package funkin.ui; import flash.display.Graphics; import flash.display.Shape; import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.text.TextField; import flash.text.TextFormatAlign; import flixel.math.FlxMath; import flixel.system.debug.DebuggerUtil; import flixel.system.debug.stats.Stats; import flixel.util.FlxColor; import flixel.util.FlxDestroyUtil; /** * This is a helper function for the stats window to draw a graph with given values. * SHAMELESSLY STOLEN FROM FLIXEL * */ #if FLX_DEBUG class CoolStatsGraph extends Sprite { static inline var AXIS_COLOR:FlxColor = 0xffffff; static inline var AXIS_ALPHA:Float = 0.5; static inline var HISTORY_MAX:Int = 500; public var minLabel:TextField; public var curLabel:TextField; public var maxLabel:TextField; public var avgLabel:TextField; public var minValue:Float = FlxMath.MAX_VALUE_FLOAT; public var maxValue:Float = FlxMath.MIN_VALUE_FLOAT; public var graphColor:FlxColor; public var history:Array<Float> = []; var _axis:Shape; var _width:Int; var _height:Int; var _unit:String; var _labelWidth:Int; var _label:String; public function new(X:Int, Y:Int, Width:Int, Height:Int, GraphColor:FlxColor, Unit:String, LabelWidth:Int = 45, ?Label:String) { super(); x = X; y = Y; _width = Width - LabelWidth; _height = Height; graphColor = GraphColor; _unit = Unit; _labelWidth = LabelWidth; _label = (Label == null) ? "" : Label; _axis = new Shape(); _axis.x = _labelWidth + 10; maxLabel = DebuggerUtil.createTextField(0, 0, Stats.LABEL_COLOR, Stats.TEXT_SIZE); curLabel = DebuggerUtil.createTextField(0, (_height / 2) - (Stats.TEXT_SIZE / 2), graphColor, Stats.TEXT_SIZE); minLabel = DebuggerUtil.createTextField(0, _height - Stats.TEXT_SIZE, Stats.LABEL_COLOR, Stats.TEXT_SIZE); avgLabel = DebuggerUtil.createTextField(_labelWidth + 20, (_height / 2) - (Stats.TEXT_SIZE / 2) - 10, Stats.LABEL_COLOR, Stats.TEXT_SIZE); avgLabel.width = _width; avgLabel.defaultTextFormat.align = TextFormatAlign.CENTER; avgLabel.alpha = 0.5; addChild(_axis); addChild(maxLabel); addChild(curLabel); addChild(minLabel); addChild(avgLabel); drawAxes(); } /** * Redraws the axes of the graph. */ function drawAxes():Void { var gfx =; gfx.clear(); gfx.lineStyle(1, AXIS_COLOR, AXIS_ALPHA); // y-Axis gfx.moveTo(0, 0); gfx.lineTo(0, _height); // x-Axis gfx.moveTo(0, _height); gfx.lineTo(_width, _height); } /** * Redraws the graph based on the values stored in the history. */ function drawGraph():Void { var gfx:Graphics = graphics; gfx.clear(); gfx.lineStyle(1, graphColor, 1); var inc:Float = _width / (HISTORY_MAX - 1); var range:Float = Math.max(maxValue - minValue, maxValue * 0.1); var graphX = _axis.x + 1; for (i in 0...history.length) { var value = (history[i] - minValue) / range; var pointY = (-value * _height - 1) + _height; if (i == 0) gfx.moveTo(graphX, _axis.y + pointY); gfx.lineTo(graphX + (i * inc), pointY); } } public function update(Value:Float):Void { history.unshift(Value); if (history.length > HISTORY_MAX) history.pop(); // Update range maxValue = Math.max(maxValue, Value); minValue = Math.min(minValue, Value); minLabel.text = formatValue(minValue); curLabel.text = formatValue(Value); maxLabel.text = formatValue(maxValue); avgLabel.text = _label + "\nAvg: " + formatValue(average()); drawGraph(); } function formatValue(value:Float):String { return FlxMath.roundDecimal(value, Stats.DECIMALS) + " " + _unit; } public function average():Float { var sum:Float = 0; for (value in history) sum += value; return sum / history.length; } public function destroy():Void { _axis = FlxDestroyUtil.removeChild(this, _axis); minLabel = FlxDestroyUtil.removeChild(this, minLabel); curLabel = FlxDestroyUtil.removeChild(this, curLabel); maxLabel = FlxDestroyUtil.removeChild(this, maxLabel); avgLabel = FlxDestroyUtil.removeChild(this, avgLabel); history = null; } } #end