent(DIALOGUE_LINE, this, true)); case ConversationState.Ending: // Skip the outro. endOutro(); default: // Do nothing. } } public function dispatchEvent(event:ScriptEvent):Void { var currentState:IEventHandler = cast FlxG.state; currentState.dispatchEvent(event); } /** * Reset the conversation back to the start. */ public function resetConversation():Void { // Reset the progress in the dialogue. currentDialogueEntry = 0; this.state = ConversationState.Start; if (outroTween != null) { outroTween.cancel(); } outroTween = null; if ( != null); = null; if (currentSpeaker != null) currentSpeaker.kill(); remove(currentSpeaker); currentSpeaker = null; if (currentDialogueBox != null) currentDialogueBox.kill(); remove(currentDialogueBox); currentDialogueBox = null; if (backdrop != null) backdrop.destroy(); remove(backdrop); backdrop = null; startConversation(); } /** * Dispatch an event to attempt to immediately end the conversation. * * The broadcast event may be cancelled by modules or ScriptedConversations. This will prevent the conversation from being cancelled. * This is useful if you want to prevent an animation from being skipped or something. */ public function skipConversation():Void { dispatchEvent(new DialogueScriptEvent(DIALOGUE_SKIP, this, true)); } var outroTween:FlxTween; public function startOutro():Void { switch (_data?.outro) { case FADE(outroData): outroTween = FlxTween.tween(this, {alpha: 0.0}, outroData.fadeTime, { type: ONESHOT, // holy shit like the game no way startDelay: 0, onComplete: (_) -> endOutro(), }); FlxTween.tween(, {volume: 0.0}, outroData.fadeTime); case NONE(_): // Immediately clean up. endOutro(); default: // Immediately clean up. endOutro(); } } public var completeCallback:() -> Void; public function endOutro():Void { ScriptEventDispatcher.callEvent(this, new ScriptEvent(DESTROY, false)); } /** * Performed as the conversation starts. */ public function onDialogueStart(event:DialogueScriptEvent):Void { propagateEvent(event); // Fade in the music and backdrop. setupMusic(); setupBackdrop(); // Advance the conversation. state = ConversationState.Opening; showCurrentDialogueBox(); playDialogueBoxAnimation(); } /** * Display the next line of conversation. */ public function onDialogueLine(event:DialogueScriptEvent):Void { propagateEvent(event); if (event.eventCanceled) return; // Perform the actual logic to advance the conversation. currentDialogueLine += 1; if (currentDialogueLine >= currentDialogueLineCount) { // Open the next entry. currentDialogueLine = 0; currentDialogueEntry += 1; if (currentDialogueEntry >= currentDialogueEntryCount) { dispatchEvent(new DialogueScriptEvent(DIALOGUE_END, this, false)); } else { if (state == Idle) { showCurrentDialogueBox(); playDialogueBoxAnimation(); state = Opening; } } } else { // Continue the dialog with more lines. state = Speaking; currentDialogueBox.appendText(currentDialogueLineString); } } /** * Skip the scrolling of the next line of conversation. */ public function onDialogueCompleteLine(event:DialogueScriptEvent):Void { propagateEvent(event); if (event.eventCanceled) return; currentDialogueBox.skip(); } /** * Skip to the end of the conversation, immediately triggering the DIALOGUE_END event. */ public function onDialogueSkip(event:DialogueScriptEvent):Void { propagateEvent(event); if (event.eventCanceled) return; dispatchEvent(new DialogueScriptEvent(DIALOGUE_END, this, false)); } public function onDialogueEnd(event:DialogueScriptEvent):Void { propagateEvent(event); state = Ending; } // Only used for events/scripts. public function onUpdate(event:UpdateScriptEvent):Void { propagateEvent(event); if (event.eventCanceled) return; switch (state) { case ConversationState.Start: // Wait for advance() to be called and DIALOGUE_LINE to be dispatched. return; case ConversationState.Opening: // Backdrop animation should have started. // Box animations should have started. if (currentDialogueBox != null && (currentDialogueBox.isAnimationFinished() || currentDialogueBox.getCurrentAnimation() != currentDialogueEntryData?.boxAnimation)) { // Box animations have finished. // Start playing the speaker animation. state = ConversationState.Speaking; showCurrentSpeaker(); playSpeakerAnimation(); currentDialogueBox.setText(currentDialogueLineString); } return; case ConversationState.Speaking: // Speaker animation should be playing. return; case ConversationState.Idle: // Waiting for user input via `advanceConversation()`. return; case ConversationState.Ending: if (outroTween == null) startOutro(); return; } } public function onDestroy(event:ScriptEvent):Void { propagateEvent(event); if (outroTween != null) { outroTween.cancel(); } outroTween = null; if ( != null); = null; if (currentSpeaker != null) currentSpeaker.kill(); remove(currentSpeaker); currentSpeaker = null; if (currentDialogueBox != null) currentDialogueBox.kill(); remove(currentDialogueBox); currentDialogueBox = null; if (backdrop != null) backdrop.destroy(); remove(backdrop); backdrop = null; this.clear(); if (completeCallback != null) completeCallback(); } public function onScriptEvent(event:ScriptEvent):Void { propagateEvent(event); } /** * As this event is dispatched to the Conversation, it is also dispatched to the active speaker. * @param event */ function propagateEvent(event:ScriptEvent):Void { if (this.currentDialogueBox != null && this.currentDialogueBox.exists) { ScriptEventDispatcher.callEvent(this.currentDialogueBox, event); } if (this.currentSpeaker != null && this.currentSpeaker.exists) { ScriptEventDispatcher.callEvent(this.currentSpeaker, event); } } /** * Calls `kill()` on the group's members and then on the group itself. * You can revive this group later via `revive()` after this. */ public override function revive():Void { super.revive(); this.alpha = 1; this.visible = true; } /** * Calls `kill()` on the group's members and then on the group itself. * You can revive this group later via `revive()` after this. */ public override function kill():Void { _skipTransformChildren = true; alive = false; exists = false; _skipTransformChildren = false; if (group != null) group.kill(); if (outroTween != null) { outroTween.cancel(); outroTween = null; } } public override function toString():String { return 'Conversation($id)'; } static function _fetchData(id:String):Null { return ConversationRegistry.instance.parseEntryDataWithMigration(id, ConversationRegistry.instance.fetchEntryVersion(id)); } } // Managing things with a single enum is a lot easier than a multitude of flags. enum ConversationState { /** * State hasn't been initialized yet. */ Start; /** * A dialog is animating. If the dialog is static, this may only last for one frame. */ Opening; /** * Text is scrolling and audio is playing. Speaker portrait is probably animating too. */ Speaking; /** * Text is done scrolling and game is waiting for user to open another dialog. */ Idle; /** * Fade out and leave conversation. */ Ending; }