package funkin.ui.freeplay; import; import funkin.input.Controls; import; import; import flixel.util.FlxColor; import flixel.util.FlxTimer; import flixel.text.FlxText; import flixel.text.FlxText.FlxTextAlign; @:nullSafety class CapsuleOptionsMenu extends FlxSpriteGroup { var capsuleMenuBG:FunkinSprite; var parent:FreeplayState; var queueDestroy:Bool = false; var instrumentalIds:Array = ['']; var currentInstrumentalIndex:Int = 0; var currentInstrumental:FlxText; public function new(parent:FreeplayState, x:Float = 0, y:Float = 0, instIds:Array):Void { super(x, y); this.parent = parent; this.instrumentalIds = instIds; capsuleMenuBG = FunkinSprite.createSparrow(0, 0, 'freeplay/instBox/instBox'); capsuleMenuBG.animation.addByPrefix('open', 'open0', 24, false); capsuleMenuBG.animation.addByPrefix('idle', 'idle0', 24, true); capsuleMenuBG.animation.addByPrefix('open', 'open0', 24, false); currentInstrumental = new FlxText(0, 36, capsuleMenuBG.width, ''); currentInstrumental.setFormat('VCR OSD Mono', 40, FlxTextAlign.CENTER, true); final PAD = 4; var leftArrow = new InstrumentalSelector(parent, PAD, 30, false, parent.getControls()); var rightArrow = new InstrumentalSelector(parent, capsuleMenuBG.width - leftArrow.width - PAD, 30, true, parent.getControls()); var label:FlxText = new FlxText(0, 5, capsuleMenuBG.width, 'INSTRUMENTAL'); label.setFormat('VCR OSD Mono', 24, FlxTextAlign.CENTER, true); add(capsuleMenuBG); add(leftArrow); add(rightArrow); add(label); add(currentInstrumental); capsuleMenuBG.animation.finishCallback = function(_) {'idle', true); };'open', true); } public override function update(elapsed:Float):Void { super.update(elapsed); if (queueDestroy) { destroy(); return; } @:privateAccess if (parent.controls.BACK) { close(); return; } var changedInst = false; if (parent.getControls().UI_LEFT_P) { currentInstrumentalIndex = (currentInstrumentalIndex + 1) % instrumentalIds.length; changedInst = true; } if (parent.getControls().UI_RIGHT_P) { currentInstrumentalIndex = (currentInstrumentalIndex - 1 + instrumentalIds.length) % instrumentalIds.length; changedInst = true; } if (!changedInst && currentInstrumental.text == '') changedInst = true; if (changedInst) { currentInstrumental.text = instrumentalIds[currentInstrumentalIndex].toTitleCase() ?? ''; if (currentInstrumental.text == '') currentInstrumental.text = 'Default'; } if (parent.getControls().ACCEPT) { onConfirm(instrumentalIds[currentInstrumentalIndex] ?? ''); } } public function close():Void { // Play in reverse.'open', true, true); capsuleMenuBG.animation.finishCallback = function(_) { parent.cleanupCapsuleOptionsMenu(); queueDestroy = true; }; } /** * Override this with `capsuleOptionsMenu.onConfirm = myFunction;` */ public dynamic function onConfirm(targetInstId:String):Void { throw 'onConfirm not implemented!'; } } /** * The difficulty selector arrows to the left and right of the difficulty. */ class InstrumentalSelector extends FunkinSprite { var controls:Controls; var whiteShader:PureColor; var parent:FreeplayState; var baseScale:Float = 0.6; public function new(parent:FreeplayState, x:Float, y:Float, flipped:Bool, controls:Controls) { super(x, y); this.parent = parent; this.controls = controls; frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas('freeplay/freeplaySelector'); animation.addByPrefix('shine', 'arrow pointer loop', 24);'shine'); whiteShader = new PureColor(FlxColor.WHITE); shader = whiteShader; flipX = flipped; scale.x = scale.y = 1 * baseScale; updateHitbox(); } override function update(elapsed:Float):Void { if (flipX && controls.UI_RIGHT_P) moveShitDown(); if (!flipX && controls.UI_LEFT_P) moveShitDown(); super.update(elapsed); } function moveShitDown():Void { offset.y -= 5; whiteShader.colorSet = true; scale.x = scale.y = 0.5 * baseScale; new FlxTimer().start(2 / 24, function(tmr) { scale.x = scale.y = 1 * baseScale; whiteShader.colorSet = false; updateHitbox(); }); } }