package; /** * A static extension which provides utility functions for Strings. */ class StringTools { /** * Converts a string to title case. For example, "hello world" becomes "Hello World". * * @param value The string to convert. * @return The converted string. */ public static function toTitleCase(value:String):String { var words:Array<String> = value.split(' '); var result:String = ''; for (i in 0...words.length) { var word:String = words[i]; result += word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.substr(1).toLowerCase(); if (i < words.length - 1) { result += ' '; } } return result; } /** * Strip a given prefix from a string. * @param value The string to strip. * @param prefix The prefix to strip. If the prefix isn't found, the original string is returned. * @return The stripped string. */ public static function stripPrefix(value:String, prefix:String):String { if (value.startsWith(prefix)) { return value.substr(prefix.length); } return value; } /** * Strip a given suffix from a string. * @param value The string to strip. * @param suffix The suffix to strip. If the suffix isn't found, the original string is returned. * @return The stripped string. */ public static function stripSuffix(value:String, suffix:String):String { if (value.endsWith(suffix)) { return value.substr(0, value.length - suffix.length); } return value; } /** * Converts a string to lower kebab case. For example, "Hello World" becomes "hello-world". * * @param value The string to convert. * @return The converted string. */ public static function toLowerKebabCase(value:String):String { return value.toLowerCase().replace(' ', '-'); } /** * Converts a string to upper kebab case, aka screaming kebab case. For example, "Hello World" becomes "HELLO-WORLD". * * @param value The string to convert. * @return The converted string. */ public static function toUpperKebabCase(value:String):String { return value.toUpperCase().replace(' ', '-'); } /** * The regular expression to sanitize strings. */ static final SANTIZE_REGEX:EReg = ~/[^-a-zA-Z0-9]/g; /** * Remove all instances of symbols other than alpha-numeric characters (and dashes)from a string. * @param value The string to sanitize. * @return The sanitized string. */ public static function sanitize(value:String):String { return SANTIZE_REGEX.replace(value, ''); } /** * Parses the string data as JSON and returns the resulting object. * This is here so you can use `string.parseJSON()` when `using StringTools`. * * TODO: Remove this and replace with `json2object` * @param value The * @return The parsed object. */ public static function parseJSON(value:String):Dynamic { return SerializerUtil.fromJSON(value); } }